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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Glossary GL-3 C Call Answer A feature that allows the system to answer a call and rec ord a message when the sub sc rib er is unavailable. Callers may b e redirec ted to the system throug h the c all coverage or Call Forward ing switch features. Sub sc ribers may record a personal g reeting for these c allers. Call Answer Language Choice Call answer multiling ual op tion where a user can alternate b etween a primary lang uag e set and a second ary language. The two lang uag es are ad ministered on a p er sub scrib er b asis. If this fea- ture is enab led , the subscrib er may not use the stand ard DEFINITY AUDIX Multip le Personal Greeting s feature. Camp-On A system shutd own op tion that waits for p orts to b ec ome id le b efore blocking servic e to them. This allows sub sc rib ers to finish calls in progress. Central Office (CO) A main telep hone offic e where private c ustomer lines are terminated and connec ted to the p ub lic network throug h c ommon carriers. Central Processing Unit (CPU) The Multifunction b oards main p roc essor that controls system data transfer, inp ut/outp ut (I/O), and log ic al instruc tions. Class of Service (COS) The stand ard set of features g iven to sub sc ribers when they are first ad ministered (set up with a voic e mailb ox). Command Mode A system state in DEFINITY AUDIX system releases earlier than 4.0 where flashware is in c ontrol and software is shut d own. In this state, a tec hnician has ac cess to menu options to see flashware status and initialization history, run throug h flashware d iag nostic s, and to start or continue system initialization. Configuration The particular c omposition and hard ware selec ted for a system, includ ing internal op tions and p erip heral eq uip ment. Control Link (CL) The integ ration, or interfac e, b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX System and the switch that enables the transmission of c ontrol messag es from the DEFINITY AUDIX System to the switch over a DCIU d ata link. The c ontrol messag es are transmitted over a sep arate c able c onnection and carry infor- mation suc h as c alling -p arty id entific ation and message-waiting ind icator status and control. Control Link Mode The typ e of switc h-link integ ration for whic h the DEFINITY AUDIX System, R2.0 or later, is con- nec ted to the switc h via analog -line card emulation and a d igital connec tion.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Glossary GL-4 D Delivery Operations Support System (DOSS) Configurator Luc ent Technolog ies’ algorithmic system for config uring p rod ucts for customers’ sp ecific need s. Digital Communications Protocol (DCP) An Luc ent Tec hnolog ies p rop rietary p rotocol for networking remote c ommunic ation systems. DCP Mode 1 A Lucent Tec hnolog ies proprietary Dig ital Communic ations Protocol (DCP) c onnec tion using a d ata rate of 56 Kbp s for AUDIX Dig ital Networking . DCP Mod e 1 uses a DS1 fac ility on the switc h or a ded ic ated fac ility on the switc h or a d ed icated fac ility on a T1 carrier. DCP Mode 2 DCP Mode 2 is an async hronous, low-speed (9600 or 19,200 b ps) connec tion for AUDIX Digital Networking. DCP Mod e 2 uses a mod em/data mod ule or mod em/Async hronous Data Unit (ADU) arrangement and c onnec ts over analog or voice-g rad e d ata lines. DCP Mode 3 A DCP connec tion using a d ata rate of 64 Kb ps for AUDIX Dig ital Networking . DCP Mod e 3 uses a DS1 or ISDN fac ility on the switc h or a d edic ated facility on a T1 c arrier. Default A value that is automatic ally sup p lied if no other value is sp ecified . Digital-Port (DP) Mode The typ e of switc h-link integ ration for whic h the DEFINITY AUDIX System, up through release 3.1, is connec ted to the switch via d ig ital p ort b oard emulation. The typ e of port b oard that the DEFIN- ITY AUDIX emulates within the switc h (TN754.) Digital-Port (DP) Board Emulation In R3.1 and earlier releases, this term referred to b oth the port emulation and to the integ ration method . In R3.2 and later, it refers to the p ort emulation only; the integ ration method c an be either control link (CL) or d isp lay set (DS). Digital Signal Processor (DSP) Prog rammed RAM c hip s on the Multifunc tion board that provide sig