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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 About This Document xi Conventions Used nChapter 10, ‘‘Ong oing Ad ministration’’ After you initially administer DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking and p erform ac c ep tanc e tests, you will need to p erform ong oing ad ministration tasks. This c hap ter c ontains p roc ed ures for up d ating mac hine and sub sc rib er information. nChapter 11, ‘‘Networking Rep orts’’ The DEFINITY AUDIX system g athers information on system status and makes the information availab le in rep orts. This c hap ter d esc rib es how to ac c ess the rep orts and p rovides information on interp reting the rep orts. nAppendix A, ‘‘Considerations for Non-United States’’ This ap p end ix provid es information on mod em typ e ap p roval b y c ountry and on d esign, imp lementation, and sup p ort for c ountries other than the United States. A list of Abb reviations , Glossary, and Ind ex also are p rovided . Conventions Used The following c onventions were used in this d oc ument: nRound ed boxes rep resent keyb oard keys that you p ress. For examp le, an instruc tion to p ress the enter key is shown as Press . nRound ed boxes also rep resent p hone p ad keys that you p ress. For examp le, an instruc tion to p ress zero on the p hone p ad is shown as Press . nThe word “ enter” means to typ e a value and press . For example, an instruc tion to type y and press is shown as Enter y and p ress . nTwo or three keys that you p ress at the same time (that is, you hold d own the first key while p ressing the sec ond and /or third key) are shown as rounded boxes next to each other. For example, an instruc tion to press and hold while typ ing the letter d is shown as Press nCommands and text you type or enter ap p ear in b old . nValues, instruc tions, and p romp ts that you see on the sc reen ap p ear as follows: Press any key to continue. nVariab les that the system sup p lies or that you must supp ly ap p ear in italic s. ENTER 0 ENTER ENTER ENTER ALT ALTD
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 About This Document xii Trademarks and Service Marks For examp le, an error messag e inc lud ing one of your filenames ap p ears as: The file filename is formatted incorrectly Trademarks and Service Marks The following trad emarked p rod uc ts may b e mentioned in this doc ument: Related Documentation For a list of d oc uments related to the DEFINITY AUDIX System, see the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Prod uc t Pub lic ations Catalog web site at www.luc ent.c om/enterp rise/d oc umentation. How to Comment on This Document We are interested in your sug g estions for imp roving this doc ument. Please send your c omments and sugg estions to: Luc ent Tec hnolog ies OMD Tec hnic al Public ations Room 22-2X57 11900 North Pec os Street Denver, Colorad o 80234 Send email c omments to: oc teltec hp ub s@luc ent.c om Trademarks Origin AUDIX ® reg istered trademark of Luc ent Tec hnologies Comsp here ® reg istered trad emark of Parad yne Corporation DEFINITY ® reg istered trademark of Luc ent Tec hnologies Intuity ™trademark of Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Sp o r t st e r ®reg istered trad emark of 3Com Corp oration U.S. Rob otic s ®reg istered trad emark of 3Com Corp oration
Introduction to Digital Networking 1-1 What Is Networking? 1 DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 1 Introduction to Digital Networking This c hapter p rovid es an introd uc tion to the b asic s of DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking and d esc rib es some of the d igital networking features. The DEFINITY AUDIX system p rovid es two typ es of networking , d ig ital networking and AUDIO Messag e Interc hang e Sp ec ific ation (AMIS) analog networking. Dig ital networking p rovid es DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers with the ab ility to exc hang e voic e messag es with sub sc ribers on other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity ™ AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1V5 or later systems (c ollec tively c alled AUDIX systems). AMIS analog networking provid es DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers with the ab ility to exc hang e messag es with users of any voic e messag ing systems that have AMIS, inc lud ing non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies systems that use the AMIS stand ard . The information in this d oc ument is intend ed for users of DEFINITY AUDIX dig ital networking . However, this c hap ter exp lains AMIS analog networking and c omp ares AMIS with d ig ital networking . Read the information in this c hapter to und erstand the networking c ap ab ilities offered b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system. What Is Networking? Loosely d efined , networking is the transferring of voic e messages b etween voic e messag ing sub sc rib ers loc ated on d ifferent systems. For the DEFINITY AUDIX system, there are two typ es of networking : nDig ital networking nAMIS analog networking
