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Multi-Tech Systems Mvp-2400/2410/3010, Mvp-210/410/810 Voice/ip Gateways S000249C User Guide

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    of 449
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    The Regional Parameters fields are described in the table below.
    “Regional Parameter” Definitions
    Field Name Values Description
    RegionUSA, Japan, UK,
    CustomName of a country or region that
    uses a certain set of tone pairs for
    dial tone, ring tone, busy tone, and
    ‘unobtainable’ tone (fast busy
    tone). In some cases, the tone-pair
    scheme denoted by a country name
    may also be used outside of that
    country.  The “Custom” option
    (button) assures that any tone-
    pairing scheme worldwide can be
    Type column dial tone,
    ring tone,
    busy tone,
    tone (fast busy)Type of telephony tone-pair for
    which frequency, gain, and
    cadence are being presented.
    Frequency 1frequency in
    HertzLower frequency of pair.
    Frequency 2 frequency in
    HertzHigher frequency of pair.
    Gain 1 gain in dB
    +3dB to –31dB
    and  “mute”
    settingAmplification factor of  lower
    frequency of pair.
    This figure describes amplification
    that the MultiVOIP
    applies to outbound tones entering
    the MultiVOIP at
    the T1 port.  Default:   -16dB
    Gain 2 gain in dB
    +3dB to –31dB
    and  “mute”
    settingAmplification factor of  higher
    frequency of pair.
    This figure describes amplification
    that the MultiVOIP
    applies to outbound tones entering
    the MultiVOIP at
    the T1 port.  Default:   -16dB 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    “Regional Parameter” Definitions (cont’d)
    Field Name Values Description
    (msec) On/Offn/n/n/n
    four integer time
    values in
    zero value for
    continuous toneOn/off pattern of tone durations
    used to denote phone ringing,
    phone busy, connection
    unobtainable (fast busy), and  dial
    tone (continuous and  described  as
    “0“).  Default values differ for
    different countries/regions.
    Although most cadences have only
    two parts (an  “on” duration and
    an “off” duration),  some telephony
    cadences have four parts.  Most
    cadences, then, are expressed as
    two iterations of a two-part
    sequence.  Although this is
    redundant, it is necessary to allow
    for expression of 4-part cadences.
    (button)--Click on the “Custom” button to
    bring up the Custom Tone Pair
    Settings screen.  This screen allows
    the user to specify tone pair
    attributes that are not found in any
    of the standard national/regional
    telephony toning schemes. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    13. Set Custom Tones and Cadences (optional) . The Regional
    Parameters dialog box has a secondary dialog box that allows you to
    customize DTMF tone pairs to create unique ring-tones, dial-tones,
    busy-tones or “unobtainable” tones (fast busy signal) for your system.
    This screen allows the user to specify tone-pair attributes that are not
    found in any of the standard national/regional telephony toning
    schemes.  To access this customization feature, click on the Custom
    button on the  Regional Parameters screen. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    The Custom Tone-Pair Settings fields are described in the table below.  
    Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definitions
    Field Name Values Description
    Tone Pairdial tone
    busy tone
    ring tone,
    toneIdentifies the type of telephony
    signaling tone for which
    frequencies are being specified.
    TONE PAIR VALUESAbout Defaults:  US telephony
    values are used as defaults on
    this screen.  However, since this
    dialog box is provided to allow
    custom tone-pair settings,
    default values are essentially
    Frequency 1frequency in
    HertzFrequency of lower tone of pair.
    This outbound tone pair enters
    the MultiVOIP at the T1/E1 port.
    Frequency 2 frequency in
    HertzFrequency of higher tone of pair.
    This outbound tone pair enters
    the MultiVOIP at the T1/E1 port.
    Gain 1 gain in dB
    +3dB to –31dB
    and  “mute”
    settingAmplification factor of  lower
    frequency of pair. This figure
    describes amplification that the
    MultiVOIP applies to outbound
    tones entering the MultiVOIP at
    the T1 port.  Default = -16dB
    Gain 2 gain in dB
    +3dB to –31dB
    and  “mute”
    settingAmplification factor of  higher
    frequency of pair. This figure
    describes amplification that the
    MultiVOIP applies to outbound
    tones entering the MultiVOIP at
    the T1 port.  Default = -16dB 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    Custom Tone-Pair Settings Definitions
    Field Name Values Description
    Cadence 1 integer time
    value in
    zero value for
    continuous toneOn/off pattern of tone durations
    used to denote phone ringing,
    phone busy, connection
    unobtainable tone (fast busy),
    and  dial tone (which is
    continuous and  described  as
    “0“).  Cadence 1 is duration of
    first period of tone being “on” in
    the cadence of the telephony
    signal (which could be ring-tone,
    busy-tone, unobtainable tone, or
    Cadence 2 duration in
    millisecondsCadence 2 is duration of first
    “off” period in signaling
    Cadence 3 duration in
    millisecondsCadence 3 is duration of second
    “on” period in signaling cadence.
