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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-11 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    You also c an manually enter remote sub sc rib er information. Before you 
    ad minister your sub sc rib er or remote up d ate information on your loc al system, 
    c onsult with the remote system ad ministrators in your network. Eac h remote 
    system ad ministrator must d etermine whether to use the remote up d ates feature. 
    In ad dition to initially ad ministering subsc rib ers and  d etermining  your remote 
    up d ate strateg y, you also need  to c hec k the system for non-ad ministered  verified 
    remote subsc rib ers. These are non-administered  remote sub sc rib ers who 
    suc c essfully exc hang ed messag es with the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. At 
    the c omp letion of a suc c essful exc hang e, the loc al system c reates a d atab ase 
    entry for the sub sc rib er. You need  to c hec k the List Remote Extensions sc reen 
    and  loc ate any non-ad ministered  verified  remote sub sc rib ers. If a loc al 
    sub sc rib er reg ularly exc hang es messag es with the remote sub sc rib er, you may 
    want to ad d  the p erson to the system as an administered  remote sub sc rib er and  
    rec ord  a name for the p erson.
    You may want to rec ord  names for the remote sub sc rib ers. The DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system d oes not req uire you to rec ord  remote sub sc rib er names, b ut a rec ord ed  
    name provid es a friend ly c onfirmation for c allers when they ad d ress messag es to 
    remote sub sc rib ers.
    Viewing the Remote Subscriber List
    The remote sub sc rib er list c an help  you loc ate non-ad ministered  verified  remote 
    sub sc rib ers and  evaluate the usag e d ates of remote sub sc rib ers. You should  
    reg ularly c hec k the list to loc ate non-ad ministered  verified  remote sub sc rib ers. 
    These are remote subscribers who suc cessfully exchanged messages with the 
    loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. At the c omp letion of the suc c essful exc hang e, 
    the loc al system c reates a datab ase entry for the sub sc rib er. The List Remote 
    Extensions sc reen shows a value of non-administered 
    for non-ad ministered 
    verified  remote sub sc rib ers. Althoug h there is a rec ord  for the sub sc rib er, the 
    name, name rec ord ing , and  other information are not known to the system. 
    If a local subscriber regularly exchanges messages with a non-administered 
    verified  remote sub sc rib er, ad minister the remote sub sc rib er on your loc al 
    system and  rec ord  a name for the sub sc rib er. You c an tell how often messages 
    are sent to a sub sc rib er by c hec king  the Usag e Date field  on the List Remote 
    Extensions sc reen. The field also c an help  you d etermine if all of the 
    ad ministered  remote sub sc rib ers need  to be ad ministered . If the Usag e Date 
    field does 
    not show a rec ent d ate (you should  d etermine how rec ent suc h as 
    weeks or months), then the remote ad ministered  sub sc rib er d oes not exc hang e 
    messag es with anyone on the loc al system. You c an remove the sub sc rib er and  
    inc rease your d isk sp ac e. You also c an d elete remote subsc rib ers automatic ally. 
    See Setting  Automatic  Deletion of Non-Ad ministered  Remote Sub sc rib ers
     in the 
    next sec tion of this c hap ter. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-12 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    Use the following  instruc tions to ac c ess and  view the List Remote Extensions 
    sc reen.
    1. With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter one of the following  
    list remote-extensions
     machine name 
    list remote-extensions
    remote machine name extension
    where extension spec ifies the starting extension in the list.
    list remote-extensions
    remote machine name extension type
    where typ e sp ec ifies ad ministered , verified , or unverified .
    list remote-extensions
    remote machine name type
    and  p ress  . 
    If you d o not know the names of the remote systems, use the list mac hines
    command described in Viewing the List Machines Sc reen earlier in this 
    c hap ter. When you enter the c ommand you see a list of all mac hines 
    ad ministered  on the DEFINITY AUDIX system.
    2. The List Remote Extensions sc reen d isp lays similar to the sc reen shown 
    b elow. The sc reen c ontains a list of all ad ministered  and  verified  
    non-ad ministered  remote sub sc rib er for the mac hine name you entered .
