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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-31 main distribution frame (MDF) A devic e that mounts to the wall inside the system eq uipment room. The MDF p rovid es a connec tion p oint from outsid e telep hone lines to the PBX switc h and to the insid e telep hone stations. main-satellite-tributary A private network c onfiguration that c an either stand alone or ac cess an ETN. A main switch p rovid es interconnection, via tie trunks, with one or more sub tend ing switc hes, c alled satellites; all attend ant p ositions for the main/satellite config uration; and ac c ess to and from the pub lic network. To a user outsid e the c omp lex, a main/satellite config uration ap p ears as one switc h, with one listed d irec tory number (LDN). A trib utary switch is connec ted to the main switc h via tie trunks, b ut has its own attend ant p ositions and LDN. maintenance Activities involved in keep ing a telecommunications system in p rop er working c ond ition: the d etection and isolation of software and hard ware faults, and automatic and manual rec overy from these faults. management terminal The terminal that is used b y the system administrator to administer the switc h. The terminal may also b e used to ac c ess the BCMS feature. major alarm An ind ication of a failure that has c aused critic al d egrad ation of servic e and requires immed iate attention. Major alarms are automatically d isp layed on LEDs on the attend ant c onsole and maintenanc e or alarming c irc uit p ac k, log g ed to the alarm log , and rep orted to a remote maintenanc e fac ility, if ap p lic ab le. Manual-In work mode One of four ag ent work modes: the mod e in which an agent is read y to p roc ess another c all manually. See Auto-In Work mod e for a contrast. MAP Maintenanc e ac tion p roc ess MAPD Multiapp lic ation p latform for DEFINITY MA-UUI Messag e-Assoc iated User-to-User Sig naling Mbps Megabits per second M-Bus Memory b us Mbyte Megabyte MCC Multic arrier c ab inet MCS Messag e Center Service MCT Malic ious Call Trac e

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-32 MCU Multip oint c ontrol unit MDF Main distribution frame MDM Modular data module MDR Messag e detail record MEM Memory memory A devic e into whic h information can be cop ied and held , and from whic h information c an later b e ob tained. memory shadowing link An op erating -system condition that p rovid es a method for memory-resid ent p rog rams to b e more q uickly ac c essed , allowing a system to reb oot faster. message center An answering service that sup p lies ag ents to and stores messag es for later retrieval. message center agent A memb er of a messag e-center hunt group who takes and retrieves messag es for voic e-terminal users. MET Multib utton elec tronic telep hone MF Multifreq uency MFB Multifunc tion b oard MFC Multifrequency code MHz Meg ahertz MIM Manag ement information messag e minor alarm An ind ication of a failure that could affec t customer service. Minor alarms are automatically d isplayed on LEDs on the attend ant console and maintenanc e or alarming c irc uit p ac k, sent to the alarm log , and rep orted to a remote maintenance fac ility, if ap plicab le. MIPS Million instruc tions per second MIS Manag ement information system MISCID Misc ellaneous id entification

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-33 MMCS Multimed ia Call Server MMCH Multimed ia call hand ling MMI Multimed ia interfac e MMS Material Manag ement Servic es MO Maintenanc e ob jec t modem A devic e that c onverts d igital d ata sig nals to analog sig nals for transmission over telep hone circuits. The analog sig nals are converted b ac k to the orig inal d ig ital data sig nals b y another mod em at the other end of the c irc uit. modem pooling A cap ab ility that provid es shared c onversion resources (mod ems and d ata mod ules) for cost-effective ac c ess to analog fac ilities by data terminals. When need ed , mod em p ooling inserts a c onversion resourc e into the path of a d ata call. Mod em pooling serves b oth outg oing and inc oming c alls. modular processor data module (MPDM) A processor d ata mod ule (PDM) that c an b e c onfig ured to p rovid e several kind s of interfac es (RS-232C, RS-449, and V.35) to c ustomer-p rovid ed d ata terminal eq uip ment (DTE). See also processor data module (PDM). modular trunk data module (MTDM) A trunk d ata module that can be config ured to provid e several kind s of interfaces (RS-232, RS-449, and V.35) to customer-p rovid ed d ata terminal eq uip ment. modulator-demodulator See mod em. monitored call See ac tive-notific ation c all. MOS Messag e-oriented sig naling MPDM Modular processor data module MS Messag e server ms Millisecond MS/T Main satellite/trib utary MSA Messag e servic ing ad junc t

