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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-5 Upgrade to Release 8 3 Upgrade to Release 8 Check SPE Ty p e status system 1 and press En t e r to c hec k the health of the system. Check Link Status 1. Enter display communication-interface links and press En t e r. Rememb er or write d own all enab led links 2. Type status link number and p ress En t e r for eac h enab led link. 3. Rememb er or write d own whic h links are in servic e. Disable TTI NOTE: Do this step only if the Terminal Translation Initialization (TTI) is enab led . !CAUTION: If you d o not d isab le the TTI, the translations c an b e c orrup ted . 1. Type change system-parameters features and press En t e r. 2. On the sec ond sc reen, set the TTI Enable? field to n to d e-ac tivate the TTI feature. Disable Scheduled Maintenance and Alarm Origination to INADS 1. Type change system-parameters maintenance and press En t e r to p revent sc hed uled d aily maintenanc e so it d oes not interfere with the up g rad e. 2. If sc heduled maintenanc e has b eg un, set the Stop Time field to 1 minute after the c urrent time. or If sc hed uled maintenanc e has not b eg un, set the Start Time field to a time after the up g rad e will b e c omp leted . For examp le, if you start the up g rad e at 8:00 p .m. and the up g rade takes 90 minutes, set the Start Time field to 21:30.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-6 Upgrade to Release 8 3 !CAUTION: If you d o not d isab le Alarm Orig ination, the system may g enerate alarms, resulting in unnec essary troub le tic kets. 3. Type neither in the Alarm Origination to OSS Numbers field and p ress En t e r . NOTE: Disab ling alarm orig ination p revents the system from generating alarms, thus p reventing unnec essary trouble tic kets. Fo r s o m e s o f t w a re l o a d s , set the Cleared Alarm Notification and Restart Notification fields to disable before pressing En te r. Check TTI Status 1. Type status tti and press En te r. Wait until the Percent Complete field shows 100 . Save Translations 1. Type save translation and press En te r to write all translations from memory to the orig inal translation flashc ard , whic h takes ab out 10 minutes. When the save translations is suc c essful, the error c od e must b e a zero; otherwise, the translations are not c op ied . If the translations were c orrup ted, the following error messag e displays when log ging in: !WARNING: Translation c orrup tion d etec ted ; c all Luc ent Tec hnologies d istrib utor immed iately. NOTE: Th e save translation c ommand c annot func tion if translations are c orrupt. Refer to ‘‘Translation Corruption Detected’’ on page A-4 to c lear the p rob lem.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-7 Upgrade to Release 8 3 Save Announcements (if necessary) NOTE: The TN750C Announc ement c irc uit p ac k stores announc ements in nonvolatile memory; saving the announc ements to a flashc ard is op tional. 1. If the PPN c ontains a TN750/B Announc ement c irc uit p ac k, typ e display announcements and p ress En te r. 2. If administered rec ord ed announc ements are listed , typ e save announcements cabinet carrier slot and press En t e r. For example, 01 D03. This takes ab out 30 minutes. NOTE: For some software load s, type save announcements from cabinet carrier slot . Typ e help and p ress En t e r for c omp lete c ommand syntax. Verify Software Version 1. Type list configuration software-version and p ress En te r. Und er the UPDATE FILE c olumn, note whether a p atc h has been ap p lied . NOTE: If the system must b e restored to the old software, this patc h must b e d ownload ed onto the system. Shut Down DEFINITY AUDIX System (if necessary) !WA R N I N G : Neg lec ting to shut d own the AUDIX assemb ly b efore p owering d own the system c ab inet where it resid es c an d amage the AUDIX d isk. 1. Shut down the AUDIX assemb ly and allow the d isk to c omp letely sp in d own. Refer to ‘‘DEFINITY AUDIX Power Procedures’’ on page 3-14 . Install Circuit Pack (if necessary) NOTE: If the proc essor c irc uit pac k is TN798, rep lac e it with aTN798B. 1. Power d own the c ab inet. 2. Rep lac e the TN798 proc essor c irc uit pac k with the TN798B c irc uit pac k.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-8 Upgrade to Release 8 3 3. Insert the Release 8 g eneric p rog ram c ard (orang e c ard) into the TN798B. 4. Power up the c ab inet. The system automatic ally load s the Release 8 software. Upgrade Software NOTE: If you installed the TN798B, skip this step . 1. Insert the Release 8 g eneric p rog ram c ard (orang e c ard) into the TN798B. 2. Type upgrade software and press En te r to load the software. Complete Upgrade 1. When p romp ted , rep lac e the orang e c ard with the orig inal translation card. 2. When the login: p romp t ap p ears, the software and translations are load ed onto the TN798B. If the translations were c orrup ted , the following error messag e d isp lays when logging in: !WARNING: Translation c orrup tion d etec ted ; c all Luc ent d istrib utor immed iately. NOTE: Th e save translation c ommand c annot func tion if the translation c orruption messag e ap p ears. Refer to ‘‘Translation Corruption Detected’’ on page 5-2 to c lear the p roblem. Display Memory-Configuration 1. Log in as craft . If the Translation Corruption Detected messag e ap p ears, refer to ‘‘Translation Corruption Detected’’ on page 5-2 . 2. Type display memory-configuration and press En te r. Make sure that in the Total DRAM field the SIMM field in the SPE-A column says 16 .