naling , p ower-level c ontrol, sp eec h c oding, and d ata processing . Display Set (DS) Integration A new term that replaces the term d igital p ort integ ration for R3.2 and later. It refers to the use of the display and other messag es sent from the switc h to the p ort board for p rovid ing voice mail integ ration with the switc h. Integ ration with the switc h is achieved via d isp lay set messag es. The messag es c arry information suc h as c alling p arty id entification and messag e waiting ind icator sta- tus and c ontrol. Disconnect Signaling Detection Sig naling from the CO to the PBX whic h ind icates that the far end c aller has hung up . Dual Language Greetings When the Call Answer Lang uag e Choice is in effec t, the sub sc rib er can rec ord personalized g reet- ing s for each of the lang uag es listed as the p rimary and sec ond ary announcement sets. The sub - sc rib er instructs the c aller to enter *1 to switc h to the alternate lang uag e.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Glossary GL-5 E Errors Prob lems d etec ted b y the system d uring automatic self-tests and record ed in an error log . Errors can produc e an alarm (fault) if they exceed a threshold. Events Oc currences suc h as inline errors, maintenance p roced ure failures, alarms, errors, or transitions into or out of the AUDIX or OA&M states whic h are rec ord ed in an events log . F Faceplate and Alarm Controller (FAC) For release 3.2 and earlier versions, the circ uitry on the Multifunc tion b oard that monitors ac tivity of the DEFINITY AUDIX System. Field An area on a form, menu, or rep ort where information c an be typ ed or disp layed . Filesystems A c ollec tion of related files (p rog rams or d ata) stored on d isk that are req uired to initialize a DEFIN- I TY A U D I X Sy st em an d p ro vi d e f ul l s er v ic e . Flashware Cod e that is stored in elec tric ally rep rog rammab le memory on the DEFINITY AUDIX System. This p rog ramming is retained over p ower outag es but can b e rep rog rammed automatically on b oard d uring initialization. Forms Terminal sc reens of information that allow d ata to be d isp layed or c hang ed . G Generic Tape or Generic Disk A cop y of the standard software and stand alone tap e utilities (stand alone utilities in Release 4.0) that is ship p ed with a new system. Graceful Shutdown Ta ki ng t h e D EFI N I TY A U D I X Sy st e m o ffl i ne ( t o t he m ai n te n an c e sh ut d o w n st at e ) u si ng RESET SYS- TEM SHUTDOWN in a c amp -on manner. Ground Isolation Ground isolation prevents an alternate return current p ath at the c onnecting interfac e. Return c ur- rents pass throug h the sig nal wire(s) in the interface connec tor cab le rather than via “ green wire g round ”. Guest Password A feature that allows p eop le who are not subscrib ers to leave messag es on the system b y d ialing a sub scrib ers extension and entering a system-wid e g uest p assword .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Glossary GL-6 H Hard Disk Drive The d isk d rive the DEFINITY AUDIX system uses to actively save voice messag es, personal g reet- ing s, sub sc rib er profiles, automated attend ants, and other d ata. The hard d isk d rive also stores the system’s AUDIX software. Header Information that the system c reates to id entify a messag e. A messag e head er inc lud es the orig ina- tor or recip ient, typ e of messag e, c reation time, and delivery time. Hunt Group A g roup of p orts on a switch usually administered to searc h for availab le ports in a circular p attern. I Initialization The process of b ring ing a system to a predetermined op erational state. The start-up p roc ed ure tests hardware and flashware; load s the boot filesystem p rog rams; loc ates, mounts, and op ens other required filesystems; and starts normal service. Initialization and Administration System (INADS) A maintenanc e system used by remote technic ians to track alarms. Interboard Bus For release 3.2 and earlier versions, the inter-integ rated c ircuit (I 2C) b us that p rovid es c onnec tivity b etween the Alarm b oard and the Multifunction b oard. I NTUITY Message Manager A PC app lic ation that is used for the retrieval and d isp lay of messag e head ers, ad d ressing to lists, manag ing personal g reetings, and for creating , forward ing , and rep lying to