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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Index IN-3 F Fa x,2-8 Feature Daily Traffic sc reen,9-37, 10-20, 10-22Forward messag es description,1-3 G G3-MA,9-7G3r colocated ,3-1, 3-3 H H-600-258, Group 1 cab le,4-5 installation,8-4High-speed and low-sp eed in the same system,6-2 c onnectivity,2-4Hunt g roup ADU p orts,4-11, 9-6 data module ports,4-11, 4-15, 9-6d ig ital networking p orts,4-11, 4-14, 9-3modem ports,4-11, 4-16, 9-6 Hunt Group sc reen,9-3, 9-6 I Imp lementation sup port,A-2 Installation DCP Mode 2,8-1Installation Sp ecific ation,7-3 Integrated Servic es Digital Network Primary Rate Interfac e see ISDN Interloc ation req uirements ,3-3International Tec hnical Assistanc e Center see ITAC ,7-2Intuity AUDIX,2-1d ial string,4-7 networking c onsid erations,2-9ISDN,3-2, 3-3circuit packs,3-3 design,5-5fac ility,1-8, 2-4ITAC,7-2, A-2 ITC field,9-2, 9-4 L Last Usag e Date,10-26 List Config uration sc reen,9-9, 9-10List Mac hines sc reen,9-33, 10-2list voice IDs,9-41 List Remote Extensions screen,9-37, 10-11, 10-12Local machine d efinition ,1-4rec ord ing name,10-7test,9-22 Loc als Only field,9-40Loc ation,1-9p lanning,7-16, 7-19 Loc ation field,9-25Log Connec t Events,9-20p lanning,7-17, 7-22 Log Connec t Events field,9-20, 9-30Log in p romp t,9-7Low-speed and high-sp eed in the same system ,6-2c onnectivity overview,2-4 M M7U c ab le,4-5installation,8-2M8J-82 c able,8-4 Mac hine d efinition,1-4local definition ,1-4 remote definition ,1-4 Mac hine Name,1-9 p lanning,7-16, 7-19rec ord ing,9-41 Mac hine name,1-9Mac hine Name field,10-24, 11-9Mac hine Profile sc reen changing ,10-5DCP Mode 1,5-6DCP Mode 3,3-4 deleting,10-6local,9-18, 9-19, 10-14, 10-20remote,9-24, 9-27, 10-18, 10-20 viewing,10-3Mac hine Typ e,1-9p lanning,7-16, 7-19 Mac hine Typ e field,9-25, 11-9Maximum Numb er of Dig ital Networking Ports field,9-11 Maximum Simultaneous Channels field,11-4

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Index IN-4 Memb er p lanning ,7-15Messag e send ing to administered remote subscrib er ,1-11send ing to non-administered remote subscrib er,1-12 Messag e Transmission Sc hed ule,1-10p lanning,7-22Messag e Transmission Sc hed ule field,9-30 Messag e Transmission Threshold Excep tions field,11-11Messag es Queued Status field,11-11 Messag es Queued Voic e Mail field,11-11Messag es Rejec ted field,11-10Messag es Sent field,11-10 Modem pool,4-3AUDIX R1,2-6Mod em String p lanning ,7-17, 7-21Mod em String field,9-20, 9-29Modem/data module arrangements,2-4, 4-4 Mod ems,4-52296,4-63810/3820 front p anel setting s,8-6 ad ministration,9-5c omp atib ility,2-6, 4-6countries,A-1 DM424,4-6front p anel setting s,4-6, 8-10, 8-13Paradyne Comsphere,4-6 Parad yne Comsp here 3810 or 3810p lus,4-5Parad yne Comsp here 3820 or 3820p lus,4-5type app roval,A-1 Multistage dialing,2-6, 4-6 N Name ad dressing description ,1-3Namebac k,1-6 description,1-3Network Channel Numb er,11-5Network Channel Numb er field,11-5 Network Channel Typ e field,11-5Network c onnec tions,1-8DCP,1-8 DCP Mode 1,1-8DCP Mode 2,1-8DCP Mode 3,1-8 Network c ontroller Generic 1 or Generic 3,3-3Sy st e m 75,3-3 Network Group screen,9-13Network Group Status screen,9-15, 10-21Network Load Daily Traffic Report,11-3 Network Load Hourly Traffic Report,11-2 Network map,7-9 Network p lanning worksheet,7-7Network Turnaround,10-10, 10-17p lanning,7-18, 7-22 Network turnaround,1-13Network Turnaround field,9-20, 9-31Networking b enefits ,1-3c onnection c ap acity,2-1d efinition,1-1 local,1-7mixed,1-7mixed hig h-sp eed and low-speed,6-1 remote,1-7subscriber capacity,2-1terminolog y,1-4 with DCS,1-7Networking p ort ad d ing a sec ond port,10-7 ad ministration,9-2ad ministration overview,2-8test,9-16 traffic,11-2Networking rep orts,11-1Networks 19.2 Kb p s ,4-156 Kbp s networking,5-164 Kbp s networking,3-1 9600 b ps,4-1Non-United States c onsid erations,A-1 Null-mod em c able,4-5 P Parad yne Comsphere 3810 or 3810p lus ,4-53810/3820 front p anel setting s,8-13 3810/3820 mod ems front p anel setting s,8-6 3810p lus/3820p lus/3910 front p anel setting s ,8-10 3820 or 3820p lus,4-5 Partial up d ates,10-9Pas sw o r d,9-7description,1-4 p lanning,7-17, 7-22Pas sw o r d f i el d,9-20, 9-30PEG C ou nt Inc oming ,11-6Outg oing,11-6To t al,11-6 PEG Count field s,11-6Point-of-presence switch,5-5Por t p lanning ,7-15

