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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide

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    							Ongoing Administration 
    10-1 Ongoing Machine Administration 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration
    This c hap ter d esc rib es the ong oing  ad ministration req uired  for DEFINITY AUDIX 
    d ig ital networking . Ong oing  ad ministration inc lud es the following :
    nMaintaining  mac hine p rofile information on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system for b oth the loc al system and  the remote systems
    nMaintaining  remote sub sc rib er information 
    Ongoing Machine Administration
    During  initial ad ministration, remote mac hine information was administered  on 
    your loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. From time to time, you may need  to up d ate 
    this information. For examp le, you may rec eive a c all from a remote system 
    network ad ministrator informing  you that he or she has c hang ed  some of the 
    remote mac hine information. You need  to c hang e the information on the loc al 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system to matc h the remote system.
    This sec tion c ontains p roc ed ures for up dating  your loc al and remote mac hine 
    ad ministration stored in the DEFINITY AUDIX d atab ase and  inc lud es the 
    following  information. 
    nDisp laying  mac hine information
    nAd d ing  remote mac hine information
    nChanging mac hine information
    nDeleting  remote mac hine information 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-2 Ongoing Machine Administration 
    nRec ord ing  remote mac hine names
    If you c hang e your loc al mac hine p rofile, c ontac t all remote network 
    ad ministrators and  inform them of the c hang es. Do not c hange your 
    loc al mac hine p rofile without informing the other ad ministrators. If 
    they d o not up d ate their mac hines, sub sc ribers will not b e ab le to 
    exc hang e mail messag es.
    Viewing the List Machines Screen
    Before you ad d, c hang e, or d elete information for loc al and remote systems, you 
    may need  to view the information ad ministered  for the systems. You need  to know 
    the mac hine name to ac c ess the Mac hine Profile sc reen whic h c ontains the 
    networking  information ad ministered  for eac h remote system.
    If you need  instruc tions for log g ing  on to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, refer 
    to Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Administration and  Ac c eptanc e Tests’’
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration.
    If you d o not know the name of the remote systems, ac c ess the List Mac hines 
    sc reen. With the cursor at enter command:, 
    enter list machines
     and  press 
    to d isp lay the List Mac hines sc reen. 
    Figure 10-1. List Machines Screen   
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-3 Ongoing Machine Administration 
    The List Mac hines sc reen lists the loc al system and  eac h ad ministered  remote 
    system. In the ab ove examp le, d ab  is the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. The 
    network c ontains two other DEFINITY AUDIX systems (d aa and  d ac ), one Intuity 
    AUDIX system, and one AUDIX R1 system. 
    Use the List Mac hines sc reen to find  mac hine names. Rec ord the names for use 
    in the next sec tion.
    Viewing the Machine Profile Screen
    If you know the mac hine name, use the following  instruc tions to view the Mac hine 
    Profile sc reen.
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter display machine 
    machine name 
    (the name of the remote system) 
    and  press  . Pag e 1 of the Mac hine Profile 
    sc reen d isp lays similar to the sc reen shown below. 
    Figure 10-2. Machine Profile Screen for a Remote System — Page 1
    The information ad ministered  for the system d isp lays in field s on the sc reen. If 
    you need  to view the next p ag e of information, p ress   (F7) to move to 
    the next p ag e of the sc reen.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-4 Ongoing Machine Administration 
    Figure 10-3. Machine Profile Screen for a Remote System — Page 2
    Adding a Remote Machine
    As your network g rows, you may need  to ad d  remote systems to the loc al 
    DEFINITY AUDIX d atab ase. The loc al system need s to know sp ec ific  information 
    ab out eac h remote system, inc lud ing  the mac hine name, p assword , mac hine 
    type, d ial string , and mod em string  if the c onnec tion typ e is DCP Mod e 2. Use 
    the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen to ad d  this information to the loc al DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system.
