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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-3 Disk Sizing for Local and Remote Subscribers 2 15-Hour Disk Combinations For the 15-hour d isk, two c omb inations are given. There c an b e either 1000 loc al and 8000 remote sub sc rib ers or 500 loc al and 12,000 remote sub sc rib ers or some other valid c omb ination. Use the following eq uation to d etermine what c an b e sup p orted on the 15-hour d isk: (LOCAL_SUBS * 7.5) + REMOTE_SUBS £ 16,000 40-Hour Disk Combinations For the 40-hour d isk, two c omb inations are given. There c an b e either 2000 loc al and 10,000 remote sub sc rib ers or 1200 loc al and 16,000 remote sub sc rib ers or some other valid c omb ination. Use the following eq uation to d etermine what c an b e sup p orted on the 40-hour d isk: (LOCAL_SUBS * 7.5) + REMOTE_SUBS £ 25,000 Limitations on the 100-Hour Disk Drive Althoug h the 100-hour d isk d rive will ac c ommod ate up to 100,000 loc al and remote subsc rib ers, the automatic weekly names b ac kup c an handle a maximum of ap proximately 60,000 remote sub sc rib ers. If there are more than 60,000 remote subsc rib ers, then only the loc al sub sc rib er names will b e b ac ked up d uring the weekly names b ac kup . However, a d emand bac kup of the loc al and remote subsc rib er names remains p ossib le up to a total of ab out 90,000 remote sub sc rib ers. No c ustomer bac kup of the remote sub sc ribers’ voic ed names is p ossib le if there are more than 90,000 remote sub sc rib ers. Table 2-2. Maximum Local and Remote Subscribers by Disk Size 15-Hour Disk 40-Hour Disk100-Hour Disk Maximum Loc al Su b s c r i b e r s1000 or 500 2000 or 1200 2000 Maximum Re m o t e Su b s c r i b e r s8000 or 12000 10,000 or 16,000 100,000

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-4 Digital Networking Configurations 2 Digital Networking Configurations DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking is an op tional feature that p rovid es users with the ab ility to exc hang e voic e messag es with users on other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1 systems. The remote system may b e c oloc ated with or g eog raphic ally d istant from the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking uses the p rop rietary AUDIX d ig ital p rotoc ol to exc hang e voic e messag es, sub sc rib er p rofiles, and messag e status information with other AUDIX systems. Dig ital networking is muc h more sec ure than AMIS analog networking . DEFINITY AUDIX d igital networking p rovid es b oth hig h-sp eed and low-sp eed c onnec tivity. The typ e of d ata c onnec tion you use d ep ends on the fac ilities at your site and how you plan to c onnec t with remote sites. Hig h-sp eed c onnec tivity is p referred if you have hig h-sp eed fac ilities b etween loc ations or heavy traffic b etween sites or c ommunities of interest. High-Speed Connectivity DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking p rovid es two hig h-sp eed network c onnec tion types. See Chap ter 3, ‘‘DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kb p s’’ and Chapter 5, ‘‘DCP Mode 1 — 56 Kbps’’ for a c omp lete desc rip tion and network c onfig uration examples. Low-Speed Connectivity DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking p rovid es one low-speed network c onnec tion type. DCP Mod e 2 is an async hronous, low-sp eed (9600 or 19,200 b p s) connec tion. See Chap ter 4, ‘‘DCP Mod e 2 — 9600 or 19,200 b ps’’ , for a d esc rip tion of Mod e 2 and network c onfiguration examp les. DCP Mod e 2 uses one of the following typ es of mod em/d ata mod ule arrang ements: nDCP p ort, 7400A d ata mod ule (c onnec ts to a TN754 c irc uit p ac k), mod em, and analog p ort as shown in the following fig ure. DCP Mod e 1 A Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p rop rietary Dig ital Communic ations Protoc ol (DCP) c onnec tion using a data rate of 56 Kb p s. DCP Mod e 1 uses a DS1 fac ility on the switc h or a d ed ic ated fac ility on a T1 c arrier. DCP Mod e 3 A DCP c onnec tion using a data rate of 64 Kb p s. DCP Mod e 3 uses a DS1 or ISDN fac ility on the switc h or a ded ic ated fac ility on a T1 c arrier.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-5 Digital Networking Configurations 2 Figure 2-1. Mode 2 DCP Port with 7400A Data Module nElec tronic Ind ustries Assoc iation (EIA) p ort (c onnec ts to a TN726 c irc uit p ac k), async hronous d ata unit (ADU), mod em, and analog p ort as shown in the following fig ure. Figure 2-2. Mode 2 with EIA Port and ADU DEFINITY AUDIX Analog port Analog trunk DCP port TN754 7400A Modem PBX Analog T/RM7U null modem cable DCP DEFINITY AU DI X Analog por t Analog trunk EIA por t TN726 ADU Modem PBX Analog T/RH-600-258, group 1 null modem cable

