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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, And Additions For Compact Modular Cabinets Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-41 protocol A set of conventions or rules g overning the format and timing of messag e exc hanges to control d ata movement and correc tion of errors. PSC Premises servic e c onsultant PSDN Pac ket-switch p ub lic data network PT Personal terminal PT C Positive temp erature c oefficient PT T Postal Telep hone and Teleg rap h public network The network that c an b e op enly acc essed by all c ustomers for loc al and long -d istanc e calling . pulse-code modulation (PCM) An extension of p ulse-amp litud e mod ulation (PAM) in which c arrier-sig nal p ulses modulated b y an analog signal, suc h as speech, are q uantized and enc od ed to a d igital, usually binary, format. Q QPPCN Quality Protec tion Plan Chang e Notic e quadrant A group of six c ontig uous DS0s in fixed loc ations on an ISDN-PRI fac ility. Note that this term comes from T1 terminolog y (one-fourth of a T1), b ut there are five q uadrants on an E1 ISDN-PRI fac ility (30B + D). queue An ordered sequence of calls waiting to be processed. queuing The process of holding c alls in ord er of their arrival to await c onnec tion to an attend ant, to an answering g roup, or to an id le trunk. Calls are automatically c onnected in first-in, first-out seq uence. R RAM See rand om-ac c ess memory (RAM). random-access memory (RAM) A storag e arrang ement whereb y information c an b e retrieved at a sp eed ind ep endent of the loc ation of the stored information.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-42 RBS Robbed-bit signaling RC Rad io c ontroller RCL Restric ted c all list read-only memory (ROM) A storag e arrang ement p rimarily for information-retrieval ap p lications. recall dial tone Tones sig nalling that the system has comp leted a func tion (suc h as hold ing a call) and is read y to accept dialing. redirection criteria Information ad ministered for each voic e terminal’s c overag e p ath that determines when an inc oming call is red irected to coverage. Redirection on No Answer An op tional feature that redirec ts an unanswered ringing ACD c all after an ad ministered numb er of ring s. The call is then redirec ted b ac k to the ag ent. remote home numbering-plan area code (RHNPA) A foreig n numb ering -p lan area c od e that is treated as a home area c od e b y the Automatic Route Selec tion (ARS) feature. Calls can b e allowed or d enied b ased on the area c ode and the dialed CO c od e rather than just the area c od e. If the call is allowed , the ARS p attern used for the c all is d etermined b y these six d igits. Remote Operations Service Element (ROSE) A CCITT and ISO standard that d efines a notation and servic es that supp ort interac tions between the various entities that make up a d istributed app lication. REN Ring er eq uivalency numb er reorder tone A tone to sig nal that at least one of the fac ilities, suc h as a trunk or a d ig it transmitter, needed for the call was not available. report scheduler Software that is used in conjunc tion with the system printer to schedule the d ays of the week and time of d ay that the desired rep orts are to b e p rinted. RFP Req uest for proposal RHNPA See remote home numb ering -p lan area c od e (RHNPA). RINL Remote ind irect neig hb or link RISC Reduced-instruction-set computer RLT Release-link trunk

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-43 RMATS Remote Maintenanc e, Ad ministration, and Traffic System RNX Route-numb er index (p rivate network offic e cod e) ROM See read -only memory (ROM). RPN Routing -p lan numb er RS-232C A physic al interface sp ecified by the Electronic Industries Assoc iation (EIA). RS-232C transmits and rec eives async hronous d ata at sp eeds of up to 19.2 kb p s over cab le d istances of up to 50 feet. RS-449 Rec ommended Standard 449 RSC Reg ional Supp ort Center ROSE See Remote Operations Servic e Element (ROSE). S S1 The first log ic al sig nalling c hannel of DCP. The c hannel is used to provid e signaling information for DCP’s I1 c hannel. S2 The second logic al sig naling channel of DCP. The c hannel is used to p rovid e sig naling information for DCP’s I2 c hannel. SABM Set Async hronous Balance Mode SAC Send All Calls SAKI See sanity and c ontrol interfac e (SAKI). sanity and control interface (SAKI) A custom VLSI microchip loc ated on eac h p ort circ uit p ac k. The SAKI p rovid es add ress rec og nition, buffering , and sync hronization between the ang el and the five control time slots that make up the control c hannel. The SAKI also scans and collects status information for the ang el on its p ort circuit p ack and , when p olled , transmits this information to the archang el. SAT System ac c ess terminal SCC 1. See sing le-c arrier c ab inet. 2. Serial c ommunic ations c ontroller