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system ac c epts only one loc al mac hine. Do not 
    attemp t to ad d  a sec ond  loc al mac hine. Use the instruc tions in this sec tion 
    only to ad d  remote mac hines.
    Refer to Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Ad ministration and  Ac c ep tanc e Tests’’
    , Ta s k  
    9: Ad minister Remote System(s) on the Loc al DEFINITY AUDIX System, for 
    c omp lete instruc tions on ad d ing  a remote system on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-5 Ongoing Machine Administration 
    Changing Machine Administration
    As you use your network and  tune the network to meet your need s, you may need  
    to c hang e the information ad ministered  for the loc al and  remote systems. 
    Chang e mac hine information as seld om as p ossib le to red uc e p ossib le 
    c ommunic ation p rob lems. This sec tion c ontains the following  p roc ed ures.
    nChang ing Loc al Mac hine Information 
    nChang ing Remote Mac hine Information 
    If you need  instruc tions for log g ing  on to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, refer 
    to Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Administration and  Ac c eptanc e Tests’’
    section DEFINITY AUDIX Administration.
    If you d o not know the names of the remote systems, use the list
    c ommand  as d esc rib ed earlier in this c hap ter. When you enter the c ommand, 
    you see a list of all systems ad ministered  on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system.
    Use the following  instruc tions to up d ate remote mac hine information on the loc al 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system.
    1. With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter change machine 
    (the name of the remote system) 
    and  p ress  . Page 1 of the 
    Mac hine Profile sc reen d isp lays similar to the sc reen shown in Fig ure 
    10-2, Machine Profile Screen for a Remote System — Page 1
    . Refer to 
    Chapter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Ad ministration and  Ac c ep tanc e Tests’’
    , Ta s k  9 :  
    Ad minister Remote System(s) on the Loc al DEFINITY AUDIX System, for 
    d esc rip tions of the field s on the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen.
    The Loc ation and  Voic e ID field s are d isp lay only. You c annot 
    c hang e the information in these fields.
    The Add ress Range sec tion of the Mac hine Profile sc reen allows you to set 
    p refix and  ad dress rang es for the remote systems. The DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system uses the p refix and  add ress rang es to d etermine the remote 
    system on whic h a remote sub sc riber resid es when mail is ad d ressed  to 
    that sub sc rib er. 
    2. Press   (F7) to move to the next p age of the sc reen. 
    3. When you finish c hang ing  remote mac hine information, p ress   (F3) 
    to save the information in the system d atab ase. You rec eive the following  
    c onfirmation messag e:
    Command Successfully Completed
    4. Press   (F1). You c an enter another c ommand  or enter logoff
     to log  
    off of the DEFINITY AUDIX system.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-6 Ongoing Machine Administration 
    Deleting Remote Machines
    If you are c ontac ted  b y a remote network ad ministrator and  informed that a 
    remote system has b een removed  from the network, you need  to d elete that 
    system information from the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. When you remove a 
    remote system, you also remove any remote sub sc rib ers assoc iated  with that 
    remote system. Do not remove a remote system unless you are p ositive the 
    system no longer exists. You c annot remove loc al mac hine p rofile information. 
    When you remove a remote system, the mac hine profile and  sub sc rib er 
    information is not c ompletely removed  from the loc al system until a nig htly aud it 
    Use the following  instruc tions to d elete a remote mac hine.
    1. With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter remove machine 
    (the name of the remote system) 
    and  p ress  . Page 1 of the 
    Mac hine Profile sc reen d isp lays similar to the sc reen shown b elow.
    Figure 10-4. Remove Machine Profile for a Remote SystemENTER 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-7 Adding a Second Networking Port 
    2. The following messag e is displayed  on the screen.
    Press [Enter]  to exec ute or [ Canc el] to ab ort
    3. Press   (F3) to remove the mac hine p rofile information for this remote 
    4. You rec eive the following  c onfirmation messag e:
    Command  Suc c essfully Comp leted
    Record Remote Machine Names 
    If you ad d  or c hang e the name of loc al and  remote mac hines, you need  to rec ord  
    the mac hine names. The DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not req uire you to rec ord  
    mac hine names. However, when a sub sc rib er sends a messag e to another 
    sub sc rib er, the messag e header c ontains the name of the mac hine that sent the 
    messag e. The sub sc rib er hears the mac hine name as the head er is played  and  
    knows where to return the messag e.
