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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-13 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    Task 4: Administer Digital Networking Port(s)
    and Extensions
    Ad minister the d ig ital networking  p orts and  extensions on the Network Group  
    sc reen. The networking  p orts ad ministered  in this task must matc h the 
    networking  p orts ad ministered  on the switc h.
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter change network 
    and press   to 
    d isp lay the Network Group  sc reen similar to the sc reen shown b elow. 
    Figure 9-5. Network Group Screen
    The ab ove examp le shows two networking  p orts for the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX 
    Release 3.2 system.
    Refer to the following  tab le to c omp lete the sc reen. Press  
    (F3) to up d ate 
    the Network Group screen.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-14 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    Table 9-1. Network Group Screen Entries 
    Field Description
    Port Enter the p ort loc ation of the c orresp ond ing  voic e p ort. 
    Network p ort 1 has the same p ort loc ation as voic e p ort 1 
    on the Voic e Group  sc reen. Network p ort 2 has the same 
    p ort loc ation as voic e p ort 2 on the Voic e Group  sc reen. 
    This is the d ig ital port eq uipment loc ation on the switc h of 
    t h e  D EFI N I TY A U D I X m u l t i f u n c t i o n  b o a rd  (M FB ).  Fo r  
    examp le, if the DEFINITY AUDIX MFB is in mod ule 2, 
    c arrier B, slot 07, the first p ort loc ation is 2B0701 (the last 
    two dig its are the p ort numb er).
    Extension The extensions for networking  p orts 1 and  2 must b e 
    uniq ue extensions from the PBX d ial p lan and  must matc h 
    the extensions ad ministered  on the switc h for the 
    networking ports.
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-15 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    Task 5: Verify Status of Networking Port(s)
    Req uest a status of the networking  p orts on the Network Group  Status sc reen.
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter status network-group 
    and press 
     to req uest the networking  p ort status. The Network Group  Status sc reen 
    d isp lays similar to the screen shown b elow. 
    Figure 9-6. Network Group Status Screen
    The State-Reason field  for eac h networking p ort should  show ISI (In-State Id le). If 
    something  other than ISI is shown, rec hec k the networking ad ministration.
    This status sc reen is d isp layed  until you p ress   (F1).
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-16 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    Task 6: Test the Networking Ports
    Test eac h networking  p ort. 
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter test network-port 
    port location 
    Port field  from the Network Group  sc reen) 
    and  p ress   . A screen similar to 
    the following  d isp lays. 
    Figure 9-7. Begin Test Network Port Screen
    Pre s s  
    (F3) to execute the test.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-17 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    When the test is c omp lete, the results d isp lay on the Test Networking  Port Results 
    sc reen similar to the sc reen shown b elow. 
    Figure 9-8. Test Networking Port Results Screen
    The Test Pass c olumn should  d isp lay a 1 for eac h resourc e. If 0 is d isp layed  for a 
    resourc e, refer to 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenanc e, 585-300-110 or 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Maintenanc e, 585-300-121, to d etermine a 
    resolution. Resolve the p rob lem, and  run the test ag ain.
    Rep eat the test for the other networking  port if there is one. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-18 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    Task 7: Change the Local Machine Profile Screen
    Ad d  d ig ital networking information to the Mac hine Profile sc reen for the loc al 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system. Refer to the information rec eived  from the d esign 
    c enter when c omp leting  this sc reen.
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter change machine 
    machine name 
    (the name of the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system) 
    and p ress  
    Page 1 of the 
    Mac hine Profile screen d isp lays for the local DEFINITY AUDIX system similar to 
    the sc reen shown below. 
    Figure 9-9.Local Machine Profile Screen — Page 1
    Pag e 1 of the Mac hine Profile sc reen should  have b een c omp leted  d uring  the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX installation. Change the Machine Name from local
     to the ac tual 
    mac hine name if it is not alread y the ac tual name. Chang e the Mac hine Typ e to 
     if it is not alread y aud ix. Make any other c hang es to the sc reen need ed  at 
    this time.
    Press   (F7) to display page 2 of the Machine Profile screen.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-19 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    Pag e 2 of the Mac hine Profile sc reen is similar to the sc reen shown b elow. Refer 
    to the following  table to c omp lete the sc reen.
    Figure 9-10.Local Machine Profile Screen — Page 2
    The Dial String  in the ab ove examp le is the Hunt Group  numb er for the d ig ital 
    networking  p ort hunt g roup  set up  d uring  switc h ad ministration. The Data Rate is 
    . Refer to Chapter 4, ‘‘DCP Mod e 2 — 9600 or 19,200 b p s’’
    , for a Mac hine 
    Profile sc reen examp le for DCP Mod e 2.
    Pre s s  
    (F3) to up d ate the Mac hine Profile sc reen.