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-9 Upgrade to Release 8 3 Administer the System 1. Log in as craft at the login: p rompt. 2. Check for the Translation Corruption Detected message before p roc eed ing with the up g rad e. If c orruption is d etec ted , refer to ‘‘Translation Corruption Detected’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Troubleshooting an Upgrade’’ to c orrec t the p rob lem. !CAUTION: Do not c ontinue with the up g rad e proc ess until the translations errors are c orrec ted . 3. Type status system 1 and press En t e r to c hec k for SPE Alarms and verify that the Tone Cloc k is ac tive. Set Daylight Savings Rules You c an set up to 15 c ustomized d aylig ht saving s time rules. If you have switc hes in several d ifferent time zones, you c an set up rules for eac h. A d aylig ht saving s time rule sp ec ifies the exac t time when you want to transition to and from daylig ht saving s time. It also spec ifies the inc rement at whic h to transition. NOTE: The d efault d aylig ht saving s rule is 0 , no d aylig ht saving s. 1. Type change daylight-savings-rules and press En t e r. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS RULES Rule Change Day Month___Date Time____Increment 0: No Daylight Savings 1: Start: first Sunday ___ on or after April____ 1 at _2:00 01:00Stop: first Sunday___ on or after October__ 25 at _2:002: Start: first _________ on or after _________ at ___:___ Stop: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ 3: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __: __ Stop: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ 4: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ Stop: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ 5: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ Stop: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ 6: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ Stop: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ 7: Start: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__ Stop: first _________ on or after ________ __ at __:__

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-10 Upgrade to Release 8 3 2. Type the appropriate start and stop information in the Change Day , Month , Date , Time , and Increment (for example, 1:00 eq uals one hour) field s for eac h rule. NOTE: You c an c hang e any rule exc ep t rule 0 (zero). You c annot delete a d aylig ht saving s rule if it is in use on either the Loc ations or Date and Ti m e s c re e n s . 3. Press En t e r. Set Date and Time 1. Type set time and press En t e r. 2. Verify the sc reen d isp lays the Date and Time sc reen. The c ursor is p ositioned on the Day of the Week: field . 3. Typ e the d ay of the week in Eng lish (Sunday throug h Saturd ay). See Table 3-3 for English day of the week names. Table 3-3. English Day of the Week Names Day Number Day Name 1Sunday 2 Mond ay 3Tuesday 4 Wed nesd ay 5Thursday 6Friday 7Saturday DATE AND TIME DATE Day of the Week: Tuesday Month: NovemberDay of the Month: 7 Year: 2000 TIME Hour: 20 Minute: 30Second: XX Type: standardDaylight Savings Rule: 1

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-11 Upgrade to Release 8 3 4. The c ursor is p ositioned on the Month: field . Typ e the c urrent month in Eng lish (January throug h Dec emb er). See Table 3-4 for Eng lish month names. After the month is entered, p ress Ta b to move to next field 5. The c ursor is p ositioned on the Day of the Month: field . Typ e the d ay of month (1 through 31) and p ress Ta b to move to the next field. 6. The c ursor is p ositioned on the Year: field . Typ e the c urrent year and p ress TA B to move to the next field . 7. The c ursor is p ositioned on the Hour: field . Typ e the c urrent hour for a 24-hour c loc k. Press Ta b to move to the next field . 8. The c ursor is p ositioned on the Minute: field . Type c urrent minute (0 throug h 59). Sec ond s c annot b e set. 9. Type standard or daylight savings in the Type field . 10. Typ e the rule (numb er) in the Daylight Savings Rule field. 11. Press En t e r when the information is c orrec t. 12. Typ e display time and press En te r to verify d ate/time d ata. Verify Additional Administration 1. Perform a sanity check by executing the following commands to ensure the translations were read in p rop erly: a. list station b. list trunk-group c. list hunt-group This ensures there is no translation c orrup tion and the translations c an b e saved with the new software. Table 3-4. English Month Names Number Name Number Name 1 January 7 July 2February8August 3 Marc h 9 September 4 April 10 October 5 May 11 Novemb er 6 June 12 December

