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Multi-Tech Systems Mvp-2400/2410/3010, Mvp-210/410/810 Voice/ip Gateways S000249C User Guide

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    of 449
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    The Voice/FAX Parameters fields are described in the tables below.
    Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions
    Field Name Values Description
    Default -- When this button is clicked, all
    Voice/FAX parameters are set to their
    default values.
    Channel1-2 (210)
    1-4 (410)
    1-8 (810)Channel to be configured is selected
    Channel-- Copies the Voice/FAX attributes of
    one channel to another channel.
    Attributes can be copied to multiple
    channels or all channels at once.
    Voice Gain -- Signal amplification (or attenuation)
    in dB.
    Input Gain +31dB
     –31dBModifies audio level entering voice
    channel before it is sent over the
    network to the remote VOIP. The
    default & recommended value is 0 dB.
    Output Gain +31dB
     –31dBModifies audio level being output to
    the device attached to the voice
    channel.  The default and
    recommended value is 0 dB.
    DTMF Parameters
    DTMF Gain -- The DTMF Gain (Dual Tone Multi-
    Frequency) controls the volume level
    of the digital tones sent out for Touch-
    Tone dialing.
    DTMF Gain,
    High Tones+3dB to
    -31dB &
    “mute”Default value:  -4 dB.  Not to be
    changed except under supervision of
    MultiTech’s Technical Support.
    DTMF Gain,
    Low Tones+3dB to
    -31dB &
    “mute”Default value:  -7 dB.  Not to be
    changed except under supervision of
    MultiTech’s Technical Support. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d)
    Field Name Values Description
    DTMF Parameters
    (DTMF)60 – 3000
    msWhen DTMF: Out of Band is
    selected, this setting determines
    how long each DTMF digit ‘sounds’
    or is held.  Default = 100 ms.
    In/Out of
    BandOut of
    Band, or
    InbandWhen DTMF Out of Band is
    selected (checked), the MultiVOIP
    detects DTMF tones at its input and
    regenerates them at its output.
    When DTMF Inband is selected,
    the DTMF digits are passed through
    the MultiVOIP unit as they are
    FAX Parameters
    Fax Enable    Y/NEnables or disables fax capability for a
    particular channel.
    Max Baud
    (Fax)2400, 4800,
    7200, 9600,
    14400 bpsSet to match baud rate of fax machine
    connected to channel (see Fax machine’s
    user manual).
    Default = 14400 bps.  
    Fax Volume
    Default =
    -9.5 dB
    -18.5 dB
    to –3.5 dBControls output level of fax tones.  To
    be changed only under the direction of
    Multi-Tech’s Technical Support.  
    Jitter Value
    (Fax)Default =
    400 msDefines the inter-arrival packet
    deviation (in milliseconds) for the fax
    transmission. A higher value will
    increase the delay, allowing a higher
    percentage of packets to be
    reassembled.  A lower value will
    decrease the delay allowing fewer
    packets to be reassembled.
    Mode (Fax) FRF 11;
    (T.38 not
    ported)FRF11 is frame-relay FAX standard
    using these coders: G.711, G.728, G.729,
    T.38 is an ITU-T standard for storing
    and forwarding FAXes via email using
    X.25 packets.  It uses T.30 fax standards
    and includes special provisions to
    preclude FAX timeouts during IP
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d)
    Coder Parameters
    Manual or
    maticDetermines whether selection of
    coder is manual or automatic.
    When Automatic is selected, the
    local and remote voice channels will
    negotiate the voice coder to be used
    by selecting the highest bandwidth
    coder supported by both sides
    without exceeding the Max
    Bandwidth setting.  G.723, G.729, or
    G.711 are negotiated.
    CoderG.711 a/u
    law 64
    G.726, @
    /40 kbps;
    G.727, @
    nine bps
    G.723.1 @
    5.3 kbps,
    6.3 kbps;
    Net Coder
    6.4, 7.2, 8,
    8.8, 9.6
    kbpsSelect from a range of coders with
    specific bandwidths. The higher the
    bps rate, the more bandwidth is
    used. The channel that you are
    calling must have the same voice
    coder selected.
    Default = G.723.1 @ 6.3 kbps, as
    required for H.323.   Here 64K of
    digital voice is compressed to 6.3K,
    allowing several simultaneous
    conversations over the same
    bandwidth that would otherwise
    carry only one.
    To make selections from the
    Selected Coder drop-down list, the
    Manual option must be enabled.
    (coder)11 – 128
    kbpsThis drop-down list enables you to
    select the maximum bandwidth
    allowed for this channel.  The Max
    Bandwidth drop-down list is
    enabled only if the Coder is set to
    If coder is to be  selected
    automatically (“Auto” setting), then
    enter a value for maximum
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d)
    Field Name Values Description
    Advanced Features
    Y/NDetermines whether silence
    compression is enabled (checked) for
    this voice channel.
    With Silence Compression enabled, the
    MultiVOIP will not transmit voice
    packets when silence is detected,
    thereby reducing the amount of
    network bandwidth that is being used
    by the voice channel.