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Index IN-5 Port Emulation Typ e field,9-11 Pre f i x,1-10d efinition,1-10p lanning,7-17, 7-20 Prefix field,9-25Private networks,1-8Pub lic /private interloc ation facilities,4-3 R Rec o r d remote sub scrib er names,10-28 Remote Deliveries Resc hed uled field,11-4Remote machine ad ministration,9-24 d efinition,1-4deleting,10-6rec ord ing name,10-7 updating,10-5Remote Messag es Daily Traffic Report,11-6Remote Messag es Monthly Traffic Report,11-8 Remote Sub sc riber sc reen,9-36, 10-23, 10-25, 10-27, 10-29Remote sub sc rib ers,9-12 adding,10-22ad ministration,9-35c hang ing ad ministration,10-25 delete,10-26d elete automatically,10-13rec ord ing names,10-28 test messag e,9-37Remote sup port center,7-3Remote up d ates,1-13, 9-37, 10-9 ad ministering for remote systems,10-18ad ministering loc al system,10-14c omp lete up d ates,10-9 forced,10-20get,10-20network turnaround,10-10 p artial up d ates,10-9Req uirements DCP mode 3 ,3-3RN X,5-5, 9-32Route Numb er Ind ex,9-32 RS-232,6-1networking,2-8RS232 d irec t connec t ,4-6 S Sched uling,1-14 Sc r e en s Ad ministration,9-8Ad ministration Log,9-39 Sc reens, (c ontinued ) change subscriber ,9-41Daily Network Load Traffic,11-3Data Module,2-8 Feature Daily Traffic,9-37Hunt Group,9-3List Configuration,9-9, 9-10 List Mac hine,9-33List Mac hines,9-41, 10-2List Remote Extensions,9-37, 10-12 Machine Profile,9-19Machine Profile for a Loc al Mac hine,10-15Network Group,9-13 Network Group Status,9-15Re mo t e Su b sc r ib e r,9-36, 10-25St a t io n,9-5 Su b sc r ib e r,9-41System Parameters Customer Op tions,9-11System Parameters Features,9-40, 10-13, 10-28System Parameters Limits,9-12Test Mac hine Results,9-22, 9-34 Test Networking Port Results,9-17SDDN,5-3SD N,5-3 Sen d t i me s,1-10Send to Non-Ad ministered Recip ients p lanning,7-22 Send to Non-Ad ministered Recip ients field,9-30, 9-39, 10-19Servic e Marks,xii Session Failures Far End No Answer field,11-11Software Defined Data Network,5-3 Software Defined Network,5-2, 5-3Sta r t Ex t p lanning,7-17, 7-20 Start Ext field,9-26Static 56 Kb p s networking,5-3, 5-5Station sc reen,9-5 Sta t i st ic s gathering,11-1Status Rec eived field,11-10 Status Sent field,11-10Sub-band voice messaging encoding,1-3, 2-9 Sub sc r i b e r local,1-5maximum numb er sup p orted,1-4 non-ad ministered remote,1-5non-verified non-ad ministered remote,1-6no-profile non-ad ministered remote,1-5 remote ad ding,10-22 ad ministered,1-6, 10-23 ad ministration,9-35 deleting,10-26 non-administered,10-23 non-administered verified,10-11 non-verified non-ad ministered,1-6