    Figure 10-5. List Remote Extensions Screen 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-13 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    3. Press   (F7) to move to the next p age of the sc reen or   
    (F8) to move to the p revious p ag e.
    4. When you finish viewing  remote sub sc rib er information, p ress   (F1) 
    and  enter another c ommand  at the enter command:
     p romp t or enter 
     to exit.
    Setting Automatic Deletion of Non-Administered
    Remote Subscribers
    You c an req uest that non-ad ministered  remote sub sc rib ers b e d eleted  
    automatic ally on the System Parameters Features sc reen. Use the following  
    p roc ed ure:
    1. With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter change system-parameters 
     and press  . The System Parameters Features sc reen is 
    d isp layed . Press   (F7) until p ag e 4 displays similar to the screen 
    shown b elow.
    Figure 10-6. System Parameters Features Screen — Page 4
    2. Enter a y
     in the Automatic  Deletion of Non-Ad ministered  Remote 
    Sub sc rib ers field  to automatic ally d elete remote sub sc rib ers. They will b e 
    removed  d uring  the nightly aud it or the d emand  sub sc rib er d ata aud it. If 
    this field  is set to n
    , you will have to d elete non-administered  remote 
    sub sc rib ers manually.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-14 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    3. Enter a numb er from 0 to 999 for the number of d ays in the Days without 
    Ac tivity field . This is the numb er of d ays that there is no ac tivity for a 
    remote subsc rib er b efore that sub sc rib er is d eleted .
    4. Enter y
     in the Even if on a Mailing List field  if you want remote sub sc rib ers 
    d eleted  even if they are on a loc al DEFINITY AUDIX mailing  list. The 
    remote sub sc rib ers also are d eleted  from the mailing list(s) d uring the next 
    aud it. Enter n
     to retain remote sub sc rib ers who are on loc al DEFINITY 
    AUDIX mailing  lists.
    5. Press   (F3) to save the information in the DEFINITY AUDIX 
    6. When you finish, p ress   (F1) and  enter another c ommand  at the 
    enter command:
     promp t or enter logoff
     to exit.
    Administering Remote Updates for the Local
    This sec tion d esc rib es how you ad minister the remote up d ates feature on the 
    loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. During  the initial ad ministration tasks in Chap ter 
    9, ‘‘Initial Network Administration and  Ac c eptanc e Tests’’, the remote up dates 
    feature was disab led on the loc al system for ac c ep tanc e tests and  may not have 
    b een enab led  after the tests. The instruc tions in this sec tion exp lain how to 
    enab le the remote up dates feature and ad minister the feature to work with your 
    Use the following  instruc tions to ac c ess the Mac hine Profile sc reen and  enab le 
    the remote up d ates feature.
    1. With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter change machine 
    (the name of the loc al system) and press  . By not entering  a 
    mac hine name, the system automatic ally uses the loc al mac hine name. 
    Pag e 1 of the Mac hine Profile sc reen d isp lays. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-15 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    2. Press   (F7) to move to Page 2 of the sc reen similar to the sc reen 
    shown b elow.
    Figure 10-7. Machine Profile Screen for a Local Machine — Page 2
    3. The following three fields c ontrol the remote upd ates feature:
    nAllow Automatic  Full Up d ates
    nUp d ates In
    nUpdates Out
    By setting  the values to y
     or n
    , you c ontrol the ac tions of the remote 
    up d ates feature. The following  tab le shows how the feature works 
    d ep end ing  on the values you enter.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-16 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    Table 10-1. Remote Update Field Values and Actions for the Local Machine 
    Local Machine Profile screen Fields
    Allow Automatic 
    Full UpdatesUpdates 
    Out Remote Update Action
    nThe local system accepts updated database 
    information from any remote systems that 
    have their Upd ates Out field  set to y
    nThe local system sends updated database 
    information to any remote systems that have 
    their Up d ates In field  set to y
    nThe loc al system automatic ally g enerates 
    and  sc hed ules req uests for c omplete 
    up d ates from remote systems when the local 
    system find s sig nificant d iscrep ancies with 
    the d atab ase of a remote system.
