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Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-19 ATM Feature Interactions B ATM Feature Interactions The following sec tions summarize the effec ts of ATM-WAN PNC on various features b ec ause of: 1. Loc ation assignments in a wid ely d istrib uted switc h 2. Cell d elivery delays and rac e c ond itions that oc c ur on the ATM-WAN. The features affec ted b y these c ond itions are listed in Ta b l e B - 6 . VDN in a Coverag e Path Enhances Call Coverage and Call Vectoring to allow you to assig n Vec tor Direc tory Numb ers (VDNs) as the last p oint in c overag e p aths. This feature is affec ted b y SVC setup d elays and failures. VDN of Origin Announc ementProvid es ag ents with a short messag e ab out a c allers c ity of orig in or req uested service b ased on the VDN used to p rocess the call. This feature is affec ted b y SVC setup delays and failures. Vis ua l ly I m p a i r ed Attendant Service Allows a visually imp aired attend ant to listen to voic ed information ab out eac h b utton in Insp ect mod e. This feature is affec ted b y SVC setup delays and failures. Voi c e Res p on se Integration Integ rates Call Vectoring with the c ap ab ilities of voic e resp onse units (VRUs) such as the Lucent Technolog ies CONVERSANT Voic e Information System (CVIS). This feature is affec ted b y SVC setup d elays and failures. Whisp er Page Allows station users to make and rec eive barg e-in announcements to and from other station users without anyone else on the calls being aware of the announc ements. This feature is affec ted b y SVC setup d elays and failures. Wid eb and Switc hing Provid es the ab ility to d edic ate 2 or more ISDN-PRI B-channels or DS0 endpoints for applications that require large bandwidth. This feature is affec ted b y SVC setup delays and failures. Wo r l d - C l a s s To n e Detec tionAllows DEFINITY ECS to id entify and hand le different types of c all-p rog ress tones. Affec ted b y d elays and failures if the c all need s to g o to another EPN for the tone d etec tor. Wo r l d - C l a s s To n e GenerationAllows you to define c all-p rog ress tones. Affec ted b y d elays and failures if the c all need s to g o to another EPN for the tone g enerator. Table B-5. ATM delay interactions — Continued Feature Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-20 ATM Feature Interactions B Table B-6. Release 7 or later ATM feature interactions FeatureAffected by Description Remedy LocationRace Condition Music on Hold X Long hold ing times b etween widely separated PNs (single music sourc e extend ed to the PNs while c aller is on hold).Ad minister a sep arate music sourc e for eac h loc ation. Tenant Partitioning Attendant Selec tionX Attend ant servic es based on time of d ay at the ad ministered loc ationSp ec ify an attend ant g roup for the p artition (optional; overrid es the location-based ad ministration) AAR/ARS PartioningX 1Partitioning is ap p lied in a p artition routing tab le as the result of d ig it analysis.AAR/ARS p artitioning sep arated from d ig it analysis to: nsimplify AAR/ARS ad ministration npermit ARS c aller-loc ation analysis Attendant Group Features Centralized Attendant Servic eX When a CAS attend ant extend s a c all out over p ub lic fac ilities throug h TAC or ARS ac c ess, d ig it analysis is b ased on the loc ation of the RLT trunk. That is, CAS attend ants must d ial as if they were on the served switc h in the same loc ation as the RLT trunk.Comb ine switc hes in d ifferent loc ations to p rovid e d irec t ac c ess to a single attendant group Centralized attendant servic e is ac q uired from another switc h throug h an RLT trunk AUDIX X X If a c all g oes to AUDIX, and the assig ned AUDIX is far ac ross the WAN, a rac e c ondition c an exist between alerting with answer b y AUDIX, and estab lishment of an inter-p ort-network c onnec tion throug h the ATM WAN. If the WAN loses, the AUDIX announc ement could be clipped or lost. Avoid this problem by p rovid ing loc al AUDIX systems, eac h loc ated near its subsc rib er. If the switc h sp ans multip le time zones, a sep arate AUDIX for eac h time zone is also d esirab le to provid e the c orrec t timestamp s for rec ord ed messages. Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-21 ATM Feature Interactions B Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)X ATM WAN PNC p ermits the administration of a sing le ACD group with agents sc attered ac ross the c ountry. Dep end ing on the servic e p rovid ed b y the WAN, this c an lead to relatively long interc onnec tion d elays if, for example, an ACD c ustomer c alls in on a New York trunk and is routed to an ag ent on a p ort network loc ated in Los Ang eles. Ensure that the ATM network used c an meet interc onnec tion d elay req uirements. This may req uire the use of loc al ATM switc hes interc onnec ted through d ed ic ated long -haul fac ilities.The switc h c annot guarantee, in the worst c ase, that a talk p ath is availab le when the ag ent is alerted to the c all and beg ins sp eaking . This remed y is nec essary if a switc h is to sup port ACD g roup s with ac c ess points in remote loc ations. Automatic Route Selec tion (ARS)X The multiloc ation feature provid es the ab ility to p erform ARS dig it c onversion and routing analysis based on loc ation. That is, the switc h c an sup port loc al p ub lic network d ialing p lans as app rop riate for users in eac h loc ation.Convert this c apab ility to ARS and ap ply it to UDP or AAR c alls. Call Coverag e X When a c all is sent to remote c overag e, d igit analysis and routing are b ased on the loc ation, tenant numb er, and p artition group of the c overed user, not on those of the c alling user. When the attend ant is spec ified as a c overag e point, the attend ant group selec ted is b ased on the loc ation (or tenant p artition) of the c overed user. Call Forward ing X When c all forwarding is ac tivated and a c all is ac tually forward ed , the forward -to dig its are analyzed , and the c all is routed, ac c ording to the loc ation, tenant p artition, and p artition g roup assig ned to the forwarded end point, not according to the caller’s prop erties and p ermissions. Table B-6. Release 7 or later ATM feature interactions — Continued FeatureAffected by Description Remedy LocationRace Condition Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-22 ATM Feature Interactions B CAMA trunks X Enhanc ed 911 (E911) servic e over CAMA trunks (MF sig nalling throug h a TN744D or TN2182B port) uses an algorithm that searc hes for a touc h-tone rec eiver within a sing le loc ation b efore searc hing elsewhere. This ensures that an E911 c all uses a tone generator within the same loc ation as the trunk and should not negatively imp ac t E911 servic e on a WAN PNC c onfig uration. Eng ineer the servic e c irc uits and p ort networks within a loc ation as if they were a stand-alone switc h, whic h red uc es relianc e on servic e c irc uits loc ated on d istant p ort networks and minimizes long -haul ATM c onnec tions just for servic es like touc htone collection. Dial Plan X The ATM-WAN PNC switc h’s d ial plan has a c ommon extension numb ering and c ommon feature ac c ess c od es. Take c are in planning to: nComb ine existing switc hes nAdd DID trunks and numb er ranges in different loc ations.Ad minister multip le NANP home area c od es (one p er loc ation) when using subnet trunking . See AAR and ARS c hang es. Hosp itality Automatic WakeupX When g uests and attend ants enter or c hec k wakeup times, all times are rep orted in that loc ation’s timezone and d aylight saving s time p lan.Time-zone and d aylig ht saving s time ad ministration Interexc hang e Carrier (IXC) accessX You c an administer IXC ac c ess c odes ac ross all loc ations in a WAN PNC. International X Restric ted to a single c ountry codeNo p rovision has been made for location-based selec tion of c omp and ing mod es, c all p rog ress tones, loss plans, or other op tions. Paging X Switc h c apac ity is 9 individ ual zones and a tenth (glob al) zone Mod em Pooling X Delayed c onnec tions to and throug h a mod em p ool c an lead to failed mod em training sequenc es. Modern modems are more than twic e as fast as the fastest mod ems supported by a modem p ool. Table B-6. Release 7 or later ATM feature interactions — Continued FeatureAffected by Description Remedy LocationRace Condition Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-23 ATM Feature Interactions B Multimed ia The multimedia feature b uilds a c onferenc e using MMIs and VCs in a single p ort network to minimize the number of timeslots. This means that long -haul c onnec tions c arry H.320 enc od ed digital data.Send all data c onferenc ing c onnec tions to the one ESM (24 c onnec tions per ESM) the switc h sup p orts. Music on Hold X Plac ing music on hold to all port networks req uires extend ing a music timeslot to any PN that need s it, resulting in long-haul music links between PNs if endp oints in different loc ations are on hold .Use tenant p artitioning