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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
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Troubleshooting an Upgrade A-1 A DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 A Troubleshooting an Upgrade This ap pend ix p rovid es information to c orrec t some p rob lems when upg rad ing a system. The information in this app end ix is a c omp ilation of the most c ommonly rep orted troub les rec eived b y Tier 4 Sup p ort at Luc ent Tec hnolog ies. For g eneral information on troub leshooting assoc iated with maintenanc e p roc ed ures, see one of the following referenc es: nChapter 5, Alarms, Errors and Troub leshooting , of the Release 8.2, Maintenance for R8csi book. nChapter 1, Maintenanc e for c si Systems, of the Release 8.2, Maintenanc e for R8c si manual This ap p end ix may b e up d ated with new information at eac h p roduc t/d oc ument release. If you have troub leshooting or error rec overy information that you think would b e valuab le to other tec hnic ians, p lease FAX your c omments to us at 1-303-538-1741 (United States). This ap p end ix is org anized into three main sec tions, as d esc rib ed b elow: nNew for Release 8 – p rovid es information on introd uc tions for Release 8 that might result in upgrade problems nTroubleshooting Guidelines – provid es g eneral p roc ed ures to try b efore esc alating a p rob lem nTroubleshooting Release 8 Upgrades – p rovid es spec ific troub leshooting p roc ed ures for c ommon up g rad e p rob lems

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting an Upgrade A-2 New for Release 8 A New for Release 8 nTranslation Copy Protection (TRANS-ID) nControl LAN (C-LAN) nSystem Links (SYS-LINK) Translation Copy Protection (TRANS-ID) Both the system p roc essor and the PCMCIA translation c ard have matc hing ID numb ers. When the system d etec ts a mismatc h b etween the two numb ers, the system: nraises a MAJOR off-b oard alarm (TRANS-ID) against ports 01A or 01B. nd isp lays the warning : TRANS-ID INTERVAL EXPIRATION: x days; call Lucent distributor immediately. x d ays is the g rac e period during whic h only Lucent Services logins can save translations. nd isab les the ad d , c hang e, remove, and d up lic ate c ommand s if the translation ID is not reset p rior to the exp iration of the g rac e period (reset translation-id ) Th e reset translation-id c ommand resets the translation-ID on the translation c ard (s) to matc h the p roc essor(s), saves translations to the memory c ard , and restores use of the ad d , c hang e, remove, and d up lic ate c ommand s. NOTE: This c ommand c an b e exec uted only b y Luc ent Servic es. Control LAN (C-LAN) The TN799 Control LAN (C-LAN) p ac ket p ort c irc uit p ac k p rovid es TCP/IP c onnec tion to ad junc ts app lic ations suc h as CMS, Intuity, and DCS Networking . The C-LAN c irc uit p ac k has 1 10b aseT Ethernet c onnec tion and up to 16 DS0 p hy si c al in t er f ac es f o r PPP c o nne c t io ns . Put t i ng mu lt i p le C -LAN c irc ui t p ac k s int o a -system g ives ad d itional TCP/IP c ap ac ity. In ad d ition to the TCP/IP func tionality, CLAN extends the ISDN capabilities for csi models by providing Packet bus ac c ess. A re m o t e s o c ke t c o n t ro l l in k ( RSC L ) li n k s t h e C - L AN a n d t h e SPE t o p a ss c a ll c ontrol and other management information. Sinc e one link serves all the p orts on the c irc uit p ac k, maintenanc e of the RSCL is p art of the C-LAN c irc uit p ac k maintenanc e. The C-LAN TN799 c irc uit p ac k c omb ines the func tions of the PGATE and PI c irc uit p ac ks into one c irc uit p ac k. The PGATE or PI c an b e used with the C-LAN to c reate an X.25-to-TCP/IP b rid g e for ad junc t and DCS c onnec tivity.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting an Upgrade A-3 Troubleshooting Guidelines A Maintenanc e ob jec ts assoc iated und er the Control LAN area inc lud e CLAN-BD (Control LAN Circ uit Pac k), ETH-PT (Control LAN Ethernet), and PPP-PT (Control LAN Pac ket/Port). System Links (SYS-LINK) System Links are pac ket links that orig inate at the Pac ket Interfac e b oard and traverse various hard ware c omp onents to sp ec ific end p oints. The hard ware c omp onents involved on the forward and reverse routes c an b e d ifferent, d ep end ing upon the c onfig uration and switc h administration. Various types of links are defined b y their end p oints: The system links (SYS-LINK ) maintenanc e ob jec t rec ord s all errors enc ountered on the links. Most of these events are not extraord inary unless they oc c ur with an alarming freq uenc y. The events are log g ed as they oc c ur, leaving a “ trail” to help analyze ab normal b ehavior exhib ited b y the end p oints attac hed to the links or the links themselves. When a link g oes down, an alarm is raised immed iately. For EAL, INL, and PACL link typ es a MINOR alarm is raised ; for all other link typ es a WARNING alarm is raised . Other alarming c ond itions that d o not c ause the link to g o d own g et a WARNING alarm, reg ard less of the link typ e. Troubleshooting Guidelines Before esc alating a p rob lem, try the troubleshooting p roc ed ures listed in this ap p end ix. Also try the g eneral troub leshooting p roc ed ures b elow. 1. Chec k the software c omp atib ility on the Software Release Letter. Be sure the software that you are up g rad ing from is c ompatib le with the software that you are upg rad ing to. EAL Exp ansion Arc hang el Link terminating at an Exp ansion Interface b oard . This link c arries CCMS messag es. INL Indirect Neig hbor Link terminating at a Switc h Nod e Interface b oard PACL PNC ATM Control Link terminating at a PNC ATM EI b oard . This link carries ATM sig naling command s from CaPro to the remote TN2238 (ATM-EI) boards. PGC Packet Gateway Call-Control Link terminating at a Pac ket Gateway b oard PRI ISDN PRI D-Channel Link terminating at a Universal DS1 b oard RSCL Remote Soc ket Control Link terminating at a C-LAN b oard RSL Remote Soc ket Link teminating at a C-LAN board SAP System (Ac c ess) Port Link terminating at a Packet Data p ort X.25 BX.25 Link terminating at a Pac ket Gateway p ort

