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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-33 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 10: Administer the DEFINITY AUDIX on the Remote Machine(s) Ad minister eac h remote system or req uest that the remote system ad ministrator ad minister eac h remote system to enab le the remote system to estab lish a networking c onnec tion with the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. This inc lud es other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1 systems. If you d o not know the name of the remote mac hines, enter list machines and press to d isp lay the List Mac hines sc reen. Figure 9-16. List Machines Screen ENTER
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-34 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 11: Test the Connection to Each Remote System Test the c onnec tion to eac h remote system. With the c ursor at enter command: , enter test machine machine name (the name of the remote system) and press . The Test Machine Results screen d isp lays similar to the screen shown b elow:. Figure 9-17. Remote Test Machine Results Screen The Test Pass c olumn should c ontain a 1. If Test Pass is 0, refer to DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenanc e , 585-300-110 or DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Maintenanc e , 585-300-121, to d etermine a solution. Resolve the p rob lem and run the test ag ain. Rep eat the test for eac h remote system. NOTE: From a station on the switc h, you c an c all the numb er req uired to reac h the remote system (either extension or hunt g roup numb er). This is the numb er in the Dial String field . For DCP Mod e 2, this is the numb er in the Dial String after ATDT and b efore the “ W” . If the c onnec tion is working , you should hear d ata tone. ENTER
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-35 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 12: Administer Remote Subscribers on the Local System During the initial ad ministration p roc ess, remote sub sc rib ers need to b e ad ministered on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. Ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers are sub sc ribers you enter into the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system d atab ase. Eac h ad ministered remote sub sc rib er req uires a name, mac hine name, and an extension. By ad ministering remote sub sc rib ers, the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system knows where to send messag es when a loc al sub sc rib er rec ord s a messag e and ad d resses the messag e to a remote extension. For ac c ep tanc e tests, the installer must ad minister two test remote sub sc rib ers for eac h remote system. For examp le, if you p lan to network with four remote systems named LA1, LA2, LA3, and LA4, you need to ad minister two test sub sc rib ers on the loc al system and on eac h remote system. During ac c ep tanc e testing , d escrib ed later in this task, you add ress voice messag es to each of those test sub scrib ers. DEFINITY AUDIX d igital networking c annot exc hange messag es with a remote sub sc rib er ad ministered on the loc al system unless that sub sc rib er is also ad ministered on the remote system. For examp le, you ad minister Test Sub sc rib er 1 (testsub 1) as a remote sub sc rib er. The administrator of the remote system ad ministers the same Test Sub sc rib er 1 (testsub 1) as a loc al sub sc rib er. When you attemp t to send a voic e messag e to Test Sub sc rib er 1, the messag e is sent suc c essfully. If the remote system ad ministrator d id not ad minister Test Sub sc rib er 1 as a loc al sub sc rib er, you c annot send a messag e to that p erson. When administering remote sub sc rib ers, you have the op tion of p erforming a full remote up d ate whic h c op ies the subsc rib er information from a remote system to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system or add ing all remote sub sc rib ers on all remote systems one b y one using the ad d Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen. This task describes both procedures. If you are going to add less than the full database of sub sc rib ers on the remote system to the loc al system, you ad d the selec ted remote sub sc rib ers to the loc al system rather than p erform a remote up d ate.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-36 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 12A: Add Test Subscribers on the Local and Remote Systems Ad minister two test sub sc rib ers on the loc al system and on the remote system, suc h as testsub 1 and testsub 2, and enter any unused extension from the remote system d ial p lan. 1. At the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration terminal, enter add remote-subscriber, and p ress to d isp lay the Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen similar to the sc reen shown b elow: Figure 9-18. Remote Subscriber Screen 2. Ad d the two remote sub sc rib ers (testsub1 is shown in the ab ove examp le). Refer to Chap ter 10, ‘‘Ongoing Ad ministration’’ , sec tion Manually Ad d ing Remote Sub sc rib ers , if you need ad d itional information on how to c omp lete the Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen. The Ad d ress, Voic ed Name, and Non-Ad ministered Typ e field s are d isp lay only. 3. Req uest that the ad ministrator at the remote system ad d the same two sub sc rib ers and extensions as loc al sub sc rib ers. At the ad ministration terminal on the remote system, enter add subscriber and p ress to d isp lay the Sub sc rib er sc reen. Add the two test subsc rib ers ad ded in the ab ove step. ENTER ENTER
