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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-9 Example of a Basic Network 1 Figure 1-1. Three-Machine Basic Network Example Before the mac hines c an exc hang e messag es, eac h mac hine must c ontain some information ab out the other mac hine. The following list desc rib es the b asic information req uired b y eac h mac hine. Mac hine Name The name given to the loc al and remote mac hines. Eac h mac hine has a unique name. The mac hine name is used when initiating c ommunic ations and inc reases the sec urity of the system. Mac hine Typ e Either aud ix for DEFINITY AUDIX or Intuity AUDIX or r1aud for AUDIX R1 Loc ation The loc ation is loc al or remote. Extension Leng th The extension leng th of the remote mac hine. Prefixes: Subscribers:Prefixes: Subscribers: Prefixes: Subscribers: DenverColumbus New Jersey 37 (DR) 303555 1000 299922 (CB) 614555 3000 4999 65 (NJ) 908555 5000 6999

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-10 Example of a Basic Network 1 The following tab le c ontains the information entered for eac h mac hine in the three-machine example. Prefix The c od e used to id entify the remote mac hine. Part of the overall ad d ressing sc heme, the p refix is entered b y loc al subscribers when they address messages to remote sub sc rib ers. Sub sc rib ers first enter the p refix then the remote sub sc rib er extension. Prefixes may b e req uired if the ranges overlap. You do not have to use prefixes. For examp le, for a mac hine named “ Denver,” the p refix c ould b e “ DR.” To ad d ress mail to a remote sub sc rib er on the Denver mac hine, local subscribers enter “DR” (touc h-tones 3 and 7) on the touc h-tone keyp ad and then the remote sub sc rib er’s extension. For extension 2600 in Denver, the local subsc riber enters . Eac h remote mac hine c an have a maximum of 10 p refixes if you wanted to use more than one p refix. For examp le, if you wanted to b e able to ad d ress voic e messag es b y using a more familiar p refix, suc h as an area c od e or exc hang e, you could set up multiple prefixes. In the Denver example, you c ould set up 303, the area c od e, and 555, the exc hang e, as p refixes. By setting up multip le p refixes, loc al subscribers c an use c omplete telep hone numb ers to ad d ress voic e messag es. Add ress Rang e The p refix, the starting (or lowest) extension, and the end ing (or hig hest) extension assig ned to a remote sub sc rib er. When a loc al sub sc rib er rec ord s a messag e and enters the address, DEFINITY AUDIX digital networking checks the ad d ress with the d atab ase ad d ress rang es to d etermine whic h mac hine may c ontain the sub sc rib er. A maximum of 16 mac hines may share an ad d ress rang e. Rememb er, an ad d ress rang e d oes not always uniq uely identify a mac hine. Dial String The telep hone numb er of the remote mac hine used to initiate c alls to a remote mac hine. Data Rate The d ata rate of the networking c onnec tion b etween two AUDIX systems. Messag e Transmission Sc h e d u leThe rang e of times and intervals when the loc al mac hine attemp ts to d eliver voic e messag es to remote mac hines. 372600

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-11 Example of a Basic Network 1 Sending a Message to an Administered Remote Subscriber Onc e the network ad ministration is finished , sub sc rib ers c an exc hang e voic e mail. The following examp le uses a loc al sub sc rib er at extension 2000 on mac hine DR who wants to send a messag e to the ad ministered remote sub sc rib er at extension 6000 in New Jersey. All the user need s to d o is enter the remote subsc rib er’s ad d ress. DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking performs the p roc esses d esc ribed in the examp le in a matter of sec ond s. The user d oes not know that any of the p roc esses are oc c urring . 1. The local sub sc rib er record s a messag e and ad d resses the messag e to an ad ministered remote sub sc rib er at extension “ 656000” (“ NJ6000” ). 