    Refer to Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Ad ministration and  Ac c ep tanc e Tests’’
    sec tion Task 14: Rec ord  Remote Mac hine Names (Op tional)
     for instruc tions on 
    rec ord ing  mac hine names.
    If a sub sc rib er ad d resses a messag e to a non-verified  remote sub sc rib er and  if 
    that ad d ress c an exist on only one remote system, the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    p lays that mac hine name. For examp le, a sub sc rib er c reates a voic e mail 
    messag e and  ad d resses the messag e to a remote subsc rib er at extension 
    “ 1234”  on a New York system prefixed  b y NY. The NY mac hine name is rec ord ed  
    on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system and  the loc al system p lays the NY mac hine 
    name to the sub sc rib er ad d ressing  the messag e.
    Adding a Second Networking Port
    If you orig inally p urc hased  only one networking  p ort for a Release 3.2 system 
    and  wish to ad d  a sec ond  networking  p ort, you first need  to p urc hase an 
    ad d itional networking  p ort from your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative. It is 
    rec ommend ed that the desig n c enter provid e switc h and  DEFINITY AUDIX 
    ad ministration information to you for the sec ond  networking  p ort.You c annot 
    p urc hase a sec ond networking  for Release 4.0.
    Switch Administration
    Refer to Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Ad ministration and  Ac c ep tanc e Tests’’, for 
    instruc tions. Perform the following  tasks.
    nTask 1: Ad minister the Dig ital Networking  Ports 
    nTask 2: Ad minister a Hunt Group for Digital Networking  Ports 
    nPerform the tasks for DCP Mod e 1, DCP Mod e 2, or DCP Mode 3 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-8 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    DEFINITY AUDIX Administration
    Refer to Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Ad ministration and  Ac c ep tanc e Tests’’, for 
    instruc tions. Perform the following  tasks.
    nTask 4: Ad minister Dig ital Networking  Port(s) and  Extensions
    nTask 5: Verify Status of Networking  Port(s)
    nTask 6: Test the Networking  Ports
    Ongoing Subscriber Administration
    After DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking  has b een ad ministered  initially, you may 
    need  to p erform ong oing  ad ministration tasks. For examp le, if only the test 
    remote subsc rib ers were ad ministered , you now need to administer all remote 
    sub sc rib ers. This c hapter c ontains the following  p roc ed ures for up dating  the 
    remote subsc rib er information stored  in the DEFINITY AUDIX d atab ase.
    nViewing  the remote sub sc rib er lists
    nAd ministering remote up d ates on the loc al and remote mac hines
    nManually ad d ing  and  up d ating  remote sub sc rib ers
    nDeleting  remote sub sc rib ers
    nRec ord ing  remote sub sc rib er names 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-9 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    Remote Subscriber Administration Overview
    During  the initial ad ministration p roc ess, two remote test sub sc rib ers were 
    entered  for eac h system in the network. If remote sub sc rib ers were not ad d ed  
    d uring initial administration, you now need  to ad d  all remote sub sc rib ers who will 
    exchange messages across the network. The DEFINITY AUDIX system offers an 
    automatic  method  of ad ministering  remote sub sc rib ers c alled  
    remote up d ates. 
    Remote up d ates allow your loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system to exc hang e 
    sub sc rib er information with eac h DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity, and  AUDIX R1V5 or 
    later remote system ad ministered  on the loc al system. The following  list exp lains 
    remote up d ates.
