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Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-3 Review Configuration and Equipment 
    Review Configuration and Equipment
    Figure 1-1 shows and  examp le of the b asic  ATM c onnec tions for Release 8r and  
    Release 8c si system using  ATM-PNC and  ATM-CES. For more d etailed  
    c onnec tion d iag rams of the reliab ility op tions, refer to ‘‘DEFINITY ECS 
    configurations’’ on page 1-6.
    Figure Notes
    Figure 1-1. Example of an ATM-PNC and ATM-CES configuration
    1. DEFINITY ECS PPN-1 (r)
    2. Lucent ATM switc h
    3. ATM network (the c loud)
    6. ATM-PNC
    7. ATM-CES
    8. ATM-PNC and  ATM-CES
    9. D EFI N I TY EC S PPN - 2 ( c si )
    cydaaccs LJK 111099
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-4 Review Configuration and Equipment 
    Required Hardware
    Table 1-1 lists the req uired  eq uip ment for stand ard , high, c ritic al reliab ility, and  
    ATM network d up lic ation c onfig urations.
    To test the sync hronization sp litters, you need  the following  eq uip ment:
    nPhoenix 1541C Test Set with ac c essory c ord kit
    nPhoenix 5575A T1 Test Set with c ord  kit or eq uivalent
    n700A DS1 CPE Loop b ac k Jac k1 (c omc ode 10798867)
    n103A b loc k
    n1541CC c ab le kit
    Table 1-1. Minimum required equipment for Release 8 ATM-PNC configurations 
    EquipmentReliability level
    Standard HighCritical/ATM 
    Network Duplication
    ATM switc h 1 1 2
    TN2305/TN2306 ATM interfac e
    for eac h PN
    1. TN2305 (multimod e fiber); TN2306 (sing le-mod e fib er) for Release 8 ATM-PNC.
    2. Hig h reliab ility req uires 2 ATM-EI c irc uit p ac ks in the PPN and  1 ATM-EI in eac h EPN.
    T1 or E1 sync hronization sp litter
    3. The number and  uses of the sync hronization sp litter d ep end  on the config uration and  the sourc e(s) 
    from which p rimary and sec ond ary sync hronization is d erived . You may need 1 sync  sp litter p er 
    ATM switc h. DS1 sync hronization req uires either no sync  sp litter or up  to a numb er twic e the 
    numb er of sites.
    11 1
    SC-c onnec ted  fiber op tic  c able
    4. Existing  fib er op tic c able may require an ST-to-SC ad ap ter, d ep end ing  on the interfac e at the ATM 
    switch. The TN2305/TN2306 circ uit pac k req uires an SC c onnec tor (1 ad apter is included  in the 
    Fiber Pass-Through Kit).
    1 2  ( PPN )
    1 (eac h EPN)2
    TN771 maintenanc e/test c irc uit 
    5. For network d up lic ation; required  for systems supp orting PRI, BRI, or ASAI.
    1. See DEFINITY ECS Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r, Chap ter 6, DS1 Loop b ack Test for 
    more information. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-5 Review Configuration and Equipment 
    nRJ45-to-Bantam test c ab le from the 1541CC c ab le kit
    nSystem capacities
    Table 1-2
     lists the maximum numb er of TN2305/TN2306 c irc uit p ac ks allowed  in 
    Table 1-2. Maximum number of ATM interface TN2305/TN2306 circuit packs
    PlatformMaximum ATM circuit 
    packs allowed Description
    r 176 2 x 44 port networks (CES) plus 2 in 
    eac h PN (PNC)
    si, c si, c 6 CES only (no PNC) 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-6 Review Configuration and Equipment 
    DEFINITY ECS configurations
    Figure 1-2, Figure 1-3, and  Figure 1-4 show the ATM-PNC c onnec tions for 
    stand ard , hig h, and  c ritic al reliab ility, resp ec tively.
    Figure 1-2. ATM-PNC connections for standard
     reliability Figure Notes
    1. Pub lic  switc hed telep hone network (PSTN)
    2. Main d istrib ution frame (MDF) or smart jac k
    3. Sync hronization splitter. 
    4. DS1 c irc uit p ac k (TN464F)
    5. TN2305/TN2306 c irc uit pac ks
    6. DEFINITY ECS ac c ess terminal
    7. Timing  signal from sync hronization splitter 
    through an H600-383 c ab le to Luc ent ATM switc h8. Luc ent ATM switc h (more than one ATM 
    switc h in an ATM-WAN c onfiguration.)
    9. ATM switc h ac c ess terminal 
    10. Fiber op tic  c ab les from ATM 
    OC-3/STM-1 interfac es
    1 1 . D EFIN I TY EC S EPN
    12. Split c ab inet EPN
    1 3 . D EFIN I TY EC S PPN
    cydaeps7 LJK 020100
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-7 Review Configuration and Equipment 
    Figure 1-3. ATM-PNC connections for high reliability Figure Notes
    1. Pub lic  switc hed telep hone network (PSTN)
    2. Main d istrib ution frame (MDF) or smart jac k
    3. Sync hronization splitter
    4. DS1 c irc uit p ac k (TN464F)
    5. TN2305/TN2306 c irc uit pac ks
    6. DEFINITY ECS ac c ess terminal
    7. Timing  signal from sync hronization splitter 
    through an H600-383 c ab le to Luc ent ATM switc h8. Fiber op tic  c ab les to ATM OC-3/STM-1 
    interfac es
    9. Luc ent ATM switc h (more than one ATM 
    switc h in an ATM-WAN c onfiguration.)