    Ta b l e  9 - 2 .Local Machine Profile Screen — Page 2 Entries 
    Field Desc rip tion
    Dial String
    This field  is only used  when this system c alls itself for testing  p urp oses. 
    Enter the d ial string  of the hunt g roup  numb er for the d ig ital networking  
    p ort hunt g roup set up  d uring  the Switc h Ad ministration d esc rib ed  earlier 
    in this c hap ter. The DEFINITY AUDIX system will use this hunt g roup  
    numb er to d o a test mac hine for the d igital networking  p orts. If there is only 
    one d ig ital networking  p ort, enter the extension of the d ig ital networking  
    p ort of the loc al mac hine.
    Continued on next page
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-20 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    Mod em 
    St r in gLeave this field  b lank. This field  is c urrently not b eing  used .
    Data Rate
    This field  is used  only when this system c alls itself for testing  p urp oses. 
    Enter the d ata rate used  b y the dig ital networking  p orts for test mac hine on 
    the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system (9600
    , 19200
    , 56000
    , or 64000
    ). This 
    d ata rate is used  to selec t a network g roup  for outg oing  c alls, so this entry 
    should  matc h a d ata rate administered  for a network g roup  on the Network 
    Group  sc reen.
    Password Enter the p assword  remote systems must use to estab lish networking  
    c onnec tions to this loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system.
    Connec t 
    Eve n t sEn t e r  y 
    if this loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will c reate an entry in the 
    ad ministration log  for eac h network c onnec tion event (c onnec tions and  
    failures) when c alling  any remote DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity AUDIX, or 
    AUDIX R1 systems. You may want to set to n
     if this will c reate too many 
    entries in the ad ministration log .
    TurnaroundFor now, leave this field  set to n
     sinc e this will simp lify testing . After testing , 
    enab le the feature if d esired . 
    Network Turnaround  c an b e ad ministered on a system-wid e or 
    p er-mac hine b asis. To d isab le this feature system wid e, set this field  to n
    on the loc al Mac hine Profile sc reen.  To enable the feature, set this field to 
     on the loc al Mac hine Profile sc reen 
    and on the app rop riate remote 
    Mac hine Profile(s) sc reens on this loc al system. 
    If enab led , a network c onnec tion that orig inated  from this loc al DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system is allowed  to turn around  after the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system has sent all of its network d ata to any remote system. The remote 
    system may then return up d ate information, voic e mail, and  status on the 
    same c onnec tion. For more information on this feature, refer to Chap ter 10, 
    ‘‘Ongoing Administration’’.
    Up d ates In For now, leave this field  set to n
     sinc e this will simp lify testing. After testing  
    is c omp lete, set this field  to y
     if you want to ac tivate the remote up d ates 
    En t e r  y
     if this loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will ac c ept up d ated 
    sub sc rib er d atabase information from any remote system (the Up d ates In 
    field  must b e set to y
     on the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen set up  on the 
    loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system for eac h remote system.) If this field  is set to 
    , the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will not ac c ep t upd ates from any 
    remote system reg ard less of the entry on the remote Mac hine Profile 
    sc reen. 
    Ta b l e  9 - 2 .Local Machine Profile Screen — Page 2 Entries  — Continued
    Field Desc rip tion
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-21 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    OutFor now, leave this field  set to n
     sinc e this will simp lify testing. After testing  
    is c omp lete, set this field  to y
     if you want to ac tivate the remote up d ates 
    En t e r  y
     if sub sc rib er information up dates for loc al sub sc rib ers may b e sent 
    to a remote system (the Up d ates Out field  must b e set to y
     on the remote 
    Mac hine Profile sc reen set up  on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system for 
    eac h remote system). If this field  is set to n
    , up dates will not b e sent to any 
    remote system reg ard less of the entry for this field on a remote Mac hine 
    Profile screen.
    Fu l l  
    UpdatesFor now, leave this field  set to n
     sinc e this will simp lify testing. After testing  
    is c omp lete, enter y
     to automatic ally g enerate req uests for full up d ates 
    from remote systems. Enter n
     to halt automatic  full up d ates from this 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system.
    Ta b l e  9 - 2 .Local Machine Profile Screen — Page 2 Entries  — Continued
    Field Desc rip tion
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 
    9-22 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 
    Task 8: Perform a Local Machine Test
    If the numb er of networking  p orts is g reater than one, exec ute a test of the loc al 
    mac hine.
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter: 
    test machine local 
    test machine local <
    network port location> 
    (op tionally sp ecify p ort) 
    test machine 
    machine name 
    (the name of the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system)
    and  p ress  . A sc reen similar to the following  d isp lays:
    Figure 9-11. Begin Local Test Machine Screen
    Pre s s  
    (F3) to execute the test.
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