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting an Upgrade A-4 Troubleshooting Release 8 Upgrades A 2. Chec k the Release 8 software flashc ard for d efec ts. 3. Always use the Software Release Letter that ac c omp anies the software. If the letter is not availab le, use the ap p rop riate c hap ter in this b ook. Troubleshooting Release 8 Upgrades The sub sec tions to follow p resent sp ec ific p roc edures for c ommon up g rad e p rob lems, listed b elow: nNo Translation After Upgrade nTranslation Corruption Detected nUnsuccessful Translation Backup nSoftware Incompatibility nRe-install the ISDN-PRI Links (Only for Failed Upgrades) No Translation After Upgrade This problem usually means that the translation flashcard was not present when the system exp ec ted it to b e p resent. This c an oc c ur if the translation c ard is not fully inserted , or in some c ases when the tec hnic ian is d istrac ted from monitoring the progress of the upgrade software c ommand and fails to insert the translation c ard when p romp ted . To rec over, p erform the following : 1 . Ve r f y t h a t t h e t ra n s la t io n c a rd is i n s e r t e d (o n d u p l ic a t e d SPE s y st e m s , it sh o u l d b e i n s e r t e d in t h e a c t i v e SPE). 2. Login as c raft. 3. Verify format and c ontent of flashc ard b y typ ing status card-mem , and ob serve that the output ind ic ates that a translation file is p resent. 4. Type reset system 3 and p ress En t e r. 5. If the ab ove fails, esc alate the p roblem. Translation Corruption Detected This usually means that the translations were not suc c essfully b ac ked up to the translation c ard or that the c urrent software version may not b e c ompatib le with the new software version. NOTE: The Terminal Translation Initialization (TTI) should be d isab led b efore you save translations p rior to an up g rad e. 1. Rep eat the up grade with the TTI d isab led .

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting an Upgrade A-5 Troubleshooting Release 8 Upgrades A Unsuccessful Translation Backup 1. If the p roc essor c irc uit pac k was rep lac ed as part of the up g rad e, remove the p roc essor and rep lac e it with the orig inal p roc essor c irc uit p ac k. 2. Insert the orig inal translation c ard (or b ac kup translation c ard ) into the TN 7 9 8 B . Th i s i s a csi c irc uit p ac k only. 3. Enter reset system 4 to reb oot the system and to reinstall the orig inal translations. 4. To c orrec t the translation c orruption p rob lem, c ontac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative. Software Incompatibility If these p roc ed ures d o not c lear the c orrup tion p rob lem, then the software versions may be inc omp atible. You may need to up g rad e to an interim software version b efore up g rad ing to the final software version. 1. Consult the remed iation that c ame with the upg rad e software. 2. Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for this information. Re-install the ISDN-PRI Links (Only for Failed Upgrades) If your up grade failed and you need to re-install the ISDN-PRI links, use this p roc ed ure. 1. Type add data-module [PI ext] and p ress En te r. 2. Typ e the information in the field s b ased on the information that you entered earlier. 3. Type change communication-interface links and press En te r. 4. Typ e the information in the field s b ased on the information that you entered earlier with one exc ep tion. Leave the Enable field setting as it is. 5. Type change communication-interface processor-channels and press En t e r. 6. Typ e the information in the field s b ased on the information that you entered earlier. 7. Type change communication-interface links and press En te r. 8. Typ e the information in the Enable field b ased on the information that you entered earlier. 9. Type save translation and press En te r.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Troubleshooting an Upgrade A-6 Troubleshooting Release 8 Upgrades A

