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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-21 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    4. Ask the system ad ministrator at the remote system to c hang e the remote 
    system to allow upd ates to and /or from the remote system.
    5. At enter command:
     on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration 
    terminal, enter get remote-updates
    machine name (name of the remote 
    system) and  p ress  
    to c op y all remote sub sc rib ers to the loc al 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    This up d ate may take some time, possibly hours, d epend ing  on the 
    numb er of sub sc rib ers on the remote system. When the up date is 
    c omp lete, this sc reen will show completed
     in the Status of Last 
    Up d ate field  and  show the date and  time of the c omp letion in the 
    Last Completed  Up d ate field .
    Figure 10-9. Remote Update Request Screen
    6. With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter status network group
    p ress  . Look in the Ac tivity c olumn to see if the remote up d ate is in 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-22 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    7. When the remote up d ates p roc ed ure has c omp leted , d o the following :
    a. With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter list remote extensions 
    and  p ress  . Chec k to see that the remote sub sc rib ers are on 
    the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system.
    b. Enter list measurements feature day
     and press  
    to d isp lay 
    the Feature Daily Traffic  sc reen. Verify the new number of remote 
    sub sc rib ers.
    c. Enter display administration-log
     and press  
    to d isp lay the 
    Ad ministration Log  sc reen. Verify that no c onflic ts or p rob lems 
    oc c urred  with the remote up date.
    Manually Adding Remote Subscribers
    The sec tion c ontains instruc tions for manually ad ministering  remote sub sc rib ers. 
    You must manually ad d  remote sub sc rib ers to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    in the following  situations:
    nIf you d o not p erform a full remote up d ate when ad d ing  remote 
    sub sc rib ers from a remote system to the loc al system
    nIf you do not have the Up d ates Out field set to yes on the remote Mac hine 
    Profile sc reen and  the Up d ates In field  set to yes on the loc al Mac hine 
    Profile sc reen. The remote system will send  up d ated  d atab ase information 
    to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system.
    Even if you d o use the remote up d ates feature, you may need  to ad d  remote 
    sub sc rib ers before the remote up d ate oc c urs. 
    Use the following  instruc tions to ad d remote sub sc rib ers.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-23 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    1. At enter command:
     on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration 
    terminal, enter add remote-subscriber
     and press  
    to display the 
    Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen similar to the sc reen shown b elow. 
    Figure 10-10. Add Remote Subscriber Screen    
    2. Enter the remote sub sc rib er name in the Name field .
    3. Enter the extension of the remote sub sc rib er in the Extension field .
    4. Enter the c ommunity ID numb er for the remote sub sc rib er in the 
    Community ID field .
    c ommunity rep resents a group  of sub sc rib ers assig ned  c ertain 
    messag ing  p rivileg es and  restric tions. The feature c an b e used  to g roup  
    types of sub sc rib ers. A g roup c an b e restric ted  from rec eiving  voic e 
    messag es or from send ing  voic e messag es to other g roup s. Community 
    ID is the numb er that id entifies the c ommunity to whic h the remote 
    sub sc rib er b elong s. The System Parameters Send ing  Restric tions sc reen 
    sp ec ifies a matrix of send ing  restric tion c ommunities.
    5. When you ad d  a remote sub sc rib er, the system automatic ally p lac es a y in 
    the Ad ministered  field . 
    The field  ind ic ates whether the remote subsc rib er is ad ministered or 
    non-ad ministered . If a remote system c alls the loc al system and  send s a 
    messag e to a non-ad ministered  remote subsc rib er, the loc al system 
    c reates a verified  remote sub sc rib er rec ord  in the d atab ase and  p lac es an 
    n for no in the administered  field . 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-24 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    6. The Voic ed Name, Non-Ad ministered  Typ e, and  Last Usag e Date field s 
    are display only. You cannot change the information in the fields. 
    The Voiced Name field c ontains a y
     when a name has b een rec ord ed  for 
    the remote subsc riber. If no name is rec ord ed , the field  c ontains an n
    When the system send s a messag e to a non-ad ministered  verified  remote 
    sub sc rib er, an entry is c reated in the sub sc riber datab ase and  the 
    Ad ministered field  is set to n
    . The Non-Administered  Typ e field  c ontains 
    the type of non-ad ministered  sub sc rib er, suc h as verified
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system automatic ally p lac es the most rec ent d ate 
    the remote subsc riber rec eived  a messag e in the Last Usag e Date field . 
