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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-3 Planning with the Design Center/ITAC/COE 
    Planning with the Design 
    The p roc ed ure for p lanning  for DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking  is as follows:
    nThe Ac c ount Team verifies that c orrec t software exists in b oth the PBX and  
    the DEFINITY AUDIX system (R3.2 or later) or p rep ares to ord er the 
    c orrec t software.
    nThe Ac c ount Team c omp letes the following  and  send s it to the d esig n 
    c enter/ITAC/COE:
    — E-1154, 
    Request for Sales and Design Center Support Services
    — Worksheet A: Determine Loc al and  Remote Mac hine Information
    — Worksheet B: Network Planning  for DEFINITY AUDIX
    (Contac t the d esig n c enter if you have q uestions.)
    —Network Map 
    nThe d esig n c enter/ITAC/COE c omp letes a 1495 resp onse and  send s it to 
    the Ac c ount Team along  with a req uest for any ad ditional information.
    nThe d esig n c enter/ITAC/COE c omp letes the Installation Spec ific ation and  
    returns it as sp ec ified  b y the Ac c ount Team. The Installation Sp ec ific ation 
    must b e p rovid ed to the tec hnic ian for c utover. 
    nThe d esig n c enter/ITAC/COE p rovid es a c op y of the final Installation 
    Sp ec ific ation to the ap p ropriate remote sup p ort c enter for maintenanc e 
    support purposes. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-4 Planning with the Design Center/ITAC/COE 
    SDSC FAX: 303-850-89322 SDSC QUALNET/VNMA Fax to: 303-850-8791
    Chec k eac h servic e b eing  req uested  and  d esc ribe in Sc op e of Work b elow:
    GENERAL INFORMATION: (Complete all fields)
    Please list mod el and  version of ALL Prod uc ts (Switc hes and  Ad junc ts), b oth existing  and /or p rop osed . Also sp ec ify 
    the numb er of nod es in an existing  and /or prop osed  network p lus hard ware c onnec tivity (d ig ital/analog ) and  attac h a 
    o New  o Ad d  o Upgradeo RFPo Controlled Introd uc tion
    Sc o p e  o f  Wo r k : __________________________________________________________________________________________
    Re q u e s t e d  D u e  D a t e  f o r  Te c h n i c a l  A s s u r a n c e : ____________________   
    o Written Responseo Verb al Resp onsePlease Note: 5 Days =  Standard  Interval for Tec hnic al Assuranc e. ASAP or blank Requested Due Date =  5 Day Interval
    Larg e/Comp lex req uests req uire neg otiation of Tec hnic al Assuranc e Due Date.
    Re q u e s t e d  D u e  D a t e  Fo r  Fl o o r p l a n s :  ____________________  Fo r  Sp e c i f i c a t i o n s ,  o t h e r  D e l i v e r a b l e s : ________________
    MOJ Date: ______________________ Cutover Date: ________________________CUSTOMER INFORMATION ACCOUNT TEAM INFORMATION
    N a m e : _________________________________________________ N a m e : _________________________________Ti t l e : ____________
    A d d r e s s : _______________________________________________ A d d r e s s : _______________________________________________
    C i t y : ________________________ST: _______Z I P: ______________ C i t y : __________________________ST: _________Z I P: __________
    County:____________________________( REQ U I RED  f o r  D WB S) Te l .  N o : ____________________________FA X: ________________
    I L : _____________________________________________________ e - m a i l  i d : _______________________________________________
    (REQUIRED FIELD: If multip le ILs are involved, list others b elow in Sc op e of Work.)Chec k one p referenc e for method  of Notific ation of 
    Assig nment of this Req uest.Telep hone Call
    o Telep hone Call           o E-mail message
    C u s t .  C o n t a c t  N a m e : ____________________________________ M B O  C o d e  t o  b e  C h a r g e d :
    C u s t .  C o n t a c t  Te l .  N o . ____________________________________
    oMark if Customer Permission for Switc h Ac cess has been g ranted.(If multip le MBO Cod es are to be c harg ed , list below in Sc ope of Work.)