    Default = off.
    CancellationY/NDetermines whether echo cancellation is
    enabled (checked) for this voice
    Echo Cancellation removes echo and
    improves sound quality.  Default = on.
    CorrectionY/NDetermines whether forward error
    correction is enabled (checked) for this
    voice channel.
    Forward Error Correction enables
    some of the voice packets that were
    corrupted or lost to be recovered. FEC
    adds an additional 50% overhead to the
    total network bandwidth consumed by
    the voice channel.             Default = Off
    Auto Call
    EnableY/NThe Auto Call option enables the local
    MultiVOIP to call a remote MultiVOIP
    without the user having to dial a Phone
    Directory Database number. As soon as
    you access the local MultiVOIP
    voice/fax channel, the MultiVOIP
    immediately connects to the remote
    MultiVOIP identified in the Phone
    Number box of this option.
    Phone No.
    (Auto Call)--Phone number used for Auto Call
    function.  A corresponding phone
    number must be listed in the Outbound
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) )
    Field Name Values Description
    Dynamic Jitter
    Jitter BufferDynamic Jitter defines a minimum
    and a maximum jitter value for
    voice communications. When
    receiving voice packets from a
    MultiVOIP, varying delays
    between packets may occur due to
    network traffic problems. This is
    called Jitter. To compensate, the
    MultiVOIP  uses a Dynamic Jitter
    Buffer.  The Jitter Buffer enables the
    MultiVOIP to wait for delayed
    voice packets by automatically
    adjusting the length of the Jitter
    Buffer between configurable
    minimum and maximum values.
    An Optimization Factor adjustment
    controls how quickly the length of
    the Jitter Buffer is increased when
    jitter increases on the network. The
    length of the jitter buffer directly
    effects the voice delay between
    MultiVOIP gateways.
    Jitter Value60 to 400
    msThe minimum dynamic jitter buffer
    of 60 milliseconds is the minimum
    delay that would be acceptable over
    a low jitter network.
    Default = 150 msec 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d)
    Field Name Values Description
    Dynamic Jitter
    Jitter Value60 to 400
    msThe maximum dynamic jitter buffer
    of 400 milliseconds is the maximum
    delay tolerable over a high jitter
    Default = 300 msec
    ion Factor0 to 12 The Optimization Factor
    determines how quickly the length
    of the Dynamic Jitter Buffer is
    changed based on actual jitter
    encountered on the network.
    Selecting the minimum value of 0
    means low voice delay is desired,
    but increases the possibility of jitter-
    induced voice quality problems.
    Selecting the maximum value of 12
    means highest voice quality under
    jitter conditions is desired at the
    cost of increased voice delay.
    Default = 7. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    Voice/Fax Parameter Definitions (cont’d) )  
    Field Name Values Description
    Auto Disconnect
    ion-- The Automatic Disconnection
    group provides four options which
    can be used singly or in any
    Jitter Value 1-65535
    secondsThe Jitter Value defines the average
    inter-arrival packet deviation (in
    milliseconds) before the call is
    automatically disconnected. The
    default is 300 milliseconds. A higher
    value means voice transmission will
    be more accepting of jitter. A lower
    value is less tolerant of jitter.
    Inactive by default. When active,
    default = 300 ms.  However, value
    must equal or exceed Dynamic
    Minimum Jitter Value.
    secondsCall Duration defines the
    maximum length of time (in
    seconds) that a call remains
    connected before the call is
    automatically disconnected.
    Inactive by default.
    When active, default = 180 sec.
    This may be too short for most
    configurations, requiring upward
    Packets Lost1-65535Consecutive Packets Lost defines
    the number of consecutive packets
    that are lost after which the call is
    automatically disconnected.
    Inactive by default.
    When active, default = 30
    nection1 to 65535
    Default =
    30 sec.Specifies how long to wait before
    disconnecting the call when IP
    network connectivity with the
    remote site has been lost. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    9. Set Telephony Interface Parameters.  This dialog box can be reached
    by pulldown menu, toolbar icon, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
    Accessing Telephony Interface Parameters
    Pulldown Icon
    Shortcut Sidebar
         Ctrl + I 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    In each field, enter the values that fit  your particular network.
    The kinds of parameters for which values must be chosen depend on
    the type of telephony supervisory signaling or interface used (FXO,
    E&M, etc.).  We present here the various parameters grouped and
    organized by interface type. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Analog)
    FXS Loop Start Parameters.  The parameters applicable to FXS Loop
    Start are shown in the figure below and described in the table that
    FXS Loop Start Interface: Parameter Definitions
    Field Name Values Description
    FXS Loop Start Y/N Enables FXS Loop Start
    interface type.  
    Inter Digit
    Timerinteger values
    in secondsThis is the length of time that
    the MultiVOIP will wait
    between digits.  When the time
    expires, the MultiVOIP will
    look in the phonebook for the
    number entered.
    Default = 2. 
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