Steinberg Halion Sonic 2 Manual
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41 EditingEditing Layers X/Y Control The X/Y control allows you to adjust two parameters simultaneously. This is especially useful with the morphing filters where the X/Y control adjusts the blend between the filter shapes. For the other filter modes, the X/Y control adjusts cutoff and resonance. Depending on the selected filter type, the X/Y control adjusts different parameters: Resonance This parameter emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. For an electronic sound, increase the resonance. At higher resonance settings, the filter self-oscillates, which results in a ringing tone. Distortion This parameter adds distortion to the signal. The effect depends largely on the selected Filter Type. At higher settings, it creates a very intense distortion effect. ÖThis parameter is only available for the Tube Drive, Hard Clip, Bit Red, Rate Red and Rate Red KF filter types. CF Offset For the dual filters, this parameter allows you to offset the cutoff frequency of the second filter (filter shape B). Res Offset For the dual filters, this parameter allows you to offset the resonance of the second filter (filter shape B). Velocity This parameter adjusts the cutoff modulation from velocity. Set this parameter to positive values to increase the cutoff with higher velocities. Use negative values to decrease the cutoff with higher velocities. Env Amnt (Envelope Amount) Use this parameter to adjust the Cutoff modulation from the filter envelope. Setting negative values inverts the direction of the modulation from the filter envelope. Key Follow Here you can adjust the cutoff modulation using the note number. The range is from -200 % to +200 %. Set this parameter to positive values to raise the Cutoff with notes above the Center Key. Use negative values to lower the Cutoff with notes below the Center Key. At +100 % the Cutoff follows exactly the played pitch. Center Key This parameter determines the MIDI note that is used as the central position for the Key Follow function. Selected filterDescription Single, Dual Serial & Dual ParallelThe X/Y control adjusts the cutoff frequency on the horizontal and resonance on the vertical axis. Morph 2 and 4The X/Y control adjusts the morphing between the filter shapes on the vertical (Morph Y) axis. The horizontal axis adjusts the cutoff frequency. Morph XYThe X/Y control adjusts the morphing between the filter shapes AD and BC on the horizontal (Morph X) and AB and DC on the vertical axis (Morph Y).

42 EditingEditing Layers The Amplifier Subpage The Amplifier subpage of synth and sample layers gives you access to the level and pan settings of the layer. With level you adjust the loudness of the layer. With pan you specify the position of the layer in the stereo panorama. Both level and pan can be modulated by the MIDI note number. In addition, the pan position can be modulated with each keystroke randomly or left-right/right-left in alternation. Level Here you can you can adjust the loudness of the layer. Key Follow Here you can scale the loudness across the MIDI keyboard. Set this parameter to positive values to raise the loudness the higher you play. Use negative values to lower the volume the higher notes you play. Center Key This parameter determines the MIDI note that is used as the central position for the Key Follow function. Pan Here you can set the position of a sound in the stereo panorama. A setting of -100 % corresponds to hard left and a setting of +100 % to hard right. Mode With this option you can specify how the loudness changes across the stereo panorama. You can select between the four modes 0 dB, -3 dB, -6 dB and Off: •The 0dB option works like a balance control: Setting the pan control towards the left fades out the right channel and vice versa. At the center position, the loudness is not cut. •The -3dB option uses the cosine/sine pan law: The loudness is cut by -3dB at the center position, but the energy is preserved when moving the source signal across the stereo panorama. The -3dB option sounds more natural. The transition from hard left to hard right sounds much smoother than with the 0dB or the -6dB setting. •The -6dB option uses the linear pan law: The loudness is cut by -6dB at the center position, and the energy is not preserved when moving the source signal across the stereo panorama. The -6dB option sounds more synthetic. The transition from hard left to hard right sounds more abrupt than with the -3dB setting. •When set to “Off” no loudness correction is applied when a signal is panned across the stereo panorama. Random This parameter allows you to offset the pan position with each played note randomly. The strength of the randomization can be adjusted within a range from 0 % to 100 %. Higher values cause stronger variations. At a setting of 100 %, the random offsets can vary from fully left to fully right.

