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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-3 Switch Administration 9 Task 2: Administer a Hunt Group for Digital Networking Ports If there are two d ig ital networking p orts, it is rec ommend ed that they b e p lac ed in a switc h Hunt Group . To assig n the d ig ital networking p orts to a hunt g roup , use the following p roc ed ure: 1. To access the Hunt Group sc reen, enter add hunt-group number at the switc h administration terminal, or enter add hunt-group next to assign the next availab le hunt g roup numb er. Pag e 1 of the sc reen d isp lays. 2. In the Group Extension field , enter an unused extension numb er. This is the extension a remote system will d ial to estab lish a networking c onnec tion with the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. (The extension that is part of the Dial String on the Machine Profile screen at the remote system.) 3. In the Group Typ e field , enter ucd (alternates b etween selec ting first and second digital networking port). 4. In the Group Name field, enter a name that id entifies the d ig ital networking ports. 5. In the COR field , enter a c lass of restric tion (COR) numb er that reflec ts the desired restriction for the digital networking ports. 6. In the Messag e Center field, enter none . 7. In the ACD field , enter n . 8. In the Queue field , enter n . 9. In the Vector field, enter n . 10. Pag e to the Group Memb er Assig nments of the Hunt Group sc reen. 11. Enter the extension of the first networking p ort for Extension one, and enter the name id entified on the Data Mod ule sc reen for the networking p ort. 12. Enter the extension of the sec ond networking p ort for Extension two, and enter the name id entified on the Data Mod ule sc reen for the networking port. 13. Save the c hang es. DCP Mode 1 See the switc h doc umentation for ad ministering DS1 fac ilities, or refer to the information rec eived from the d esig n c enter. If network tests are need ed , refer to DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenanc e, 585-300-110, or DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Maintenanc e, 585-300-121.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-4 Switch Administration 9 DCP Mode 2 DCP Mod e 2 req uires the following ad d itional switc h ad ministration. 7400A Data Module and Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU) For each 7400A data module or ADU used in a DCP Mode 2 modem/data mod ule arrang ement, ad minister a Data Mod ule sc reen. 1. At the switc h ad ministration terminal, enter add data extension or add data next to ad d the next availab le extension and press . The Data Module screen displays. 2. In the Typ e field , enter pdm for a 7400A d ata module, or enter data-line for an ADU. 3. In the Port field , enter the port loc ation of the TN754 p ort to whic h the d ata mod ule c onnec ts or the TN726 p ort to whic h the ADU c onnec ts suc h as 2B0701 (mod ule 2, c arrier B, slot 07, port 01). 4. In the Name field , enter an identifying name for the d ata module or ADU (suc h as d ig net datmod1 or d ignet ADU-1). 5. In the COS and COR field s, enter a d esired COS and /or COR for the d ata mod ule or ADU. 6. If the Typ e is pdm , in the Remote Loop -Around Test field , enter n . 7. If the Typ e is pdm , in the Sec ond ary d ata mod ule field , enter n . 8. In the Connec ted to field, enter dte . 9. In the ITC (Information Transfer Capab ility) field for G3V2, G3V3, and G3V4, enter restricted . 10. If add ing an ADU, move to the next p ag e. If add ing a data mod ule, save the c hang es and rep eat the ab ove step s for eac h d ata module. 11. In the KYBD Dialing field , enter y . 12. In the Config uration field , enter n . 13. In the Busy Out field, enter y . 14. In the Low field , enter n . 1 5 . I n t h e SPEED S s e c t i o n , e n t e r y for the sp eed b eing used for this ADU (9600 or 19,200 b p s). Enter n for all other speeds. 16. In the Autoad just field , enter n . 17. In the Permit Mismatc h field, enter n . 18. In the Dial Ec hoing field , enter y . 19. In the Disc onnec t Seq uenc e field , enter two-breaks . 20. In the Answer Text field , enter y .ENTER