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-44 SCD Switc h-c ontrol driver SCI Switc h c ommunic ations interfac e SCO System c ontrol offic e SCOTCH Switc h Conferenc ing for TDM Bus in Concentration Hig hway SCSI See small c omp uter system interfac e (SCSI). SDDN Software-Defined Data Network SDI Switc hed Dig ital International SDLC Synchronous d ata-link c ontrol SDN Software-defined network SFRL Sing le-freq uency return loss SID Station-id entific ation numb er simplex system A system that has no red und ant hard ware. simulated bridged appearance The same as a temporary b ridg ed ap pearanc e; allows the terminal user (usually the princip al) to b rid g e onto a c all that had b een answered b y another party on his or her behalf. single-carrier cabinet A comb ined c ab inet and c arrier unit that c ontains one c arrier. See also Multic arrier c ab inet. single-line voice terminal A voic e terminal served by a sing le-line tip and ring circuit (mod els 500, 2500, 7101A, 7103A). SIT Spec ial-information tones small computer system interface (SCSI) An ANSI bus standard that p rovid es a hig h-level command interfac e b etween host c omp uters and peripheral devices. SMDR Station Messag e Detail Rec ord ing SN Sw it c h N o d e SNA Systems Network Architec ture

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-45 SNC Switc h Nod e Cloc k SNI Switc h Nod e Interface SNMP Simple Network Manag ement Protoc ol software A set of comp uter p rog rams that perform one or more tasks. SPE Switc h Proc essing Element SPID Servic e Profile Identifier split See ACD work mod e. split condition A cond ition whereb y a caller is temp orarily sep arated from a connection with an attendant. A sp lit condition automatic ally oc c urs when the attend ant, ac tive on a call, presses the start b utton. split number The sp lit’s id entity to the switc h and BCMS. split report A rep ort that p rovid es historic al traffic information for internally measured splits. split (agent) status report A rep ort that p rovid es real-time status and measurement d ata for internally measured ag ents and the sp lit to whic h they are assig ned . SSI Standard serial interfac e SSM Sing le-site manag ement SSV Station service ST3 Stratum 3 c loc k b oard staffed Ind icates that an ag ent p osition is log g ed in. A staffed agent func tions in one of four work mod es: Auto-In, Manual-In, ACW, or AUX-Work. STARLAN Star-Based Loc al Area Network Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) An ob solete term now c alled CDR — a switc h feature that uses software and hard ware to rec ord call d ata. See Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR). standard serial interface (SSI) A communications p rotoc ol d evelop ed for use with 500-type b usiness c ommunic ations terminals (BCTs) and 400-series printers.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-46 status lamp A g reen lig ht that shows the status of a c all ap pearanc e or a feature b utton b y the state of the lig ht (lit, flashing , fluttering , b roken flutter, or unlit). stroke counts A method used by ACD ag ents to rec ord up to nine c ustomer-d efined events p er c all when CMS is ac tive. SVN Sec urity-violation notific ation switch Any kind of telep hone switc hing system. See also c ommunic ations system. switchhook The buttons loc ated und er the rec eiver on a voic e terminal. switch-node (SN) carrier A carrier containing a sing le switc h node, power units, and, op tionally, one or two DS1 c onverter circuit p acks. An SN carrier is loc ated in a c enter-stag e switch. switch-node (SN) clock The circ uit p ac k in an SN c arrier that p rovid es clock and maintenanc e alarm functions and environmental monitors. switch-node interface (SNI) The basic b uild ing block of a switc h nod e. An SNI circuit p ack controls the routing of c irc uit, p ac ket, and c ontrol messag es. switch-node link (SNL) The hard ware that provid es a b rid g e b etween two or more switc h nodes. The SNL c onsists of the two SNI circ uit p ac ks resid ing on the switch nod es and the hard ware c onnec ting the SNIs. This hardware c an inc lud e lightwave transc eivers that c onvert the SNI’s elec tric al sig nals to light sig nals, the cop per wire that c onnec ts the SNIs to the lightwave transc eivers, a full-d up lex fib er-op tic c ab le, DS1 c onverter circuit c ard s and DS1 facilities if a c omp any d oes not have rig hts to lay cab le, and ap p rop riate c onnec tors. switch-processing element (SPE) A c omplex of c irc uit p ac ks (p roc essor, memory, d isk controller, and b us-interfac e cards) mounted in a PPN c ontrol c arrier. The SPE serves as the c ontrol element for that PPN and , op tionally, for one or m ore EPN s. SXS Step -by-step synchronous data transmission A method of sending d ata in which d iscrete sig nal elements are sent at a fixed and continuous rate and sp ec ified times. See also association. SYSAM System Ac c ess and Ad ministration system administrator The person who maintains overall c ustomer resp onsib ility for system ad ministration. Generally, all ad ministration func tions are p erformed from the Manag ement Terminal. The switc h requires a sp ecial log in, referred to as the system ad ministrator login, to gain acc ess to system-administration c ap abilities.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-47 system printer An op tional p rinter that may be used to print scheduled rep orts via the report sc hed uler. system report A rep ort that p rovid es historic al traffic information for internally measured splits. system-status report A rep ort that p rovid es real-time status information for internally measured sp lits. system manager A person resp onsib le for sp ec ifying and ad ministering features and servic es for a system. system reload A process that allows stored d ata to be written from a tap e into the system memory (normally after a power outage). T T1 A d ig ital transmission stand ard that in North Americ a carries traffic at the DS1 rate of 1.544 Mb ps. A T1 fac ility is divid ed into 24 channels (DS0s) of 64 kb p s. These 24 channels, with an overall d ig ital rate of 1.536 Mb p s, and an 8-kb ps framing and synchronization c hannel make up the 1.544-Mb p s transmission. When a D-c hannel is p resent, it oc c up ies channel 24. T1 fac ilities are also used in Jap an and some Mid d le-Eastern c ountries. TAAS Trunk Answer from Any Station TA B S Telemetry asynchronous b loc k serial TA C Trunk-acc ess c ode tandem switch A switch within an elec tronic tand em network (ETN) that p rovid es the log ic to d etermine the b est route for a network call, p ossib ly mod ifies the d igits outp ulsed , and allows or d enies c ertain calls to c ertain users. tandem through The switc hed c onnec tion of an inc oming trunk to an outg oing trunk without human intervention. tandem tie-trunk network (TTTN) A private network that interc onnects several customer switching systems. TC Technic al c onsultant TCM Traveling class mark TDM See time-d ivision multip lexing (TDM). TDR Ti m e - o f - d a y r o u t i n g

