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Multi-Tech Systems Mvp-2400/2410/3010, Mvp-210/410/810 Voice/ip Gateways S000249C User Guide

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    of 449
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    15. Set Log Reporting Method.  The Logs screen lets you choose how
    the VoIP administrator will receive log reports about the MultiVOIP’s
    performance and the phone call traffic that is passing through it.  Log
    reports can be received in one of three ways:
    A. in the MultiVOIP program (GUI),
    B. via email (SMTP), or
    C. at the MultiVoipManager remote voip system
    management program (SNMP).
    Accessing “Logs” Screen
    Pulldown Icon
    Shortcut Sidebar
     Ctrl + Alt + O 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    Select the logging option that applies to your VoIP system design.  If
    you intend to use a SysLog Server program for logging, click in that
    Enable check box. The common SysLog logical port number is 514.  If
    you intend to use the MultiVOIP web browser GUI for configuration
    and control of MultiVOIP units, be aware that the web browser GUI
    does not support logs directly.  However, when the web browser GUI
    is used, log files can still be sent to the voip administrator via email
    (which requires activating the SMTP logging option in this screen).
    “Logs” Screen Definitions
    Field Name Values Description
    Allows MultiVOIP debugging messages
    to be read via a basic
    telecommunications program like
    HyperTerminal ™ or similar application.
    Normally, this should be disabled
    because it consumers MultiVOIP
    processing resources.  Console messages
    are intended for use by tech support
    Turn Off Logs Y/N Disables log reporting function.
    Logs Buttons Only one of these three log reporting
    methods, GUI, SMTP, or SNMP, may be
    GUI Y/N User must view logs at the MultiVOIP
    configuration program. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    SNMP Y/N Log messages will be delivered to the
    MultiVoipManager application program.
    SMTP Y/N
    Log messages will be sent to user-
    specified email address.
    SysLog Server
    This box must be checked if logging is to
    be done in conjunction with a SysLog
    Server program. For more on SysLog
    Server, see Operation & Maintenance
    IP Address n.n.n.n
    for n=
    0-255IP address of computer, connected to
    voip network, on which SysLog Server
    program is running.
    Port 514 Logical port for SysLog Server. 514 is
    commonly used.
    Intervalinteger Set the interval (in seconds) at which
    logging information will be updated. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    16. Set Supplementary Services Parameters.  This   dialog box can be
    reached by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
    Accessing “Supplementary Services Parameters”
    Pulldown Icon
    Shortcut Sidebar
     Ctrl + Alt +H
    Supplementary Services features derive from the H.450 standard, which
    brings to voip telephony functionality once only available with PSTN or
    PBX telephony.  Supplementary Services features can be used under
    H.323 only and not under SIP. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    In each field, enter the values that fit  your particular network.
    Of the features implemented under Supplementary Services, three are
    very closely related:  Call Transfer, Call Hold, and Call Waiting.  Call
    Name Identification is similar but not identical to the premium PSTN
    feature commonly known as Caller ID.
    Call Transfer.  Call Transfer allows one party to re-connect the party
    with whom they have been speaking to a third party.  The first party
    is disconnected when the third party becomes connected.  Feature is
    invoked by a program-mable phone keypad sequence (for example,
    Call Hold. Call Hold allows one party to maintain an idle (non-
    talking) connection with another party while receiving another call
    (Call Waiting), while  initiating another call (Call Transfer), or while
    performing some other call management function.  Invoked by
    keypad sequence.
    Call Waiting.  Call Waiting notifies an engaged caller of an
    incoming call and allows them to receive a call from a third party
    while the party with whom they have been speaking is put on hold.
    Invoked by keypad sequence.
