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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Networking Reports 11-11 Remote Messages Field Descriptions 11 Admin Updates LOCAL ORIGINATION: the numb er of ad ministration up d ates sent b y the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system to the remote system d uring p rime time and nonp rime time. REMOTE ORIGINATION: the numb er of ad ministration up d ates sent b y the remote system to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system d uring p rime time and nonp rime time. Message Transmission Threshold Exceptions The total numb er of times the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system exc eed ed its messag e-transmission threshold with the sp ec ified remote system. Session Failures Far End “No Answer” The total numb er of unsuc c essful c all attemp ts from the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system to the remote system. Messages Queued Voice Mail The numb er of voic e mail messag es c urrently in the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX q ueue to send to the remote system. Messages Queued Status The numb er of status messag es c urrently in the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX q ueue to send to the remote system.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Networking Reports 11-12 Remote Messages Field Descriptions 11

Considerations for Non-United States A-1 Modem Type Approval A DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 A Considerations for Non-United States Modem Type Approval At the time of this writing , the following mod ems had b een typ e ap p roved for the countries indicated: Country Modem Arg entina Parad yne Comsp here 3820 Australia Parad yne Comsp here 3910 Belg ium Parad yne Comsp here 3910 Brazil To be determined Canad a Parad yne Comsp here 3820/3820 Plus China Parad yne Comsp here 3820 Czec h Repub lic Parad yne Comsp here 3910 Eg yp t Parad yne Comsp here 3910 Franc e Parad yne Comsp here 3910 Germany Parad yne Comsp here 3820 Greece To be determined Hong Kong Paradyne Comsphere 3820 Ind ia Parad yne Comsp here 3910 Ireland Parad yne Comsp here 3810 Italy Parad yne Comsp here 3810 Jap an Parad yne Comsp here 3810

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Considerations for Non-United States A-2 Design, Implementation, and Support A Design, Implementation, and Support All non-U.S. d ig ital networks must b e d esig ned and tec hnic ally assured b y either the International Tec hnic al Assistanc e Center (ITAC) or Centers of Exc ellenc e (COE). The c ustomer, ac c ount team, and ITAC or COE must work tog ether to c omp lete the p rep lanning proc ess. Installation and maintenanc e sup p ort of d ig ital networks will only b e offered to those c ustomers/ac c ount teams who follow this desig n p roc ess. Refer to Chap ter 7, ‘‘Dig ital Network Planning ’’ , for the p lanning p roc ess and worksheets. Contac t the ITAC or COE for tec hnic al assistanc e d uring and after d ig ital networking imp lementation.Mexic o Parad yne Comsp here 3820 Netherland s Parad yne Comsp here 3910 Poland To be determined Puerto Ric o Parad yne Comsp here 3820/3820 Plus Russia Parad yne Comsp here 3910 Saud i Arab ia Parad yne Comsp here 3810 Sing ap ore Parad yne Comsp here 3820 Sp ain Parad yne Comsp here 3910 Thailand Parad yne Comsp here 3810 U.S. Parad yne Comsp here 3820/3820 Plus U.K. Parad yne Comsp here 3810 Venezuela Parad yne Comsp here 3820Country Modem

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 ABB-1 Abbreviations ABB Abbreviations A AC alternating c urrent ACD automatic c all d istrib ution ADAP ad ministration and d ata acq uisition pac kag e ADU async hronous data unit ALT assemb ly load and test AMIS Aud io Messag ing Interc hange Sp ec ification API application programming interface AUDIX Aud io Information Exc hang e AW G Americ an wire g aug e B BIOS basic input/output system bps bits per second BRI b asic rate interfac e BSC b inary synchronous c ommunic ations BTU British thermal unit C CCA call c lassific ation analysis CDH call d ata hand ler process CELP cod e exc ited linear predic tion CIC customer information c enter CICS customer information c ontrol system CL control link CMC Comp ac t Modular Cab inet CO central offic e COIN central offic e imp lemented network COM1 serial communications p ort 1 COM2 serial communications p ort 2 COR class of restriction COS class of servic e CPU central processing unit CSI called subsc rib er information CTS clear to send D DAC d ial ac cess cod e

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Abbreviations ABB-2 DC d irec t current DCE d ata c ommunic ations eq uip ment DCIU d ata c ommunic ations interfac e unit DCP d ig ital c ommunic ations p rotoc ol DCS distributed communications system DID direct inward dialing DIP d ata interfac e p roc ess DMA d irec t memory ac c ess DNIS d ialed numb er id entific ation servic e DOSS Delivery Operations Sup p ort System DS d isp lay set DSP digital signal processor DSU d ata service unit DTE d ata terminal equipment DTMF d ual tone multifreq uency DTR d ata terminal read y E EIA Electronic Industries Assoc iation ESD electrostatic d isc harg e ESS electronic switc hing system F F Fahrenheit FIFO first-in first-out FOOS fac ility out of servic e G GBCS Glob al Business Communic ations Systems GOS g rad e of service H Hz hertz I IDI isolating d ata interface IMAPI I NTUITY messaging ap p lication p rog ramming interfac e IMM I NTUITY Messag e Manag er INADS initialization and ad ministration system I/O inp ut/outp ut IRQ interrup t request ISDN integrated servic es dig ital network

