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Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Baselining the Customer’s Configuration A-5 DEFINITY ECS Administration Worksheet A 1. UUCSS stand s for cab inet c arrier slot. 2. Read from ATM switc h console.Table A-1. Customer configuration worksheet for standard and high reliability systems — ContinuedAT M switch port A-PNC B-PNC AT M - PNC numberDEFINITY location (UUCSS 1) NameESI (MAC) 2 address last 12 digits AT M - PNC numberDEFINITY location (UUCSS) NameESI (MAC) address last 12 digits Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Baselining the Customer’s Configuration A-6 DEFINITY ECS Administration Worksheet A

ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-1 Location-related Interactions B DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 B ATM Switch Feature Interactions The interc onnec tion of p ort networks ac ross a wid e area throug h multip le ATM switc hes may introd uc e d elays in estab lishing some inter-p ort network c onnec tions. WAN interc onnec tivity c an introd uc e some transmission d elays. The following top ic s are c overed in this ap p end ix. nLoc ation-related Interac tions nFeatures Supported nFeatures Not Supported nDelay Interac tions nATM Feature Interac tions nCross-p rod uc t Compatib ility Location-related Interactions Loc ation-related p rob lems hap p en in two areas: nSwitc h operability nFeature performance Switch operability The b asic switc h func tions (Ta b l e B - 1) are affec ted b y loc ation within the ATM application.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-2 Location-related Interactions B Table B-1. Switch operability interactions Operation Description Station alerting When a c all is offered to a station, an inter-PN c onnec tion is initiated and the p hone ring s. This p roc ed ure ap plies to c alls to stations, d ata mod ules, and attend ant c onsoles. When the user answers, the station should b e c onnec ted b efore the user says “ hello.” Trunk seizure Trunk seizure hap p ens after an outgoing c all is submitted to an outg oing trunk p ort, followed b y ad d ress outp ulsing . Seizure and ad d ress outp ulsing do not req uire an estab lished talk p ath to the trunk. If the talk p ath to or from the trunk is d elayed for several second s and the call was d ialed instantly throug h ab breviated d ialing , some initial call progress feedback might be missed and, perhaps, some information from the answering p arty. Connec tion setup times of as muc h as 1-2 s c an b e c overed b y seizure/outp ulsing , but long er setup times req uire p ostp oning seizure until the inter-PN c onnec tion is established. Rec ord ed announc ements When an announc ement is c onnec ted, it req uests p laybac k as soon as p ossib le. The switc h d elays p laying b ac k an announc ement until at least one inter-p ort-network c onnec tion, if need ed , is estab lished . The b arg e-in announc ements, whic h the c aller joins in progress, do not require this delay. Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-3 Location-related Interactions B Feature performance DEFINITY ECS switc h features are affec ted b y loc ation (Ta b l e B - 2). Table B-2. DEFINITY operations affected by location Operation Description User interface Performance Time of Day Ad ministration of a time offset relative to the system clock permits the c omp utation of loc al time for eac h p ort network. Se e ‘‘Time of Day c onsiderations’’ for more information. nTime/d ate d isp lay and wakeup or d o-not-disturb times d isp layed in loc al time. nAttend ant servic e from a loc al attend ant on loc al time. nUser c an d ial local c alls without supp lying the area c od e (NANP only) or the country and /or c ity cod e (international), just as on a sing le-location switc h. nEach loc ation can have its own local emerg ency p roc essing c enter, and 911 calls typ ic ally routed via ARS are sent to the loc al d isp atc h for eac h c aller’s loc ation.These ad d ed loc ations help solve: nDifferent p ub lic network dial p lans for different locations affec ting — 911 c alls — home or foreig n number plan area (US only) — international d ialing or country codes nDifferent time zones on — user d isp lays — CDR rec ord s — time-of-day routing ARS Dig it AnalysisARS digit analysis (routing ), dig it c onversion, and toll analysis can be ad ministered with location-sp ecific p arameters in ad d ition to “ g lob al” (ARS and public-network TAC calls).If a location-sp ec ific entry and a g lob al entry b oth matc h a d ialed numb er eq ually well, then the location-sp ecific entry takes preced enc e over the g lobal entry, and a location-sp ecific d ig it c onversion takes p rec ed ence over a location-sp ecific routing entry.Multip le-loc ation routing cap acities = 4000 (Release 7r or later) A set of loc al routing op tions also are req uired for eac h location for n911 nother servic e numb ers nlocal op erator ac cess nloc al c alls in g eneral. Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-4 Location-related Interactions B ARS Dig it ConversionnCod e Conversion When Foreig n Numb er Plan Area (FNPA, 10-d igit) or Home Numb er Plan Area (HNPA, 7-d igit) numb ers are c onverted, the home NPA used is determined from the orig inator’s ad ministered loc ation. nCall Red irec tion Uses the loc ation and partition group of the forward ed or c overed party, not those of the c aller.To simp lify the ad ministration of AAR/ARS and its interac tion with TOD routing and p artition groups, partitioning should be separated from AAR and ARS analysis. In other word s, AAR/ARS analysis entries c ould spec ify a routing ind ex (from 1 to 2000), and a sep arate tab le could b e used to sp ec ify the routing treatment for each of 8 p artitions, for eac h routing ind ex.Maximum 600 c onversion entries p ossib le (Release 7r or later) Provid es a fixed p oint of referenc e for d ig it analysis Daylig ht Sav in g s Tim eUp to 15 starting and ending d ates and times and the c hang e inc rement (in hours and minutes) c an b e ad ministered for d ifferent locations. Eac h loc ation must have a Daylig ht Saving s Time rule ad ministered.Once administered , all locations change automatic ally to the prop er time at the designated day and time. Table B-2. DEFINITY operations affected by location — Continued Operation Description User interface Performance Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-5 Location-related Interactions B Dial Plan Users on p ort networks loc ated in d ifferent North Americ an Numb er Plan Areas (NPAs) expec t to make local c alls b y dialing 7-digit numb ers. Althoug h the digits dialed by two d ifferent users may b e the same, the ac tual intended d estinations may b e d ifferent. Carefully c onsid er AAR and ARS routing p arameters in ATM config urations. System c loc k Time disp lays and stamp s in all other locations automatically change according to the ad ministered Daylig ht Saving s Ti me r ul es .Elapsed -time field s for features suc h as Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR) are treated as they are now whenever the system c loc k is reset d uring the transition to and from d aylig ht saving s time. The system ad ministrator may c hoose not to spec ify d aylight saving s time for the system c loc k, thereb y avoid ing the transitions. This may make time-of-d ay routing tab les inacc urate. And , b ec ause the automatic d aylig ht transition occ urs early in the morning (at least b y U.S. rules), only a few CDR rec ord s are affec ted .With one ad ministration chang e at the PPN, all remote loc ations d isp lay and timestamp in loc ally ad justed Daylig ht Saving s Ti m e . Table B-2. DEFINITY operations affected by location — Continued Operation Description User interface Performance Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-6 Location-related Interactions B Time of Day considerations Ta b l e B - 3 shows the time-of-d ay imp ac ts on users and ad ministrators. In the Group c olumn: nUser-visib le means that times are visib le and /or manip ulated b y the users. nSystem manag ement means that times are visib le to, used b y, and set b y the system ad ministrator or other switc h manag ement. Table B-3. Time of day impacts Use Group Impact User date and time User-visible The d ate and time d isp layed b y the system should ind icate the user’s loc al time. Automatic wakeup Announc ements Do-Not-DisturbUser-visible The user is ab le to spec ify and rec eive a wakeup c all at the correc t local time. Call Detail Rec ord ing System manag ementTimes rec ord ed may have to be matched ag ainst times reported by public network service providers (whic h may be d ep end ent on the loc ations of trunk g roup s). Two kind s of c hang es: nAutomatic chang es are set in software to oc c ur at 2 AM, for examp le. nManual c hang es are still p ossib le Time-of-Day routing System manag ementTimes are d erived from time-of-d ay c onsid erations b ased on the location(s) of various outg oing trunks. For example, a time-of-d ay routing c hang e may take p lac e at 5:00 PM EST b ec ause c alls entering the pub lic network throug h a New York trunk g roup rec eive red uc ed rates. Another c hange may occ ur at 5:00 PM PST b ec ause trunks in Los Ang eles now provide red uc ed rates. Some or all of these times may be sub jec t to daylight saving s time c hang es. Malic ious Call Trac e System manag ementRecorded time may need to b e c onverted to user-p erceived time. Bec ause this feature is invoked infrequently, manual c onversion is acc eptab le. AUDIX User-visible AUDIX maintains its own time (inc lud ing d aylig ht saving s) and is unaffected b y switc h ad ministration. Dep end ing on the numb er of DCS links availab le, it is p ossib le to p rovid e a d ifferent AUDIX switch for eac h time zone (or each loc ation), with the AUDIX c loc k set to matc h. Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-7 Features Supported B Features Supported Release 7 and later sup p orts the ATM-CES trunking features listed in Ta b l e B - 4 with noted feature interac tions. Other features are not listed b ec ause they have nothing to d o with trunking . Table B-4. Release 7 and later ATM-CES trunking features supported Feature Description Abb reviated Dialing Has the d ig its b efore c ut-throug h p ut in the SETUP message. Tones after the cut-throug h (used b y voice response systems) are g enerated direc tly b y the ATM board. Alternate Facility Restriction LevelsWorks the same for ATM trunks as for any other trunk. Attendant Serial Calling Works the same as for other trunks. Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR)Selects a routing p attern, whic h in turn may selec t an ATM trunk. Authorization Cod es Can override the FRL on inc oming ATM c alls or b loc k acc ess to ATM trunks. Automatic Route Selec tion Selects a routing p attern, whic h in turn may selec t an ATM trunk. CallVisor Ad junct/Switc h App lic ations Interfac e (ASAI)Carries messag es (c ustomer ac count number, for examp le) in facilities information elements in Q.931 messag es. 1 Call Detail Rec ording Ap p lies to trunk g roup s, not to individ ual trunk memb ers (same CDR format used for ISDN-PRI trunks) CDR Acc ount Cod e Dialing Forc ed Entry of Acc ount Cod esWorks with ARS, b ut not with TAC (ATM trunk g roup s d o not support TAC). Class of Restriction (COR) Is used for misc ellaneous trunk restric tions: CORs assig ned to ind ivid ual stations c ontrol acc ess to ATM trunks throug h the routing table FRL. Cloc k/Sync hronization Derives sync hronization source from T1 or E1 span connected to the ATM switc h(es). Data Call Setup Data Hot Line Data Privac y Data Restric tionSets the QoS p arameters ap p ropriately for d ata calls. DCS Over ISDN-PRI D-Channel (DCS+ )Is sup p orted End -to-End Signaling Send DTMF d igits for rotary phones after the c all is c onnec ted. Extend ed Trunk Ac cess (ETA) Routes a call to a trunk Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-8 Features Supported B Fac ility Restric tion Levels (FRLs)Control ac c ess to ATM trunks like any other trunk. See also Traveling Class Marks (TCM). Fac ility Assoc iated Signaling (NFAS)Is supported by DEFINITY ATM. Nonfacility Associated Signaling (NFAS)Is not sup p orted (see NFAS in the list of unsup p orted features). Generalized Route Selection (GRS)Includes Bearer Capab ility Class (BCC), Information Transfer Cap ab ility (ITC), and others. These p arameters are checked on the routing p attern, and are used to selec t an ap prop riate trunk g roup . These p arameters may help c hoose the ap prop riate QoS. Inb ound Call Management (ICM)Se e C a ll Vis or A SA I . Inter-PBX Attend ant Calls Does not req uire a spec ial kind of trunk, unlike Centralized Attend ant Servic e (CAS). Look Ahead Interflow Plac es look ahead interflow information element in the SETUP message, req uiring a private network c onnection. Malic ious Call Trac e (MCT) Shows calling p arty id entific ation and p ort numb er. MCT c annot b e ac tivated on a sp ecific ATM trunk p ort, as can b e done on ISDN ports. Multip le Listed Direc tory Numb ersWork with CO, DID, FX, ISDN-PRI, and ATM trunks. Network Ac cess—Private Works same as any other tie trunk Network Ac cess—Pub lic Works same as an ISDN-PRI trunk to the pub lic network Nig ht Servic e Is sup ported for all night servic e modes, inc lud ing the ab ility to ad minister an ind ivid ual nig ht servic e b utton to an ATM g roup . It is not p ossib le to have a nig ht service extension assig ned to an individ ual trunk g roup memb er (for other than CES). QSIG Glob al Networking Is sup p orted Remote Acc ess (with Security Measures)Uses remote ac c ess features for inc oming c alls on ATM trunks, inc lud ing b arrier c od es and authorization c od es. Remote Call Coverag e Is sup p orted to an end p oint over ATM, with the limitation that the ATM trunk c annot b e selected b y a TAC. Restric tion—Fully Restric ted Ser v ic eRestric ts stations to c ertain ATM trunks Restric tion—Toll Uses the ARS toll tab le for ATM trunking Table B-4. Release 7 and later ATM-CES trunking features supported — Continued Feature Description Continued on next page