    Call Name Identification.  When enabled for a given voip unit (the
    ‘home’ voip), this feature gives notice to remote voips involved in
    calls.  Notification goes to the remote voip administrator, not to
    individual phone stations.  When the home voip is the caller, a plain
    English descriptor will be sent to the remote (callee) voip identifying 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    the channel over which the call is being originated (for example,
    “Calling Party - Omaha Sales Office Line 2”). If that voip channel is
    dedicated to a certain individual, the descriptor could say that, as
    well (for example “Calling Party - Harold Smith in Omaha”).  When
    the home voip receives a call from any remote voip, the home voip
    sends a status message back to that caller.  This message confirms
    that the home voip’s phone channel is either busy or ringing or that
    a connection has been made (for example, “Busy Party - Omaha
    Sales Office Line ”).  These messages appear in the Statistics – Call
    Progress screen of the remote voip.
    Note that Supplementary Services parameters are applied on a channel-
    by-channel basis.  However, once you have established a set of
    Supplementary parameters for a particular channel, you can apply this
    entire set of parameters to another channel by using the Copy Channel
    button and its dialog box.  To copy a set of Supplementary Services
    parameters to all channels, select “Copy to All” and click Copy. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    The Supplementary Services fields are described in the tables below.
    Supplementary Services Parameter Definitions
    Field Name Values Description
    Channel1-2 (210);
    1-4 (410);
    1-8 (810)The channel to be configured is
    selected here.
    EnableY/NSelect to enable the Call Transfer
    function in the voip unit.
    This is a “blind” transfer and the
    sequence of events is as follows:
    Callers A and B are having a
    Caller A wants to put B into contact
    with C.
    Caller A dials call transfer sequence.
    Caller A hears dial tone and dials
    number for caller C.
    Caller A gets disconnected while
    Caller B gets connected to caller C.
    characterThe numbers and/or symbols that the
    caller must press on the phone keypad to
    initiate a call transfer.
    The call-transfer sequence can be 1 to 4
    characters in length using any
    combination of digits or characters
    (* or #).
    The sequences for call transfer, call
    hold, and call waiting can be from 1
    to 4 digits in length consisting of any
    combination of digits 1234567890*#. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d)
    Field Name Values Description
    Call Hold
    EnableY/NSelect to enable Call Hold function in
    voip unit.
    Call Hold allows one party to
    maintain an idle (non-talking)
    connection with another party while
    receiving another call (Call Waiting),
    while  initiating another call (Call
    Transfer), or while performing some
    other call management function.
    The numbers and/or symbols that the
    caller must press on the phone
    keypad to initiate a call hold.
    The call-hold sequence can be 1 to 4
    characters in length using any
    combination of digits or characters
    (* or #).
    Call Waiting
    EnableY/NSelect to enable Call Waiting function
    in voip unit.
    in length
    The numbers and/or symbols that the
    caller must press on the phone
    keypad to initiate retrieval of a
    waiting call.
    The call-waiting retrieval sequence
    can be 1 to 4 characters in length
    using any combination of digits or
    (* or #).
    This is the phone keypad sequence
    that a user must press to retrieve a
    waiting call.  Customize-able.
    Sequence should be distinct from
    sequence that might be used to
    retrieve a waiting call via the PBX or
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    Supplementary Services Definitions (cont’d)
    Field Name Values Description
    Call Name
    EnableEnables CNI function.  Call Name
    Identification is not the same as Caller
    ID.  When enabled on a given voip
    unit currently being controlled by the
    MultiVOIP GUI (the ‘home voip’),
    Call Name Identification sends an
    identifier and status information to
    the administrator of the remote voip
    involved in the call. The feature
    operates on a channel-by-channel
    basis (each channel can have a
    separate identifier).
    If the home voip is originating the
    call, only the  Calling Party field is
    applicable.  If the home voip is
    receiving the call, then the Alerting
    Party, Busy Party, and Connected
    Party fields are the only applicable
    fields (and any or all of these could be
    enabled for a given voip channel). The
    status information confirms back to
    the originator that the callee (the
    home voip) is either busy, or ringing,
    or that the intended call has been
    completed and is currently connected.
    The identifier and status information
    are made available to the remote voip
    unit and appear in the Caller ID field
    of its Statistics – Call Progress screen.
    (This is how MultiVOIP units handle
    CNI messages; in other voip brands,
    H.450 may be implemented
    differently and then the message
    presentation may vary.) 
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