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-6 Control Link and Display Set Integrations 2 Multistage Dialing DCP Mod e 2 mod em/d ata module arrang ements use multistage d ialing . Multistage dialing permits a DEFINITY AUDIX digital networking port to place a c all to another DEFINITY AUDIX system in three stag es. 1. Call a DCP-to-mod em c onversion resourc e. 2. Initiate a sec ond c all off p remises over analog fac ilities to a remote mod em. 3. Estab lish the final c onnec tion to the remote d ig ital networking port. All systems that network at low sp eed with a DEFINITY AUDIX system must have multistag e d ialing c ap ab ility. The DEFINITY AUDIX system, Intuity AUDIX system, and A U D IX R1V5 and l ate r sy st ems (TN539B network c ard req uired) ha ve multistag e d ialing . (AUDIX R1V8 is rec ommend ed when networking a DEFINITY AUDIX system with a non-U.S. AUDIX R1 system.) Chap ter 4, ‘‘DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 b p s’’, describes multistage dialing in more detail. Modem Compatibility Mod em c omp atib ility may b e a p rob lem esp ec ially when networking with old er AUDIX R1 systems that use modem p ooling . (AUDIX R1V8 is rec ommend ed when networking a DEFINITY AUDIX system with a non-U.S. AUDIX R1 system.) See Chap ter 4, ‘‘DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 b p s’’ , for more information on mod em c omp atib ility. Mixed High-Speed and Low-Speed Connectivity The DEFINITY AUDIX system c an sup p ort all three typ es of networking c onnec tions. The c onnec tion typ es (DCP Mod e 1, DCP Mod e 2, and DCP Mod e 3) are d ynamic and c an c hang e on a c all-b y-c all b asis to d ifferent systems for eac h networking p ort. For examp le, you c ould have a low-sp eed c onnec tion b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX system and a g eog rap hic ally remote system and a high-sp eed c onnec tion to a system in the same b uild ing (a low-sp eed c onnec tion always need s ad ditional hard ware as d esc rib ed ab ove in Low-Sp eed Connec tivity ). See Chapter 6, ‘‘Mixtures of Hig h-Sp eed and Low-Sp eed Networks’’, for a d esc rip tion and c onfig uration examp les. Control Link and Display Set Integrations To p rovide d ig ital networking , the DEFINITY AUDIX system must emulate a d ig ital station p ort c irc uit pac k (TN754 or TN2181) on the switc h. Either Control Link (CL) or Disp lay Set (DS) switc h integ ration c an b e used with the d ig ital port emulation.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-7 How the Digital Networking Ports Work 2 How the Digital Networking Ports Wo r k The DEFINITY AUDIX networking p orts emulate the operation of a Dig ital Terminal Data Mod ule (DTDM) whic h c an b e attac hed to a 7405D d ig ital telep hone. The networking p orts ap pear to b e DTDMs to the switc h and use the sec ond , p reviously unused , DCP I-c hannel. Therefore, d ig ital networking d oes not c ontend for the same physic al p orts used for voic e. Digital Port Emulation The DEFINITY AUDIX system interac ts with the switch by emulating a TN754 or TN2181 d ig ital station p ort c irc uit p ac k. The TN754 c irc uit p ac k p rovid es 8 p orts on the switc h for d ig ital telep hones. The TN2181 c irc uit p ac k p rovides 16 p orts on the switc h for d ig ital telep hones. (The DEFINITY AUDIX system also c an emulate an analog station p ort c irc uit p ac k, b ut d ig ital p ort emulation must b e used for d ig ital networking .) Voice Port Administration Overview To administer a DEFINITY AUDIX voic e port on the switc h, you ad minister a dig ital station. If the switc h software rec og nizes the DEFINITY AUDIX system as an AUDIX (native mode), you administer the station sc reen as one of the following : nADX8D (8 port; G3V4 or later) nADX16D (16 p ort; G3V4 or later) nADXDP (8 p ort; G3V1 Issue 16.2 or g reater and G3V2 and G3V3) nAUDIX (8 port; G3V1 p rior to Issue 16.2 and G3i-Glob al Issue 1E40.03 or g reater) DEFINITY AUDIX Release 4.0 will only b e rec og nized as native in DEFINITY switc h software release 7.1 and later. If the switc h software only rec ognizes the DEFINITY AUDIX system as a TN754 or a TN2181, you ad minister the station sc reen as a 7405D station (alias). Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 555-300-122 or Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System, 585-300-509, d esc rib es this ad ministration in detail.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-8 Features/Functionality Not Supported 2 Networking Port Administration Overview To administer a networking p ort, you ad minister the d ata mod ule sc reen for a voic e port. To administer one networking port, you administer the data module sc reen for voic e p ort one. With Release 3.2 you c an administer a sec ond networking p ort. To ad minister a sec ond networking p ort, you ad minister the d ata mod ule sc reen for voic e p ort two. Chap ter 9, ‘‘Initial Network Ad ministration and Acceptance Tests’’, p rovid es a p roc ed ure for ad ministering networking p orts. If you have two networking p orts, p lac e them in a switc h hunt g roup and make c ertain that the g roup extension is within a Direc t Inward Dial (DID) rang e. If using DCP Mode 2, you may want to set up ad d itional hunt g roups — one for eac h p air of d ata