    The field  help s you determine the c all traffic  for the sub sc rib er.
    7. Enter the remote mac hine name on the first line of the Mac hine Name field . 
    The field  must c ontain the remote mac hine name for the system on whic h 
    the remote subsc riber is loc ated . Make sure you enter the mac hine name 
    c orrec tly. The mac hine name you enter must matc h exac tly the name 
    assig ned  on the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen. You c an enter only one 
    mac hine name for an ad ministered  sub sc riber. Non-administered , 
    non-verified subsc rib ers may have up  to 16 mac hine names. However, 
    you d o not enter the information for this typ e of sub sc rib er. You may 
    ac c ess suc h a sub sc rib er d uring your d aily, weekly, or monthly 
    ad ministration p roc esses.
    8. Press   (F3) to ad d  the remote sub sc riber information to the 
    After you p ress the key, you see the following  messag e at the b ottom of 
    the sc reen:
    Command  Suc c essfully Comp leted
    9. Rep eat steps 1 throug h 8 for eac h remote sub sc riber you need  to ad d .
    10. When you finish, p ress   (F1) and  enter another c ommand  at the 
    enter command:
     promp t or enter logoff
     to exit.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-25 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    Manually Updating Remote Subscriber
    The instruc tions in this sec tion exp lain how to up date remote sub sc rib er 
    information. If you d ec id e not to use the remote up d ates feature, you must 
    manually up d ate remote sub sc rib er information if the information c hanges. Even 
    if you d o use the remote up d ates feature, you may need  to c hang e remote 
    sub sc rib er information b efore the remote up d ate oc c urs, suc h as the Community 
    ID or the Extension. 
    If you d o not know the remote subsc rib er extensions, use the list
     machine name
     command as described in Viewing  the 
    Remote Sub sc riber List in this c hap ter. When you enter the c ommand , you 
    see a list of subsc rib ers ad ministered  on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    for the remote system.
    Use the following  instruc tions to c hange remote sub sc rib er information.
    1. At enter command:
     on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration 
    terminal, enter change remote-subscriber
    extension and press   
    to d isp lay the Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen for the extension number 
    entered , similar to the sc reen shown b elow. 
    Figure 10-11. Change Remote Subscriber Screen    ENTER 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-26 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    2. Use   or   to move the c ursor to the field you need to change and 
    up d ate the information. You c an c hang e the value in any field  exc ep t the 
    Ad d ress, Voic ed  Name, and  Non-Ad ministered  Typ e field s. These fields 
    are display only. 
    The Voiced Name field c ontains a y
     when a name has b een rec ord ed  for 
    the remote subsc riber. If no name is rec ord ed , the field  c ontains an n
    When the system send s a messag e to a non-administered , verified  remote 
    sub sc rib er, an entry is c reated in the sub sc riber datab ase and  the 
    Ad ministered field  is set to n
    The Non-Ad ministered  Typ e field  c ontains the typ e of non-ad ministered  
    sub sc rib er, suc h as verified
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system automatic ally p lac es the d ate the remote 
    sub sc rib er last rec eived  a messag e in the Last Usag e Date field . The field  
    help s you d etermine the c all traffic  for the sub sc riber.
    3. When you finish up d ating  information, p ress   (F3) to save your 
    c hang es in the d atabase.
    4. Rep eat steps 1 throug h 3 for eac h remote sub sc riber you need  to up d ate.
    5. When you finish, press   (F1) and enter another command at the 
    enter command: prompt or enter logoff to exit.
    Deleting Remote Subscribers
    This sec tion c ontains instruc tions for manually removing  remote sub sc rib ers. You 
    may need  to remove remote sub sc rib ers from the loc al system. For examp le, if 
    you find  an ad ministered  remote sub sc rib er with an old  last usag e d ate, you c an 
    d elete the sub sc rib er and  save system resourc es. If you d ec id e not to use the 
    remote up d ates feature, you must manually remove remote sub sc rib ers when 
    nec essary. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-27 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    Use the following  instruc tions to d elete remote sub sc rib er information.