voice mail messag es. L Leave Word Calling A switc h feature that allows the c alling p arty to leave a stand ard (nonvoic e) messag e for the called p arty using a feature button or d ial ac c ess c od e. Light Emitting Diode (LED) For Release 3.2 and earlier releases, a red -lig ht ind icator on the system facep late p anel that shows the status of op erations and p ossib le fault c ond itions. An unlit LED indic ates a healthy sys- tem. When flashing , the LED ind ic ates a software p rob lem. When it is stead ily lit, a hard ware p rob - lem exists. Release 4.0 uses three LEDs on the system’s fac ep late to rep ort the system’s status and to p rovid e alarm and d iag nostic information. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) For release 3.2 and earlier releases, the 10-c haracter alphanumeric d isp lay on the DEFINITY AUDIX facep late p anel that automatic ally shows status of the system includ ing alarms.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Glossary GL-7 Local Area Network (LAN) A short d istanc e d ata c ommunic ations network used to link c omputers and peripheral d evic es und er some form of stand ard c ontrol Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) A disp lay terminal loc ated near the DEFINITY AUDIX System and the switc h. It is temporarily attached to the DEFINITY AUDIX d uring an on-site servic e visit. Login A unique cod e used to gain ap p roved ac c ess to a subsc rib ers voic e mailb ox or to a d isplay termi- nal. M Magneto-optical (MO) Disk Drive With release 4.0, the d evic e used to store nig htly and weekly b ac kup s of c ustomer d ata, install new software releases, restore the system and remove c ore d ump s and other maintenanc e information. The d rive stores information on an MO d isk. The MO d rive rep lac es the tap e d rive from p revious releases. Mailbox A p ortion of d isk memory g iven to eac h sub sc rib er for c reating and storing outgoing and incoming messag es. Message-Waiting Lamp An LED on a telep hone that alerts sub sc ribers to new messag es. MO Disk With release 4.0, the storage med ium used b y the mag neto-op tical d isk d rive to store b ac kup s and other information. Modem A modulator/d emod ulator used for transmitting analog sig nals across p hone lines. Multifunction Board (MFB) For release 3.2 and earlier releases, the hard ware p latform (TN566B, 386 version and TN567, 486 version) whic h hold s the c entral p roc essing unit, c ontrollers, memory d evic es, and sig nal p roc es- sors that make a DEFINITY AUDIX System op erational. For release 4.0 the TN568 is the only circuit p ac k and therefore p erforms all op erations for the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Multilingual System A DEFINITY AUDIX System containing p rimary and sec ond ary lang uag e announc ement sets. A larg e (40 hour) system c an hold up to nine d ifferent lang uag e sets. The Telec ommunic ations Device for the Deaf (TDD)-b ased announc ement set is treated as a multiling ual op tion. N Native Mode The ab ility of the switch to recog nize the DEFINITY AUDIX as a DEFINITY AUDIX c irc uit p ac k. With native mod e sup p ort, the switch reserves five slots for the DEFINITY AUDIX 3.2 assemb ly, and two slots for the DEFINITY AUDIX 4.0. Add itionally the switch is ab le to c orrec tly id entify the DEFINITY AUDIX b oard in alarms sent to the servic es org anization.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Glossary GL-8 Nonnative Mode Without native mod e, the MFB or TN568 slot is p rovisioned as a TN754, TN2181 or TN746B, the five slots occ upied b y the DEFINITY AUDIX 3.2 assembly or two slots oc c up ied b y the DEFINITY AUDIX 4.0 are not reserved , and alarms are rep orted as alarms for a TN754, TN2181, or TN746B. Nonvolatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) A battery-b ac ked RAM on the Multifunc tion b oard that retains d ata throug h loss of p ower. Null Modem Cable A cab le that transp oses transmit and rec eive leads on an RS-232 c onnection. O Operating System (OS) The set of programs that runs the hardware and interprets software c ommands. Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OA&M) A state of system op eration where c ore p roc esses of the Multifunction board are ac c essed , inc lud - ing system initialization, resourc e c onfig uration, forms interface, entry into the maintenanc e sub- system, and filesystem ac cess. Also entered when c ustomer d ata must b e restored. Outcalling A feature that allows the system to d ial subscrib ers numb ers or g o to pag ers to inform them they have new messages. P Port A connection or link between two d evic es, allowing information to travel throug h it to a desired loc ation. For examp le, a switc h port connec ts to a DEFINITY AUDIX p ort to allow a subscrib er on a voic e terminal to leave a messag e. Protocol A set of sp ec ific rules, proced ures, or c onventions relating to forms and timing of d ata transmission b etween two d evices. R Reboot A system reb oot is d one to c lear major system problems (suc h as c orrup t program memory). It also runs automatically whenever the system is p owered up . Also see boot. Remote Field Update A set of software chang es on a given release that is transmitted from a c entral location to customer eq uip ment. Chang es are generally restricted to serious b ug fixes and are limited in volume. Reply Loop Escape Allows the sub sc rib er the op tion to return to resp ond ing to a messag e after trying to rep ly to a non-subsc rib er messag e.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Glossary GL-9 Restart During maintenanc e, a system restart b ring s the system software b ac k into full servic e, usually after an ad ministrative shutd own. This is often d one to try to clear software problems. RISC Red uced Instruc tion Set Comp uter. Refers to c omp uters b ased on an unusually hig h speed p ro- cessing tec hnolog y that uses a far simp ler set of operating c ommands. S Sanity and Control Interface (SAKI) An integ rated c irc uit that rec eives and transmits TDM b us control messages and monitors the san- ity of the ang el p rocessor. Shutdown States States of system operation where either a technic ian can shut d own the system for maintenance, or where a c ritical error c ond ition b ring s d own the system. In either c ase, filesystems are c losed and the system can b e powered down and removed from the c arrier. Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) An interface stand ard d efining the p hysic al, log ic al, and electrical c onnections to comp uter sys- tem p erip herals suc h as tape, magneto-optic al and disk drives. Standalone Utility A software utility with op tions that inc lud e d isk d rive initialization, c op ying files from a g eneric tap e or MO disk onto the c ustomers d isk, and map p artition mod ific ation. With release 3.2 and earlier releases the stand alone utilities where referred to as stand alone tap e utilities. Subscriber Specific Announcement Set When the Multiling ual feature is enab led , each sub sc rib er form has three field s sp ecifying the announcement set with whic h the sub sc rib er will interac t with the system once they log in, and the two announc ement sets with whic h c allers to the sub sc rib ers mailb ox can interact with the sys- tem. T Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) A set of protoc ol stand ard s which allows a p roc ess on one mac hine to send data to a p roc ess on another machine. Communication may b e full or half dup lex. TCP/IP inc lud es sup port for multip le op erating systems and mac hine architec tures. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) A categ ory of DEFINITY AUDIX features, including p ersonal g reeting s and announc ement sets, that exchang e text messages with sub scribers or callers using teletyp ewriters. Teletypewriter (TTY) A devic e that uses Baud ot tones to transmit text-b ased telep hone messag es for the hearing imp aired . Sub sc rib ers or c allers can use teletyp ewriters to acc ess the DEFINITY AUDIX system if TDD features are enab led .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Glossary GL-10 Time Division Multiplex (TDM) Bus The interfac e b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX System and the switc h that c arries dig itally-enc od ed voic e waveforms and circuit-switc hed data. U Update A limited inc remental chang e on an existing release involving software only. Upgrade The rep lacement of one release with a new release. This may involve software, flashware, hard - ware, and/or data. V Vo i c e P o r t An elec tric al p athway that c onnects c alls b etween two devic es, such as telep hones, switches, or voic e messag ing systems.