module p orts, one for eac h p air of ADU ports, and one for eac h pair of modem ports (refer to Chap ter 4, ‘‘DCP Mod e 2 — 9600 or 19,200 b p s’’ , for more information). NOTE: In areas where DID or Direc t Inward /Outward Dial (DIOD) is not availab le, you may have to d edic ate a trunk to this ap plic ation with one or two memb ers. Features/Functionality Not Supported DEFINITY AUDIX digital networking does not support the following: nDirec t RS-232 networking (DCP Mode 2 with a modem/data module arrang ement p rovid es ind irec t RS-232 sup p ort.) nText Servic es Interfac e nCall Detail Rec ord ing n Rec eiving a fax from an Intuity AUDIX system Considerations for Intersystem Networks The DEFINITY AUDIX system c an network with other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1 systems. Voice messag es are transmitted in a d igital file format, similar to a d ata file transfer b etween two c omputer systems. There are considerations when networking with an Intuity AUDIX system or an AUDIX R1 system.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-9 Considerations for Intersystem Networks 2 Intuity AUDIX System Intuity AUDIX systems that have fax c ap ability c annot send faxes over a network to a DEFINITY AUDIX system sinc e the DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not support fax messaging. The Intuity AUDIX system and the DEFINITY AUDIX system b oth use the CELP voic e messag ing enc od ing alg orithm, so the voic e q uality of messag es sent b etween the two systems is not d eg rad ed . AUDIX R1 System The DEFINITY AUDIX system c an ac c ommod ate messag es enc od ed using the CELP voic e messag ing enc od ing alg orithm or the sub -b and alg orithm used on the AUDIX R1 system. CELP voic e messag ing enc od ing is a hig her q uality than sub -b and . Bec ause AUDIX R1 uses only sub -band , outg oing messag es transmitted from a DEFINITY AUDIX system to an AUDIX R1 system will b e transc oded (c onverted ) from CELP to sub -b and format as the messag e is b eing sent to the remote system, so the voic e q uality of the messag e will be sub -b and q uality on the AUDIX R1 system. Inc oming messages from an AUDIX R1 system will b e stored in the sub -b and format in whic h they are rec eived. A messag e rec eived from an AUDIX R1 system will b e lower voic e q uality than other messag es rec eived on a DEFINITY AUDIX system. AUDIX R1 systems req uire a TN539B network c ard to network with the DEFINITY AUDIX system.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-10 Considerations for Intersystem Networks 2

DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps 3-1 Considerations 3 DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 3 DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps This c hapter d esc rib es Dig ital Communic ations Protoc ol (DCP) Mod e 3. DCP Mod e 3 is a hig h-sp eed , 64 Kb p s c onnec tion. Use this typ e of network connec tion when the systems to be networked are co-located (serving the same switc h) or when they are in d ifferent loc ations. (Two DEFINITY AUDIX systems c annot serve the same switc h, but a DEFINITY AUDIX system c an serve the same G3r switc h as an Intuity AUDIX system or an AUDIX R1 system.) The examp le in this c hap ter shows two DEFINITY AUDIX systems using a DCP Mod e 3 c onnec tion. See Chap ter 6 for a d esc rip tion of networks that c omb ine DCP mod es. NOTE: It is rec ommend ed that 64 Kb p s c onnec tions b e used to ac hieve maximum d ata throug hp ut whenever 64 Kbp s c onnec tivity is available b etween two systems. Considerations If a c ustomer is c onsid ering using DCP Mod e 3 c onnec tions in their DEFINITY AUDIX network, keep the following in mind : nLoc al or remote networking c onfig urations are sup p orted . nThe DEFINITY AUDIX system c an network with other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1 systems via this method . nTransmission in this typ e of network is full-dup lex, sync hronous, at 64 Kb p s. nFor c o-loc ated systems, c ommunic ation b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX system and the Intuity AUDIX system or AUDIX R1 system is from one switc h DCP p ort to another.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps 3-2 General Information 3 nFor remote c onfig urations, the c ustomer need s ac c ess to 64 Kb ps p ub lic or p rivate telep hone network fac ilities; these should normally b e a T1 c arrier with DS1 servic es or Integ rated Servic es Dig ital Network Primary Rate Interfac e (ISDN PRI). The c ustomer need s a DS1 or ISDN interfac e on the switc h to c onnec t to these network fac ilities. nT1 to E1 c onversions are d one b y the long d istanc e c arrier. General Information The following fig ure, DCP Mod e 3 Network for Multip le Loc ations, shows an arrang ement where two DEFINITY AUDIX systems are networked via 64 Kbp s servic es. . Figure 3-1. DCP Mode 3 Network for Two DEFINITY AUDIX Systems DEFINITY AUDIX DEFINITY AUDIX DS1/ISDN port DS1/ISDN portPBX PBX T1 or ISDN PRI T1 or ISDN PRI Public/private network