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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-19 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    The IP Interfac e is an assemb ly c omp osed  of a TN802B c irc uit b oard, a 
    p roc essor c ard , and DSP resourc e c ard . For ord ering  p urp oses, the assemb ly is 
    id entified  as a J58890MA-1 L30, b ut for simp lic ity, we refer to it in this b ook as the 
    TN802B IP Interfac e.
    The TN802B IP Interfac e op erates in two mod es: IP Trunk, availab le with Release 
    7 or later, and  Med ia Proc essor (Med Pro), availab le with Release 8. The IP Trunk 
    mod e is Internet Telep hone Server—Enterp rise (ITS-E) c omp atib le, and  the 
    Med Pro mod e is H.323 V2 c omp atib le. The TN802B IP Interfac e is b ac kward s 
    c omp atib le and  d efaults to IP Trunk mod e.You must ad minister it to use it in 
    Med Pro mod e.
    For more information on the IP Interfac e c ap ab ilities and  limitations, refer to the 
    DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Overview.
    The following sec tions d esc rib e the proc ess for
    nInstalling in Media Processor Mode
    nInstalling in IP Trunk Mode
    nUpgrading a TN802 V3 (or later) to a TN802B (MedPro mode)
    When c onnec ted  remotely via p c ANYWHERE, only use the p c ANYWHERE 
    Restart Host Computer button on the toolbar to restart Windows NT.
    Installing in Media Processor Mode
    To operate in Med Pro mod e, you must install the TN802B IP Interfac e and , if the 
    system d oes not have one, you must also install and  administer a TN799B
    c irc uit p ac k. For C-LAN administration, refer to DEFINITY Enterprise 
    Communic ations Server Ad ministration for Network Connec tivity.
    If you have existing  TN802 IP Interfac e c irc uit p ac ks, you c an up g rad e them 
    either b y rep lac ing  the c irc uit p ac k with a TN802B or b y d ownload ing  the 
    TN802B firmware onto the c irc uit p ac ks (see ‘‘Upgrade to TN802B (R8)’’ on page 
    Prepare for Installation
    Have the following  eq uip ment on site b efore your ship ment arrives:
    nAC p ower outlets for the mod em and  monitor.
    nThree unoc c up ied  and  ad joining  p ort slots in the DEFINITY ECS for the 
    TN802B IP Interfac e, if need ed.
    The TN802B oc c up ies only one slot, b ut it need s the two slots to its left for 
    c learanc e. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-20 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    nAn ad d itional unoc c up ied  p ort slot for the TN799B, if need ed . If you have 
    an existing TN799 c irc uit p ac k, rep lac e it with the TN799B.
    nA 10 BaseT or 10/100 BaseT Ethernet c onnec tion into your loc al area 
    network for the TN802B.
    nA 10 BaseT Ethernet c onnec tion into your loc al area network for the 
    nTwo or more valid , unused  IP ad d resses on your network (one for MedPro 
    and  one for C-LAN) that c an b e assig ned  to the IP Interfac e server. You 
    also need  the subnet mask and  d efault g ateway. 
    nAn analog telep hone line reserved  (DID is okay) for the IP Interfac e 
    diagnostic modem 
    nA valid  telep hone numb er reserved  for the IP Interfac e d iag nostic  mod em 
    In ad dition if non-U.S. c ustomer:
    nMod em c omp arab le to a U.S. Rob otic s Sportster Mod el USR 33.6 EXT.
    nCable from modem to TN802B external c able assembly.
    We rec ommend  that you p rotec t your c ab inet with an uninterrup tib le power 
    system (UPS).
    Check your Shipment
    When your DEFINITY Med ia Proc essor ord er arrives at your site, c hec k the 
    c ontents (see Table 4-4
    1. Insp ec t the ship p ing  c arton for d amag e b efore op ening  it. If the b ox is 
    d amag ed , d o not op en it. Inform the ship p ing  c omp any, and  ask for 
    instruc tions on filing a c laim.
    2. If the b ox is und amag ed , c hec k the c ontents ag ainst the p ac king  slip . 
    Chec k the c ondition of eac h c omp onent, and note any d amag e or 
    shortag es on the p ac king  slip . The c arton should  c ontain the following  for 
    eac h IP Interfac e ord ered : 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-21 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    3. Read  and  follow any d irec tions inserted  into the p ac kag e b y the fac tory.
    The TN802B external c ab le assemb ly is a bund le of c ab les with an amp henol 
    c onnec tor at the end  of the b und le and  various PC-typ e c onnec tors (VGA, 
    Universal Serial Bus [ USB] , mouse, keyb oard , Ethernet, mod em, and  COM2) at 
    the end s of the ind ivid ual c ab les. See Figure 4-3
    . Look for the lab el where the 
    b und le enters the amp henol c onnec tor. 