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-5 Switch Administration 9 21. In the Parity field , enter space . 22. In the Connec ted Ind ic ation field , enter y . 23. Save the c hang es. 24. Rep eat the ab ove step s for eac h ADU. Modem For eac h mod em used in a DCP Mod e 2 mod em/d ata module arrang ement, ad minister a Station sc reen. 1. At the switc h ad ministration terminal, enter add station extension or add station next to use the next availab le extension. The Station sc reen d isp lays. 2. In the Typ e field , enter 2500 . 3. In the Port field, enter the p ort loc ation of the TN746B p ort to whic h the mod em c onnec ts. 4. In the Name field , enter a name that id entifies the mod em (suc h as d ig net mod em1). 5. In the COR and COS field s, enter a d esired COR and/or COS for the mod em. 6. In the Tests field , enter y to enab le p ort maintenanc e tests. 7. In the LWC Rec ep tion field , enter none . 8. In the LWC Ac tivation field , enter n . 9. In the Coverag e Msg Retrieval field , enter n . 10. In the CDR Privac y field , enter n . 11. In the Auto Answer field , enter none . 12. In the Red irec t Notific ation field , enter n . 13. In the Data Restric tion field , enter n . 14. In the Per Button Ring Control field , enter n . 15. In the Call Waiting Ind ic ation field , enter n . (Required) 16. In the Brid g ed Call Alerting field , enter n . 17. In the Att. Call Waiting Ind ic ation field , enter n . 18. In the Off Premise Station field , enter n . 19. In the Distinc tive Aud ib le Alert field , enter n . 20. In the Switc hhook Flash field , enter n . 21. In the Messag e Waiting Ind ic ator field , leave it b lank. 22. In the Ad junc t Sup ervision field , enter n .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-6 Switch Administration 9 23. Enter the Site Data if req uired . 24. Save the c hang es. 25. Rep eat the ab ove step s for eac h mod em. Hunt Groups for Modem Ports/ADU Ports/Data Module Ports If there is hard ware for two DCP Mod e 2 networking p orts for DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking , set up the following ad d itional hunt group s on the switc h. nset up eac h p air of ADU or 7400A d ata mod ule p orts in a hunt g roup nset up eac h p air of mod em p orts in a hunt g roup Refer to Fi g u re 4 -7 , Switc h Hunt Group s for Data Mod ule, ADU, and Mod em Po r t s ( 2 o f 2 ), in Chap ter 4, ‘‘DCP Mod e 2 — 9600 or 19,200 b p s’’, for a depiction of hunt groups for DCP Mode 2 data modules, ADUs, and modems. Fig ure 4-8 throug h Fig ure 4-1 3 show samp le switc h hunt g roup sc reens for the examp le in Fi g u re 4 - 7 . Fig ure 4-14, Remote Mac hine Profile Sc reen — Pag e 1 to Call DEFINITY AUDIX B, shows a samp le DEFINITY AUDIX Mac hine Profile sc reen for the examp le in Fig ure 4-7. The Group Extension for eac h hunt group b ec omes p art of the Dial String on the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen. 1. To access the Hunt Group sc reen, enter add hunt-group number at the switc h administration terminal, or enter add hunt-group next to assign the next availab le hunt g roup numb er. Pag e 1 of the sc reen d isp lays. 2. In the Group Extension field , enter an unused extension numb er (suc h as 40020). This is the extension a remote system will d ial to reac h the d ata mod ule p orts, the ADU p orts, and the mod em p orts. (This extension b ec omes p art of the Dial String on the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen set up on the loc al system and is need ed to reac h these p orts.) 3. In the Group Typ e field , enter ucd (alternates b etween selec ting the first and sec ond p ort). 4. In the Group Name field , enter a name that id entifies the p orts (suc h as AUDIX Data Mods, AUDIX Mod ems, or AUDIX ADUs). 5. In the COR field , enter a c lass of restric tion (COR) numb er that reflec ts the desired restriction for the ports. 6. In the Messag e Center field, enter none . 7. In the LWC Rec ep tion field , enter none . 8. In the ACD field , enter n . 9. In the Queue field , enter n . 10. In the Vec tor field , enter n . 11. Pag e to the Group Memb er Assig nments of the Hunt Group sc reen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-7 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 12. Enter the extension of the first d ata mod ule, ADU, or mod em p ort for Extension one (suc h as 40021). The name d isp lays that was entered on the Data Mod ule sc reen for d ata mod ules and PDMs or on the Station sc reen for mod ems. 13. Enter the extension of the sec ond d ata mod ule, ADU, or mod em p ort for Extension two (suc h as 40022). The name d isplays that was entered on the Data Mod ule sc reen for d ata mod ules and ADUs or on the Station sc reen for modems. 14. Save the c hang es. 15. Set up another hunt g roup if need ed (if you set up a hunt group for the d ata mod ules p orts or ADU p orts, set up a hunt group for the mod em ports). DCP Mode 3 See the switc h doc umentation for ad ministering DS1 and /or ISDN fac ilities, or refer to the information rec eived from the d esig n c enter. If network tests are need ed , refer to DEFINITY AUDIX System Maintenanc e, 585-300-110, or DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Maintenanc e, 585-300-121. DEFINITY AUDIX Administration Perform the tasks d esc rib ed in this sec tion to ad minister d ig ital networking on the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. The tasks in this sec tion are p erformed from the c raft log in. 1. At the login prompt, enter craft . The system d isp lays the Password prompt. 2. Enter the p assword for the c raft log in. The system d isp lays the Enter terminal typ e p rompt. 3. Enter one of the following : n513 for a 513 BCT or 715 BCT; enter 513 also for a 610/615 BCT or a PC with a 513 emulation p ac kag e. (Sinc e 513 is the d efault, you can p ress to selec t it). n4410 for a 4410 or 5410 terminal; enter 4410 also for a 610/615 BCT or a PC with a 4410 emulation p ac kag e. n4425 for a 4425 or 5425 terminal n5420 for a 5420 or 4415 terminal ng3-ma for a G3-MA (d oes not sup p ort DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking administration) ENTER