Index IN-1 DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 IN Index Numerics 103A wall jack,4-5, 8-2, 8-4 19,200 b p s,1-8, 4-12/4 wire line c ord,8-22296 mod em,4-6 4410 terminal,9-74415 terminal,9-74425 terminal,9-7 4ESS,5-3513,9-75410 terminal,9-7 5420 terminal,9-75425 terminal,9-756 Kb p s networking,1-8, 2-4, 5-1 DEFINITY AUDIX req uirements,5-4dynamic,5-4static,5-3 switc h req uirements,5-5, 5-664 Kb p s networking,1-8, 2-4, 3-1715,9-7 7400A data module,2-4, 4-4, 4-5, 4-10ad ministration,9-4installation,8-2 op tion setting s,8-17power supply,4-59600 b p s,1-8, 4-1 A Acc eptance tests,9-1ACCUNET,5-2 Add ress Rang e field,1-10ad ministration,10-5description,1-10 Admin Up d ates field,11-11Administration,9-1 7400A d ata module,9-4ADU,9-4DCP Mode 1,9-3 DCP Mode 2,9-4DCP Mode 3,9-7DEFINITY AUDIX,9-7 DEFINITY AUDIX on remote mac hines,9-33d ig ital networking p orts,9-13hunt g roup digital networking ports ,9-3 modem ports/ADU ports/data module ports ,9-6 local mac hine,9-18mod em,9-5networking ports,9-2 Ad ministration, (c ontinued ) ong oing mac hine,10-1ong oing sub sc riber,10-8remote mac hine,9-24 remote sub scrib ers,9-35remote up d ates,9-37loc al system,10-14 remote systems,10-18 switc h,9-2Ad ministration Log,1-15Ad ministration Log screen,9-39, 10-22 Ad ministration screen,9-8ADU,2-5, 4-5, 4-10ad ministration,9-4 installation,8-4Allow Automatic Full Up d ates,10-15, 10-17p lanning,7-18 setup,10-16Allow Automatic Full Up d ates field,9-21AMIS Analog Networking,1-1 description,1-1op eration,1-2Analog p ort,4-2 Ap plication types d ig ital networking,1-7Async hronous d ata unit, see ADU,2-5 ATDT,7-21, 9-29AUDIO Messag e Interchang e Sp ec ific ation see AMIS,1-1 AUDIX R1,2-1dial string,4-7modem p ooling,2-6 networking considerations,2-9non-U.S.,2-6R1V5 or later,1-1 R1 V8,2-6req uirements,4-10TN539B network c ard,4-6 AUDIX systems,1-1Automatic Alternate Routing,9-32Automatic d eletion of non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers ,10-13Automatic Route Selec tion,9-32 Averag e Usag e field,11-10 B Break c harac ter,9-29 C Cable H-600-258, Group 1,8-4 M7U,8-2Call Detail Rec ording,2-8

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Index IN-2 Call Transfer Out of AUDIX,9-40 Call Waiting Indic ation field,9-5CELP voic e messag ing enc od ing,1-3, 2-9Centers of Exc ellenc e,7-2, A-2 COE see also Centers of Excellence,7-2Colocated,3-1 req uirements,3-3Community ID field,10-23Comp lete Up d ates,10-9 Configuring mixed networks,6-1Control link integ rations,2-6Conventions used,xi D D8W c ord,4-5, 8-2, 8-4Data Extension field,9-2 Data Mod ule field,9-2Data Mod ule screen,2-8, 9-2, 9-4Data mod ules see 7400A d ata mod ules ,4-5Data Rate,1-10DCP mode 1,5-6 DCP mode 3,3-4p lanning,7-17, 7-21Data Rate field,9-20, 9-30 Dataphone digital service,5-2DCP,1-8, 11-5DCP Mode 1,2-4, 5-1 ad ministration,9-3d efined,1-8Mac hine Profile screen,5-6 DCP Mode 2,2-4, 4-1ad ministration,9-4c onnection testing,8-1 d efined,1-8hardware installation,8-1p lanning worksheets,7-29 switc h ad ministration req uirements,4-10switc h hardware req uirements,4-10 DCP Mode 3,2-4, 3-1ad ministration,9-7colocated requirements,3-3 d efined,1-8description,1-8interloc ation req uirements,3-3 DCP p ort,4-2DCS network,9-32Default Community p lanning ,7-16, 7-19Default Community field,9-25DEFINITY AUDIX req uirements DCP mode 1 ,5-4Design Center,1-7, 7-1Design sup port,A-2 Dial String,1-10 AUDIX R1,4-7d efinition,1-10examples,9-32 Intuity AUDIX,4-7p lanning,7-17, 7-21to DEFINITY AUDIX,4-7 to Intuity or AUDIX R1,9-32Dial String field local machine,9-19 remote mac hine,9-29Digital Communic ations Protoc ol see DCP Digital networking c onfig urations ,2-4description,1-1 feature overview,1-13local networking,1-7mixed networking,1-7 op eration,1-2remote networking,1-7typ es,1-7 Digital networking p orts how they work,2-7Disk sizing,2-2 Disks 100 hour,2-315-hour,2-3 40-hour,2-3Disp lay set integ rations,2-6DM424 mod em,4-6 DS1 circuit packs,3-3fac ilities,1-8, 2-4, 3-3 interface,5-2, 5-5network,3-3Dynamic 56 Kb p s networking,5-4, 5-6 E E1,3-2 E-1154,7-3EIA p o r t,2-5, 4-2, 4-5End Ext p lanning ,7-17, 7-20End Ext fi e ld,9-26Ext e ns io n networking ports ,7-15p lanning,7-15Extension Leng th,1-9 p lanning,7-16, 7-19Extension Leng th field,9-25