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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-23 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Th e Send to Non-Ad ministered Rec ip ients, Up d ates In, and Updates Out field s work tog ether to c ontrol the remote up d ates feature. Send to Non-Ad ministered Rec ip ients allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system to attemp t to send messag es ad d ressed to sub sc rib ers who are not administered in the loc al d atab ase. For examp le, if a loc al subsc rib er ad d resses a messag e to a remote sub sc rib er who is not in the d atabase, the system uses the p refix and the ad dress rang e and attemp ts to find a remote sub sc rib er who matc hes. Updates In? For now, leave this field set to n sinc e this will simp lify testing . After testing, enab le the feature if desired. Refer to Ta b l e 7 - 1 , Remote Mac hine Up d ate Field Values and Ac tions, for more information on Remote Up d ates.n Updates Out? For now, leave this field set to n sinc e this will simp lify testing . After testing, enab le the feature if desired. Refer to Ta b l e 7 - 1 , Remote Mac hine Up d ate Field Values and Ac tions, for more information on Remote Up d ates.n Field Default Your Entry

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-24 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Table 7-1. Remote Machine Update Field Values and Actions Remote Machine Profile Fields Remote Update Action Updates In Updates Out y y The local machine accepts updated database information from any remote mac hines that have their Updates Out field set to y . The local machine sends updated database information to any remote mac hines that have their Updates In field set to y . y n The local machine accepts updated database information from any remote mac hines that have their Updates Out field set to y . The loc al mac hine will not send up d ated d atab ase information to this remote mac hine b ut c an g et information. n y The loc al mac hine d oes not ac c ep t up d ated datab ase information from remote mac hines. The local machine sends updated database information to remote mac hines. n n The loc al mac hine d oes not ac c ep t up d ated information from remote mac hines. The loc al mac hine d oes not send up d ated datab ase information to any remote mac hines.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-25 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Worksheet G: Determine Remote Subscriber Information If you c hoose not to use the Remote Up d ates feature, you need to c ollec t information for eac h remote sub sc rib er. Use this worksheet to c ollec t the information.. Before rec ord ing information, make several c op ies of this worksheet.D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Remote Subscriber Name (last name, first name)Remote Machine Name(s)Remote ExtensionDefault Community Te s t Su b s c r i b e r 1 Te s t Su b s c r i b e r 2

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-26 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Remote Subscriber Name (last name, first name)Remote Machine Name(s)Remote ExtensionDefault Community

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-27 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Worksheet H: Administer Digital Networking Ports Ad minister a Data Mod ule sc reen on the switc h for eac h networking p ort. For the first networking p ort, administer the Data Mod ule sc reen for voic e p ort 1. For the sec ond networking p ort, ad minister the Data Module sc reen for voic e p ort 2. The following information is req uired for ad ministering d ig ital networking port 1. The following information is required for administering digital networking port 2, if one is availab le.D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Assign a d ata extension (Enter the d ata extension on the d ata mod ule sc reen for voic e p ort one) Enter a name that id entifies the networking p ort Enter a Class of Restric tion (COR) Enter a Class of Servic e (COS) (Use a sep arate c lass of servic e with d ata p rivac y and no restric tions.) ITC (G3V2, G3V3, G3V4)restric ted Assign a d ata extension (Enter the d ata extension on the d ata mod ule sc reen for voic e p ort one) Enter a name that id entifies the networking p ort Enter a Class of Restric tion (COR) Enter a Class of Servic e (COS) (Use a sep arate c lass of servic e with d ata p rivac y and no restric tions.)