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-2 What Is Networking? 1 Dig ital networking is d efined as the transfer of a d ig ital file from one voic e mailb ox to another voic e mailb ox on a d ifferent system (DEFINITY AUDIX system, Intuity AUDIX system, or AUDIX R1 system). A voic e message is nothing more than a d ig ital c omp uter file. The messag e is d ig itally rec ord ed and stored , then transferred ac ross c ommunic ation lines. Just as two networked c omp uter users c an send files to eac h other, two AUDIX users c an rec ord voic e messag es and send the messag es to eac h other. Digital Networking Operation Dig ital networking op erates in the following manner: 1. A loc al subsc riber rec ord s a message and ad d resses the messag e to a remote subsc rib er using a loc ation p refix and the sub sc rib er’s extension. 2. DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking d ials the numb er of the remote sub sc rib er’s system to which the message was ad d ressed . 3. The remote system answers the c all, and the loc al system sends the messag e. 4. The remote sub sc rib er listens to the messag e and hears a messag e head er that inc lud es the orig inating system name, the orig inating sub sc rib er name, the time sent, etc . 5. The sub sc rib er who sent the messag e rec eives notific ation that the messag e was rec eived and op ened . 6. The remote sub sc rib er c an use the AUDIX voic e messag ing features to return a messag e to the orig inating sub sc rib er, store the messag e, forward the messag e, etc . A system ad ministrator or installation technic ian must ad minister remote system information on the loc al system. For sub sc rib er information, DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking p rovid es the ab ility to share d atab ase information with remote DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity AUDIX, and AUDIX R1 systems. AMIS Analog Networking Operation AMIS analog networking p lays messages as voic e files over analog lines to c ommunic ate with other AMIS systems inc lud ing other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, AUDIX R1 systems, and non-Luc ent Tec hnolog ies systems that use AMIS. AMIS op erates in the following manner: 1. A loc al subsc riber rec ord s a message and ad d resses the messag e to a remote AMIS sub sc rib er. 2. The AMIS system d ials the numb er of the sub sc rib er’s system to whic h the messag e was ad d ressed .
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-3 Why You Should Use Networking 1 3. The remote AMIS system answers the c all, exc hang es p rotoc ols with the loc al system, and allows the loc al AMIS system to p lay, not transfer, the messag e. 4. As the loc al system p lays the messag e, the remote AMIS system rec ord s the messag e in the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox (ind ic ated b y the extension used when addressing the message). 5. The remote sub sc rib er c an listen to the messag e. For more information on AMIS analog networking , refer to AMIS Analog Networking , 585-300-512. The d oc ument c ontains a c omp lete d esc rip tion of AMIS for DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1 systems, inc lud ing p lanning and ad ministration p roc ed ures. Why You Should Use Networking Networking enhanc es your DEFINITY AUDIX system in many ways: nIf you have b usiness offic es in more than one g eog rap hic loc ation, whether in the same build ing or in d ifferent c ities, networking allows you to exc hang e voic e messag es with all loc ations as if they were one. nIf you exc eed the c apac ity of one AUDIX system at your loc ation, you c an network a DEFINITY AUDIX system with Intuity or AUDIX R1 systems so sub sc rib ers c an exc hang e messag es as if they were on the same system. nMessage exc hange features inc lude: — Name ad d ressing — allows a sub sc rib er to ad d ress a messag e b y entering a sub sc rib er’s name. — Name b ac k — if a name is