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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps 3-3 DEFINITY AUDIX Requirements for DCP Mode 3 3 DEFINITY AUDIX Requirements for DCP Mode 3 Eac h DEFINITY AUDIX system must b e running R3.2 or later software. Switch (or Customer) Requirements for DCP Mode 3 Switc h req uirements d ep end on whether the systems are serving the same switc h or are serving d ifferent switc hes. The DEFINITY AUDIX system c an b e c o-loc ated on the same G3r switc h with an Intuity AUDIX system and /or an AUDIX R1 system. Co-located Requirements The switch must be equipped with a TN754 DCP circuit pack. The networking c onnec tion is from one DCP p ort to another (the DEFINITY AUDIX system uses a DCP p ort for the network c onnec tion and the Intuity AUDIX system or AUDIX R1 system uses a DCP port). Interlocation Requirements For remote c onfig urations, the c ustomer need s ac c ess to 64 Kb ps p ub lic or p rivate telep hone network fac ilities; these should normally b e a T1 c arrier (DS1 Interfac e set for Alternate Voic e/Data) or ISDN PRI. The c ustomer need s a DS1 or ISDN interfac e on the switc h to c onnec t to these network fac ilities. The switc h must have the following c irc uit pac ks: nTN748C Tone Detec tor (System 75 req uires a vintage 1 or vintag e 3 c irc uit p ac k; Generic 1 and Generic 3 req uire vintag e 3) — req uired in all c arriers of a System 75, b ut not all c arriers of a Generic 1 or Generic 3. (Do not use the TN748B, TN748D vintage 1, or the TN756.) NOTE: The TN748D vintag e 1 b oard d oes not work for this ap p lic ation. Also, any existing TN748B tone d etec tors must be up g rad ed to TN748Cs. nTN786 and TN741 tone c loc ks must b e used . nTN727 Network Controller (System 75) or TN777 Network Controller (Generic 1 and Generic 3) is required . nCirc uit p ac ks for DS1 and /or ISDN suc h as TN722 (DS1 on G1), TN767 (DS1 on G1, G3i, and G3r), or TN454 (DS1 or ISDN).
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps 3-4 Switch Administration Requirements for DCP Mode 3 3 Switch Administration Requirements for DCP Mode 3 For remote c onnec tions, the DS1 fac ility c onnec ting the two systems is translated on the switc h as a trunk group (DS1 c ommon c arrier) with an ac c ess c ode. Data Rates for DCP Mode 3 This arrang ement op erates at sp eed s of 64 Kb p s. The following fig ure shows Page 1 of the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen for c alling a remote system using a d ata rate of 64 Kb p s. Figure 3-2. Machine Profile Screen for Remote System 64 Kbps Call, page 1
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps 3-5 Data Rates for DCP Mode 3 3 The following fig ure shows Page 2 of the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen for c alling a remote system using a d ata rate of 64 Kb p s. Figure 3-3. Machine Profile Screen for Remote System 64 Kbps Call, page 2
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps 3-6 Data Rates for DCP Mode 3 3
DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 bps 4-1 Considerations 4 DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 4 DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 bps This c hapter d esc rib es Dig ital Communic ations Protoc ol (DCP) Mod e 2. DCP Mod e 2 is an async hronous, low-sp eed (9600 or 19,200 b p s) c onnec tion. Use this typ e of network c onnec tion only when the systems to be networked are in d ifferent loc ations and require some type of interloc ation fac ility to c ommunic ate. The DEFINITY AUDIX system always uses a mod em/data mod ule arrang ement for a DCP Mode 2 c onnec tion. This c hap ter p resents supp orted DCP Mod e 2 configurations. High-speed (DCP Mode 1/ DCP Mode 3) connec tivity is the p referred c onnec tion typ e if hig h-sp eed fac ilities are availab le between loc ations. Considerations If a c ustomer is c onsid ering using DCP Mod e 2 c onnec tions in their DEFINITY AUDIX network, keep the following in mind : nOnly remote networking c onfig urations are sup p orted . nThe DEFINITY AUDIX system c an network with other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1V5 and later systems via this method . nWith only one networking p ort, low-sp eed c onnec tivity limits the system to 10 networking nod es, and 100 loc al or 10,000 remote sub sc ribers. nWhen networking with an AUDIX R1 system, see AUDIX Networking, 585-300-903, for information on c onnec tions and mod em p ooling at the AUDIX R1 system.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 bps 4-2 DCP Mode 2 Connections 4 DCP Mode 2 Connections The following fig ure shows two DEFINITY AUDIX systems with a DCP Mode 2 d ig ital networking c onnec tion. Figure 4-1. DCP Mode 2 Connection (Modem/Data Module Arrangement) The switc h p orts shown in the above d rawing need the following c irc uit p ac ks: nEIA port – TN726 nDCP p ort – TN754 nAnalog p ort – TN742 or TN746B DEFINITY AUDIXDEFINITY AUDIX DCP port Analog portAnalog port Analog trunkMode 2 Analog trunk EIA port 7400A Public/private interlocation facilities ADU H-600-258, group 1 null modem cable M7U null modem cable Modem Modem PBX PBX
