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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-13 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Worksheet C: Determine the Digital Networking Administration and Training Personnel As the first p lanning task, selec t a p erson to manag e the ad ministration and up d ates of the network. Ad d itionally, c ontac t eac h remote network nod e loc ation and find out the network ad ministrator for that system. Rec ord the information on the worksheet. This worksheet will p rovid e you with a quic k referenc e if you need to c ontac t a remote system ad ministrator.. D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Machine Name Machine LocationNetwork AdministratorAdministrator ’s Contact Number Loc al Mac hine:
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-14 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Machine Name Machine LocationNetwork AdministratorAdministrator ’s Contact Number
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-15 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Worksheet D: Define Network Group Use this worksheet to identify the d ig ital networking p orts and extensions. The networking p orts defined on this worksheet must matc h the networking p orts d efined for the switc h. The d esig n c enter will inc lud e a Network Group sc reen in the Installation Sp ec ific ation. . D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Field Port 1 Port 2 Member . Indicates networking port 1 or networking port 2. Port . Enter the p ort loc ation of the c orresp ond ing voic e p ort. Network p ort 1 has the same p ort loc ation as voic e p ort 1 on the Voic e Group sc reen. Network p ort 2 has the same p ort loc ation as voic e p ort 2 on the Voic e Group sc reen. This is the d igital p ort equip ment loc ation on the switc h of the DEFINITY AUDIX multifunc tion b oard (MFB), or for release 4.0 the TN568. For examp le, if the DEFINITY AUDIX MFB is in mod ule 2, c arrier B, slot 07, the first p ort loc ation is 2B0701 (the last two d ig its are the p ort numb er). Extension. The extensions for networking p orts 1 and 2 must b e uniq ue extensions from the PBX d ial p lan and must matc h the extensions ad ministered on the switc h for the networking p orts.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-16 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Worksheet E: Define Local Machine Profile Use this worksheet to c ollec t information for the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. The d esig n c enter will inc lude a loc al Mac hine Profile sc reen in the Installation Sp ec ific ation.. D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Field Default Your Entry Machine Name . Disp lays the name of the loc al mac hine. Use an alp hanumeric name between 1 and 8 c harac ters (lower c ase, no sp ac es, no sp ec ial c harac ters). Machine Type aud ix Location local local Voiced Name. The system sets this field to y when a user with announc ement p ermission rec ord s a name for the local system.n d isp lay only Extension Length . The length of extensions on the loc al system. Voice ID . Disp lay-only field . d isp lay only d isp lay only Default Community . The d efault c ommunity numb er to be used for the sending restrictions feature. A c ommunity represents a g roup of sub sc rib ers assig ned c ertain messag ing p rivileg es and restric tions. The feature c an b e used to g roup typ es of subsc rib ers. A g roup c an b e restric ted from rec eiving voic e messages or from send ing voic e messages to other g roup s. Community ID is the numb er that id entifies the c ommunity to whic h the remote sub sc rib er b elongs. The Sy st e m Pa r a m e t e rs Se n d in g Re s t r ic t io n s sc re e n sp ec ifies a matrix of send ing restric tion c ommunities.1
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-17 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Prefix . Enter the p refix d ig its for this loc al system. A sub sc rib er enters the p refix b efore the remote sub sc rib er’s extension when add ressing voic e messag es. To make the task simp le for the subsc rib er, use a short, d esc rip tive p refix. The total leng th of the p refix and extensions must b e < 25 c harac ters. The p refix is used only b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system to identify sub sc rib ers. It is not used for d ialing out, so it d oes not need to matc h an area/offic e c od e. Start Ext. Starting extensions for the rang es of telep hone numb ers used on this loc al system. End Ext. End ing extensions for the rang es of telep hone numb ers used on this loc al system. Warning d isp lay only d isp lay only Dial String . This field is only used when this