    Table 4-4. Required Hardware
    Comcode/Code Description Quantity
    108525528 TN799B C-LAN c irc uit p ac k. One 
    TN799B sup p orts more than one 
    J58890MA-1 L30 TN802B IP Interfac e Assemb ly
    1 or more
    601939804 H600-512,G1 external c ab le assemb ly 1 or more
    259A c onnec tor 1
    CAT5 or b etter c ab le 1
    407633999 U.S. Rob otic s Sp ortster external 
    mod em, Mod el USR 33.6 EXT (U.S. 
    customers only). Non-U.S. customers 
    must p rovid e a mod em c omp arab le to 
    this model.1
    601087091 20-ft DB-25 serial c ab le from modem 
    to TN802B external c ab le assemb ly 
    (U.S. c ustomers only). Non-U.S. 
    c ustomers must p rovid e a serial c ab le.1 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-22 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    Figure 4-3. TN802B IP Interface External Cable Assembly
    Connect the Cables
    1. Determine into whic h p ort slots you are p utting the TN799B C-LAN and  
    TN802B IP Interfac e c irc uit p ac ks.
    Make sure that at least 3 ad jac ent slots are free for the TN802B.
    From the rear of the c ab inet:
    2. If add ing  a new TN799B, c onnec t the 259A c onnec tor to the b ac kp lane 
    c onnec tor c orrespond ing  to the TN799B slot.
    3. If add ing  a new TN799B, c onnec t one end  of the DW8 c able to the 259A 
    c onnec tor. Connec t the other end  to the c ustomer’s network.
    4. Connec t the amp henol c onnec tor on the external c ab le assemb ly to the 
    b ac kp lane c onnec tor c orresp ond ing  to the TN802B slot (the hig hest 
    numb ered c onnec tor of the 3 slots req uired ) Figure Notes
    1. Amp henol c onnec tor to c onnec tor 
    c orresp ond ing  to TN802B slot
    2. To VGA monitor
    3. To USB (not used )
    4. To keyb oard5. To mouse
    6. To ethernet
    7. 25-p in male c onnec tor to mod em
    8. 25-p in male c onnec tor to COM2 
    cbdfocto AWF 122398
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-23 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    Connect the Modem
    These instruc tions are for c onnec ting  the U.S. Rob otic s modem sup p lied  to 
    U.S. c ustomers only. If using  a d ifferent mod em, follow the manufac turer’s 
    instruc tions on c onnec ting  the mod em.
    1. Connec t the RS232 p ort of the mod em to the MODEM c onnec tor of the 
    TN802B external c ab le assembly. 
    Chec k the lab els near the c onnec tors; the MODEM and  COM2 
    c onnec tors look the same.
    2. Connec t an analog  telephone line to the left most analog -line p ort on the 
    mod em as shown in Figure 4-4
    3. Make sure that the mod em’s DIP switc hes are set as shown in 
    Figure 4-4
     and Table 4-5.
    4. Plug  the mod em into an AC p ower outlet.
    5. Turn on the mod em using  the switc h on the front of the mod em.
    Figure 4-4. External Modem Connections for U.S. Robotics Modem Figure Notes
    1. Connec t analog  line here.
    2. DIP switc h 5 must b e up .3. Connec t MODEM c onnec tor here.
    4. Connec t p ower c onnec tor here.
    modfrobo KLC 030499
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-24 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    Connect the Ethernet
    1. Connec t the network c ab le to the ETHERNET c onnec tor on the TN802B 
    external c ab le assemb ly.
    You need  a CAT5 or better c ab le for 100-Mb yte operation.
    Install the Circuit Packs
    When ad d ing  or rep lac ing  any hard ware, b e sure to ground  yourself 
    ag ainst elec trostatic  d isc harge (ESD) b y wearing  a g rounded  wrist strap .
    The TN799B and  TN802B c irc uit p ac ks are hot-swap p ab le, so you d o not 
    need  to p ower d own the c arrier to install them.
    Table 4-5. U.S. Robotics Modem Dip Switch Settings
    Switch Setting Description
    DOWNData Terminal Read y normal
    Data Terminal Read y overrid e
    DOWNVe r b a l  r e s u lt  c o d e s
    Numeric  result c od es
    DOWNSuppress result codes
    Disp lay result cod es
    DOWNEc ho offline c ommand s
    No ec ho, offline c ommand s
    DOWNAuto answer on first ring or higher if specified in NVRAM
    Auto answer off
    DOWNCarrier d etec t normal
    Carrier d etec t overrid e
    DOWNLoad  NVRAM d efaults
    Load  fac tory d efaults
    DOWNDumb  mod e
    Sm a rt  m o d e 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-25 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    If you need  to remove the TN802B IP Interfac e from the c arrier at a later 
    time, shut down Wind ows NT first b y p ressing the rec essed reset button on 
    the fac ep late (see Figure 4-5
    ) of the TN802B IP Interfac e until the LCD 
    shows a flashing MSHUT *
    . When the flashing  stop s and  the asterisk 
    d isap p ears (ab out 2 min), it is safe to remove the c irc uit p ac k.
