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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-85 CAMA/E911 Installation 1 Screen 1-11. Class of Restriction form (page 1) 36. On the Class of Restric tion sc reen (pag e 1), in the Calling Party Restriction: field , typ e none and p ress En te r. 37. Typ e Save Translation and press En te r. Page 1 of 3 CLASS OF RESTRICTION COR Number: 10 COR Description: supervisor FRL: 0 APLT? y Can Be Service Observed? n Calling Party Restriction: none Can Be A Service Observer? n Called Party Restriction: none Time of Day Chart: 1 Forced Entry of Account Codes? n Priority Queuing? n Direct Agent Calling? n Restriction Override: none Facility Access Trunk Test? n Restricted Call List? n Can Change Coverage? n Unrestricted Call List? Access to MCT? y Fully Restricted Service? n Category For MFC ANI: 7 Hear VDN of Origin Annc.? n Send ANI for MFE? n_ Add/Remove Agent Skills? n Hear System Music on Hold? y PASTE (Display PBX Data on Phone)? n Automatic Charge Display? n Can Be Picked Up By Directed Call Pickup? n Can Use Directed Call Pickup? n

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-86 Install the BRI Terminating Resistor 1 Install the BRI Terminating Resistor The resistors balanc e the c able p lant b etween the rec eiver and the transmitter on the interfac e. When using the TN2198 ISDN-BRI 2-Wire U Interfac e c irc uit p ac k, an NT1 is req uired. A terminating resistor is always req uired near the terminal when the BRI S-typ e interfac e c irc uit p ac k (TN556 BRI 4-Wire S-NT Line c irc uit p a c k ) is u s e d ( s e e # 5 ESS Sw i t c h I n t e g r a t e d Se r vi c e s D i g it a l N e t w o r k C u s t o m e r Premises Planning Guid e, 533-700-100). The resistor is b uilt into the NT1 and c an b e 1 of 3 values, d ep end ing on the c onfig uration and the distanc e from the NT1 to the ISDN terminal. The resistor value is c ontrolled from the NT1. A terminating resistor ad apter may b e needed near the terminal and c an b e p lac ed in the satellite c loset or work loc ation. !CAUTION: The 440A4 terminating resistor and 110RA1-12 terminating resistor b loc k are UL listed . Most new installations are the 110RA1-12 terminating resistor b loc k. The following installation instruc tions should b e ob served. nNever install telep hone wiring d uring a lig htning storm. nNever install telep hone jac ks in wet locations unless the jack is sp ec ific ally d esig ned for wet loc ations. nNever touc h uninsulated wires or terminals unless the telep hone line has b een d isc onnec ted at the network interfac e. nUse c aution when installing or mod ifying telephone lines.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-87 Install the BRI Terminating Resistor 1 Terminating Resistor Adapter Figure 1-38 shows an 8-p in 440A4 terminating resistor ad ap ter. The ad ap ter has an 8-wid e plug at 1 end , a short c ord , and an 8-wid e jac k at the op p osite end . Figure 1-38. 8-Wide Terminating Resistor Adapter (440A4) Figure Notes 1. 8-wid e p lug 2. 8-wid e jac k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R RCC r910013 RPY 012098 12

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-88 Install the BRI Terminating Resistor 1 Closet Mounted (110RA1-12) The 110RA1-12 terminating resistor bloc k c onsists of twelve 2-p air c irc uits and p rovid es the 100 Ohm termination used for ISDN-BRI c irc uits. Figure 1-39 shows the wiring of the 110RA1-12. Three rows of 110D-4 c onnec tor b loc ks c ontain resistors and c ap ac itors. The b ottom row is d esig nated as the input row and the top and midd le rows are d esig nated as the outp ut rows. The c irc uit assembly is mounted on a stand ard 110A-100 p air mounting b ase. Figure 1-39. Terminating Resistor Block (110RA1-12) Figure Notes 1. Circ uit 1 2. Circuit 12 3.Outp ut row “ A” 4. Outp ut row “ B”5. Inp ut row “ C” 6. Only first c irc uit shown to all 12 circuits (2APR) per block 7. 110D-4 c onnec tor b loc k 145246347448 r910014 RPY 012098 12 3 4 5 6 7

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-89 Install the BRI Terminating Resistor 1 Figure 1-40 shows the wiring c onnec tions for the 110RA1-12 terminal b loc k. The TN556 BRI switc h p ort is terminated to b ottom row C. Figure 1-40. Typical Installation of Terminating Resistor Block For p oint-to-p oint wiring , the top row c onnec ts to the b lue station field . The p air c onnec ts from the 110RA1-12 to the standard 4-p air c irc uit. Pair 1 from the 110RA1-12 is c onnec ted to Pair 1 of the station field , and Pair 2 is c onnec ted to Pair 3 of the station field . Two terminal basic multi-p oint app lic ations are ac c ommod ated b y c onnec ting row B (outp ut) to the sec ond terminal c ommon to the multi-p oint c irc uit.Figure Notes 1. Part of terminating resistor b loc k 2. White or p urp le field 3. Part of 4-pair b lue field 4. From ISDN T-interfac e c irc uit (2-p air) 5. To ISDN S/T-interfac e terminals 6. 2-p air c ross-c onnec t7. Basic multi-p oint op tion 8. 4-p air horizontal c ab les 9.Ro w “ A ” 10. Row “ B” 11. Row “ C” TT1RR1 term_blk RPY 012098 3 45 1 66 2 9 11 7 8 10