    M B O  Pr o j e c t  N o . : ________________________________________ A l t e r n a t e  C o n t a c t : ___________________Ti t l e : ________________
    Projec t Manager:________________________________________
    Te l .  N o . : ________________________________________________ Te l .  N o . ________________________________________________ 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-5 Planning with the Design Center/ITAC/COE 
    Worksheet A: Determine Local and 
    Remote Switch Information
    Use this worksheet to c ollec t information about the switc hes in the network.
    To d esig n a suc c essful d ig ital network, you must g ather switc h information for the 
    loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system and for all remote systems in the network. Use as 
    many c op ies of the worksheet as your network requires. If you need to make 
    more copies of the worksheet, remove the worksheet from the binder and use a 
    p hotoc op ier.
    Machine Name:
      The term refers to the name of the loc al and  remote mac hines in 
    the network.  Inc lud e all mac hines with whic h you p lan to exc hang e voic e 
    messag es. Use an alp hanumeric  name b etween 1 and  8 c harac ters (lower c ase, 
    no sp ac es, no sp ec ial c harac ters).
    Machine Type:
    DEFINITY AUDIX, AUDIX R1, or Intuity. Inc lud e the release 
    and  version numb er. For examp le, AUDIX R1V8.
    Machine Location:
      Enter either 
    loc al or remote and  inc lud e the p hysic al loc ation 
    of the mac hine, suc h as the mailing  ad dress or the business ad d ress.
    Switch Type:
     The term refers to the name of the switc h. For examp le, DEFINITY 
    Generic  3r Communic ations System.
    Software Generic:
     The term refers to the release of the software on the switc h. 
    For example, G3rV1.
    Installed Boards:
     Use the following  information to list all board s alread y installed  
    in the switc h that are req uired  for networking.
    nChapter 5, ‘‘DCP Mod e 1 — 56 Kb p s’’, sec tion Switch (or Customer) 
    Req uirements for DCP Mod e 1 
    nChapter 4, ‘‘DCP Mod e 2 — 9600 or 19,200 b ps’’, sec tion Sw i t c h  
    Hard ware Req uirements for DCP Mod e 2 
    nChapter 3, ‘‘DCP Mod e 3 — 64 Kb p s’’, sec tion Switch (or Customer) 
    Req uirements for DCP Mod e 3 
    D ate _________________________
    Pr ep a re d  By _________________________
    C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-6 Planning with the Design Center/ITAC/COE 
    Type Machine LocationSwitch 
    Ty p eSoftware 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-7 Planning with the Design Center/ITAC/COE 
    Worksheet B: Network Planning for 
    Mac hine Name     Mac hine Password
    (max. of 8 c har)(max of 10 c har)
      Prefix            Starting  Extension     End ing  Extension
    Class of Servic e for Networking  p orts: (Use a sep arate c lass of servic e with d ata 
    p rivac y AND NO RESTRICTIONS.)
    56K or 64K (DCP Mode 1 or DCP Mode 3)
    64K or 56K c onnec tivity req uires one or two DCP extension numb ers.
    DCP Extension for Port One:
     ( DID if only one port )
    DCP Extension for Port Two:
    Eq uip ment Loc ations:
    Port One      
    --- (MFB TN566B, TN567, or TN568 loc ation) 
    Port Two      
    --- (MFB TN566B, or TN567)
    If you are using two 56K or two 64K ports, then provide:
    Hunt Group  Numb er 
     Hunt Group  Extension  
    System 75/G1/G3 Extension Number of Hunt Group must be DID for access.
    Dial String
    The Dial String  to route messag es out of this DEFINITY AUDIX system may need  to 
    inc orp orate various switc h routing  op tions. Please id entify whic h switc h op tion this d esig n 
    will imp lement and  the trunk or feature ac c ess c od e b eing  used  to ac c omp lish this.
    (Mark to the left of the c ateg ory with an X.)
      DCS; Main/Satellite; Multi-d igit Steering , etc . (Inc oming ext numb ers will b e utilized )
      ETN / PN A  ( FAC   )     ARS (FAC  )
      Ded ic ated  (Static ) Trunk Group  (TAC )  OTHER (TAC/FAC  )
    For those routing  op tions whic h utilize a feature ac c ess c od e or an extension numb er only, 
    p lease id entify the trunk g roup  numb er and  trunk ac c ess c od e of the fac ility p roviding  the 
    transmission p ath:
     TA C 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-8 Planning with the Design Center/ITAC/COE 
    Switc hroom Telep hone Numb er: 
    DEF/AUDIX Remote Maintenanc e Numb er.  (Preferab ly throug h INADS)
    Low Speed (DCP Mode 2)
    If you are using  two low-speed  p orts (9600 bp s or 19,200 b p s), then p rovide a hunt group  
    for eac h pair of mod ems, ADUs, and  7400As b elow.