43 EditingEditing Layers Alternate This parameter allows you to alternate the pan position each time you play a note. For example, a value of +100 % means the first note plays hard right, the second note hard left, and so on. You can specify the pan position for the first time when you hit a note with the algebraic sign: For negative values the initial pan position will be left and for positive values it will be right. With the value in percent you determine the deviation across the stereo panorama. Reset The initial pan position is set once after HALion Sonic is loaded. Then, HALion Sonic counts each note you played to determine the next pan position. To reset this counter, click the Reset button next to the Alternate control. Key Follow Here you can adjust the pan modulation from MIDI note number. Set this parameter to positive values to offset the pan position towards the right for notes above and towards the left for notes below the Center Key. Use negative values to offset the pan position towards the left for notes above and towards the right for notes below the Center Key. At the maximum setting of +200 % the pan position moves from hard left to hard right within two octaves: Fully left is reached one octave below and fully right is reached one octave above the center key. Center Key This parameter determines the MIDI note that is used as the central position for the Key Follow function. The Envelope Subpages You can find the envelope subpages in the bottom section of the Edit page. The envelope subpages of the synth and sample layers give you access to the four envelopes of the layer, i. e. Pitch (P), Filter (F), Amp (A) and User (U) envelope. Each of these is a multisegment envelope with up to 128 nodes. The nodes specify the overall shape of the envelope with their Time, Level and Curve parameters. The times and levels of the envelope can be modulated by velocity. The Key Follow parameters modulate times via MIDI note number. Curve allows you to adjust the curvature between two nodes from linear to logarithmic or exponential behavior. The Sync option allows you to synchronize the envelope times to the tempo of your host application and you can set up a loop between two definable nodes. You can select a second envelope that is displayed in the background of the edited envelope, serving you as an optical or snap reference. The Amp, Filter and Pitch envelopes are pre-assigned to the amplitude, the filter cutoff frequency and the pitch of the layer. You can adjust the pre-assigned modulations in the corresponding section of the layer. The purpose of the User envelope is freely definable. You can select the User envelope as a source in the modulation matrix. However, you can also use the Amp, Filter and Pitch envelopes as sources in the modulation matrix. To access the envelopes, proceed as follows: 1.Go to the Edit page and select the synth or sample layer you want to adjust. 2.In the lower section of the editor, click the button of the corresponding envelope subpage.

44 EditingEditing Layers •P: Click “P” to display the parameters of the pitch envelope. The pitch envelope modulates the pitch over time. The pitch envelope is bipolar, which means it allows for negative and positive values to bend the pitch up and down. •A: Click “A” to display the parameters of the amplifier envelope. The amplifier envelope shapes the volume over time. •F: Click “F” to display the parameters of the filter envelope. The filter envelope controls the cutoff frequency to shape the harmonic content over time. •U: Click “U” to display the parameters of this free assignable user envelope. It is bipolar, which means it allows for negative and positive values, for instance, to modulate the pan from left to right. Presets Presets for different envelopes can be loaded and saved at the top right of the corresponding subpage. •To load a preset, click in the “Select Preset” field and select the preset from the pop-up menu.

45 EditingEditing Layers •To delete the selected preset from your system, click the trash icon. Then, you will be asked to confirm the deletion. •To save a new preset, click the disk icon. A file dialog opens where you can name and save your preset file. Navigating in the Graphical Envelope Editor The vertical axis of the graphical envelope editor displays the level. The horizontal axis displays the time. To zoom, use the following possibilities: •To zoom in on the horizontal axis, use the “+” button to the right of the scroll bar below the graphical editor. •To zoom out, click the “-“button to the right of the scroll bar. •In the timeline, click and drag up or down to zoom in or out at the current position. •To zoom to a certain region, hold [Alt]/[Option] and drag the mouse over the region. To scroll, use the following possibilities: •Drag the scroll bar to the left or right to scroll the envelope editor to a new position. •Click in empty space next to the scroll bar to jump to the corresponding position in the envelope editor. •Click the triangles to the left and right of the scroll bar to scroll through the envelope step by step. Envelope Zoom Snapshots Envelope zoom snapshots save the current state of the graphical envelope editor. For example, by saving two envelope zoom snapshots, one for the beginning and one for the end of the envelope, you can conveniently switch between editing the attack and release of the envelope. Saving and Loading Envelope Zoom Snapshots To the right of the scroll bar you find three numbered buttons which allow you to save and load envelope zoom snapshots for the current envelope editor (Amp, Filter, Pitch, or User). When saving an envelope zoom snapshot, it remembers the zoom factor and scroll position of the graphical envelope editor. The zoom factor and scroll position will be restored when loading the envelope zoom snapshot. •To save the current state of the graphical envelope editor, [Shift]-click one of the numbered buttons to the right of the scroll bar. •To load a previously saved envelope zoom snapshot, click the corresponding button. The button color changes to green indicating the snapshot is active. Zooming or scrolling with the graphical envelope editor deactivates the Envelope Zoom Snapshot. The button indicates this by turning gray. Editing the Envelope Each multisegment envelope has up to 128 nodes with the Time, Level and Curve parameters. The nodes and their parameters specify the overall shape of the envelope. You can edit one or multiple nodes using the graphical envelope editor or by typing in values. Before you can edit nodes, you must select them.