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-28 Digital Network Planning Worksheets 7 Worksheet I: Assign a Hunt Group for the Digital Networking Ports The following information is req uired to d efine a hunt g roup for the d ig ital networking p orts. If there is only one d ig ital networking p ort, a hunt g roup is not needed.. D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Enter a hunt group numb er (or the next hunt group numb er will b e assigned ) Enter a hunt group extension (This is the extension a remote system will d ial to establish a networking c onnec tion with the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system.) Group Typ e uc d Enter a hunt g roup name that identifies the d igital networking p orts. Enter a c lass of restric tion for the digital networking ports. Messag e Center none ACD none Queue n Ve c t o r n Group Memb er Assignments (Enter the extensions of the two networking p orts.)Extension 1 Extension 2

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-29 DCP Mode 2 Planning Worksheets 7 DCP Mode 2 Planning Worksheets Complete the following worksheets for any DCP Mod e 2 c onnec tions. Worksheet J: Administer a 7400A Data Module and/or ADU For each 7400A data module or ADU used in a DCP Mode 2 modem/data mod ule arrang ement, ad minister a Data Extension sc reen. Complete a worksheet for eac h d ata mod ule or ADU. The information in the following tab le is req uired to administer a 7400A data mod ule or ADU. D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Ty p e f i e l d En t e r pdm for a 7400A d ata mod ule, or enter data-line for an ADU Po r t f i e l d Enter the p ort loc ation of the TN754 p ort to whic h the data mod ule c onnec ts or the TN726 p ort to whic h the ADU c onnec ts (suc h as 2B0701 [ module 2, c arrier B. slot 07, p ort 01] ) Name field Enter an id entifying name for the d ata mod ule or ADU (suc h as d ig net datmod1 or dig net ADU-1). Class of Servic e Class of Restric tion If Type is pdm: Remote Loop -Around Test Sec ondary Data Mod ulen n Connec ted to d te ITC (G3V2, G3V3, G3V4)restric ted

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-30 DCP Mode 2 Planning Worksheets 7 The following ad d itional information is need ed for eac h ADU.. KYBD Dialing y Config uration n Busy Out y Low n Sp eed Enter 9600 bp s or 19,200 b ps Autoad just n Permit Mismatc h n Dial Ec hoing y Disc onnec t Seq uenc e two-b reaks Answer Text y Pa r i t y s p a c e Connec ted Ind ic ation y

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-31 DCP Mode 2 Planning Worksheets 7 Worksheet K: Administer a Modem For eac h mod em used in a DCP Mod e 2 mod em/d ata module arrang ement, ad minister a Station sc reen. Comp lete a worksheet for eac h mod em.D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Po r t f i e l d Name field Enter a name that id entifies the mod em (suc h as d ig net mod em1). Class of Servic e Class of Restric tion Te s t s y LWC Rec ep tion n LWC Ac tivation n Coverage Msg Retrieval n CDR Privac y n Auto Answer none Red irec t Notific ation n Data Restric tion n Per Button Ring Control n Call Waiting Ind ic ation n Brid g ed Call Alerting n Att. Call Waiting Ind ic ation n Off Premises Station n Distinc tive Aud ible Alert n Switc hhook Flash n Messag e Waiting Indic ator leave blank Ad junc t Supervision n

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-32 DCP Mode 2 Planning Worksheets 7 Worksheet L: Assign the Hunt Group for Data Modules, ADUs, and Modems Assig n a hunt g roup for eac h p air of d ata mod ules, ADUs, or mod ems. Comp lete a worksheet for eac h hunt g roup . .D ate _________________________ Pr ep a re d By _________________________ C onta c t Tele p hon e N um b er _________________________ Enter a hunt group numb er (or the next hunt group numb er will b e assigned ) Enter a hunt group extension This is the extension a remote system will d ial to reac h the data module p orts, the ADU p orts, and the modem ports. (This extension b ec omes part of the Dial String on the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen set up on the loc al system and is need ed to reac h these ports.) Group Typ e uc d Enter a hunt group name that identifies the d ata mod ules, ADUs, or mod ems (suc h as AUDIX Data Mod s, AUDIX Mod ems, or AUDIX ADUs). Enter a c lass of restric tion for the d ata mod ules, ADUs, or mod ems. Messag e Center none LWC Rec ep tion none ACD n Queue n Ve c t o r n Group Memb er Assignments (Enter the extensions of the two d ata mod ules, ADUs, or mod ems.)Extension 1 Extension 2