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Index IN-6 Sub sc riber, remote, (c ontinued) no-p rofile non-administered ,1-5 p lanning,7-25 test,9-35 up dating,10-25 verified non-ad ministered,1-6 viewing list,10-11 types,1-5verified non-ad ministered remote,1-6Sub sc riber sc reen verify announc ement permission ,9-41Switc h ad ministration,9-2req uirements DCP Mod e 2 ,4-10 Switc h hard ware req uirements DCP Mode 2 ,4-10Switc h Integ ration Typ e field,9-11Switc h req uirements DCP mode 1 ,5-5DCP Mode 2,4-10DCP mode 3,3-3 Switc hed Dig ital Servic e,5-3System Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen,9-11 System Parameters Features sc reen,9-40, 10-13, 10-28System Parameters Limits screen,9-12 T T1 c arrier,1-8, 2-4, 3-2, 3-3Tandem switc hing,5-5 Technical support,A-2Te s t local mac hine,9-22 network loop around,6-2networking ports,9-16remote mac hine,9-34 Test Mac hine Results sc reen,9-22, 9-34Te s t m e s s a g e remote sub scrib ers ,9-37Test Networking Port Results sc reen,9-17Te s t i n g DCP Mode 2 ,8-1Text Services Interfac e,2-8TN2181 digital station port circuit pack,2-7 TN454,3-3TN539B network c ard,2-6, 2-9, 4-6, 4-10TN722,3-3 TN726,4-2, 4-5, 4-10TN726 c irc uit p ac k,2-5TN727,3-3 TN741,3-3, 4-10, 5-5switc h tone c loc k,5-6TN742,4-2, 4-10 TN746B,4-2, 4-10 TN748B,3-3 TN748C,3-3, 4-10, 5-5switc h tone d etec tor,5-6TN748D,3-3 TN 7 5 4,2-2, 3-3, 4-2, 4-4, 4-5, 4-10TN754 d igital station p ort c ircuit p ack,2-4, 2-7TN754 Port Emulation Typ e,9-11 TN 7 5 6,3-3TN 7 6 7,3-3TN 7 7 7,3-3 TN 7 8 6,3-3, 4-10, 5-5switc h tone c loc k,5-6Tone c loc ks,3-3, 4-10, 5-5, 5-6 Tone d etec tor,3-3, 4-10, 5-5Total Inc oming Calls Unanswered field,11-5Total Message Transmission Limit Exc ep tions field ,11-4Total Message Transmission Threshold Excep - tions field,11-4 Total Remote Und eliverab le Messag es field,11-5Trad emarks,xii Traffic Collec tion field,9-40Traffic rep ort Network Load Daily,11-3 Network Load Hourly,11-2Remote Messag es Daily,11-6Remote Messag es Monthly,11-8 Transc od ing,2-9Transfer Sessions field,11-9Trunk sub g roup,5-3 TSC,7-2TSG,5-3Typ e ap proval modem ,A-1 U UDP see Uniform Dial Plan Uniform Dial Plan ,1-7 Up dates In,9-20, 10-15, 10-17p lanning,7-18, 7-23setup,10-16, 10-19 Up dates In field,9-20, 9-31, 9-39Up dates Out,10-15, 10-17p lanning,7-18, 7-23 setup,10-16, 10-19Up dates Out field,9-21, 9-31, 9-39Usag e Inc oming ,11-5Outg oing,11-5To t al,11-5 Usag e field,11-10Usag e field s,11-5

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Index IN-7 V Voice ID field,9-25 Voi c e p or t ad ministration,2-7Voi c e b ac k,1-6 Voiced Name field,9-25, 10-24, 10-26 W Wa i t,9-29 Warning s field,9-26Weekly Backup Enab led field,9-40Worksheet ADU ,7-29data module,7-29d ig ital networking p orts,7-27 hunt g roup data modules, ADUs, modems,7-32 digital networking ports,7-28 local and remote switc h information,7-5 local mac hine p rofile,7-16mod em,7-31network g roup,7-15 network p lanning,7-7p ersonnel,7-13remote mac hine p rofile,7-19 remote sub scrib er information,7-25 Z Z3A-2 ADU,8-4

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Index IN-8