46 EditingEditing Layers Selecting Nodes •Select a node by clicking the node in the graphical editor. Selected nodes turn light blue in color. The focused node is indicated by an orange frame color. The focused node displays its parameters in the text fields to the left of the graphical envelope editor. •With multiple nodes selected, use the Node pop-up menu above the text fields to set the focus to a different node without losing the current selection. •[Shift]-click on a node to add it to the selection. Selected nodes will be edited together. •In addition, you can select multiple nodes by drawing a rectangle with the mouse around the nodes. •With a single node selected, use the left or right arrow key to select the next or previous node. In a multiselection, the focused node will change instead and the previous or next node within the multiselection will be focused. •Click in empty space in the background of the envelope to cancel the current selection. Adjusting the Time Parameter The Time parameter specifies the duration between two nodes. The change in level from the selected to the following node will be carried out in the duration set by the Time parameter (0 ms – 30.000 s). Depending on the Sync mode, the Time parameter is displayed in milliseconds and seconds, or fractions of beats (when Sync is activated). To adjust the Time parameter with the graphical envelope editor, proceed as follows: •In the graphical envelope editor, select the nodes and drag them left or right to decrease or to increase the times. •For a higher resolution, hold [Shift] while moving the nodes. •Hold [Ctrl]/[Command] while dragging to limit the movement to the time-axis (horizontal positioning only). To set the Time parameter by entering values with the keyboard, proceed as follows: •In the graphical envelope editor, select the nodes you want to edit. Use the Env Node pop-up menu to change the focus if necessary. Enter a value in the Time text field to the left of the graphical envelope editor, and press [Enter]. Adjusting the Level Parameter The Level parameter specifies the amplitude of the envelope at the position set by the Time parameter. The Amp and Filter envelopes are unipolar. Therefore, the value range for the level is 0 % to +100 % (positive values only). The Pitch and User envelopes are bipolar, the value range for the level is from -100 % to +100 % (negative and positive values) for these envelopes. ÖYou can change the polarity of the envelopes in the modulation matrix, for instance, to map the range of the Amplifier Envelope (unipolar) to Pan (bipolar). However, the envelopes always display their values with their default polarity. To adjust the Level parameter with the graphical envelope editor, proceed as follows: •In the graphical envelope editor, select the nodes and drag them up or down to decrease or increase the levels. •Hold [Alt]/[Option] while dragging to limit the movement to the level-axis (vertical positioning only). •For a higher resolution, hold [Shift] while moving the nodes.