Translation Copy Protection B-1 Overview of Translation Copy Protection B DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 B Translation Copy Protection This ap p end ix provid es information ab out translation c op y protec tion. Overview of Translation Copy Protection Every p roc essor c irc uit p ac k has a uniq ue c od e that is c ommon to all flash c ard s assoc iated with the system. If you try to use a c ard that is not c omp atib le with the p roc essor, an alarm is g enerated and ac c ess to the save translations c ommand is disabled. Time Limit The Translation ID Numb er Mismatc h Interval field on the System-Parameters Sec urity form sp ec ifies the numb er of d ays (Default = 5 d ays) that the system allows a mismatc h b etween the translation ID stored in the p roc essor c irc uit p ac k and the flash c ard . Restrictions During the Time Allotted Between the time when the system rec og nizes the mismatc h and the end of the time allotted , you c annot save translations. You c an add , c hang e, d up lic ate, or remove a station and c ontinue to make c alls.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Translation Copy Protection B-2 Alarm Resolution B Restrictions After the Time Allotted If the alarm is not resolved within the time allotted , you c annot save translations, ad d , c hang e, d up lic ate, or remove a station. You c an c ontinue to make c alls. Alarm Resolution Only init login is allowed after a mismatc h is detec ted . 1. Log in as init . 2. Type reset translation-id to resolve the alarm. The translation ID b etween the flash card(s) and the processor circuit pack (packs in a duplicated system) is re-sync hronized. Ac c ess to the save translations c ommand is restored . If ap p rop riate, ac c ess to the c ommand s that mod ify the translation d ata is restored .

Access Security Gateway C-1 Using the ASG Mobile C DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 C Access Security Gateway This ap p end ix provid es information on how to ad minister Ac c ess Sec urity Gateway (ASG). ASG emp loys a c halleng e/resp onse p rotoc ol to c onfirm the valid ity of a user and red uc e the op portunity for unauthorized ac c ess. ASG authentic ation will b e imp osed for Luc ent servic es log ins as ind ic ated below: ninit - all typ es of ac c ess req uire ASG authentic ation ninad s - all typ es of ac c ess req uire ASG authentic ation nc raft - if ac c essing remotely, ASG authentic ation is req uired . NOTE: Craft login sessions from a d irec t c onnec t manag ement terminal c ontinue to rely on p assword authentic ation. Using the ASG Mobile 1. Double c lic k on the ASG Mob ile V1.1 on your d esktop and an ASG Mob ile V1.1 Log in wind ow ap p ears. 2. In the Tech ID field , type your log in ID, whic h is the name of the attac hed file (without the “ .asg” ). Your log in ID is the same as your Luc ent log in (or an ab b reviated p art of it). 3. Typ e the p assword twic e. Note that the p assword is c ase-sensitive. NOTE: Your new p assword will b e sent to you in a sep arate email. 4. Click the OK b utton and an ASG Mob ile V1.1 Authentic ation wind ow ap p ears.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Access Security Gateway C-2 Using the ASG Mobile C 5. Use your c ommunic ations p ac kag e (for examp le, DSA, ProComm, or TerraNova) to d ial the switc h you need to c ontac t. 6. Log into your c ommunic ations p ac kag e wind ow as either init , inads , or craft . Instead of a password p romp t, a seven-d ig it (c halleng e) numb er ap p ears in the wind ow of your c ommunic ations p ac kag e. 7. Move to the ASG Mob ile V1.1 Authentic ation wind ow. 8. Typ e the 10-d ig it Prod uc t ID in the Equipment ID field . The d efault ID is 10 zeros (0000000000). 9. Type init , inads , or craft in the Equipment Login field . The c raft login ID is the d efault. 10. Typ e the c halleng e numb er (from your c ommunic ations p ac kag e wind ow) into the Challenge field . Do not use the “ -” c harac ter. 11. Typ e the troub le tic ket numb er in the Ticket Number field . If there is no tic ket numb er, you c an use this field as a one-word c omment field or leave it blank. 12. Clic k the St a r t b utton. The Activity Status field disp lays “Started ” and the Response field displays a new seven-digit number. 13. Move to your c ommunic ations pac kag e wind ow. 14. Typ e the new seven-d ig it (resp onse) numb er in the Response field . Do not use the “ -” c harac ter. DEFINITY ECS verifies the resp onse. If c orrec t, DEFINITY log s you on. If the resp onse is inc orrec t, return to step 1. If this is the third rejec tion, see the DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R7c si.