     or nyn
    nThe local system accepts updated database 
    information from any remote systems that 
    have their Upd ates Out field  set to y
    nThe loc al system will not send up d ated  
    d atab ase information to remote systems.
    nThe loc al system will not allow comp lete 
    updates. An n
     in the Up d ates Out field  
    overrides a y
     in the full up d ates field
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-17 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    4. Enter y
     for yes or n
     for no in the Allow Automatic  Full Up d ates field . 
    5. Enter y
     for yes or n
     for no in the Up d ates In and  Up d ates Out field . 
    6. Enter y
     for yes or n
     for no in the Network Turnaround  field . 
    The network turnaround  feature allows one system to c all another and  
    exc hang e voic e messag es, send  up dated  sub sc rib er information, and  
    req uest up d ated  sub sc rib er information. When the system that orig inated  
    the c all finishes, network turnaround  allows the c alled  system to p erform 
    the same ac tions using  the same c onnec tion. The feature red uc es toll 
    c harg es and  inc reases the effic ienc y of the system.
    7. When you finish entering remote system information, p ress   (F3) to 
    save the information in the system d atab ase. You rec eive the following  
    c onfirmation messag e:
    Command  Suc c essfully Comp leted
    8. When you finish, p ress   (F1) and  enter another c ommand  at the 
    enter command:
     promp t or enter logoff
     to exit. y
     or nny
    nThe loc al system does not ac c ep t upd ated  
    d atab ase information from remote systems.
    nThe local system sends updated database 
    information to remote systems.
    nThe loc al system will not allow comp lete 
    updates. An n
     in the Up d ates In field  
    overrides a y
     in the full up d ates field .
     or nnn
    nThe loc al system does not ac c ep t upd ated  
    information from remote systems.
    nThe loc al system does not send  up d ated  
    d atab ase information to any remote 
    nThe loc al systems will not allow c omp lete 
    updates. An n
     in either the Up d ates In 
    Up dates Out field  overrid es a y
     in the full 
    up d ates field.
     or ny
     or n
    nThe loc al system will not allow comp lete 
    Table 10-1. Remote Update Field Values and Actions for the Local Machine  — Continued
    Local Machine Profile screen Fields
    Allow Automatic 
    Full UpdatesUpdates 
    Out Remote Update Action
    Continued on next page
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-18 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    Administering Remote Updates for Remote
    This sec tion desc rib es how to ad minister the remote up d ates feature on the loc al 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system for a remote system. During  the initial ad ministration 
    tasks in Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Ad ministration and Ac c ep tanc e Tests’’
    , the 
    remote up d ates feature was d isab led for ac c ep tanc e tests and  may not have 
    b een enab led  after the tests. The instruc tions in this sec tion exp lain how to 
    enab le the remote up dates feature and ad minister the feature to work with your 
    Use the following  instruc tions to ac c ess the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen and  
    enab le the remote up dates feature.
    1. With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter change machine 
    (the name of the remote system) and  p ress  . 
    Pag e 1 of the Mac hine Profile sc reen d isp lays. 
    2. Press   (F7) to move to Page 2 of the sc reen similar to the sc reen 
    shown b elow.
    Figure 10-8. Remote Machine Profile Screen — Page 2ENTER
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-19 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    3. Enter y
     for yes or n
     for no in the Send  to Non-Ad ministered  Rec ip ients 
    field . 
    If this field  is set to y
    , the DEFINITY AUDIX system attemp ts to send  
    messages addressed to subscribers who are not administered in the local 
    database. For example, if a local subscriber addresses a message to a 
    remote subsc rib er who is not in the d atab ase, the system will use the 
    p refix and  the ad d ress rang e and  attemp t to find  a remote sub sc rib er who 
    matc hes. If this field  is set to n
    , the DEFINITY AUDIX system will not 
    attemp t to send  a messag e to a non-ad ministered  remote sub sc riber.