2. The loc al mac hine c hec ks to see if “ 656000” is a loc al sub sc rib er and returns an answer of “ no.” 3. The loc al mac hine c hec ks the d atab ase to see if “ 656000” falls within a valid ad d ress rang e on any of the administered remote mac hines. The loc al mac hine find s that the ad d ress is valid on a mac hine named NJ. 4. Using the ad d ress and the mac hine information, the loc al mac hine c hec ks the remote subsc riber d atab ase on the loc al mac hine for any information on a sub sc rib er at ad d ress “ 656000.” The loc al mac hine disc overs information on an ad ministered remote sub sc rib er for the ad d ress and sp eaks the name, if rec ord ed , of the remote sub sc rib er. 5. The loc al mac hine sc hed ules and delivers the messag e d uring the next valid send time. Table 1-1. Example Information for a Three-Machine Network Machine Name DR CB NJ Mac hine Typ e DEFINITY AUDIX AUDIX R1 Intuity Mac hine Loc ation Denver Columb us Linc roft Extension Leng th 4 4 4 Prefixes DR (37) CB (22) NJ (65) 614555 303555 908555 Ad d ress Rang es 1000-2999 3000-4999 5000-6999 Mac hine Dial String 13035551000 16145553000 19085555000 Messag e Transmission Sc h e d u le24hrs/d ay every 5 minutes24hrs/d ay every 5 minutes24hrs/d ay every 5 minutes Sub sc rib ers 1500 4000 6000

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-12 Example of a Basic Network 1 Sending a Message to a Non-Administered Remote Subscriber DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking easily hand les the p roc ess of send ing voic e mail to no-profile, non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers when an ad d ress falls within a rang e that c orresp ond s to one or more mac hines. The following examp le uses extension 223500 as a no-p rofile, non-administered remote sub sc rib er. 1. The loc al sub sc rib er in Denver rec ord s a messag e and ad d resses the messag e to a remote sub sc rib er at “ 223500” (“ CB3500” ). The loc al mac hine has never exc hang ed voic e messag es with a remote sub sc rib er at “ 223500.” At this p oint, the remote sub sc rib er is c onsid ered a no-p rofile, non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib er. 2. The loc al mac hine c hec ks to see if “ 223500” is a loc al sub sc rib er and returns an answer of “ no.” 3. The loc al mac hine c hec ks the d atab ase to see if “ 223500” falls within a valid ad d ress rang e. The ad d ress is valid and the loc al mac hine uses the d atab ase to d etermine whic h mac hines c orresp ond to that ad d ress. One mac hine, CB, c orresp onds to the ad d ress. At this p oint, the remote sub sc rib er is c onsid ered a non-verified , non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib er. A p rofile has b een c reated in the d atab ase for the remote sub sc rib er. 4. Using the ad dress and the information ob tained in the p revious step , the loc al mac hine c hec ks the remote sub sc rib er d atab ase on the loc al mac hine for any information on a sub sc rib er at ad d ress “ 223500.” The mac hine d oes not find any information. 5. The loc al mac hine attemp ts to deliver the messag e to mac hine CB d uring the next valid send time, using the ad d ress information. 6. CB ac c ep ts and d elivers the messag e to the sub sc rib er at extension 3500. 7. After suc c essfully sending the messag e, the loc al mac hine c reates a rec ord for the remote sub sc rib er that c ontains that remote sub sc riber’s extension and mac hine name. At this p oint, the remote sub sc rib er is c onsid ered a verified , non-ad ministered remote sub sc riber. The loc al mac hine now knows the verified , non-ad ministered remote sub sc rib er exists and knows the sub sc rib er’s mac hine name and extension. The next time a messag e is ad d ressed to the remote sub sc rib er at extension 3500 on mac hine CB, the loc al mac hine sends the message d irec tly to CB; b ec ause the loc al mac hine has a rec ord of a suc c essful d elivery for the remote sub sc rib er.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-13 Digital Networking Feature Overview 1 Digital Networking Feature Overview You should be familiar with the following digital networking features: nRemote Up d ates nNetwork Turnaround nSc heduling nRetry Strateg ies nAd ministration Log Remote Updates The DEFINITY AUDIX system offers an automatic method of ad ministering remote sub sc rib ers c alled remote upd ates. Remote upd ates allow the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system to exc hang e sub sc rib er information with eac h DEFINITY AUDIX, Intuity, and AUDIX R1V5 or later remote system ad ministered on the loc al system. During a c omp lete up d ate, all sub sc rib er information is exc hang ed b etween systems. For examp le, when a new system is ad d ed to the network, eac h existing system should req uest a c omp lete up d ate from