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-34 MSG Messag e servic e MSL Material stocking loc ation MSM Mod ular System Manag ement MSS Mass storag e system MSSNET Mass storag e/network c ontrol MT Manag ement terminal MTDM Mod ular trunk data mod ule MTP Maintenanc e tap e p roc essor MTT Multitasking terminal multiappearance voice terminal A terminal equipp ed with several call-ap pearance b uttons for the same extension, allowing the user to hand le more than one call on that same extension at the same time. Multicarrier cabinet A struc ture that hold s one to five carriers. See also sing le-c arrier c ab inet. Multifrequency Compelled (MFC) Release 2 (R2) signaling A signal c onsisting of two freq uency comp onents, such that when a sig nal is transmitted from a switch, another signal acknowled g ing the transmitted sig nal is received b y the switc h. R2 d esig nates sig naling used in the United States and in c ountries outsid e the United States. multiplexer A devic e used to comb ine a numb er of ind ivid ual channels into a sing le c ommon b it stream for transmission. multiplexing A process whereb y a transmission fac ility is d ivid ed into two or more channels, either b y sp litting the freq uenc y b and into a number of narrower b and s or by divid ing the transmission channel into succ essive time slots. See also time-d ivision multiplexing (TDM). multirate The new N x DS0 servic e (see N x DS0). MWL Messag e-waiting lamp

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-35 N N+1 Method of d etermining redundant b ackup req uirements. Examp le: if four rectifier modules are req uired for a DC-powered sing le-c arrier c ab inet, a fifth rec tifier mod ule is installed for b ackup. N x DS0 N x DS0, equivalently referred to as N x 64 kb ps, is an emerg ing stand ard for wid eb and calls sep arate from H0, H11, and H12 ISDN c hannels. The emerg ing N x DS0 ISDN multirate c ircuit mod e b earer servic e will p rovid e c irc uit-switc hed c alls with d ata-rate multip les of 64 kb p s up to 1536 kb p s on a T1 facility or up to 1920 kb p s on an E1 fac ility. In the switc h, N x DS0 channels will rang e up to 1984 kbp s using NFAS E1 interfac es. NANP North American Numb ering Plan narrowband A c ircuit-switc hed c all at a d ata rate up to and inc lud ing 64 kb ps. All nonwid eb and switc h calls are consid ered narrowband. native terminal support A p red efined terminal typ e exists in switc h software, eliminating the need to alias the terminal (that is, manually map call app earances and feature buttons onto some other natively sup p orted terminal type). NAU Network ac cess unit NCA/TSC Nonc all-associated /temporary-sig naling c onnec tion NCOSS Network Control Op erations Sup port Center NCSO National Customer Sup p ort Org anization NEC National Engineering Center NEMA National Elec tric al Manufac turer’s Association NETCON Network-c ontrol c irc uit p ac k network A series of p oints, nod es, or stations c onnec ted b y c ommunic ations c hannels. network-specific facility (NSF) An information element in an ISDN-PRI messag e that sp ecifies which p ub lic -network servic e is used . NSF ap plies only when Call-b y-Call Service Selection is used to ac cess a p ublic-network servic e. network interface A c ommon bound ary b etween two systems in an interconnected group of systems.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-36 NFAS See Nonfac ility-assoc iated sig naling (NFAS). NI Network interface NID Network Inward Dialing NM Network management NN National numb er node A switc hing or c ontrol p oint for a network. Nod es are either tand em (they rec eive signals and p ass them on) or terminal (they originate or terminate a transmission p ath). Nonfacility-associated signaling (NFAS) A method that allows multip le T1 and /or E1 fac ilities to share a sing le D-c hannel to form an ISDN-PRI. If D-c hannel b ackup is not used, one fac ility is config ured with a D-c hannel, and the other fac ilities that share the D-c hannel are c onfigured without D-channels. If D-channel b ackup is used , two facilities are c onfigured to have D-c hannels (one D-c hannel on each fac ility), and the other facilities that share the D-c hannels are config ured without D-c hannels. NPA Numb ering -p lan area NPE Network p roc essing element NQC Numb er of q ueued c alls NSE Nig ht-service extension NSU Network sharing unit null modem cable Spec ial wiring of an RS-232-C cab le such that a c omp uter c an talk to another comp uter (or to a p rinter) without a mod em. NXX Pub lic -network offic e c od e O OA Op erator assisted occurrence See ap p earanc e.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-37 OCM Outb ound Call Manag ement offered load The traffic that would be g enerated b y all the req uests for servic e occ urring within a monitored interval, usually one hour. ONS On-p remises station OPS Off-p remises station OPX Off-p remises extension OQT Old est q ueued time OSHA Oc cup ational Safety and Health Ac t OSI Op en Systems Interc onnec t OSS Op erations Sup p ort System OSSI Op erational Sup p ort System Interfac e OTDR Op tic al time-d omain reflec tometer othersplit The work state that indic ates that an agent is c urrently active on another sp lit’s call, or in ACW for another sp lit. OTQ Outg oing trunk q ueuing outgoing gateway A PBX that routes an inc oming c all on a trunk administered for Sup p lementary Services Protoc ol B to a trunk not ad ministered for Sup plementary Services Protocol B. P PACCON Pac ke t c o nt ro l packet A g roup of b its (inc lud ing a messag e element, which is the d ata, and a c ontrol information element (IE), whic h is the head er) used in pac ket switc hing and transmitted as a d isc rete unit. In eac h p ac ket, the messag e element and c ontrol IE are arranged in a spec ified format. See also packet bus and packet switching.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-38 packet bus A wid e-bandwid th b us that transmits p ackets. packet switching A d ata-transmission tec hnique whereb y user information is seg mented and routed in d iscrete data envelop es c alled p ac kets, eac h with its own ap pended control information, for routing, seq uencing , and error c hec king. Pac ket switching allows a c hannel to b e occ upied only d uring the transmission of a p acket. On c omp letion of the transmission, the c hannel is mad e availab le for the transfer of other p ackets. See also BX.25and packet. PA D Pac ket assemb ly/d isassemb ly paging trunk A telec ommunic ations channel used to ac cess an amp lifier for loud sp eaker p ag ing . party/extension active on call A p arty is on the call if he or she is ac tually c onnec ted to the call (in active talk or in held state). An orig inator of a call is always a p arty on the c all. Alerting p arties, b usy p arties, and tones are not p arties on the call. PBX Private b ranc h exchang e PC See p ersonal c omp uter (PC). PCM See pulse-code modulation (PCM). PCOL Personal c entral-offic e line PCOLG Personal c entral-offic e line g roup PCS Permanent switc hed calls PDM See processor data module (PDM). PDS Premises Distribution System PE Processing element PEC Pric e element c ode PEI Proc essor element interc hang e personal computer (PC) A personally controllable microc omp uter. PGATE Pac ket gateway