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 bps 4-3 DCP Mode 2 Connections 4 The following fig ure shows a DCP Mod e 2 c onnec tion to pub lic /p rivate interloc ation fac ilities with the following network c onnec tions: A. throug h a switc h mod em pool to an AUDIX R1 system B. throug h a sing le mod em to an AUDIX R1 or an Intuity AUDIX system Figure 4-2. DCP Mode 2 Connection to AUDIX R1 and Intuity AUDIX DEFINITY AUDIX Analog port Analog trunk EIA port TN726 Public/private interlocation facilities ADU Null modem cable Modem Analog or voice-grade data Analog or voice-grade data Analog or voice-grade dataModem pool DCPH600-331 group 2 RS-232 access AUDIX A R1 AUDIX B R1 or Intuity AUDIX PBX Switch A Switch B Analog line Analog trunk Modem Mode 2
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 bps 4-4 DEFINITY AUDIX Modem/Data Module Arrangements 4 DEFINITY AUDIX Modem/Data Module Arrangements DEFINITY AUDIX DCP Mod e 2 uses one of the following typ es of mod em/d ata mod ule arrang ements (this arrang ement is d ifferent than AUDIX R1 stand -alone modem pooling): nDCP port (TN754), 7400A data module, modem, and analog port as shown in the following fig ure. Figure 4-3. DCP Port and 7400A Data Module with Modem In the ab ove figure, the 7400A is attac hed to a Parad yne ® Comsp here® modem using a null mod em c ab le. DEFINITY AU D I X Analog port Analog trunk DCP port TN754 7400A Modem PBX Analog T/RM7U null modem cable DCP
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 bps 4-5 DEFINITY AUDIX Modem/Data Module Arrangements 4 nElec tronic Ind ustries Assoc iation (EIA) p ort, async hronous d ata unit (ADU), mod em, and analog p ort as shown in the following fig ure. Figure 4-4. EIA Port and ADU with Modem In the ab ove fig ure, the ADU is attac hed to a Parad yne Comsphere mod em using a null mod em c ab le. DCP Mode 2 Hardware The following hard ware c an be used in a mod em/d ata module arrang ement for DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking : nParad yne Comsp here 3820 or 3820p lus (d ialup/leased line 2-wire/4-wire mod em) (p referred for U.S.) nParad yne Comsp here 3810 or 3810p lus (d ialup/leased line 4-wire mod em) nParad yne Comsp here 3910 (some non-US markets) n7400A Data Mod ule (c onnec ts to a DCP port [ TN754] ) and a 7400A p ower supply nNull-mod em c ab le (M7U) (3 feet) for 7400A nADU (c onnec ts to an EIA p ort [ TN726] ) (manufac ture d ate Oc tob er 1994 or later) and an ADU p ower sup p ly nNull-mod em c ab le (H-600-258, Group 1) (12 inc hes) for ADU n103A jac k (2 for eac h mod em/d ata mod ule arrang ement) nD8W c ord (14 feet) DEFINITY AUD I X Analog port Analog trunk EIA port TN726 ADU Modem PBX Analog T/RH-600-258, group 1 null modem cable
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 2 — 9600 or 19,200 bps 4-6 DEFINITY AUDIX Modem/Data Module Arrangements 4 Refer to Fi g u re 8 -1, 7400A Data Mod ule in a DCP Mod e 2 Mod em/Data Mod ule Arrang ement, and Fi g u re 8 -2, ADU in a DCP Mode 2 Mod em/Data Module Arrang ement for c onnec tivity d iagrams. In selec ting mod ems or d ata mod ules for mod em p ooling , it is imp ortant to note that onc e a sp ec ific mod el is c hosen for use on one end of the c onnec tion, only c ertain mod els will work on the other end of the c onnec tion. Comb inations that have b een tested are listed in the following tab le. Modem Front Panel Settings Refer to Chap ter 8, ‘‘Hard ware Installation for DCP Mod e 2’’, for information on mod em front panel setting s. Multistage Dialing DCP Mod e 2 mod em/d ata module arrang ements use multistage d ialing . All systems that network at low speed with a DEFINITY AUDIX system must have multistag e d ialing c ap ab ility. The DEFINITY AUDIX system, Intuity AUDIX system, and AUDIX R1V5 and later systems (TN539B network c ard req uired ) have multistag e d ialing . Table 4-1. Connection Compatibility Definity AUDIX 3.2 Networking AUDIX R1/INTUITY 7400A/ADU with Comsphere Mod emsDirec t Connec t RS232 with Comsp here Mod ems (AUDIX R1 and Intuity AUDIX) Comb ined Mod em Pool with 7400A/2296 (AUDIX R1) Comb ined Mod em Pool with 7400A/Comsp here Mod ems (AUDIX R1) Comb ined Mod em Pool with 7400A/DM424 (AUDIX R1) Stand Alone Mod em Pool with 7400A/Comsp here Mod ems (AUDIX R1)