    The System 75/G1/G3 Extension Numb er for the Hunt Group  must b e DID for ac c ess. 
    Answer all q uestions b elow.
    For low speed, you must have one the following.
    Extensions: 7400A
    Note: If using  7400A, you must sup p ly one or two extensions on TN754s.
    7400A Extension Numb ers   
    Eq uip ment Loc ations:        ----   (TN754 for 7400A)
    ----   (TN754 for 7400A)
    If more than one ext? Extension Number of Hunt Group
    Extensions: ADU
    Note: If using  ADUs, you must sup ply one or two Extensions on TN726s.
    ADU Extension Numb ers:
    Equipment Locations: ----   (TN726 for ADU)
    ----   (TN726 for ADU)
    If more than one ext? Extension Number of Hunt Group
    You must have modems.
    Mod ems: 3820 for U.S. or other for outsid e U.S. ( Typ e?)
    Modem Extension Numbers: 
    ( DIDif only one PORT )
    Eq uip ment Loc ations: ----   (TN746B for ADU)
    ----   (TN746B for ADU)
    If more than one ext? Extension Number of Hunt Group must be DID for 
    You must have networking ports. 
    One or two DCP extension numb ers. 
    DCP Extension for Port One:   
    DCP Extension for Port Two: 
    Po r t  O n e---- (TN566B, TN567, or TN568 loc ation)
    Po r t  Tw o
    ---- (TN566B or TN567 loc ation)
    If more than one ext? Extension Number of Hunt Group must be DID for access  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-9 Network Map 
    Network Map
    Provid e a network map . Inc lud e the following  information:
    nProvid e the switc h and  voic e mail typ e and  vintag e at eac h nod e.
    nId entify c onnec ting  fac ilities and the vend or b etween eac h nod e.
    nInc lud e whether the c onnec tion b etween systems is DCP Mod e 1 (56 
    Kb p s), DCP Mod e 2 (9600 or 19,200 b p s), or DCP Mode 3 (64 Kb p s).
    nId entify the numb er of voic e mail users at eac h nod e.
    nId entify eac h AUDIX Mac hine Name as the c ustomer intend s to id entify it 
    in the d ig ital networking  ad ministration.
    nWill the nod e b e DCS, SDN, or ISDN?
    nProvid e ATTOMS or DOSS c onfig uration numb er for eac h nod e if 
    networking  d oes not exist.
    The following two fig ures show examp les of network map s. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-10 Network Map 
    The following examp le network map shows three DEFINITY AUDIX systems 
    networked  tog ether.
    Figure 7-1. Network Map — Three Networked DEFINITY AUDIX Systems
    DCP port DCP portDS1 port
    DS1 port Analog
    port Analog
    trunkMode 2
    T1 T1Po i n t -o f -
    56/64 Kbps servicePo i n t -o f -
    M7U null
    cableM7U null
    cable Mode1or
    Mode 3
    Node 3Node 2 Node 1 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-11 Network Map 
    The following examp le network map shows a DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    c onnec ted  to b oth an AUDIX R1 system and  an Intuity AUDIX system.
    Figure 7-2. Network Map — DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity AUDIX, and AUDIX R1
    port Analog
    EIA port
    interlocation facilities
    Null modem
    Analog or
    voice-grade data
    Analog or
    voice-grade data
    Analog or
    voice-grade dataModem
    group 2
    R1 or
    Intuity AUDIX
    Switch A
    Switch B
    Modem Mode 2 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Digital Network Planning 
    Page 7-12 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 
    Digital Network Planning Worksheets
    The d esig n c enter p rovid es most of the planning  worksheet information in their 
    Installation Sp ec ific ation. Comp lete the following dig ital network p lanning  
    worksheets as an aid  for p lanning .  
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