system c alls itself for testing purp oses. Enter the d ial string of the hunt group number for the digital networking port hunt group set up d uring the Switc h Ad ministration d esc rib ed earlier i n t h i s c h a p t e r . Th e D EFI N I TY A U D I X s y st e m w i l l u se t h i s hunt g roup numb er to d o a test mac hine for the d ig ital networking ports. If there is only one d ig ital networking p ort, leave this field b lank. Modem String . This field is c urrently not b eing used . no entry no entry Data Rate . This field is used only when this system c alls itself for testing p urp oses. Enter the d ata rate used b y the d ig ital networking p orts for test mac hine on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system (9600 , 19200 , 56000 , or 64000 ). This data rate is used to selec t a network g roup for outg oing c alls, so this entry should matc h a d ata rate ad ministered for a network g roup on the Network Group sc reen. Password . Selec t a five- to ten-c harac ter p assword for the loc al mac hine (no sp ac es or sp ec ial c harac ters). Log Connect Events . Enter y if this loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will c reate an entry in the ad ministration log for eac h network c onnec tion event (c onnec tions and failures) when c alling any remote DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity AUDIX, or AUDIX R1 systems. You may want to set to n if this will c reate too many entries in the ad ministration log .n Field Default Your Entry
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-18 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Network Turnaround . For initial ad ministration, leave this field set to n since this will simplify testing. After testing , enab le the feature if d esired . Refer to Chap ter 10, ‘‘Ongoing Administration’’, for more information on Network Turnaround .n Updates In? For now, leave this field set to n sinc e this will simp lify testing . After testing, enab le the feature if desired. Refer to Chap ter 10, ‘‘Ongoing Ad ministration’’ , for more information on Remote Upd ates.n Updates Out? For now, leave this field set to n sinc e this will simp lify testing . After testing, enab le the feature if desired. Refer to Chap ter 10, ‘‘Ongoing Ad ministration’’ , for more information on Remote Upd ates.n Allow Automatic Full Updates? For now, leave this field set to n sinc e this will simp lify testing . After testing is c omp lete, enter y to automatic ally g enerate req uests for full up d ates from remote systems. Enter n to halt automatic full up d ates from this DEFINITY AUDIX system.n Field Default Your Entry
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-19 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Worksheet F: Define Remote Machine Profile Use this worksheet to c ollec t information for eac h remote DEFINITY AUDIX system, Intuity AUDIX system, or AUDIX R1 system. You must ad minister each remote system on the loc al system. The desig n c enter will inc lud e a remote Mac hine Profile sc reen in the Installation Sp ec ific ation for eac h remote system. Cop y this worksheet and c omp lete for eac h remote system.. D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Field Default Your Entry Machine Name . Disp lays the name of the remote mac hine. Use an alp hanumeric name b etween 1 and 8 c harac ters (lower c ase, no spac es, no sp ec ial c harac ters). Machine Type . Enter audix for the DEFINITY AUDIX system and the Intuity AUDIX system. Enter r1aud for the AUDIX R1 system. Location remote remote Voiced Name. The system sets this field to y when a user with announc ement p ermission rec ord s a name for the remote system.ndisplay only Extension Length . The leng th of extensions on the remote system. Voice ID . Disp lay-only field . d isp lay only d isp lay only Default Community . The d efault c ommunity numb er to be used for the sending restrictions feature. A c ommunity represents a g roup of sub sc rib ers assig ned c ertain messag ing p rivileg es and restric tions. The feature c an b e used to g roup typ es of subsc rib ers. A g roup c an b e restric ted from rec eiving voic e messages or from send ing voic e messages to other g roup s. Community ID is the numb er that id entifies the c ommunity to whic h the remote sub sc rib er b elongs. The Sy st e m Pa r a m e t e rs Se n d in g Re s t r ic t io n s sc re e n sp ec ifies a matrix of send ing restric tion c ommunities.1