rec ord ed for the remote subsc rib er, the system p lays the rec ord ed name when a subsc rib er ad d resses a messag e to the remote sub sc rib er or when the sub sc rib er rec eives a message from the remote sub sc rib er. — Ab ility to forward messages to one sub sc rib er or a g roup of sub sc rib ers, resp ond to messag es, and c reate g roup mailing lists. You c annot share mailing lists ac ross the network. nThe q uality of a voic e messag e sent b etween DEFINITY AUDIX systems and b etween DEFINITY AUDIX systems and Intuity AUDIX systems when using digital networking is the same as when the message was recorded, d ue to ad vanc ed CELP-b ased voic e messag ing enc od ing tec hnolog y, no matter how many times you forward the messag e. AUDIX R1 uses the sub -b and voic e messag ing enc od ing alg orithm. (CELP voic e messag ing enc od ing is a hig her q uality than sub -b and .) Messag es b etween DEFINITY AUDIX systems and AUDIX R1 systems are in sub-band format. nSystem ad ministration for remote sub sc rib ers is simp le and effic ient with the automatic up d ate feature for sub sc rib er d atab ases.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-4 Networking Terminology 1 nIf your b usiness op erates in different time zones, you c an send or rec eive messag es any time of the day or night. nThe DEFINITY AUDIX system c an network (AMIS and d ig ital) to a maximum of 100 DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity AUDIX, or AUDIX R1 remote systems with a maximum of 100,000 loc al and remote sub sc ribers. nPassword s and uniq ue identifiers for eac h system p rovid e sec urity to the network. DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking uses a d ig ital protoc ol to exc hang e voic e messag es with other systems whic h also enhanc es system security. nAMIS analog networking allows you to c ommunic ate with other voic e messag ing p rod uc ts that d o not have the d ig ital networking feature. nAll a d ig ital networking sub sc rib er need s to know to exc hang e voic e messag es with remote sub sc rib ers is the mac hine p refix and remote sub sc rib er extension or, b y using the name ad d ressing feature, just the sub sc rib er’s name. Networking Terminology Before you p roc eed with this d oc ument, you need to know several terms related to DEFINITY AUDIX dig ital networking . Read the terms and their exp lanations in this sec tion to help you und erstand the tec hnolog y. Local and Remote Machines Mac hine is a term used for AUDIX systems or other AMIS voic e mail systems. For DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking , there are two typ es of mac hines, loc al and remote. Your mac hine is b oth a loc al and a remote mac hine. To you, your mac hine is loc al b ec ause you are ad ministered as a sub sc rib er on the mac hine. All other mac hines in the network app ear as remote mac hines to you. To someone at another loc ation, however, their mac hine is the loc al mac hine and your mac hine is the remote. Use the following explanation as you c ontinue with this doc ument: nA loc al mac hine is the mac hine on whic h you are ad ministered as a loc al sub sc rib er. nA remote mac hine is any mac hine c onnec ted throug h the network with whic h your loc al mac hine exc hang es voic e messag es. Remote mac hines d o not have to b e situated in different g eographic al loc ations. If you have a larg e sub sc rib er p op ulation at a sing le site, you may req uire more than one AUDIX mac hine to hand le the c ap ac ity at that site. These multip le mac hines are networked tog ether to p rovid e messag ing c ap ab ilities to all of the sub sc rib ers. The remote mac hine usually is p lac ed p hysic ally c lose to the loc al mac hine.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-5 Networking Terminology 1 As you plan and imp lement your network strateg y with the other network ad ministrators, rememb er that your mac hine is b oth loc al and remote. All mac hines c onnec ted throug h a d ig ital network req uire sp ec ific information for the network to op erate p rop erly, suc h as mac hine names, p assword s, d ial p lans, and extension rang es. Subscriber Types To und erstand DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking , you need to know the d ifferent typ es of sub sc ribers. Networking ac tually has three sets of sub sc rib ers: loc al sub sc rib ers, non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers, and ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers. Loc al sub sc rib ers are