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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-35 Install Equipment Room Hardware 1 Figure 1-20. Control Carrier Slot Layout Figure Notes 1. Line c irc uit p ac k slots 2. Trunk c irc uit p ac k slots Table 1-3. Circuit Pack Installation Order (Loading) Function Apparatus Code Load From Notes Proc essor TN798B Slot 1 in Cab inet A Tone Cloc k TN2182B Slot 2 in Cab inet A Call Classifier/ Tone Detec torTN744D Slot 1 of Cab inet BIf slot is not availab le, load in first availab le slot from slot 1. Continued on next page scdmlft2 EWS 102798 MAJ MINONOFF AMBERCARDINUSE REDEMERXFERONEMXFR AUTO T N 7 9 8 BT N 2 1 8 2 B 5 10 1 6 2 1

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-36 Install Equipment Room Hardware 1 1. Cross-c onnec t the port c irc uit p ac ks to the MDF. See Figure 1-21. DEFINITY AUDIX ED-1E546 (TN566/TN567) Slots 6-9 TN566 and TN567 req uire 4 slots with overlap into area to the left of slot 6. In any other p osition, 5 slots are req uired . DEFINITY AUDIX Sl imTN568 Slot 6 TN568 req uires 2 slots. If there is a fib er-op tic interface and slot 6 is oc c up ied , use slots 7 and 8. Announc ement TN750C Lower Left Sp eec h Synthesizer TN725B Lower Left DS1/E1, ISDN PRI TN464F, TN767E, TN2242, TN2464 (Guestworks and BCS only)Lower Left Maximum of 8 ISDN-PRI. Total numb er of ISDN-PRI p lus numb er of ISDN-BRI c irc uit p ac ks must not exc eed 8. ISDN-BRI Trunk TN2185 Lower Left Maximum of 4 CO Trunk TN747B, TN465C, TN2199, TN2147C, TN2138, TN438BLower Left DID Trunk TN753, TN2139, TN2146, TN436B, TN459BLower Left Tie Trunk TN760D, TN497, TN2140B Lower Left Auxiliary Trunk TN763B Lower Left Modem Pool TN758 Lower Left Data Line TN726 Up p er Left Dig ital Line TN754C, TN2181, TN2224/B, TN2214/BUp p er Left Analog Line TN746B, TN2183, TN2215, TN468B,TN791, TN2214Up p er Left Hyb rid Line TN762B Up p er Left MET Line TN735 Up p er Left Rad io Controller TN789 Up p er Left ISDN-BRI 4-Wire S/T-NT Line (A-Law)TN556C Up p er Left Table 1-3. Circuit Pack Installation Order (Loading) — Continued Function Apparatus Code Load From Notes Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-37 Install Equipment Room Hardware 1 Figure 1-21. Example MDF Connections widfccf2 EWS 102798 4 1101941322 21120 51423 3122161524918 71625817 Port Tie Trunk Port MET Line 4 4 Port Tie Trunk w/ E&M Signaling Port Data Line 8 Port Digital 8 Port BRI 12Port Hybrid 8Port DID 8 Port Analog Port CO 8 8 110 19 413 22 21120 5 1423 3 12 21 615 24 918 716 25 8 17 Port Digital 2416 DS1Port Analog Port Analog 16 24Port Digital

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-38 Install Equipment Room Hardware 1 Off-Premises Circuit Protection Protec tion from hazard ous voltag es and c urrents is req uired for all off-p remises (out of b uild ing ) trunks, lines, and terminal installations. Both over-voltag e p rotec tion (lig htning, p ower ind uc tion, and so forth), and sneak c urrent p rotec tion are req uired . Sneak c urrent protec tors must b e either UL listed /CSA c ertified , or must c omp ly with loc al safety standard s. Sneak c urrent p rotec tors must have a maximum rating of 350 mA, and a minimum voltag e rating of 600V, or as req uired b y loc al reg ulations. The following d evic es protec t the system from over-voltag es: nAnalog trunks use the 507B sneak p rotec tor or eq uivalent. Over-voltage p rotec tion is normally p rovided b y the loc al telep hone c omp any. nAnalog voic e terminals use one of the following typ es of c omb ined over-voltag e and sneak c urrent p rotec tion, or eq uivalent: — Carb on b loc k with heat c oil for UL c od e 4B1C — Gas tub e with heat c oil for UL c od e 4B1E-W — Solid state with heat c oil for UL c ode 4C1S nDCP and ISDN-BRI terminals use the solid state 4C3S-75 with heat c oil p rotec tor, or eq uivalent nDS1/E1/T1 c irc uits req uire isolation from exp osed fac ilities. This isolation may b e p rovid ed b y a CSU (T1), LIU (E1), or other equip ment that p rovid es eq uivalent p rotec tion

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-39 Install Equipment Room Hardware 1 Install Sneak Fuse Panels Sneak c urrent p rotec tion is req uired b etween the inc oming RJ21X or RJ2GX network interfac e and the system for b oth trunk and off-p remises c irc uit p ac ks. The model 507B sneak c urrent fuse panel, or eq uivalent, is rec ommend ed for sneak c urrent p rotec tion. See Figure 1-22 . Figure 1-22. Model 507B Sneak Fuse Panel Figure Notes 1. Sneak current protector (PEC 63210) 2. 25-p air male c onnec tor (In)3. 25-pair female c onnec tor (Out) 4. 220029 fuses (insid e p anel). Use a small screwd river to p ry top cover off Sneak Current Protector 507B sneakCJL032096