    Cadence 4 duration in
    millisecondsCadence 4 is duration of second
    “off” period in the signaling
    cadence, after which the 4-part
    cadence pattern of the telephony
    signal repeats. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    14. Set SMTP Parameters (Log Reports by Email).  The SMTP
    Parameters screen is applicable when the VOIP administrator has
    chosen to receive log reports by email (this is done by selecting the
    “SMTP” checkbox in the Others screen and selecting “Enable SMTP”
    in the SMTP Parameters screen.).  The SMTP Parameters screen can
    be reached by pulldown menu, keyboard shortcut, or sidebar.
    Accessing “SMTP Parameters”
    Pulldown Icon
    Shortcut Sidebar
     Ctrl + Alt + S
    MultiVOIP as Email Sender.  When SMTP is used, the MultiVOIP will
    actually be given its own email account (with Login Name and
    Password) on some mail server connected to the IP network.  Using this
    account, the MultiVOIP will then send out email messages containing
    log report information.  The “Recipient” of the log report email is
    ordinarily the VoIP administrator.  Because the MultiVOIP cannot
    receive email, a “Reply-To” address must also be set up.  Ordinarily,
    the “Reply-To” address is that of a technician who has access to the
    mail server or MultiVOIP or both, and the VoIP administrator might
    also be designated as the “Reply-To” party.  The main function of the
    Reply-To address is to receive error or failure messages regarding the
    emailed reports. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    The SMTP Parameters screen is shown below.      
    “SMTP Parameters” Definitions
    Field Name Values Description
    Enable SMTP Y/N In order to send log reports by
    email, this box must be checked.
    However, to enable SMTP
    functionality, you must also select
    “SMTP” in the Logs screen.
    Login Name alpha-
    numeric, per
    email domainThis is the User Name for the
    MultiVOIP unit’s email account.
    Password alpha-
    numericLogin password for MultiVOIP
    unit’s email account.
    Mail Server IP
    for n= 0 to
    255This mail server must be accessible
    on the IP network to which the
    MultiVOIP is connected.
    Port Number 2525 is a standard port number for
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    “SMTP Parameters” Definitions (cont’d)
    Field Name Values Description
    Mail Type text or html Mail type in which log reports will
    be sent.
    Subject text User specified.  Subject line that will
    appear for all emailed log reports for
    this MultiVOIP unit.
    Addressemail addressUser specified.  This email address
    functions as a source email identifier
    for the MultiVOIP, which, of course,
    cannot usefully receive email
    messages.  The Reply-To address
    provides a destination for returned
    messages indicating the status of
    messages sent by the MultiVOIP
    (esp. to indicate when log report
    email was undeliverable or when an
    error has occurred).
    Addressemail addressUser specified.  Email address at
    which VOIP administrator will
    receive log reports.
    Mail CriteriaCriteria for sending log summary by
    The log summary email will be sent
    out either when the user-specified
    number of log messages has
    accumulated, or once every day or
    multiple days, which ever comes first.
    Number of
    RecordsintegerThis is the number of log records
    that must accumulate to trigger the
    sending of a log-summary email.
    Number of
    DaysintegerThis is the number of days that must
    pass before triggering the sending of
    a log-summary email. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital)
    The SMTP Parameters dialog box has a secondary dialog box, Custom
    Fields,  that allows you to customize email log messages for the
    MultiVOIP.  The MultiVOIP software logs data about many aspects of
    the call traffic going through the MultiVOIP.  The Custom Fields screen
    lets you pick which aspects will be included in the email log reports.     
    “Custom Fields” Definitions
    Field Description Field Description
    Select All Log report to
    include all fields
    NumberData channel
    carrying call.Start
    TimeDate and time the
    phone call began.
    Duration Length of call. Call
    ModeVoice or fax.
    SentTotal packets sent
    in call.Packets
    ReceivedTotal packets
    received in call.
    SentTotal bytes sent in
    ReceivedTotal bytes received
    in call.
    LostPackets lost in
    call.Coder Voice Coder
    /Compression Rate
    used for call will be
    listed in log. 
    							MultiVOIP User Guide Technical Configuration (Digital Voips)
    “Custom Fields” Definitions (cont’d)
    Field Description Field Description
    DigitsDigits put out by
    MultiVOIP onto
    the T1 or E1 line.Prefix
    MatchedWhen selected, the
    phonebook prefix
    matched in
    processing call will be
    listed in log.
    StatusSuccessful or
    From DetailsTo Details
    gatewayGatew N.Completing or
    terminating gateway
    IP Addr IP address where
    call originated.IP AddrIP address where call
    was completed or
    Descript Identifier of site
    where call
    originated.DescriptIdentifier of site
    where call was
    completed or
    Options When selected, log
    will not use/non-
    use of Silence
    Compression and
    Forward Error
    Correction by call
    originator.OptionsWhen selected, log
    will not use/non-use
    of Silence
    Compression and
    Forward Error
    Correction by call
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