the DEFINITY AUDIX users with voic e mailb oxes on your loc al mac hine. Non-ad ministered and ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers are the users on remote mac hines. Local Subscribers Loc al subsc rib ers are the DEFINITY AUDIX users with voic e mailb oxes on your loc al mac hine. Ad minister the loc al sub sc rib ers as d esc rib ed in DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration (585-300-507). You d o not have to c hang e loc al sub sc rib er ad ministration for networking . To other mac hines in the network, thoug h, the loc al sub sc rib ers on your mac hine are remote sub sc ribers. Coord inate all sub sc rib er ad ministration p roc esses with the other network ad ministrators. Chap ter 7, ‘‘Dig ital Network Planning’’ , help s you and the other network ad ministrators c ollec t all the information need ed to prop erly administer all sub sc rib ers. Non-Administered Remote Subscribers Th e t e r m non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib er describes subscribers on remote mac hines in the network with whom loc al sub sc rib ers may b e ab le to exc hang e voic e messag es. There are three typ es of non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers, as described below. No-p rofile non-ad ministered remote sub scrib erA non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib er who has never exc hang ed voic e messag es with the loc al mac hine. Pr o f i le refers to a c ollec tion of remote sub sc rib er information, suc h as the mac hine name, sub sc rib er extension, p refix, and ad d ress, maintained in the loc al mac hine’s sub sc riber d atab ase. For a no-p rofile remote sub sc rib er, the loc al mac hine datab ase does not c ontain any information.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-6 Networking Terminology 1 Examp les later in this c hap ter show you how the three types of non-ad ministered remote subsc rib ers work with the network. Administered Remote Subscribers Th e t e r m administered remote subsc ribers describes any remote subscriber that has an ad ministered profile on the loc al mac hine. The p rofile c ontains the following information: nThe remote sub sc rib er’s extension nThe remote sub sc rib er’s name nThe remote sub sc rib er’s mac hine name nA rec ord ing of the remote sub sc rib er’s name (op tional) nA rec ord ing of the remote sub sc rib er’s mac hine name (op tional) Sinc e the loc al mac hine knows the remote sub sc rib er’s name and has a rec ord ing of the name, the mac hine sup p orts name ad dressing for ad ministered remote subsc rib ers. When a sub sc rib er add resses a messag e to an ad ministered remote sub sc rib er, the p erson hears the name of the remote sub sc rib er, if rec ord ed . If the name has not b een rec ord ed , the p erson hears the remote subsc rib er’s mac hine name, if the mac hine name has b een rec ord ed . If neither are rec ord ed , the p erson hears the extension p layed b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Examp les later in this c hap ter show you how ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers op erate with the network. Non-verified non- ad ministered remote sub scrib erA remote non-ad ministered sub sc rib er who d oes not have a p rofile on the loc al mac hine, b ut has had a messag e ad d ressed to them. The loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system c hec ks the d atab ase to d etermine if the ad d ress for the non-verified sub sc rib er is valid on any ad ministered remote mac hines. If the loc al mac hine d etermines that the ad d ress is valid , the system attemp ts to send the messag e. When the messag e is rec eived b y the remote mac hine and d elivered to the sub sc rib er, the loc al system c reates a verified non-ad ministered sub sc rib er p rofile. A sub sc rib er remains a non-verified remote sub sc rib er only until the messag e is sent or returned. Ve r if ie d non-ad ministered remote sub scrib erA non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib er that has exc hang ed voic e messages with the loc al mac hine. After the loc al mac hine suc c essfully send s or rec eives voic e messages, the system c reates a p rofile for the non-ad ministered sub sc rib er. The p rofile c ontains the remote sub sc rib er’s extension and mac hine name, but d oes not c ontain a rec ord ing of the remote sub sc rib er’s name or the remote mac hine name. Name ad d ressing and voic e name-b ac k d oes not work with for this typ e of remote sub sc rib er.