    1. At enter command:
     on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration 
    terminal, enter remove remote-subscriber
    extension and  p ress   
    to d isp lay the Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen for the extension number 
    entered , similar to the sc reen shown b elow.
    Figure 10-12. Delete Remote Subscriber Screen
    The following message displays at the bottom of the screen.
    Press [Enter]  to exec ute or [ Canc el] to ab ort
    2. Press   (F3) to d elete the remote sub sc rib er or p ress   (F1). 
    After you p ress Enter, the system d eletes the remote sub sc rib er and you 
    see the following  messag e:
    Command Successfully Completed
    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each remote subscriber you need to delete.
    4. When you finish, press   (F1) and enter another command at the 
    enter command: prompt or enter logoff to exit.ENTER
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-28 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    Recording Remote Subscriber Names
    After you ad minister the remote sub sc ribers, you need  to rec ord  the sub sc ribers’ 
    names. The DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not req uire you to rec ord  remote 
    sub sc rib er names, b ut the feature provid es a friendly c onfirmation for c allers 
    when they ad d ress voic e messag es to remote sub sc rib ers. 
    On the System Parameters Features sc reen, the Name Rec ord  b y Sub sc rib er 
    field  must b e set to y
    . The extension you use to rec ord  names must have 
    Announc ement Control set to y
     on the Sub sc rib er Class of Servic e sc reen. 
    To rec ord  a remote sub sc rib er name, use the telep hone to enter a remote 
    sub sc rib er extension, then speak the p erson’s name. The DEFINITY AUDIX 
    system rec ord s eac h name as you say the name. The DEFINITY AUDIX system 
    allows you to rec ord  many names at one time. Use the following  p roc ed ure to 
    rec ord  remote sub sc rib er names.
    1. Using  the telephone, d ial the DEFINITY AUDIX system extension. When 
    the system answers, you hear the following  p romp t:
    Please enter extension and  p ound  sig n. 
    2. Enter the DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministrator’s extension and  p ress  . You 
    hear the following  p romp t: 
    Enter password and pound sign. 
    3. Enter the administrator’s p assword  and  p ress  . You hear the following  
    To rec ord  messag es, p ress 1. To g et ... 
    4. Press   to ac c ess the system ad ministrator’s menu. You hear the 
    following prompt:
    To rec ord  names...
    The voic e menu d oes not sp eak an op tion for keyp ad  b utton 9. Th e  
    op tion is a hid d en menu op tion for the administrator log in.
    5. Press   to rec ord  the remote sub sc riber names. You hear the following  
    Please enter extension and  p ound  sig n.
    6. Enter the extension for the remote sub sc rib er, and  p ress  . 
    After you enter the remote sub sc rib er extension, you hear the following  
    When finished  rec ord ing , p ress # to ap p rove or   to ed it your messag e. 
    Rec ord  at the tone.
    7. When you hear the tone, sp eak the sub sc rib er’s name.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-29 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
    8. Press   to ed it the rec ord ing , or p ress  
    to approve the rec ording.
    nIf you p ress   to stop  rec ord ing , you hear the following  p romp t:
    To ap prove, p ress  . To rec ord  from here, press  . To p lay b ac k, 
    p ress 
    Before you app rove the rec ord ing , you have the following  op tions:
    — Press     to listen to the remote sub sc rib er name 
    rec ord ing .
    — Press     to rec ord  the remote sub sc riber name ag ain.
    — Press     to d elete the remote sub sc rib er name rec ord ing .
    nWhen you p ress  
    to ap p rove the rec ord ing , you hear the following  
    Please enter extension and  p ound  sig n or p ress *R.
    9. Enter another extension and   
    sig n 
    to rec ord  the next remote subsc rib er 
    10. When you finish rec ord ing  all remote sub sc rib er names, hang  up  the 
    p hone.
    If you want to verify that the DEFINITY AUDIX system suc c essfully rec ord ed  the 
    name, use the display
    extension c ommand  to ac c ess the 
    Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen. The Voic ed Name field  should  c ontain the value y
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Ongoing Administration 
    10-30 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
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