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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 1 — 56 Kbps 5-7 Data Rates for DCP Mode 1 5 The following fig ure shows Page 2 of the remote Mac hine Profile sc reen. Figure 5-3. Machine Profile Screen for Remote System 56 Kbps Call, page 2

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 DCP Mode 1 — 56 Kbps 5-8 Data Rates for DCP Mode 1 5

Mixtures of High-Speed and Low-Speed Networks 6-1 Considerations 6 DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 6 Mixtures of High-Speed and Low-Speed Networks This c hapter p resents sup p orted c onfig urations using hig h-sp eed and low-sp eed c onnec tions on the same DEFINITY AUDIX system. The DEFINITY AUDIX system c an sup p ort all three typ es of networking c onnec tions. The c onnec tion typ es (DCP Mode 1, DCP Mode 2, and DCP Mod e 3) are d ynamic and c an c hang e on a c all-b y-c all b asis to d ifferent systems for eac h networking p ort. Eac h networking p ort c an only sup p ort one DCP mode at any one time b ut c an c hang e mod es for the next c all. Ad d itional hard ware is always need ed for DCP Mod e 2 c onnec tions. For examp le, a DEFINITY AUDIX system c ould use the following c omb ination of network c onnec tions: nDCP Mod e 2 c onnec tion to an AUDIX R1 system or to an Intuity AUDIX system that uses an RS-232 c onnec tion or to another DEFINITY AUDIX system nDCP Mod e 1 and /or DCP Mod e 3 c onnec tion to another DEFINITY AUDIX system, an Intuity AUDIX system, or an AUDIX R1 system Hig h-sp eed (DCP Mod e 1/ DCP Mod e 3) c onnec tivity is the p referred c onnec tion type if high-sp eed fac ilities are availab le b etween loc ations. Considerations If a c ustomer is c onsid ering using DCP Mod e 3 c onnec tions in their DEFINITY AUDIX network, keep the following in mind : nWhen b oth high-sp eed networking and low-sp eed networking are used , low-sp eed networking c an ind uc e d elays for high-sp eed networking .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Mixtures of High-Speed and Low-Speed Networks 6-2 High-Speed and Low-Speed at the Same DEFINITY AUDIX System 6 nTo p erform a network loop around test, there must b e two dig ital networking p orts on the mac hine b eing tested, and b oth p orts must use the same DCP mode. One port d oes not allow loopb ac k testing . nExternal DCP Mod e 2 eq uip ment (mod em, ADU, TN726, 7400A, and c ab ling) c annot b e tested using a network loop around test unless the DEFINITY AUDIX system has all DCP Mod e 2 eq uipment for two networking ports. High-Speed and Low-Speed at the Same DEFINITY AUDIX System The following fig ure, Hig h-Sp eed and Low-Sp eed at the Same DEFINITY AUDIX Sys t e m, shows DEFINITY AUDIX A c onnec ted to DEFINITY AUDIX B using DCP Mod e 2 and c onnec ted to DEFINITY AUDIX C using either DCP Mod e 1 or DCP Mod e 3. Figure 6-1. High-Speed and Low-Speed at the Same DEFINITY AUDIX System DEFINITY AU DIX A DEFINITY AUDIX CDEFINITY AU DIX B DCP port DCP portDS1 port DS1 port Analog portAnalog port Analog trunkMode 2 Analog trunk 38203820 7400A7400A Public/private interlocation facilities PBX PBXPBX T1 T1Po in t-o f- Presence switchSwitched 56/64 Kbps servicePoint-of- Presence sw itch M7U null modem cableM7U null modem cable Mode1or Mode 3 Node 3Node 2 Node 1

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Mixtures of High-Speed and Low-Speed Networks 6-3 High-Speed and Low-Speed at the Same DEFINITY AUDIX System 6 The following fig ures show the Mac hine Profile sc reens on DEFINITY AUDIX A for networking to DEFINITY AUDIX B and to DEFINITY AUDIX C. The following two fig ures show the Mac hine Profile sc reen on DEFINITY AUDIX A for networking to DEFINITY AUDIX B using a DCP Mod e 2 c onnec tion. There are two pag es for this sc reen. Figure 6-2. Machine Profile Screen for DEFINITY AUDIX B — Page 1