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-7 Networking Terminology 1 Digital Networking Application Types DEFINITY AUDIX digital networking provides different types of data connections b etween other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1 systems. The following list introd uc es you to some of the p ossib le networking strateg ies availab le to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The d esig n c enter, International Tec hnic al Assistanc e Center (ITAC), or Centers of Exc ellenc e (COE) c an help you d etermine and d esig n the b est networking strateg y for your business. Loc al Networking A loc al network c onsists of one DEFINITY AUDIX system emb ed d ed in the same switc h to whic h one or more Intuity or AUDIX R1 systems is attac hed . The networked AUDIX systems ap p ear as one larg e voic e proc essing system for most features. Remo te NetworkingRemote systems are usually loc ated in d ifferent g eog rap hic loc ations, share or have uniq ue d ial p lans, and may use several d ifferent typ es of d ata c onnec tivity. Mixed Networking A mixed network c onsists of a c omb ination of loc al and remote networking or remote networking and may inc lud e any c omb ination of DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity AUDIX, and /or AUDIX R1 systems. DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking with a DCS NetworkOne or more AUDIX systems c onnec ted to one or more switc hes in a Distrib uted Communic ations System (DCS) network. The networked multip le systems g ive the ap p earanc e of one larg e (loc al) AUDIX system. The DCS network c an have a DEFINITY AUDIX system networked with Intuity AUDIX and /or AUDIX R1 systems on a sing le switc h that serves the network or multip le systems on multip le switches. All AUDIX systems integrated with d ifferent switc hes must use the same Uniform Dial Plan (UDP). DEFINITY AUDIX d igital networking and DCS networking are two d ifferent features and may b e imp lemented separately. A DEFINITY AUDIX system that serves other switches in a DCS network also can be networked with other DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity AUDIX, and AUDIX R1 systems.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-8 Example of a Basic Network 1 Data Connection Types DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking p rovid es d ifferent typ es of network c onnec tions using the Dig ital Communic ations Protoc ol (DCP). Data c onnec tions serve both loc al networking and remote networking , d ep end ing on your system c onfig uration. The following tab le b riefly d esc ribes the d ifferent typ es of network c onnec tions and terms assoc iated with the c onnec tions. These network c onnec tions are d esc rib ed in d etail in later c hap ters. The typ e of d ata c onnec tion you use dep end s on the fac ilities at your site and how you p lan to c onnec t with remote sites. You d o not have to use the same typ e of d ata c onnec tion for eac h AUDIX system to whic h the DEFINITY AUDIX system is networking . Example of a Basic Network The b est way to und erstand DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking is to look at some examp les. The following examp le shows a b asic network whic h c ontains three mac hines, one loc al and two remote. In the examp le, the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX dig ital networking system is loc ated in Denver, Colorad o, and the remote systems are loc ated in Columb us, Ohio, (AUDIX R1) and Linc roft, New Jersey, (Intuity). DCP Mod e 1 An Luc ent Tec hnologies p rop rietary Dig ital Communic ations Protoc ol (DCP) c onnec tion using a d ata rate of 56 Kb p s. DCP Mod e 1 uses a DS1 fac ility on the switc h or a d ed ic ated fac ility on a T1 c arrier. DCP Mod e 2 DCP Mod e 2 is an async hronous, low-sp eed (9600 or 19,200 b p s) c onnec tion. DCP Mod e 2 uses a mod em/data mod ule or mod em/Async hronous Data Unit (ADU) arrang ement and c onnec ts over analog or voic e-g rad e d ata lines. DCP Mod e 3 A DCP c onnec tion using a data rate of 64 Kb p s. DCP Mod e 3 uses a DS1 or ISDN fac ility on the switc h or a ded ic ated fac ility on a T1 c arrier. The 19.2 Kb p s d ata rate only op erates on p rivate networks, not the pub lic network. If you d o not have a p rivate network and need to c ommunic ate throug h the p ub lic network, async hronous networking must op erate at 9.6 Kb p s. If 9.6 Kbp s d oes not p rovid e the type of servic e you want for voic e messag ing , use one of the other typ es of d ata c onnec tions.