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-90 Install Multi-point Adapters 1 Install Multi-point Adapters Use multi-point ad ap ters to p rovid e sig nal fanout of the T-interfac e. BR851-B or the 367A p erform fanout at the work station. These ad ap ters sup p ort more than 1 ISDN terminal p er horizontal 4-p air D-insid e wire (DIW). To sup p ort multiple horizontal runs, a MDF with multip le c ommon rows p erforms fanout in the satellite c loset. The 110RA1-12 p rovid es fanout for two horizontal runs and c ontains the 100 Ohm terminating resistor. Use this for b asic multi-p oint or p oint-to-p oint with terminating resistor in the c loset. Other fanout b loc ks inc lude the 110AB1-025M and the 110AB1-050M. BR851-B Adapter (T-Adapter) The BR851-B sup p orts 2 terminals on 1 multi-p oint BRI at the work station and is used to fanout transmission and p ower. See Figure 1-41 . Figure 1-41. Wiring Diagram of BR851-B Figure Notes 1. Wire p airs 2. Pin numb ers 3. Mod ular p lug (male)4. Female 5. T-Typ e ad ap ter (BR851-B) 44 r910017 RPY012098 4 RRR 888 44 4 TTT 777 33 3 RRR 666 11 1 TTT 555 11 1 RRR 444 33 3 TTT 333 22 2 RRR 222 22 2 TTT 111 1 11 2 22 3 44 5

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-91 Install Multi-point Adapters 1 367A Adapter The 367A ad ap ter p rovid es fanout for up to 7 terminals. See Figure 1-42. Figure 1-42. Wiring Diagram of 367A Adapter Figure Notes 1. Jac k 1 2. Jac k 23. Jac k 8 4. 367A ad ap ter 312 88 877 766 655 544 433 322 211 1 4

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-92 Install Multi-point Adapters 1 Basic Multi-point Installation Distances Figure 1-43 p rovid es c ab ling information for fanout of ISDN-BRI multi-point installations. In Figure 1-43 , the terminating resistor is loc ated in the satellite c loset. All d istanc es assume 24 AWG (#5) (0.26 mm2) D-Insid e Wire (DIW). Figure 1-43. Basic Multi-point with One Work Location Figure Notes 1. S-interface source (TN556) 2. Terminating resistor 3. Satellite c loset 4. Maximum d istanc e from S-interfac e sourc e to work loc ation (1600 feet) (488 m) 5. Maximum d istanc e from satellite c loset to work loc ation (250 feet) (76 m)6. System c ab inet 7. Terminating end p oint 1 8. Terminating end p oint 2 9. Work loc ation 10. Maximum d istanc e from information outlet to terminating end point (33 feet) (10 m) 11. Information outlet 2 38 9 7 110 11 11 5 4 6 inst_dis RPY 012098

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-93 Install Off-Premises Station Wiring 1 Install Off-Premises Station Wiring The c abling for off-p remises stations is p rovid ed by the loc al telep hone c omp any. These stations c an ap p ear on any of the RJ21X network interfac es p rovid ed for the CO trunks. !CAUTION: Use only an FCC-ap p roved (or eq uivalent) analog type telep hone (suc h as a 2500-typ e) as an off-p remises station. The TN746B and TN2183 Analog Line c irc uit p ac ks c an b e c onnec ted to off-p remises stations. 1. Install an A25D c ab le b etween the RJ21X network interfac e and a sneak fuse p anel. 2. At the MDF, c onnec t jump er wires b etween 1 row/c onnec ting b loc k in the g reen field and up to 3 rows/c onnec ting b loc ks in the p urp le field to c onc entrate the analog line p airs. 3. Connec t an A25D c ab le b etween the sneak fuse p anel and the terminal b loc k c onnec tor assoc iated with the green row in Step 2. 4. Install a g reen lab el on the terminal b loc k to id entify the remote loc ation. 5. Ad minister p er DEFINITY Enterprise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e. Install Off-Premises or Out-of-Building Stations Out-of-b uild ing c amp us stations are those telep hones not p hysic ally loc ated in the same b uild ing as the eq uip ment room b ut are loc ated on the same p rop erty. Analog Off-Premises Stations Figure 1-44 shows the c onnec tions for 1 to 8 off-premises analog telep hones. Only analog telep hones c onnec ted to TN746B, TN2183, or TN769 Analog Line c irc uit p ac ks c an b e installed out-of-build ing . The maximum d istanc e from the system c ab inet to the out-of-b uild ing voic e terminal is 6000 feet (1828.8 m) using 24 AWG (#5) (0.26 mm 2) wire.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Installing and Cabling the Cabinets 1-94 Install Off-Premises Station Wiring 1 Figure 1-44. Connections for 1 to 8 Out-of-Building Analog Telephones Figure Notes 1. Loc ally eng ineered c ab les 2. Out-of-b uild ing wiring 3. Multi-p air p rotec tor units (p rimary p rotec tors with heat c oils or eq uivalent with sneak current protection) 4. 356A ad ap ter 5. B25A c ab le 6. Out-of-b uild ing analog telep hones7. Part of MDF 8. Station sid e (white field ) 9. System sid e (p urp le field ) 10. Cross-c onnec t jump ers 11. To analog line c irc uit p ac k (TN2183, TN769, or TN746B) crdfobtRPY012398 1 2 334 5 5 5 6 6 7 89 1011