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-48 TEG Terminating extension g roup terminal A devic e that sends and receives d ata within a system. See also administration terminal. tie trunk A telec ommunic ations channel that direc tly connects two p rivate switching systems. time-division multiplex (TDM) bus A bus that is time-shared reg ularly by prealloc ating short time slots to eac h transmitter. In a PBX, all p ort circuits are c onnected to the TDM b us, p ermitting any port to send a sig nal to any other port. time-division multiplexing (TDM) Multip lexing that d ivid es a transmission c hannel into succ essive time slots. See also multip lexing. time interval The period of time, either one hour or one-half hour, that BCMS measurements are c ollec ted for a rep or t. time slice See time interval. time slot 64 kb p s of d ig ital information structured as eight bits every 125 mic rosec ond s. In the switc h, a time slot refers to either a DS0 on a T1 or E1 fac ility or a 64-kb p s unit on the TDM b us or fib er connec tion b etween p ort networks. time slot sequence integrity The situation whereb y the N oc tets of a wid eb and c all that are transmitted in one T1 or E1 frame arrive at the outp ut in the same ord er that they were introd uc ed. to control An ap plication c an invoke Third Party Call Control c apab ilities using either an ad junct-c ontrol or d omain-c ontrol assoc iation. to monitor An ap plication c an rec eive event rep orts on an ac tive-notific ation, ad junc t-c ontrol, or d omain-c ontrol assoc iation. TOD Ti m e o f d a y tone ringer A devic e with a sp eaker, used in elec tronic voic e terminals to alert the user. TOP Task-oriented p rotocol trunk A ded ic ated telec ommunic ations channel b etween two c ommunic ations systems or COs. trunk allocation The manner in which trunks are selected to form wid eband c hannels. trunk-data module A devic e that c onnects off-p remises p rivate-line trunk fac ilities and DEFINITY ECS. The trunk-d ata mod ule c onverts between the RS-232C and the DCP, and c an c onnec t to DDD mod ems as the DCP memb er of a mod em p ool.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-49 trunk group Telec ommunic ations c hannels assig ned as a g roup for certain func tions that c an b e used interc hangeably b etween two communications systems or COs. TSC Technic al Servic e Center TTI Terminal translation initialization TTR Touc h-tone rec eiver TTT Terminating trunk transmission TTTN See tand em tie-trunk network (TTTN). TTY Teletyp ewriter U UAP Usag e-allocation plan UART Universal async hronous transmitter UCD Uniform c all d istribution UCL Unrestric ted c all list UDP See Uniform Dial Plan (UDP). UL Und erwriter Lab oratories UM User manag er Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) A feature that allows a uniq ue 4- or 5-d ig it number assig nment for eac h terminal in a multiswitc h config uration such as a DCS or main-satellite-trib utary system. UNMA Unified Network Management Architec ture UNP Uniform numb ering p lan UPS Uninterruptible power supply

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Installation, Upgrades, and Additions for Compact Modular Cabinets 555-233-118 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-50 USOP User service-ord er p rofile UUCP UNIX-to-UNIX Communications Protocol UUI User-to-user information V VA R Value-add ed reseller VDN See vec tor d irec tory numb er (VDN). vector directory number (VDN) An extension that p rovid es acc ess to the Vec toring feature on the switc h. Vectoring allows a customer to sp ec ify the treatment of incoming c alls b ased on the d ialed number. vector-controlled split A hunt g roup or ACD sp lit ad ministered with the vec tor field enab led . Acc ess to such a sp lit is p ossible only by d ialing a VDN extension. VIS Voice Information System VLSI Very-larg e-scale integ ration VM Vo l t m e t e r VNI Virtual nod ep oint id entifier voice terminal A sing le-line or multiap pearance telephone. W WAT S See Wid e Area Telec ommunic ations Servic e (WATS). WCC World -Class Core WCR World -Class Routing WCTD World -Class Tone Detec tion