    10. ATM switc h ac c ess terminal
    1 1 . D EFIN I TY EC S EPN
    12. Split-cabinet EPN
    cydaeph4 LJK 020100
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-8 Review Configuration and Equipment 
    Figure 1-4. ATM-PNC connections for critical
     reliability or ATM network 
    duplication Figure Notes
    1. Pub lic  switc hed telep hone network (PSTN)
    2. Main d istrib ution frame (MDF) or smart jac k
    3. Sync hronization splitter
    4. DS1 c irc uit p ac k (TN464F)
    5. TN2305/TN2306 c irc uit pac ks
    6. DEFINITY ECS ac c ess terminal)
    7. Timing  signal from sync hronization splitter 
    through an H600-383 c ab le to Luc ent ATM switc h8. Fiber op tic  c ab les to ATM interfac es
    9. Luc ent ATM switc h B
    10. ATM switc h ac c ess terminal B
    11. Luc ent ATM switc h A
    12. ATM switc h ac c ess terminal A
    1 3 . D EFIN I TY EC S EPN
    14. Split-cabinet EPN
    cydaepn3 LJK 020100
    8 8
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-9 Determine ATM Switch Suitability 
    Determine ATM Switch Suitability
    To fully sup p ort DEFINITY ATM-PNC and provid e nonb loc king  ATM ac c ess 
    b etween all p ort networks, ATM switc hes must supp ort at least 400 
    p oint-to-multip oint switc hed  virtual c onnec tion (SVC) roots or leaves p er 
    OC-3/STM-1 interfac e. Bec ause d ifferent switc hes have d ifferent limits—some 
    limit roots, some leaves, and  some the total, we have d evelop ed  the Meiners’ 
    Alg orithm to d etermine whether a switc h c an supp ort a p rop osed  set of p ort 
    networks in a p rop osed  switc h. This alg orithm is availab le to Luc ent eng ineers as 
    a c alc ulator within a Mic rosoft Exc el sp readsheet. You may ac c ess the MS Exc el 
    file at http://info.d r.luc ent.c om/~ meiners/atm.html
     . Chec k p eriod ic ally for 
    For b est results, use the c alc ulator for one ATM switc h at a time. Use trial and  
    error to set the values in the user-defined  values sec tion until the feasib ility 
    indic ator rep orts YES
     or PROBABLY
    Use of this sp read sheet is no sub stitute for thinking . Please ap p ly b asic  
    sanity c hec ks to the outc ome. ATM switc hes may have limitations that the 
    calc ulator does not c onsider.
    To use the c alc ulator, typ e the network layout and resourc e limits for the ATM 
    switc h you are using . Refer to the following  c aveats as you inp ut your information:
    1. Not all ATM switc hes have limits on all of the values. If a limit d oes not 
    ap p ly, enter any very large numb er (1000000 is g ood ).
    2. Some ATM switc hes (for examp le, ac c ess c onc entrators) allow a limited  
    ab ility to c onfig ure the limits. Other switc hes have fixed  limits. If you d o not 
    know the limits, ask the ATM switc h vend or.
    3. If your ATM switc h is handling  non-DEFINITY traffic , enter the resourc e 
    limits after sub trac ting  the resourc es used  b y the non-DEFINITY traffic .
    4. If you are using  an ATM switc h with d ifferent limits on d ifferent mod ules or 
    p orts (for examp le, Luc ent Cajun M770):
    a. c omp ute the averag e limits p er p ort to whic h a DEFINITY p ort 
    network is attac hed .
    b . selec t the p ort with the most restric tive limitations.
    c . enter the system limit as these limits times the numb er of DEFINITY 
    p ort networks attac hed  to that ATM switc h. 
    The more partitioned  the limits are, the less ac c urate are the 
    results of the sp read sheet.
    5. If you answer yes to transit traffic , the c alc ulator may or may not b e ab le 
    to d etermine feasib ility. If it c annot, the feasib ility d isp lays as UNKNOWN
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-10 Determine ATM Switch Suitability 
    Figure 1-3 shows an example of a calculation.
     means that this application is okay under any reasonable loads. 
    Check the constraint tests results to see what kind of loads might be a problem.
    YES means that this application is okay under any load.
     means that this ap p lic ation is not reasonab le. See the Constraint Tests results 
    to see what resourc e you are short of. See if you c an inc rease this resourc e, or 
    d ec rease the numb er of p ort networks.