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Mixtures of High-Speed and Low-Speed Networks 6-4 High-Speed and Low-Speed at the Same DEFINITY AUDIX System 6 Pag e 2 of the Mac hine Profile sc reen shows the DCP Mod e 2 Dial String . The Data Rate is 9600 b p s. Figure 6-3. Machine Profile Screen for DEFINITY AUDIX B — Page 2

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Mixtures of High-Speed and Low-Speed Networks 6-5 High-Speed and Low-Speed at the Same DEFINITY AUDIX System 6 The following two fig ures show the Mac hine Profile sc reen on DEFINITY AUDIX A for networking to DEFINITY AUDIX C using a DCP Mod e 3 c onnec tion. There are two pag es for this sc reen. Figure 6-4. Machine Profile Screen for DEFINITY AUDIX C — Page 1

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Mixtures of High-Speed and Low-Speed Networks 6-6 High-Speed and Low-Speed at the Same DEFINITY AUDIX System 6 Pag e 2 of the Mac hine Profile sc reen shows the DCP Mod e 3 Dial String for d ialing a loc al c all over the p ub lic network (8 ac c esses a DS1 fac ility on DEFINITY AUDIX A). The Data Rate is 64 Kp b s. Figure 6-5. Machine Profile Screen for DEFINITY AUDIX C — Page 2

Digital Network Planning Page 7-1 7 DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 7 Digital Network Planning Before you install and ad minister DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking , you must p lan the p roc ess. This c hap ter provid es worksheets and information to help you c ollec t, p lan, and rec ord d ig ital networking information. DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking req uires two levels of p lanning : nPrep urc hase p lanning p erformed b y the d esign c enter, the ac c ount team, and the c ustomer nAd ministration p lanning p erformed b y the c ustomer, the network ad ministrator, and the ac c ount team This c hapter p rovid es an overview of the d esig n p roc ess and worksheets to aid you with DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital network p lanning . The worksheets p resented in this c hap ter are an aid for interac ting with your d esig n c enter and for help ing you und erstand the ad ministration proc ess. Work with the d esig n c enter to c omp lete the p rep lanning p roc ess. The Network Offer Definition p rovid es p rod uc t and servic e entitlements in ad d ition to the p ric ing strateg y.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking 585-300-534 Issue 2 May 1999 Digital Network Planning Page 7-2 Design Center 7 Design Center All digital networks must be designed and technically assured by the GBCS Desig n Center, International Tec hnic al Assistanc e Center (ITAC), or Centers of Exc ellenc e (COE). The c ustomer, ac c ount team, and d esig n c enter must work tog ether to c omp lete the p rep lanning proc ess. Installation and maintenanc e sup p ort of d igital networks will b e offered only to those c ustomers/ac c ount teams who follow this d esig n p roc ess. To develop a digital network design, the design center must gather or receive information ab out a c ustomer site and the networking req uirements of the c ustomer. Some of the information g athered and p rovid ed b y the d esig n c enter inc lud es: nInformation on installed DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, AUDIX R1V5 or later systems, and switc hes nTransmission issues c onc erning network ac c ess b etween networked systems for inc oming and outg oing messag es nTraffic stud ies to d etermine if the p rop osed network is feasib le with the p rop osed eq uip ment and d ata rates inc lud ing : — The p erc entage of voic e messag es that will b e exc hang ed remotely — The numb er of loc al subsc rib ers — The averag e number of messages per-d ay, p er-sub sc rib er — The averag e leng th of voic e messag es — The p erc entag es of voic e messag es and c all answer messag es — The p erc ent of voic e messag es exc hang ed b etween eac h DEFINITY AUDIX system, Intuity AUDIX system, or AUDIX R1 system and the leng th of the averag e messag es nTransmission sc hed uling issues nDisk sp ac e req uirements nTrunking issues The d esig n c enter c an assist with the initial testing of the network and p erform troub leshooting with the assistanc e of the remote sup p ort c enter (Tec hnic al Sup p ort Center (TSC)/ITAC/COE).