47 EditingEditing Layers To set the Level parameter by entering values with the keyboard, proceed as follows: •In the graphical envelope editor, select the nodes you want to edit. Use the Env Node pop-up menu to change the focus if necessary. Enter a value in the Level text field to the left of the graphical envelope editor, and press [Enter]. Adjusting the Curve Parameter The Curve option allows you to adjust the curvature between two nodes from linear to logarithmic or exponential behavior. The range is from -10 to +10. To adjust the Curve parameter with the graphical envelope editor, proceed as follows: •In the graphical envelope editor, drag the curvature of the envelope segment up or down to adjust the curvature towards logarithmic or down towards exponential behavior. •[Ctrl]/[Command]-click a curvature to reset it to linear behavior. To set the Curve parameter by entering values with the keyboard, proceed as follows: •In the graphical envelope editor, select the nodes you want to edit. Use the Env Node pop-up menu to change the focus if necessary. Enter a value in the Curve text field to the left of the graphical envelope editor, and press [Enter]. •Positive Curve values change the curvature towards logarithmic and negative values towards exponential behavior. Adding and Removing Nodes The envelopes Amp, Filter, Pitch, and User can have up to 128 nodes. All nodes added after the sustain node always affect the release stage of the envelope, i. e. after the key is released. •To add a node, double-click at the position where you want to add the node. •To remove a node, double-click the node you want to remove. •[Delete] or [Backspace] removes multiple selected nodes. ÖYou cannot remove the first, the last or the sustain node. Adding Nodes Using the Fill Function The Fill function allows you to add multiple envelope nodes after the currently selected nodes: 1.From the pop-up menu located to the right of the Fill button, select the number of nodes you want to add. 2.In the graphical envelope editor, select the node after which you want to add nodes. If several nodes are selected, the new nodes will be inserted after all selected nodes. 3.If the Fixed function is deactivated, the added nodes are placed with the time interval specified by the Time parameter of the currently selected node. If multiple nodes are selected, the interval is specified by the focused node. By activating Sync, you can specify the interval with the Sync note value. For example, if 1/4 is selected, new nodes will be added at exact quarter note intervals. 4.If the Fixed function is activated, the added nodes fill the space between the last selected node and the following one. 5.Click the “Fill” button. The nodes are added.

48 EditingEditing Layers Positioning Nodes Using the Fixed Function When Fixed is activated, only the selected nodes will be moved on the time-axis. With Fixed deactivated, nodes that follow the currently edited nodes will also be moved on the time-axis. •Click “Fixed” to activate or deactivate the function. Positioning Nodes Using the Snap Function You can select a second envelope that is displayed in the background of the edited envelope serving you as an optical or snap reference. Nodes you position with Snap activated will snap to the nodes of the envelope that is shown in the background. •From the pop-up menu located to the right of the Snap button, select the envelope to be displayed in the background. •Click “Snap” to activate or deactivate the function. Using Sync You can synchronize the envelopes to the tempo of your host application. This allows you to set envelope times that relate to musical time intervals (for example 1 bar), regardless of tempo changes made later on. 1.Click “Sync” to activate the envelope’s synchronization mode. Sync is active when the button is highlighted. A grid spaced in fraction of beats appears in the graphical envelope editor. 2.From the pop-up menu located to the right of the Sync button, select a note value. This sets the resolution of the grid, i. e. the minimum note value the nodes will snap to when moved. For example, if you specify a 1/4 note value, the nodes will snap to 1/4 note steps. If the “T” button is activated, the note values correspond to triplet values. •The Time text field of a node displays times in fractions of beats. The fraction will always be reduced to the smallest possible value. For instance, “2/16” displays as “1/8”. •Envelope nodes that do not exactly match a note value display the note value which they are closest to. •Nodes that exactly match a note value are indicated by a red dot inside the handle of the node. This can be useful, for example, when you switch the grid between triplets and normal note values: The triplet nodes still indicate that they match a note value, even if the grid shows normal note values. You can also enter times by entering note values as fractions of beats. Proceed as follows: 1.Select the nodes you want to edit. 2.Enter a note value as fractions of beats such as “1/4”. Type the letter “T” behind the note value to enter triplet note values such as “1/8T”. 3.Hit [Enter]. The selected nodes will be set to the entered note value. Selecting an Envelope Mode You can select one of four envelope modes to specify how the envelope is played back each time you hit a note. These modes can be selected from the Mode pop-up menu. The following options are available: •Sustain: The envelope plays from the first node to its Sustain. The Sustain level is held as long as you play the note. When you release the note, the envelope continues with the stages behind the Sustain. This mode is ideal for looped samples.