the new system to ad d the new subsc rib ers to the network. Comp lete up d ates may involve many thousand s of users and req uire heavy system resourc es. Ad d itionally, the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system c an automatic ally sc hed ule a non-p rime-time c omp lete up d ate from a remote system if the loc al system find s d isc repanc ies b etween databases. Partial up d ates oc c ur on a reg ular b asis, suc h as weekly or nig htly, to ad d or change information for subscribers. Partial updates would occur, for example, when a new sub sc rib er is ad d ed to a remote or loc al system. If all systems in the network are ad ministered to allow p artial up d ates, any time a sub sc rib er is ad d ed to, d eleted from, or c hang ed on a system, that system will notify eac h system in the network of the c hang e. Refer to Chap ter 10, ‘‘Ong oing Ad ministration’’ , for c omplete information on the Remote Up d ates feature. Network Turnaround The network turnaround feature allows one system to c all another and exc hang e voic e messag es, send up d ated sub sc rib er information, and req uest upd ated sub sc rib er information. When the system that originated the c all finishes, network turnaround allows the c alled system to perform the same ac tions using the same c onnec tion. The feature red uc es toll c harg es and inc reases the effic ienc y of the system. It is g enerally rec ommend ed that you use network turnaround .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-14 Digital Networking Feature Overview 1 Scheduling Messag es are d elivered to a remote system on a sc hed ule set up on the loc al system for eac h remote system. The sc hed ule inc lud es the start and end time d uring the d ay when messag es will b e transmitted to the remote system and the interval for transmitting messag es. The minimum interval is every five minutes. If the c onnec tion to the remote system fails or p roc essing req uests fail, the system d rop s the c all and retries again, d ep ending on the failure reason. The numb er of retries dep end s on the following : nReq uest typ e nFailure reason nResc hed uling c ount (System Parameters Features sc reen) If the req uest is for a test (Test Mac hine sc reen), the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system only tries onc e to make the c onnec tion. If the req uest is not for a test and the failure reason is one of the following, nReceive busy tone nRec eive interc ep t tone (while d ialing the p ort) nRec eive reord er tone nDialing timeout nRec eive disc onnec t from the far end while d ialing or proc essing the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system retries three more times with a one-minute in ter v al b etween eac h c all. If the fourth attemp t (or the first if this is a test c all) still fails, then a DEFINITY AUDIX aud it (whic h takes p lac e within at most the next eig ht minutes) resc hed ules all req uests to the remote system for sub seq uent transmission b ased on the transmission sc hed ule for that system (remote Mac hine Profile sc reen). Administration Request If the Up d ate Out field on the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen is set to yes, and there is a c hang e to send to remote system, the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system retries over and over until the remote system g ets the up d ate or the Up d ate Out field is set to no. Voice Mail Request After one d ay of retries, the resc hed uling c ount for all the messages b eing sent to the remote system is inc remented b y 1 (at most the resc hed uling c ount c an b e 10, then the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will retry for ten d ays). When the resc hed uling c ount maximum is reac hed , then all the messag es b ec ome undeliverable.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-15 Digital Networking Feature Overview 1 Status Request The DEFINITY AUDIX system retries over and over ag ain. Administration Log Prob lems that req uire the system ad ministrator’s attention ap p ear in the ad ministration log . These ad ministration errors (suc h as notific ation of full mailb oxes and nond eliverab le messag es) should b e c orrec ted to op timize networking operation. The system d isp lays an alarm messag e (alarms: A ) on the DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration sc reen status line when it log s ad ministration errors. Use display administration log to d isp lay ad ministration errors. The DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator should c hec k the ad ministration log eac h morning . You c an c orrec t sub sc rib er p rob lems id entified on the ad ministration log using reg ular ad ministrative p roc ed ures (suc h as notifying a sub sc rib er of an und eliverab le messag e). The ad ministration alarm on the status line is c leared when you ac c ess the ad ministration log .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Introduction to Digital Networking 1-16 Digital Networking Feature Overview 1

DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-1 2 DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 2 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking allows loc al DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers to exc hang e voic e messag es with other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, INTUITY AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1 systems (AUDIX systems). These systems can b e loc ated on the same site or sp read out over several loc ations in the same or different c ities and c ountries. A DEFINITY AUDIX system may c onnec t with a maximum of up to 100 other voic e mail systems (digital networking and AMIS) and su p p o r t a max i mum of 1 00,0 00 loc al sub sc rib ers and administered and nonad ministered remote sub sc rib ers. However, the total numb er of networked systems and loc al and remote sub sc rib ers dep end s on several fac tors, suc h as: nThe numb er of networking p orts nThe amount of availab le storag e for remote sub sc riber d ata nThe speed of d ata transp ort b etween systems ‘‘Disk Sizing for Loc al and Remote Sub sc ribers’’ d escrib es how the size of the hard d isk d etermines the numb er of p ossib le loc al and remote sub sc rib ers. In ad dition, reg ardless of d isk size, a DEFINITY AUDIX with one d ig ital networking p ort with low-speed c onnec tivity should b e limited to a network with 10 other voic e mail systems and will supp ort only 100 loc al or 10,000 remote sub sc rib ers.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 2-2 Number of Networking Ports 2 Number of Networking Ports DEFINITY AUDIX Release 3.2 sup p orts a maximum of 2 d ig ital networking c hannels. DEFINITY AUDIX Release 4.0 sup p orts 1 d ig ital networking c hannel. The DEFINITY AUDIX system works by emulating a switc h station p ort c irc uit p ac k. In all switc hes, the DEFINITY AUDIX system c an emulate a TN754, 8-p ort d ig ital station c irc uit p ac k. In G3V2, and later switc h releases, the DEFINITY AUDIX system c an emulate a TN2181, 16-p ort d ig ital station c irc uit p ac k. The DEFINITY ProLog ix switc h c an sup p ort either the TN754 or TN2181 emulation. The TN754 and TN2181 are the only c irc uit p ac k emulations that c an be used with d ig ital networking . TN746 emulation is not an option with d ig ital networking . For a c omp lete d esc rip tion of c irc uit p ac k emulations for the DEFINITY AUDIX System, see Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System, 585-300-509, or Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 555-300-122. Tab le 2-1 summarizes the DEFINITY AUDIX network and voic e p ort c ap ac ity by DEFINITY AUDIX c irc uit-p ac k typ e, and c irc uit p ac k emulation when a system has d igital networking . Disk Sizing for Local and Remote Subscribers The numb er of loc al and remote sub sc rib ers sup p orted b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system d ep end s, among other c onsid erations, on the d isk size. Remote sub sc rib ers inc lud e b oth d ig itally networked and AMIS analog sub sc rib ers. The numb er of hours of voic e storag e that need s to b e p urc hased d epend s on the numb er of voic ed names, messag es, and g reeting s. Either a 40-hour d isk or a 100-hour d isk is p rovid ed with a Release 3.2. Release 4.0 p rovid es only a 100-hour d isk. The following table d esc rib es the maximum numb er of loc al and remote sub sc rib ers b y d isk size. The numb er of networking p orts and the sp eed of d ata transp ort may dec rease these numb ers. Table 2-1. Voice Port Limits with Digital Networking by Circuit Pack Emulation Maximum Number of Ports with Digital Networking Switch Circuit Pack EmulationTN566B MFB TN567 MFB TN568 Voice Network Voice Network Voice Network TN2181 (16 Port DCP) 10 2 16 2 8 1 TN754 (8 Port DCP) 8 2 8 2 8 1