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-8 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 The g eneric DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration sc reen d isp lays. Pre s s to plac e the c ursor at enter command: . From this sc reen you c an ac c ess DEFINITY AUDIX sc reens to p erform ad ministration tasks. Press (F3) to up d ate a sc reen. Pre s s (F5) for sc reen help. Pre s s (F6) for field help for the field where the c ursor is p ositioned . Pre s s (F7) to move to the next sc reen. Pre s s (F8) to move to the previous sc reen. To log off the ad ministration terminal, enter logoff at the enter command: . Beg in with Task 1. CANCEL ENTER HELP CHOICES NEXTPAGE PREVPAGE

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-9 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 1: Verify All Required Software and Hardware Before b eg inning initial ad ministration of the d ig ital networking p orts on the DEFINITY AUDIX system, verify that all req uired software and hard ware is p resent. With the c ursor at enter command: , enter list configuration and press to d isp lay the List Config uration sc reen. Release 3.2 List Configuration The List Config uration Sc reen for Release 3.2 should app ear similar to the sc reen shown b elow. Figure 9-1. List Configuration Screen The List Config uration sc reen should d isp lay the following : nA software vintag e of 3.2 or ab ove nALARM_BD — alarm b oard TN2170 or TN2169 nABP_FW — alarm board firmware nMFB_BD — MFB b oard TN567 or TN566B nFAC_FW — front p anel firmware ENTER

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-10 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 n386_FW — 386 firmware nA disk drive nA tape drive Release 4.0 List Configuration The List Config uration Sc reen for Release 4.0 should app ear similar to the sc reen shown b elow. Figure 9-2. List Configuration Screen The List Config uration sc reen should d isp lay the following : nA software vintag e of 4.0 nMFB_BD — MFB b oard TN568 n386_FW — 386 firmware nA hard -d isk d rive nA magneto-optical (MO) disk drive

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-11 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 2: Verify Proper Number of Networking Ports Disp lay the System Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen to c hec k the Maximum Number of Dig ital Networking Ports. With the c ursor at enter command: , enter display system-parameters customer-options and press to d isp lay the System Parameters Customer Options sc reen similar to one of the sc reens shown below. Figure 9-3. Customer Options Screen with 16 Ports and Control Link Integration The Maximum Numb er of Dig ital Networking Ports should b e either 1 or 2 as p urc hased b y the c ustomer. With Release 3.2, a c ustomer c an p urc hase a maximum of 2 p orts. With Release 4.0 a c ustomer c an p urc hase a maximum of 1 p ort. An entry of 0 ind ic ates that networking has not been turned on. If the numb er is inc orrec t, c ontac t the remote sup p ort c enter to have it c hang ed . (The System Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen c an b e c hang ed only with the init login.) The ab ove fig ure shows the System Parameters Customer Op tions sc reen for a DEFINITY AUDIX Release 4.0 system with a tn754 Port Emulation Typ e, a d isp lay set Switc h Integ ration Typ e, 8 Maximum Numb er of Voic e Ports, and 1 Maximum Number of Dig ital Networking Ports. ENTER

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Initial Network Administration and Acceptance Tests 9-12 DEFINITY AUDIX Administration 9 Task 3: Verify Adequate Number of Administered Remote Subscribers Verify that the numb er of Ad ministered Remote sub sc rib ers is eq ual to or g reater than the total number of mailb oxes on all remote systems with whic h this loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system will network (the networking installation information from the d esig n c enter should inc lud e the total Ad ministered Remote subsc ribers). With the c ursor at enter command: , enter display system-parameters limits and p ress to d isp lay the System Parameters Limits sc reen similar to the sc reen shown below. Figure 9-4. System Parameters Limits Screen The Ad ministered Remote sub sc rib ers field is set to 1000 in the ab ove examp le. ENTER