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Abbreviations ABB-3 IVC6 integ rated voice CELP card (6 channels) K Kbps kilob its p er sec ond KB kilob yte (1024 b ytes) kHz kilohertz L LAN loc al area network LCD liq uid c rystal d isp lay LED lig ht-emitting d iod e LW C leave word c alling M m meter MANOOS manually out of service MB meg ab yte (one million b ytes) MCC Multi-Carrier Cab inet MHz meg ahertz MO mag neto-op tic al modem mod ulator/d emod ulatorMPDM modular processor data module ms millisecond MT maintenance (Luc ent I NTUITY software c om- p onent) MTBF mean time b etween failures MWI messag e-waiting ind ic ator N NW I NTUITY AUDIX Dig ital Networking O OA&M op erations, ad ministration, and maintenance OS op erating system P PBX p rivate branch exchang e PC p ower converter or personal computer PDM processor data module PEC p ric e element c od e PGATE Processor Gateway PI Processor Interfac e POST p ower-on self test

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Abbreviations ABB-4 ppm p arts per million psi pounds per square inch R RAM rand om-ac c ess memory REN ring er eq uivalence number ROM read-only memory RSC Luc ent’s Remote Servic es Center RT S req uest to send RT U rig ht to use S SCC Sing le-Carrier Cab inet SCSI small c omp uter systems interfac e SID switch integration d evic e SIMM sing le in-line memory module SMSI simp lified messag e servic e interfac e SW switch integration (Lucent I NTUITY software comp onent) T TDD telecommunications d evic e for the deaf TDM time d ivision multip lex T/R tip /ring TRIP tip/ring input process TSC Luc ent’s Technic al Servic es Center TTY teletyp ewriter U UCD uniform c all d istrib ution UPS uninterruptible power supply V VM I NTUITY AUDIX Voic e Messag ing VP voice platform (I NTUITY software c omponent) VR I NTUITY Intro Voic e Resp onse VROP voice resp onse outp ut p roc ess

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 GL-1 Glossary GL Glossary NUMERIC 10BaseT A network baseband medium using twisted pair wire, operating at 10 Mbits per second. A Activity Menu The list of main op tions voic ed to subsc rib ers when they acc ess the DEFINITY AUDIX System. Administration The p roc ess of setting up a system (such as a switc h or a voice mail system) so that it will func tion as desired . Op tions and defaults are normally set up (translated ) b y the system ad ministrator or remote servic es p ersonnel. Alarm Board (ALB) For release 3.2 and earlier versions, the hard ware p latform (TN2169 or TN2170) that works with the Multifunc tion b oard to provid e monitoring for system p ower and environmental status, -48 VDC to + 12 VDC p ower c onversion for the systems d isk and tap e d rives, and remote terminal ac cess. The TN2170 also p rovid es SCSI-to-Ethernet c onnectivity to sup p ort IMAPI. Alarms Hard ware, software, or environmental p rob lems that may affect system op eration. These faults are c lassified as major, minor, or warning. They are rec ord ed into an alarm log which can b e ac cessed either loc ally or remotely on a terminal c onnec ted to the system. Analog Port Emulation One of the two p ort emulation mod es that DEFINITY AUDIX may emp loy. The other mod e is d ig ital p ort b oard emulation. When emulating an analog port b oard (the TN746), only c ontrol link (CL) integ ration is p ossib le. Angel A processor activity that exc hang es TDM b us control messag es and p erforms functions assoc i- ated with c all setup and p ort maintenanc e. Announcement Fragment A numb ered p iec e of sp oken voic e mail information that makes up a system messag e or p romp t. Announcement Set A set of aud ib le menus the DEFINITY AUDIX system uses to p romp t sub sc rib ers or c allers for command choices. Asynchronous Transmission A form of serial communications where eac h transmitted c haracter is b rac keted with a start b it and one or two stop b its. Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU) A small d evice that c an extend d ata transmission far b eyond rec ommend ed Elec tronic Ind ustries Assoc iation (EIA) limits over b uild ing wiring .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Glossary GL-2 Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS) An analog networking feature that allows sub scrib ers of d ifferent voice mail systems to send voic e mail messag es to one another. Audit A software p rog ram that resolves filesystem incomp atib ilities and up dates restored filesystems to a workable level of servic e. Audits are done automatic ally on a p eriod ic b asis, or c an b e p erformed on d emand . Audio Information Exchange (AUDIX) A comp lete voic e-mail messag ing system ac c essed and op erated b y touc h-tone telep hones and integ rated with a switc h. AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package (ADAP) A software p ac kag e that allows the DEFINITY AUDIX administrator to transfer system sub sc rib er, maintenanc e, or traffic data over the ad ministration p ort to a p ersonal c omp uter (PC) or Work Group System (WGS). Automated Attendant A DEFINITY AUDIX feature that allows a customer to set up a main numb er with a menu of op tions that routes c allers to an ap p rop riate d ep artment at the touc h of a b utton. B Backup A dup lic ate cop y of a filesystem saved on a removab le tap e or MO d isk. The b ackup filesystem may b e c opied b ack (restored ) if the ac tive version is d amag ed (corrupted ) or lost. Balun On the DEFINITY AUDIX LAN c onnec tion, the adap ter need ed to c onnect the twisted -p air break- out cable to the coaxial building wire distribution system. Baud Rate Transmission sig naling sp eed . Boot (or Reboot) The op eration to start a c omp uter system by loading p rog rams from d isk to main memory (part of system initialization). Boot Filesystem The filesystem from whic h the system load s its initial p rog rams. Broadcast Messaging A feature that enab les the system ad ministrator and other d esig nated users to send a voice mail messag e to all sub sc rib ers automatic ally. Buffer Memory used to c ompensate for time differences in transmission by temporarily storing data. Busyout Service When a tec hnic ian or ad ministrator b loc ks servic e to keep c ustomers from using faulty eq uip ment until it c an b e rep aired or tested . For instanc e, when p orts (or a link) are busied out, sub sc ribers who try to ac c ess their mailb oxes hear a fast b usy reord er tone. Peop le who would normally reac h DEFINITY AUDIX throug h Call Answering are not forward ed ; they hear ring ing and no answer at the numb er they c alled .