    Table 1-3. Sample calculation
    Network Layout
    ATM switc hAC120
    Total number of DEFINITY p ort networks:25
    Number of PNs d irec tly attac hed  d irec tly to this ATM switc h:12
    Is the DEFINITY PPN d irec tly attac hed  to this ATM switc h 
    Number of trunks on this ATM switc h (inter-ATM-switc h 
    c onnec tions)1
    Any transit traffic  throug h this ATM switc h (yes/no)no
    Ag g reg ate p eak p hone c alls rate p er hour in all d irec tly 
    c onnec ted  PNs10000
    Bid irec tional ag g reg ate trunk b andwid th in Mb p s155.52
    Application bandwidth in kbps needed per port network128
    ATM Switch Resource Limits (see Limits sheet for help)
    N u m b e r  o f  PP SVC s  s u p p o r t e d :1000
    Number of PMP (roots) sup p orted :6250
    Number of PMP p arties (leaves) sup ported :8334
    Number of PMP end p oints (roots+ leaves) supp orted :1000000
    To t a l n u m b e r o f  SVC s  ( PP+ PM P) s u p p o rt e d1000000
    Per-p ort SVC limit (normally b ased  on VCI rang e)1000000
    Setup s p er sec ond  at < 220 ms p er setup1000000
    Bandwidth limited2032 calls 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-11 Determine ATM Switch Suitability 
     means that sp ec ial eng ineering  is req uired  for this ap p lic ation 
    b ec ause of the transit traffic . The sp ec ial treatment is nec essary b ec ause the 
    feasib ility d ep end s on the volume of the transit traffic . Making  any of the c hang es 
    sug g ested  for NO
     ab ove mig ht make it feasib le reg ard less of the transit traffic .
    Constraint tests
    If your c alc ulations d o not yield  a YES
    , this sec tion p rovid es the resourc es of 
    whic h you are short. These tests c hec k 7 ATM switc h resourc e limitations ag ainst 
    6 d ifferent ap p lic ation sc enarios. A 1 in the Test Results (Table 1-7
    ) ind ic ates a 
    p assed test; a 0 ind ic ates a failed  test. To ac hieve a YES
     feasibility, all 42 tests 
    must p ass. To ac hieve a PROBABLY
    , only 21 tests (ind ic ated  in bold
    ) must 
    Table 1-4. Constants
    Timeslots per port network  500
    Cache hit ratio  50%
    EAL+PACL bandwidth 96
    Table 1-5. Computed values
    Number of nonlocal port networks  13
    Effective number of port networks for PP  24
    Effective number of port networks for PMP  24
    Number of available timeslots  10064
    Per-port SVCs (PP+PMP) needed 572
    PP SVCs perPN 3
    Total PP SVCs 72
    PP cells per second required over trunks 15158
    Aggregate cells per second available over trunks 366792
    Bandwidth-limited maximum phone calls over trunks 2032
    Timeslot-limited maximum phone calls over trunks 3000 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Preparing for Installation and Upgrades 
    1-12 Determine ATM Switch Suitability 
    Final notes
    The g oal is to engineer the network so that in all reasonab le app lic ations, you 
    always run out of DEFINITY time slots before running  out of ATM switc h 
    resourc es. This is req uired  to p rovid e ac c ep table servic e to the c ustomer. 
    These calculations factor in phone calls only. There is no specific 
    ac c ommod ation for the ATM SVC c ac he, or for sp ec ial features suc h as music , 
    announc ements, and  g roup p ag ing . The theory b ehind  using  500 as the numb er 
    of timeslots in a port network rather than the real numb er (484) is to allow for a 
    normal amount of these sp ec ial features. If you use multip le music  on hold , group  
    p ag ing , and  so forth, you may need  sp ec ial eng ineering .
    This c alc ulator determines that an ap p lic ation is PROBABLY
     feasib le if it c an 
    hand le reasonab le ac tivity mixes. The three c olumns in Table 1-7
     that have b old  
    entries d efine what is meant b y reasonable. These tests req uire that the switc h 
    b e ab le to hand le a c omp lete suite of 2-p arty c alls, a c omplete suite of 3-p arty 
    calls, and  a mixed  suite that involves some c alls of each typ e. For best results, 
    your ap p lic ation should  p ass all the c onstraint tests.
    Any ATM switc h that p roc esses transit traffic  (that is, c onnec tions that d o not 
    either orig inate or terminate on any of the p ort networks d irec tly attac hed  to it) 
    may req uire sp ec ial eng ineering . This is p ossib le if the numb er of trunks on the 
    Table 1-6. Application scenarios
    Number of 2-party calls  2516  0  0  0  0  1258
    Number of 3-party calls  0  1118  0  0  0  279
    Number of 4-party calls  0  0  629  0  0 78
    Number of 5-party calls  0  0  0  402  0  25
    Number of 6-party calls  0  0  0  0  279  18
    Ta b l e  1 - 7 . Te s t  r e s u l t s
    Constraint 1: Timeslots111111
    Constraint 2: PMP roots11
    Constraint 3: PP11
    Constraint 4: PMP leaves11
    Constraint 5: PMP endpoints11
    Constraint 6: Total SVCs11
    Constraint 7: Per-port SVCs11
    Constraint 8:Performance11
    Constraint 9:Trunk bandwidth11
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