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-40 Install Equipment Room Hardware 1 Ap p roximately 8 inc hes (20 c m) of horizontal wall sp ac e is req uired for eac h c olumn of sneak fuse p anels. Connec tor c ab les c onnec t the network interfac e to the sneak fuse p anel. Also, use 157B c onnec ting b loc ks eq uip p ed with SCP-110 protectors for sneak current protection. NOTE: Sneak c urrent p rotec tors with a rating of 350 mA at 600 Volts must b e UL listed for United States installations and CSA c ertified for Canad ian installations. The p anel c ontains two 25-p air c onnec tors, fuse removal tool, and fifty 220029 Sneak Fuses (and 2 sp ares). Use the SCP-110 p rotec tors with 110-typ e hard ware and on the 507B Sneak Fuse Panel. The SCP-110 Protec tors c an be ordered sep arately and installed on the 157B c onnec ting b loc k. Fifty p rotec tors are req uired p er b loc k. 1. Install the 507B near the network interfac e or MDF with loc ally-ob tained #12 x 3/4-inc h sc rews (or eq uivalent).

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-41 Install Equipment Room Hardware 1 Table 1-4 is a p inout of the c ab le wiring and assoc iated fuse numb ers. Table 1-4. Sneak Fuse Connector Pinout Connector Pin NumbersPair/Fuse Number 26/1 1 27/2 2 28/3 3 29/4 4 30/5 5 31/6 6 32/7 7 33/8 8 34/9 9 35/10 10 36/11 11 37/12 12 38/13 13 39/14 14 40/15 15 41/16 16 42/17 17 43/18 18 44/19 19 45/20 20 46/21 21 47/22 22 48/23 23 49/34 24 50/25 25

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-42 Install Equipment Room Hardware 1 Label the Main Distribution Frame Figure 1-23 shows the g rap hic symb ols used on the sup p lied lab els for the system, c ross-c onnec tions, information outlets, and c ab les. 1. Write the floor and b uild ing id entific ation on eac h lab el as req uired . 2. Insert the lab els into the p lastic hold ers. 3. Snap the hold ers into the ap p rop riate loc ations on the MDF. Figure 1-23. Label Graphic Symbols and Nomenclature 1. Label the cables as required using the supplied labels. Label code numb er 220A (c omc od e 103970000) c ontains all req uired lab els. Figure Notes 1. Floor and b uild ing id entific ation 2. Cabinet 3. Carrier 4. Slot 5. Information outlet6. Site/satellite c loset 7. Tie circuit 8. Floor 9. Building r758422i LJK 050996

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-43 Set Up System Access 1 Set Up System Access To administer the DEFINITY ECS, you must be ab le to ac c ess the system. With Release 7 and later, the DEFINITY ECS no long er req uires a d ed ic ated manag ement terminal, known as a system ad ministration terminal, or SAT. Personal c omp uters and tec hnic ian lap top s eq uip p ed with DEFINITY Site Ad ministration (DSA) or DEFINITY Network Ad ministration (DNA) software are the p rimary supp ort ac c ess for system initialization, aftermarket ad d itions, and ong oing maintenanc e. For information on DSA or DNA, g o to http ://www.b c s.luc ent.c om/sales_market/d efinity. SAT is now an op tion. The following sections d escrib e nInstalling and using DSA nConnecting a PC Installing and using DSA To install DSA, your PC or laptop must meet the minimum req uirements described in Table 1-5 : NOTE: For information on DNA, refer to DEFINITY Network Ad ministration Release 2 Installation and Configuration. Table 1-5. Minimum requirements to run DSA Op erating systems: MS Wind ows 95 MS Wind ows 98 MS Wind ows NT 4.0 MS Wind ows 2000Pr o c e ss o r / RAM : 486SL/66/16 MB Pentium/32 MB Pentium/64 MB Pentium-c lass 300 MHz/64 MB Grap hic s ad ap ter SVGA with minimum sc reen resolution of 800 x 600 Floppy disk drive 3-1/2 in. 1.44-MB floppy disk drive CD-ROM CD-ROM d rive (req uired to install DSA from CD) Available hard d isk sp ac e A minimum of 100-MB free hard d isk sp ac e is req uired . The req uirement for d isk sp ac e d ep end s on the size and numb er of c onfig uration d ata sets.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-44 Set Up System Access 1 To install DSA on your c omp uter, p lac e the DSA CD in the CD-ROM d rive and follow the installation instructions. To start DSA or DNA, click on Start > Programs > DEFINITY Site Administration . DSA sup p orts SAT emulation, whic h is d irec tly eq uivalent to using the SAT (see Figure 1-24 ). DSA also sup p orts a whole rang e of other features, inc lud ing the g rap hic ally enhanc ed DEFINITY interfac e (GEDI) (see Figure 1-25 ) and Data Imp ort. For more information refer to the Help , Guid ed Tour, and Show Me acc essed from the DSA Help menu.Pri n t e r p o rt St a n d a r d PC o r n e t w o r k p r i n t e r p o r t is re q u ir e d for c onnec ting to a p rinter to p rod uc e station button labels. Network ad ap ter May b e req uired for network ac c ess to AUDIX and other network-c onnec ted systems. Free serial p orts One free serial port c ap able of 9600-b p s op eration is req uired for a c onnec tion to eac h serial device (ADU, modem, data module) or d irec t c onnec tion to a DEFINITY ECS. We rec ommend that PCs have at least a 16550A UART or 16550A UART simulator (c apab le of 56 kbp s DTE-sp eed c onnec tions). USB and internal modems should emulate this hardware. A sec ond serial p ort is required for simultaneous c onnec tion to AUDIX throug h a serial c onnec tion. Table 1-5. Minimum requirements to run DSA