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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide

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    							Networking Reports 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports
    DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking  g athers information on the status of the 
    system and  makes the information availab le to you in a series of rep orts. This 
    c hap ter d esc rib es the c ontents of those rep orts and  tells you how to ac c ess 
    them. Rep orts p rovid e statistic s on how the system is b eing  used . They also c an 
    help  you id entify the sourc e of any p rob lems you may enc ounter.  Chec k the 
    rep orts reg ularly to ensure the effic ient op eration of the system. This c hap ter 
    d esc rib es the following  information:
    nHow to ac c ess the rep orts
    nDesc rip tion of the Network Load  Hourly Traffic  rep ort 
    nDesc rip tion of the Network Load  Daily Traffic  rep ort
    nDesc rip tion of the Remote Messag es Daily Traffic  rep ort
    nDesc rip tion of the Remote Messag es Monthly Traffic  rep ort
    nField  d esc rip tions of the rep orts 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports 
    11-2 Network Load Hourly Traffic Report 
    Network Load Hourly Traffic Report
    The Network Load  Hourly Traffic  rep ort p rovides information on the amount of 
    traffic  using  the DEFINITY AUDIX networking  p orts for a sp ec ified  d ay and hour.
    If the system goes down (looses power or reboots), traffic data for the hour 
    during which the system went down is lost.
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter list measurements network-load 
    date hour and  p ress  . The date is in the format mm/d d /yy. The hour 
    rang es from 0 (for midnig ht to 1 a.m.) to 23 (for 11 p .m. to mid nig ht). If you d o not 
    enter a d ate and  hour, the c urrent d ate and hour are used . 
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system maintains traffic  d ata b y the hour for the 
    c urrent d ay and  the p revious seven days. You c an p ag e forward  from the 
    d ate and hour entered  to the c urrent d ate and hour b y selec ting   
    (F7). After pag ing  forward , you c an p ag e b ac kward  to the d ate and hour 
    entered by selecting  
    The Network Load  Hourly Traffic  rep ort d isp lays similar to the sc reen shown 
    Figure 11-1. Network Load Hourly Traffic Report
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports 
    11-3 Network Load Daily Traffic Report 
    The rep ort shows you the hourly network load traffic  information for the d ate and  
    hour disp layed  in the Date and  Hour field s. The sec tion, Network Load  Field  
    Desc rip tions, desc rib es eac h of the field s on the rep ort and the typ e of 
    information you c an view in those field s.
    Network Load Daily Traffic Report
    The Network Load  Daily Traffic  rep ort p rovid es information on the amount of 
    traffic  using  the DEFINITY AUDIX networking  p orts on a sp ec ified  d ay. 
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter
     list measurements network-load 
    mm/dd/yy and  p ress  .  If you d o not enter a d ate, the c urrent d ate is 
    used .
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system maintains traffic  d ata for the c urrent d ay and  
    the p revious seven d ays. You c an p ag e forward  from the d ate entered  to 
    the c urrent date b y selec ting   
    (F7). After p ag ing  forward , you c an 
    p ag e b ac kward to the d ate entered by selec ting   
    The Network Load  Daily Traffic rep ort displays similar to the screen shown b elow.
    Figure 11-2.  Daily Network Load Traffic Report
    The rep ort shows you the d aily network traffic  information for the d ate d isp layed  
    in the Date field . The sec tion, Network Load  Field  Desc rip tions
    , d esc rib es eac h 
    of the field s on the report and  the typ e of information you c an view in those field s.
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports 
    11-4 Network Load Field Descriptions 
    Network Load Field Descriptions
    The following field  d esc rip tions p rovid e information on how to interp ret the 
    Network Load  Hourly Traffic  rep ort and  the Network Load  Daily Traffic  rep ort.
    Total Message Transmission Threshold
    When a sub sc rib er send s a voic e messag e to a remote sub sc rib er, the system 
    p lac es the messag e in a messag e queue and  DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital 
    networking  attempts to send  the message. When the total outg oing  q ueue 
    exc eed s 150, the Total Messag e Transmission Threshold  Exc ep tions field  
    inc reases b y one. If you see a larg e numb er in the Total Messag e Transmission 
    Threshold  Exc ep tions field , d ig ital networking  has a p rob lem and  c annot transmit 
    messag es. 