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-20 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Prefix . Enter the p refix d ig its for the remote system. A sub sc rib er enters the p refix b efore the remote sub sc rib er’s extension when add ressing voic e messag es. To make the task simp le for the subsc rib er, use a short, d esc rip tive p refix. The total leng th of the p refix and extensions must b e < 25 c harac ters. The p refix is used only b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system to identify sub sc rib ers. It is not used for d ialing out, so it d oes not need to matc h an area/offic e c od e. Start Ext. Starting extensions for the rang es of telep hone numb ers used on this remote system. End Ext. End ing extensions for the rang es of telep hone numb ers used on this remote system. Warning d isp lay only d isp lay only Field Default Your Entry
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-21 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Dial String . Enter the string of d ig its used when the DEFINITY AUDIX system d ials the remote system to establish a networking c all. Valid entries are 0 to 65 alp hanumeric c harac ters inc luding the following : ndigits nupper and lower case letters n#, *, + , %, (), -, sp ac es, ‘,’ (2-sec ond p ause) nATDT (attention c ommand of the mod em). If you d ial a numb er to reac h an outsid e loc al line, suc h as , inc lud e the attention c od e, ATD T, and the outsid e ac c ess numb er in the d ial string . Use “ ,” to c reate a p ause for d ial tone. Example ATDT 9,2346000 Charac ter string s that have sp ec ial meaning within the DEFINITY AUDIX system must b e enc losed within double quotes. Valid spec ial strings are: “ W” — wait for another d ial p romp t “ B” — rep lac e with a BREAK c harac ter “ I” — rep lac e with mod em initialization string (not used at this time) (for DCP Mod e 2, ATDT c auses the mod em to g o off-hook and d ial the numb er) Refer to Chap ter 4, ‘‘DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 bps’’. Multistag e Dialing p rovid es a d esc rip tion of the d ialing stag es need ed for DCP Mod e 2. Hunt Group s in Switc h Ad ministration Req uirements for DCP Mod e 2 describes using DCP Mod e 2 hunt g roups in the Dial String . Refer to Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Ad ministration and Acceptance Tests’’, for examples of Dial Strings. Modem String . This field is c urrently not b eing used . no entry no entry Data Rate . Enter the d ata rate to b e used for an outg oing network c all to this DEFINITY AUDIX system. DCP Mod e 1 = 56000 Kbps DCP Mod e 2 = 9600 or 19200 bps DCP Mod e 3 = 64000 Kbps This d ata rate is used to selec t a network g roup for outg oing c alls, so this should matc h a data rate ad ministered for a network g roup on the Network Group sc reen.Field Default Your Entry 9
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-22 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Password . Enter the p assword the remote system must use when estab lishing a networking c onnec tion to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. Message Transmission Schedule . St a rt Ti m e – Ent er the starting time for a messag e transmission p eriod to the remote system (suc h as 00:01 for one minute after mid nig ht). En d Tim e – Enter the end ing time for a messag e transmission p eriod to the remote system suc h as 23:59 for one minute b efore mid nig ht). Interval – Enter the interval at whic h the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will c all this remote system (suc h as 00:05 for every 5 minutes). The DEFINITY AUDIX system c hec ks the q ueue at this interval (suc h as every 5 minutes) and c alls the remote system if something is in the q ueue for this remote system. It is rec ommend ed that you set up d ifferent start times and intervals for eac h remote system so the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system is not trying to c all all remote systems at the same time.00:00 23:59 00:05 Send to Non-Administered Recipients . Enter y if the DEFINITY AUDIX system will attemp t to d eliver messag es to nonad ministered remote rec ip ients. Enter n if messag es c annot b e sent to nonad ministered recip ients.n Log Connect Events . Enter y if this loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will c reate an entry in the ad ministration log for eac h network c onnec tion event (c onnec tions and failures) when c alling any remote DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity AUDIX, or AUDIX R1 systems. This field must b e set to y on the local Machine Profile screen. You may want to set to n if this will c reate too many entries in the ad ministration log .n Network Turnaround . For initial ad ministration, leave this field set to n since this will simplify testing. After testing , enab le the feature if d esired . Refer to Ta b l e 7 - 1 , Remote Mac hine Up d ate Field Values and Ac tions , for more information on Network Turnaround .n Field Default Your Entry