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-39 PGN Partitioned g roup numb er PI Processor interface PIB Processor interface b oard pickup group A group of ind ivid uals authorized to answer any c all d irec ted to an extension within the g roup . PIDB Prod uc t imag e d atab ase PKTINT Pac ket interfac e PL Private line PLS Premises Lig htwave System PMS Prop erty Manag ement System PN Port network PNA Private network ac cess POE Processor oc cup anc y evaluation POP Point of p resenc e port A data- or voic e-transmission ac c ess p oint on a d evic e that is used for communicating with other devices. port carrier A carrier in a multic arrier cab inet or a sing le-carrier c ab inet containing p ort c irc uit p ac ks, p ower units, and service circuits. Also c alled a p ort c abinet in a sing le-c arrier cab inet. port network (PN) A cab inet c ontaining a TDM b us and pac ket b us to which the following c omponents are connec ted : p ort circuit p acks, one or two tone-c loc k c ircuit p acks, a maintenanc e c irc uit pac k, servic e c irc uit p ac ks, and (op tionally) up to four exp ansion interfac e (EI) c irc uit p ac ks in DEFINITY ECS. Eac h PN is c ontrolled either loc ally or remotely b y a switc h p roc essing element (SPE). See also exp ansion p ort network (EPN) and p roc essor p ort network (PPN). port-network connectivity The interconnec tion of p ort networks (PNs), reg ard less of whether the c onfig uration uses direc t or switc hed c onnec tivity.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-40 PPM 1. Parts p er million 2. Periodic pulse metering PPN See p roc essor p ort network (PPN). PRI See Primary Rate Interfac e (PRI). primary extension The main extension assoc iated with the p hysic al voic e or d ata terminal. Primary Rate Interface (PRI) A stand ard ISDN frame format that sp ecifies the p rotocol used between two or more communications systems. PRI runs at 1.544 Mb p s and , as used in North America, provid es 23 64-kb p s B-c hannels (voice or d ata) and one 64-kb p s D-channel (sig naling ). The D-c hannel is the 24th c hannel of the interfac e and c ontains multip lexed sig naling information for the other 23 channels. PRI endpoint (PE) The wid eband switc hing c apab ility introd uces PRI end points on switc h line-sid e interfaces. A PRI end p oint c onsists of one or more c ontiguous B-c hannels on a line-sid e T1 or E1 ISDN PRI facility and has an extension. End p oint ap p lic ations have c all-c ontrol c ap ab ilities over PRI end p oints. principal A terminal that has its p rimary extension b ridg ed on one or more other terminals. principal (user) A person to whom a telephone is assigned and who has message-c enter c overag e. private network A network used exc lusively for the telec ommunications need s of a p artic ular c ustomer. private network office code (RNX) The first three d igits of a 7-d ig it p rivate network numb er. PROCR Processor processor carrier See control carrier. processor data module (PDM) A devic e that p rovid es an RS-232C DCE interfac e for connec ting to data terminals, app lications p rocessors (APs), and host comp uters, and p rovid es a DCP interface for c onnec tion to a communications system. See also mod ular proc essor d ata module (MPDM). processor port network (PPN) A port network c ontrolled b y a switc h-p roc essing element that is d irectly c onnec ted to that PN’s TDM bus and LAN bus. See also p ort network (PN). processor port network (PPN) control carrier A c a r r ie r c o n ta i ni n g t h e m ai nt e n an c e c irc ui t p a c k , to n e/ c lo c k c irc u i t p a c k , an d SPE c i rc u it p ac ks for a p roc essor p ort network (PPN) and , op tionally, port c irc uit p acks. Property Management System (PMS) A stand -alone comp uter used b y lod ging and health-servic es org anizations for servic es suc h as reservations, housekeeping , and b illing .