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-12 Upgrade to Release 8 3 2. Notify the switc h ad ministrator that for any p revious log in names and p assword s that still exist, the p assword s exp ire in 24 hours. When changed, the new login names and passwords must conform to the following req uirements: As b efore, a log in name must have 3 to 6 alp hanumeric c harac ters. A p assword must have 4 to 11 c harac ters, inc luding at least 1 alp hab etic c harac ter and 1 numeric c harac ter. Enable TTI NOTE: Do this step only if the TTI is d isab led and you want it enab led . 1. Type change system-parameters features and p ress En te r to change the TTI field b ac k to its value b efore the up g rad e. Resolve Alarms 1. Type display alarms and p ress En t e r to examine the alarm log . Resolve any alarms using DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Maintenance for R8csi. Check Link Status 1. Type display communication-interface links and p ress En t e r. 2. Type status link number and p ress En t e r. Rep eat this step for eac h link. 3. Chec k that DS1 trunks and BRI p hones are func tioning normally. 4. Refer to DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Maintenanc e for R8c si to test or restore the out-of-servic e links. Enable Scheduled Maintenance 1. Type change system-parameters maintenance and press En t e r . 2. Check the Start Time and Stop Time fields. Resolve Alarms 1. Type display alarms and p ress En t e r to examine the alarm log . Resolve any alarms using DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Maintenance for R8csi.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-13 Upgrade to Release 8 3 Enable Customer Options and Alarm Origination 1. Get the DOSS order number of the upgrade from the project manager and ask the reg ional Customer Software Ad ministration to c omp lete the step s in the shad ed b ox. See ‘‘Where to Call for Tec hnic al Sup p ort’’ on p ag e -xix for telep hone numb ers. NOTE: As p art of the system reg istration p roc ess, the INADS Datab ase Ad ministrator enab les Alarm Orig ination. 2. When ad ministration is c omp leted , log in as craft at the Login: prompt. Save Translations 1. Type save translation and press En te r to c op y up g rad ed translations in memory to the translation c ard , whic h takes ab out 10 minutes. Restore Announcements (if necessary) 1. Type restore announcements and press En te r to c op y announc ements from the up g rad ed translation flashc ard to memory, whic h takes ab out 40 minutes. Power Up DEFINITY AUDIX System 1. To p ower up the AUDIX assemb ly, refer to ‘‘DEFINITY AUDIX Power Procedures’’ on page 3-14. init login administration: 1. Log in as init . 2. Type change system-parameters customer-options and press En te r to verify that the c ustomer op tions are p roperly set. 3. Go to sc reen 6, QSIG Op tional Features, and set the Basic Call Setup field to y if the customer was using Supplementary Services Protoc ol b or d on an ISDN-PRI trunk g roup b efore the up g rad e. 4. Type change system-parameters offer-options and p ress En te r. 5. If the Activate Offer field is n , set it to y and press Ta b. A warning messag e lets you know whether you need to save translations and reb oot to make the c hang e p ermanent. 6. Press En t e r to effec t the c hang es or Canc el if there were no c hang es. 7. Contac t the req uester when d one.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Upgrading R6csi/R7csi to R8csi 3-14 DEFINITY AUDIX Power Procedures 3 Return Equipment 1. Return rep lac ed eq uip ment to Luc ent Tec hnolog ies ac c ord ing to the req uirements outlined in: BCS/Material Log istic s, MSL/Attend ed Stoc king Loc ations Method s and Proc ed ures for Basic Material Returns 2. Retain the old translation c ard for up to 10 b usiness days to verify that the c ustomer is satisfied and that there is no need to reverse the up g rad e. 3. Return the old translation card to Lucent Technologies. DEFINITY AUDIX Power Procedures Power Down the AUDIX System A yellow c aution stic ker on the system’s power unit notifies tec hnic ians to shut d own the DEFINITY AUDIX System p rior to p owering d own the system. 1. Log into the AUDIX System as craft . 2. Type reset system shutdown and press En t e r. 3. Press En t e r ag ain to start the shutd own p roc ess. 4. The SHUTDOWN Completed messag e app ears when the AUDIX is suc c essfully shut d own. This takes ab out 2 minutes. 5. You c an now shut d own the c arrier or remove the AUDIX System for servic e. !CAUTION: If leaving AUDIX System in the c arrier, b ac k it out ab out 2 in. (5 c m) to eliminate the possibility of damage due to power surges. Power Up the AUDIX System nIf the AUDIX was removed from the c ab inet: 1. Re-install the AUDIX and allow it to p ower up automatic ally. 2. Check for AUDIX System errors. nIf the AUDIX remained in the c ab inet b ut the c ab inet was p owered d own: 1. Reseat the AUDIX 2. Power up the c ab inet. The AUDIX reb oots automatic ally. 3. Check for AUDIX System errors.