    To c orrec t the p rob lem, c hec k the maintenanc e log  for alarms.  The p rob lems 
    may b e oc c urring  d ue to fac ility p rob lems, an out-of-servic e remote system, or a 
    remote system exp erienc ing  heavy traffic , c ausing  messag es not to b e d elivered .
    Total Message Transmission Limit Exceptions
    This field  is related  to the Total Messag e Transmission Threshold  Exc ep tions 
    field . When the messag e transmission q ueue reac hes 250 messages, the q ueue 
    stop s ac c ep ting  messag es and  inc reases the Total Messag e Transmission Limit 
    Exc ep tions field  b y one. When this oc c urs, d ig ital networking  will neither ac c ep t 
    messag es nor queue messag es to b e sent out. 
    To c orrec t the p rob lem, c hec k the maintenanc e log  for alarms. The p roblems 
    may b e oc c urring  d ue to fac ility p rob lems, an out-of-servic e remote system, or a 
    remote system exp erienc ing  heavy traffic , c ausing  messag es not to b e d elivered .
    Remote Deliveries Rescheduled
    This field  c ontains the numb er of voic e messag es that have b een resc hed uled  
    for another d elivery.  The orig inal d elivery of the messag e d id not oc c ur or 
    c omp lete d ue to low disk sp ac e, a full mailb ox, faulty transmission eq uip ment, or 
    an out-of-servic e remote system.
    Maximum Simultaneous Channels
    This field  shows you the total numb er of networking  p orts b eing  used  at one time. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports 
    11-5 Network Load Field Descriptions 
    Total Incoming Calls Unanswered
    This field shows the total inc oming networking calls that were unanswered by the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system.
    Total Remote Undeliverable Messages
    This field  shows you the total numb er of messag es that the network c annot send  
    d ue to send ing  restric tions, c ommunity ID setting s, or add ressing  to a b roadc ast 
    mailbox or full mailbox. The messages are tagged as undeliverable. 
    Network Channel Number
    The network c hannel numb er field  shows the network port for whic h information 
    is being reported.
    Network Channel Type
    The network c hannel typ e field  shows the typ e, DCP, for eac h p ort.
    The usag e field s, Inc oming , Outg oing , and  Total, show information for the 
    numb er of sec ond s c alls remain ac tive on a networking  p ort.  Use the information 
    in this sec tion of the rep ort to help  you d etermine the traffic  c rossing eac h 
    networking port.
    This field  shows you the time a p ort has b een used  for inc oming  c alls.
    This field  shows you the time a p ort has b een used  to c omp lete outg oing  c alls.
    To t a l
    This field  shows you the total time a p ort has b een used  to c omp lete a voic e 
    messag e transac tion, inc oming  and  outg oing . 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports 
    11-6 Remote Messages Daily Traffic Report 
    PEG Count
    The PEG c ount fields, Inc oming , Outg oing , and  Total, show the total numb er of 
    c alls transac ted  b y DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking .  The field s c an help  you 
    see how the numb er of c alls rec eived  c omp ares to the numb er of c alls sent.  For 
    examp le, if you see a  lower numb er of PEG Count Outg oing  c alls and  a lower 
    Usag e Outg oing  time on the same port, that port may have a p rob lem and  you 
    should  p erform networking  d iag nostic s on that p ort.
    This field  c ontains the total numb er of inc oming  c alls for eac h p ort.
    This field  c ontains the total numb er of outg oing  c alls for eac h p ort.
    To t a l
    This field  c ontains the total numb er of c alls, inc oming and  outg oing , for eac h 
    Remote Messages Daily Traffic Report
    The Remote Messag es Daily Traffic  sc reen d isp lays up  to eight d ays — tod ay or 
    the d ate entered  and  the seven p revious d ays — of information ab out messag e 
    traffic  b etween the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system and the named  remote system. 
    The information is p resented  for p rime time and  nonp rime time p eriods.
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter:
    list measurements remote-messages day 
    list measurements remote-messages day 
    machine-name mm/dd/yy 
    and  p ress  . If you d o not enter a d ate, the c urrent d ate is used .