49 EditingEditing Layers •Loop: The envelope starts playback from the first node to the loop nodes. The loop will be repeated as long as the key is held. The envelope plays the stages behind the Sustain when you release the note. This mode is ideal for adding motion to the Sustain (which would be steady in Normal mode). •One Shot: The envelope will be played from the first to the last node, even if you release the note. The envelope has no Sustain stage. This mode is ideal for drum samples. •Sample Loop: This mode allows you to preserve the natural attack of the sample. The decay of the envelope does not start until the sample has reached the sample loop start. Set the second node to the maximum level. Then, use any of the following nodes to shape the decay during the loop phase of the sample. This way, the envelope only affects the level during the loop phase of the sample. The attack of the envelope is still executed. ÖThe Sample Loop mode is only available for sample layers. Setting up the Loop You can set up the envelope to repeat its playback between the nodes you select. Proceed as follows: 1.Set the envelope mode to “Loop”. 2.Adjust the loop with the graphical envelope editor: •The loop is indicated by the green region in the graphical envelope editor. You can specify the loop start and end by dragging the borders of the region. •Drag the left border to the node where the loop should start. •Drag the right border to the node where the loop should end. ÖThe loop region can only be set up in the Decay of the envelope, i. e. after the first and before the sustain node. Level Velocity Curve You can select one of eight curves to specify how the incoming velocity translates to the level of the envelope. The characteristic of each curve is displayed by a small icon. The menu offers the following mathematical functions for velocity: - 1 = Linear -2 = Squared - 3 = Squared Inverse -4 = 2 Poles Squared - 5 = 2 Poles Squared Inverse -6 = Cubic - 7 = Quadric -8 = dB -9 = Logarithmic - 10 = Constant (127) Level Velocity (Vel>Lev) Use this parameter to adjust how the velocity affects the level of the envelope. The level of the envelope depends on the setting of this parameter and how hard you hit a note: Positive values increase and negative values decrease the level of the envelope the harder you hit a note.

50 EditingEditing Layers Velocity to Time (Vel>Time) Use this parameter to adjust the influence of velocity on the times of the envelope. Positive values decrease the times for higher velocity values. Negative values increase the times for higher velocity values. Segments From the Segments pop-menu, you can select which stages of the envelope will be affected by the Velocity to Time parameter. Key Follow and KeyF Rel With Key Follow and KeyF Rel (Key Follow Release) you can scale the envelope times across the keyboard. Key Follow scales all times before the Sustain node. KeyF Rel scales all times after the Sustain node (which equals the Release of the envelope). You can set a Center Key for the Key Follow and KeyF Rel functions. The envelope times depend on the position where you play the keyboard and on the corresponding Key Follow setting: Positive values decrease the times for notes above and increase the times for notes below the Center Key; the envelope becomes faster the higher you play. Negative values increase the times for notes above and decrease the times for notes below the Center Key; the envelope becomes slower the higher you play. Center Key This parameter determines the MIDI note that is used as the central position for the Key Follow and KeyF Rel functions. The LFO Subpages LFO is an abbreviation for low frequency oscillator. The synth and sample layers offer four LFOs: LFO1 and LFO2 are polyphonic, LFO3 and LFO4 are monophonic. Polyphonic means the LFOs are calculated per voice allowing for independent modulations with each triggered note. You can use this to create a richer sound, for example, with an independent pitch modulation per note. Monophonic means the LFOs are calculated only once per layer. The same modulation will be sent to all voices simultaneously. Monophonic LFOs are often used for modulations such as tremolo and vibrato. LFO1 to LFO4 can be assigned freely in the modulation matrix. For each LFO you can select from eight different waveforms with an additional shape parameter. Frequency adjusts the speed of the modulation and Phase sets the initial start of the waveform when the LFO is retriggered. In addition, you can synchronize the LFO Frequency to the tempo of the host application. Furthermore, you can define how the LFO is retriggered playing your keyboard. The polyphonic LFOs have an additional envelope with Fade In, Hold and Fade Out that allows you to shape the modulation intensity over time. Finally, the start of the modulation can be delayed. To access the LFOs, proceed as follows: 1.Go to the Edit page and select the synth or sample layer you want to adjust. 2.In the bottom section of the editor, click the button of the corresponding page. OptionDescription AThe velocity affects the attack time only. A+DThe velocity affects all times until the sustain. DThe velocity affects all times until the sustain but without the attack. A+RThe velocity affects the attack and the release times. AllThe velocity affects all times.