    Figure 4-5. TN802B IP Interface faceplate
    If rep lac ing  the existing  TN799 c irc uit p ac k, remove it first and rep lac e it 
    with the new one. Figure Notes
    1. LCD d isp lay
    2. Reset b utton (rec essed )
    3. Red  b oard  status LED4. PCMCIA c ard slot
    5. Yellow PCMCIA d isk-in-use LED
    fpdfmapd KLC 030899 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-26 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    1. Insert the TN799B c irc uit p ac k into the p ort slot id entified  earlier.
    To p rop erly seat the c irc uit p ac k, p ush firmly on the front of the 
    fac ep late until the latc h reac hes the bottom rail of the c arrier. Then 
    c lose the latc h until it is fully eng ag ed .
    2. Insert the TN802B IP Interfac e into the rig ht most of the three slots you 
    reserved  for it (see Figure 4-6
    ) and  seat it p rop erly.
    When you p lug  in the TN802B IP Interfac e Assemb ly, the c irc uit p ac k 
    starts to b oot and  the LCD read s PC Boot
    . The c irc uit p ac k reboots 
    automatic ally, and after ab out 3 to 4 minutes the LCD c hang es to IPTRK*
    the d efault mod e, or MEDPRO*
    If the TN802B is pre-ad ministered  at the fac tory, it reb oots several times to 
    initialize to Med Pro mode.
    If the TN802B is not p re-ad ministered , g o to ‘‘Administration Steps’’ on 
    page 4-27
    For an initial installation, the TN802B IP Interfac e need s to b e 
    administered first (see ‘‘Administer the IP Interface’’ on page 4-27
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-27 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    Figure 4-6. J58890MA-1 L30
     IP Interface Assembly
    Administer the TN799B C-LAN
    Refer to the DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Ad ministration for 
    Network Connec tivity.
    Administer the IP Interface
    Ad ministration is usually d one remotely; c all your servic e rep resentative to start 
    the process.
    Administration Steps
    Refer to the DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server 
    Ad ministration for Network Connec tivity for Release 8 for sp ec ific  
    1. Log in as craft
    indfmapd KLC 031299 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, 
    and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets  555-233-118  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Hardware 
    4-28 Add IP Interface Assembly 
    2. Type change node-names
     and  p ress En te r.
    3. On sc reen 2, typ e in the node name and  IP add ress for the TN802B.
    4. Type change circuit-pack
     and  p ress 
    En te r.
    5. Chec k the Cod e c olumn to see if the slots ab ove the TN802B say 
    6. If not, typ e MEDPRO in the slot just ab ove TN802B slot and  p ress En t e r. 
    Chang ing the one entry automatic ally c hang es the entry ab ove it. If it is in 
    IP Trunk mod e, you g et the following error messag e:
    MedPro type requires TN802 with application. Type 
    MEDPRO on circuit-packs form.
    7. Type change ip-interfaces
     and press 
    En te r. 
    8. Typ e in the information for the TN802B IP Interfac e, 
    9. Set the Enabled
     field  to y
    , and press 
    En te r.
    change node-names                                               Page   2 of   6 
                                      NODE NAMES                                    
        Name             IP Address           Name              IP Address
    clan-a1             192.168.1 .31  .   .   . 
    clan-b1             192.168.2 .31  .   .   . 
    default             0  .0  .0  .0  .   .   . 
    med-a1              192.168.1 .81  .   .   . 
    .   .   .  .   .   .   
    .   .   .  .   .   .   
    .   .   .  .   .   .   
    change circuit-packs                                            Page   1 of   5 
                                  CIRCUIT PACKS                                     
            Cabinet: 1                            Carrier: A
                                             Carrier Type: processor        
     Slot Code  Sf Mode   Name               Slot Code  Sf Mode   Name
    02: TN758  POOLED MODEM  13: TN802  B  MAPD BOARD
    03: TN2144  ANALOG LINE  14: 
    04: TN746  B  ANALOG LINE  15: 
    05 16:         
    06: TN771  C  MAINTENANCE/TEST  
    07: TN464  F  DS1 INTERFACE     
    08: TN2140  E&M TIE TRUNK     
    09: TN767  E  DS1 INTERFACE     
    10: TN799  B  CONTROL-LAN       
      # indicates circuit pack conflict. 
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