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system maintains traffic  d ata for the c urrent d ay and  
    the p revious seven d ays. You c an p ag e forward  from the d ate entered  to 
    the c urrent date b y selec ting   
    (F7). After p ag ing  forward , you c an 
    p ag e b ac kward to the d ate entered by selec ting   
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports 
    11-7 Remote Messages Daily Traffic Report 
    The Remote Messag es Daily Traffic  report d isp lays similar to the sc reen shown 
    Figure 11-3. Remote Messages Daily Traffic Report
    The rep ort shows you the d aily remote messag es traffic  information for the d ate 
    d isp layed  in the Date field . The sec tion, Remote Messag es Field  Desc rip tions
    d esc rib es eac h of the fields on the rep ort and  the typ e of information you c an 
    view in those field s. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports 
    11-8 Remote Messages Monthly Traffic Report 
    Remote Messages Monthly Traffic 
    The Remote Messag es Monthly Traffic  sc reen d isp lays information — for the 
    c urrent month or the month entered  — ab out messag e traffic  between the loc al 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system and  the named  remote system. The information is 
    p resented  for p rime time and  nonp rime time p eriods.
    With the c ursor at enter command:
    , enter:
    list measurements remote-messages month 
    list measurements remote-messages month 
    machine-name mm/yy
    and  p ress  . If you d o not enter a d ate, the c urrent d ate is used .
    The DEFINITY AUDIX system maintains traffic  d ata for the c urrent month 
    and  the p revious 12 months. You c an pag e forward  from the month entered  
    to the c urrent month b y selec ting  
    (F7). After p ag ing forward, you 
    c an p ag e b ac kward to the month entered  b y selec ting   
    The Remote Messag es Monthly Traffic  rep ort d isp lays similar to the sc reen 
    shown b elow
    Figure 11-4. Remote Messages Monthly Traffic Report
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports 
    11-9 Remote Messages Field Descriptions 
    The report shows you the monthly remote messages traffic information for the 
    d ate disp layed  in the Date field . The sec tion, Remote Messag es Field  
    Desc rip tions, desc rib es eac h of the field s on the rep ort and the typ e of 
    information you c an view in those field s.
    Remote Messages Field Descriptions
    The following field  d esc rip tions p rovid e information on how to interp ret the 
    Remote Messag es Daily Traffic  and Remote Messag es Monthly Traffic  sc reens.
    Machine Name
    The remote mac hine name as entered  on the c ommand  line.
    Machine Type
    The typ e of the remote mac hine — audix
     for the DEFINITY AUDIX system and  
    the Intuity AUDIX system or r1aud
     for the AUDIX R1 system.
    For the d aily rep ort, this is either the c urrent date or the date entered  on the 
    c ommand  line in mm/d d /yy format. For the monthly rep ort, this is either the 
    c urrent month or the month entered  on the c ommand  line in mm/yy format.
    Ending Date (Monthly Report)
    The d ate that rec ord  c ollec ting  end ed . If the month of the traffic  report is the 
    c urrent month, this is the c urrent day.
    Ending Time (Daily Report)
    The time that rec ord  c ollec ting ended . If the d ay of the traffic  rep ort is the c urrent 
    d ate, this is the c urrent time.
    Transfer Sessions
    The numb er of sessions used  for transferring  messag es to the remote system. 
    Values are for p rime-time and  nonp rime-time loc al orig ination and  p rime-time and  
    nonp rime-time remote orig ination. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
    May 1999
    Networking Reports 
    11-10 Remote Messages Field Descriptions 
    The numb er of sec ond s for all messag e-transfer sessions for p rime-time loc al 
    orig ination, nonp rime-time loc al orig ination, p rime-time remote orig ination, and  
    nonp rime-time remote orig ination.
    Average Usage
    The averag e number of sec ond s for messag e-transfer sessions for p rime-time 
    loc al orig ination, nonp rime-time loc al origination, p rime-time remote origination, 
    and  nonp rime-time remote orig ination.
    Messages Sent
    LOCAL ORIGINATION: the total numb er of messag es sent from the loc al 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system to the remote system d uring  p rime time and  nonp rime 
    REMOTE ORIGINATION: the total numb er of messag es rec eived  from the remote 
    system b y the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system d uring  p rime time and  nonp rime 
    Messages Rejected
    LOCAL ORIGINATION: the total numb er of messag es from the loc al DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system rejec ted  b y the remote system d uring  p rime time and  nonp rime 
    REMOTE ORIGINATION: the total numb er of messag es from the remote system 
    rejec ted  b y the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system d uring  prime time and nonprime 
    Status Sent
    The numb er of status rep orts sent b y the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system to the 
    remote system d uring  prime time and  nonp rime time for messag es originated  b y 
    the remote system. 
    Status Received
    The number of status reports rec eived by the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system from 
    the remote system d uring  p rime time and  nonp rime time for messag es the loc al 
    system sent to the remote system.  
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