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-37 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 12B: Verify Remote Extensions At the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration terminal, enter list remote-extension machine name (name of the remote system) to d isp lay the List Remote Extensions sc reen and verify that the two test remote sub sc rib ers were added successfully. Task 12C: Send a Test Message to Remote Subscribers Create a voic e mail messag e and send it to eac h of the two test sub sc rib ers on the remote system. Confirm that the messag e sent was rec eived b y the two test sub sc rib ers at the remote system. Task 12D: Receive a Test Message from Remote Subscribers Req uest that the ad ministrator at the remote system c reate a voic e mail messag e and send it to the two test sub sc rib ers on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. Confirm at the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system that the messag e was rec eived b y the two test sub sc rib ers. Task 12E: Perform a Full Remote Update Perform this p roc ed ure if ad d ing the full d atab ase of sub sc rib ers on the remote system to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. If you are ad d ing less than the full d atab ase of remote sub sc rib ers from the remote system, g o to Task 12F: Ad minister Remote Sub sc rib ers. Perform the following step s to d o a full remote up d ate to g ather remote sub sc rib ers. 1. At enter command: on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration terminal, enter list measurements feature day and p ress to d isp lay the Feature Daily Traffic sc reen. Write d own the c urrent numb er of remote sub sc rib ers. 2. Enter change machine machine name (name of the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system) and p ress to d isp lay the Machine Profile screen for the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. Pre ss (F7) to display Page 2. En t e r y for b oth the Up d ates In and Out fields if the field s are not set to y alread y. Refer to Task 7: Change the Local Machine Profile Screen for a sc reen examp le. 3. Enter change machine machine name (name of the remote system) and p ress to d isp lay the Mac hine Profile sc reen for the remote system. Press (F7) to d isplay Pag e 2. Enter y for b oth the Up d ates In and Out field s. Refer to Task 9: Ad minister Remote System(s) on the Loc al DEFINITY AUDIX System for a screen example. 4. Ask the system ad ministrator at the remote system to c hang e the remote system to allow upd ates to and /or from the remote system. ENTER ENTER NEXTPAGE ENTER NEXTPAGE
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-38 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 5. At enter command: on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration terminal, enter get remote-updates machine name (name of the remote system) and p ress to c op y all remote sub sc rib ers to the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. NOTE: This up d ate may take some time, possibly hours, d epend ing on the numb er of sub sc rib ers on the remote system. When the up date is c omp lete, this sc reen will show completed in the Status of Last Up d ate field and show the date and time of the c omp letion in the Last Completed Up d ate field .. Figure 9-19. Remote Update Request Screen 6. With the c ursor at enter command: , enter status network group and p ress . Look in the Ac tivity c olumn to see if the remote up d ate is in progress. 7. When the remote up d ates p roc ed ure has c omp leted , d o the following : a. With the c ursor at enter command: , enter list remote extensions and p ress . Chec k to see that the remote sub sc rib ers are on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. b. Enter list measurements feature day and press to d isp lay the Feature Daily Traffic sc reen. Verify the new number of remote sub sc rib ers. ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-39 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 c. Enter display administration-log and press to d isp lay the Ad ministration Log sc reen. Verify that no c onflic ts or p rob lems oc c urred with the remote up date. 8. At the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system, enter change machine machine name and p ress to d isp lay the Mac hine Profile sc reen for the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. Chang e the Upd ates In and Out field s to the final values (refer to the networking installation information from the d esig n center). (Refer to Task 7: Change the Local Machine Profile Screen for a sc reen examp le. 9. For the remote system, enter change machine machine name (name of the remote system) and p ress to d isp lay the Mac hine Profile sc reen for the remote system. Chang e the Up d ates In and Out field s and the Send to Non-Ad ministered Rec ip ients field to the final values (refer to the networking installation information from the d esig n c enter). Task 12F: Administer Remote Subscribers If you are ad d ing less than the full d atab ase of sub sc rib ers on the remote system to the loc al system, ad d the selec ted remote subsc rib ers to the loc al system one at a time rather than p erform a remote upd ate. The number of remote sub sc rib ers ad ministered on the loc al system is limited b y d isk sp ac e availab ility on the loc al system and the numb er of remote subsc rib ers the b ac kup tap e c an hold . At the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration terminal, enter add remote-subscriber and press to d isp lay the Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen. Refer to Chap ter 10, ‘‘Ong oing Ad ministration’’ , for instruc tions on c omp leting the Remote Sub sc rib er sc reen. Task 12G: Verify Remote Extensions At the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration terminal, enter list remote-extension machine name (name of the remote system) to d isp lay the List Remote Extensions sc reen and verify that the remote sub sc ribers were added successfully. Repeat Task 12 for Each Remote System ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-40 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 13: Set Weekly Backup Parameters At the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration terminal, enter change system-parameters features and press to d isp lay the System-Parameters Features sc reen. Press (F7) to display Page 2. The System-Parameters Features screen d isp lays similar to the screen shown b elow: Figure 9-20.System Parameters Features Screen — Page 2 Chang e the Weekly Bac kup Enab led field to y . The Loc als Only field may b e set to n if there is not enoug h room on the DEFINITY AUDIX tap e or optic al d isk to b ac k up remote sub sc rib ers. Set the Traffic Collec tion field to y . Ad minister Call Transfer Out of AUDIX. If the switc h integration typ e is Disp lay Se t, the Transfer Typ e must b e basic or none . If the switc h integ ration typ e is Control Link, the Transfer Typ e c an b e as follows: nSystem 75, G1, G3V1, or G3V2 — basic or none nG3V3 or G3V4 — none , basic , enhanced_no_cover_0 , or enhanced_ cover_0 . ENTER NEXTPAGE
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-41 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 14: Record Remote Machine Names (Optional) Normally, this task is a c ustomer resp onsib ility. After the loc al and remote systems have b een ad ministered, the system ad ministrator may want to rec ord the mac hine names. The DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not req uire you to rec ord mac hine names. However, the loc al system voic es these names when loc al sub sc rib ers ad d ress messag es to the remote system, or when they rec eive messag es from remote sub sc rib ers whose names are not rec ord ed or who are not ad ministered . To rec ord remote mac hine names: 1. Verify you have announc ement-c ontrol p ermission b y entering change subscriber on the path line, where is your extension numb er. Press . 2. Press (F7) and verify the Announc ement Control? field is set to y . If it is not, enter y now. Press (F3) to save your d ata and /or exit the sc reen. 3. Enter list machines on the p ath line and p ress . (Voic e IDs are automatic ally assig ned as you ad d a remote mac hine. The List Mac hines rep ort shows the voic e ID for eac h remote mac hine.) 4. Either p rint this sc reen, write d own the voic e IDs assoc iated with eac h remote mac hine, or leave this sc reen up as you rec ord names. NOTE: Some remote mac hine p rofiles are used for a rang e of mac hines. Either voic e a name that is meaning ful for all mac hines in the range, or do not voice a name for these profiles. 5. From a touc h-tone telep hone, log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system using the extension that has announc ement-c ontrol p ermissions. 6. From the ac tivity menu, p ress to perform system ad ministration. 7. Press to rec ord mac hine names. 8. Using the touc h-tone keyp ad, enter the voic e ID for the first remote mac hine, and p ress . 9.At the tone, sp eak the remote mac hine’s name. 10. Press to d elete and re-rec ord the name, or p ress to ap p rove it. 11. Rep eat Step s 8 throug h 10 for eac h remote system or telep hone numb er name. 12. When you are finished , p ress to return to the ac tivity menu, or just hang up the telep hone to exit the system. ENTER NEXTPAGE ENTER ENTER 9 6 # *D# *R
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-42 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9