    4. Enter y
     for yes or n
     for no in the Up d ates In and  Up d ates Out field . 
    The Up d ates In and Up d ates Out field s c ontrol the remote up d ates 
    feature. By setting  the values to y
     or n
    , you c ontrol the ac tions of the 
    remote up d ates feature. The following  tab le shows how the feature works 
    d ep end ing  on the values you enter.
    Table 10-2. Remote Update Field Values and Actions for Remote Machines
    Remote Machine Profile Screen 
    Remote Update Action Updates In Updates Out
    nThe local system accepts updated database 
    information from any remote systems that have 
    their Upd ates Out field  set to y
    nThe local system send s up dated  d atab ase 
    information to any remote systems that have 
    their Upd ates In field  set to y
    nThe local system accepts updated database 
    information from any remote systems that have 
    their Upd ates Out field  set to y
    nThe loc al system will not send  up dated  
    d atab ase information to remote systems.
    nThe loc al system d oes not ac c ep t up d ated  
    d atab ase information from remote systems.
    nThe local system send s up dated  d atab ase 
    information to remote systems.
    nThe loc al system d oes not ac c ep t up d ated  
    information from remote systems.
    nThe loc al system d oes not send  up d ated  
    d atab ase information to any remote systems. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-20 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    5. Enter y for yes or n
     for no in the Network Turnaround  field . 
    The network turnaround  feature allows the remote system to exc hang e 
    voic e messag es, send  up d ated  sub sc rib er information, and  req uest 
    up d ated  sub sc rib er information with a loc al system that has the network 
    turnaround  feature ac tivated . The feature allows the remote system and  
    the loc al system to exc hange information using  the same c onnec tion. A 
    sec ond  c all d oes not have to b e mad e for the remote system to exc hang e 
    information. The feature red uc es toll c harg es and  inc reases the effic ienc y 
    of the system. It is rec ommend ed  when networking DEFINITY AUDIX 
    6. When you finish entering  remote mac hine information, p ress   (F3) to 
    save the information in the system d atab ase. You rec eive the following  
    c onfirmation messag e:
    Command  Suc c essfully Comp leted
    7. When you finish, p ress   (F1) and  enter another c ommand  at the 
    enter command:
     promp t or enter logoff
     to exit.
    Performing a Full Remote Update 
    This sec tion d esc rib es how you p erform or “ g et”  remote up d ates on the loc al 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system. You may need  to p erform a remote up d ate to p op ulate 
    the sub sc rib er d atab ase with remote sub sc rib ers or to c orrec t d atab ase 
    inc onsistenc ies d isc overed  d uring  an aud it. A full remote upd ate may have been 
    d one d uring  initial network ad ministration. If you are ad ding  less than the full 
    d atab ase of remote sub sc rib ers from the remote system, manually ad d  remote 
    sub sc rib ers as d esc rib ed  in the next sec tion. Perform the following  step s to d o a 
    full remote upd ate to g ather remote subsc rib ers.
    Use the following  instruc tions to p erform a full remote up d ate.
    1. At enter command:
     on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration 
    terminal, enter list measurements feature day
     and  p ress  
    d isp lay the Feature Daily Traffic  sc reen. Write d own the c urrent numb er of 
    remote sub sc rib ers.
    2. Enter change machine
    machine name (name of the loc al DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system) and  p ress  
    to d isp lay the Machine Profile screen for 
    the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    Pre ss   
    (F7) to display Page 2. 
    En t e r  y
     for b oth the Up d ates In and  Out fields if the field s are not set to y
    alread y. Refer to Ad ministering  Remote Up d ates for the Loc al System
     for a 
    sc reen examp le.
    3. Enter change machine
    machine name (name of the remote system) and  
    p ress  
    to d isp lay the Mac hine Profile sc reen for the remote system. 
    to d isplay Pag e 2. Enter y
     for b oth the Up d ates In and  
    Out field s. Refer to Ad ministering  Remote Up d ates for the Loc al System
    for a sc reen example.
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