    Comp lete 
    UpdatesDuring  a c omp lete up d ate, all sub sc rib er information is 
    exc hang ed  b etween systems. For examp le, when a new system 
    is ad d ed  to the network, eac h existing  system should  req uest a 
    c omp lete up date from the new system to ad d  the new 
    sub sc rib ers to the network. Comp lete up dates may involve 
    many thousand s of users and  req uire heavy system resourc es. 
    Plan to have c omp lete up d ates p erformed  d uring  
    non-p rime-time hours to red uc e the impac t on system users.
    Add itionally, the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system c an 
    automatic ally sc hed ule a non-p rime-time c omp lete up d ate from 
    a remote system if the loc al system find s d isc repanc ies 
    b etween datab ases.
    Partial Up dates Partial up d ates oc c ur on a reg ular basis, suc h as weekly or 
    nig htly, to add  or c hang e information for sub sc rib ers. Partial 
    up d ates would  oc c ur, for examp le, when a new sub sc rib er is 
    ad d ed  to a remote or loc al system. 
    If all systems in the network are ad ministered  to allow p artial 
    up d ates, any time a sub sc rib er is ad d ed  to, d eleted  from, or 
    c hang ed  on a system, that system will notify eac h system in the 
    network of the c hange. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-10 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    The remote up d ates feature g reatly red uc es the amount of time req uired  b y the 
    ad ministrator to ad minister d ig ital networking . Whether you use the remote 
    up d ates feature d ep end s on the numb er of sub sc rib ers in your network, the size 
    and  d isk sp ac e of your loc al system, and  the numb er of networking ports that 
    you are using . The d esign c enter will assist you with d etermining the best 
    sub sc rib er up d ate p roc ess for your system. The instruc tions in this c hap ter 
    exp lain how to p erform the ad ministration p roc esses for remote sub sc rib er 
    Do not turn on the remote up dates feature until you first examine your 
    system c ap ab ilities and c onsult with the desig n c enter. Your system may 
    not b e ab le to hand le c omp lete upd ates from all of the systems in your 
    network. Network 
    TurnaroundNetwork turnaround  allows networked systems to exc hang e 
    information using  one c onnec tion. For example, if a DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system in New York c alls a system in Chicag o to send  
    messag es and  g ive the Chic ag o system a sub sc rib er up d ate, 
    the Chicago system can 
    turn around and  send  messag es and  
    sub sc rib er up d ates b ac k to the New York system without 
    end ing  the c all. If network turnaround  was turned  off, the 
    Chic ago system would  have to p lac e a sep arate c all to the New 
    York system.
    If network c onnec tion turnaround  is imp lemented , the loc al 
    system c alls a remote system and  d oes the following : notifies 
    the remote system that it has up d ated  sub sc rib er information, 
    req uests up d ated  sub sc rib er information from the remote 
    system, and  send s voic e mail and  up d ated  messag e status 
    information to the remote system. The network c onnec tion is 
    turned  around and the remaining  events oc c ur: the remote 
    system notifies the loc al system that it has up d ated  sub sc rib er 
    information, req uests up d ated  sub sc rib er information from the 
    loc al system, and  send s voic e mail and  up d ated  messag e 
    status information to the loc al system. Network turnaround  is 
    rec ommend ed  for networked DEFINITY AUDIX systems.
    If the network turnaround  feature is not imp lemented , the loc al 
    mac hine c alls a remote system and  d oes the following : notifies 
    the remote system of its upd ated  sub sc rib er information, 
    req uests up d ated  sub sc rib er information from the remote 
    system, and  send s voic e mail and  up d ated  messag e status 
    information to the remote system. The c all is then d isc onnec ted .
    The feature reduc es long -d istanc e toll c harg es b y allowing  
    systems to exc hang e information using  one c all instead  of two. 
    The feature also makes the network more effic ient b ec ause the 
    system must sp end  less time dialing  and  c onnec ting  with other 
    systems. Only one turnaround  c yc le is p ermitted  p er c all.  
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