to segreg ate music sourc es to ind ivid ual loc ations. Network ac c ess (p ub lic )X ARS permits location-based digit analysis and manipulation, inc lud ing supp ort for loc al d ialling plans, loc al c entral offic e ac c ess, and the WAN PNC eq uivalent of tail-end hop off (routing a c all to the b est c entral offic e ac c ess point throug h the ATM WAN). Network ac c ess (p rivate) Network (SDN) X WAN PNC sup p orts SDN ac c ess. Rep lac e the SDN with a WAN PNC switc h. Personal CO line You c an administer a p ersonal CO line in a d ifferent c ity than the user. Re c o r d e d Announc ementX X Announc ement p layb ac k may b e delayed during inter-PN c onnec tion setup to ensure that the c omp lete announc ement c an be heard . Remote modules Multiloc ation feature sup p orts any typ e of remote EPN (inc luding DS-1) Tenant Partitioning X WAN PNC tenant partitioning c an provide loc al music -on-hold sourc es and /or loc al attendants. XREF to Music on Hold ab ove. Ten-Dig it to Seven-Dig it ConversionX Sup p orts 10-to-7 d igit c onversion by p rovid ing loc ation-d ep end ent routing and loc ation-d ep endent home-NPA d efinition. Table B-6. Release 7 or later ATM feature interactions — Continued FeatureAffected by Description Remedy LocationRace Condition Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 ATM Switch Feature Interactions B-24 Cross-product Compatibility B Cross-product Compatibility Observe the following c ross-p rod uc t c omp atib ility issues: Ti m e - o f- D a y RoutingX The system c loc k, whic h determines time-of-d ay routing transitions, p ermits ad ministration of a d aylig ht saving s time rule, if desired.System c loc k (if ad ministered ), c hang es automatic ally ac c ording to the sp ec ified rule, and time-of-d ay c hang es follow the system c loc k. Uniform Dial Plan X Uniform Dial Plan in a network of switc hes makes it easier to merge those switc hes into a single WAN PNC switc h. Voic e Terminal Disp lay - Date/Time Disp layX Some phones maintain an internal time that is not sync hronized with the switc h, and must b e set b y the user.Base c orrec t d ate and time display on the user’s loc ation if loc ation is ad ministered . Wo r l d C la s s Routing (Multinational Call Routing /AAR-ARS)X Loc ation-d ep end ent d ig it analysis and c onversion for ARS 1. If a c ustomer d oes not use AAR/ARS partitioning (or time-of-d ay routing ), then the partition-routing table is not used at all, and route p atterns are ad ministered d irec tly in AAR/ARS analysis entries. Table B-7. Cross-product compatibility with DEFINITY ATM Lucent Product Description AUDIXFor the caller to hear the comp lete AUDIX g reeting messag e, the connec tion b etween the c aller and AUDIX must be available immed iately after AUDIX answers a call. ConversantSimilar to the c onsid erations for AUDIX, there must b e an availab le talk p ath b etween the c aller and the Conversant so that the caller hears p romp ts from the Conversant. Continued on next page Table B-6. Release 7 or later ATM feature interactions — Continued FeatureAffected by Description Remedy LocationRace Condition Continued on next page

Glossary and Abbreviations GL-1 DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 GL Glossary and Abbreviations Numerics 800 service A service in the United States that allows incoming c alls from c ertain areas to an assig ned number for a flat-rate c harg e b ased on usag e AAR Automatic Alternate Routing —dig it analysis p erformed in supp ort of the p rivate network numb ering plan(s). AC Acc ess Concentrator ACD Automatic Call Distrib ution AFI Add ress Format Id entifier AIS Alarm Indic ation (or Inhibit) Sig nal—inserted when a network element receives a “ b ad” sig nal, and forward ed d ownstream to tell the rec eivers what hap p ened . ARS Automatic Route Selec tion—d igit analysis p erformed in sup p ort of the pub lic network numb ering plan(s) AT M Async hronous Transfer Mode ATM network duplication ATM network dup lic ation is an ATM-PNC config uration that allows DEFINITY ECS’s without d up lic ated SPEs to b e supp orted with d uplicated EPN c onnectivity to other points on an ATM network. These p oints c an b e on sep arate ATM switches, the same ATM switc h, or direc tly connec ted to an ATM-WAN. There is no difference in p erformanc e b etween ATM network d up lic ation and c ritical reliab ility.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-2 C CBR Constant b it rate—Dig ital information, such as vid eo and dig itized voic e, that is rep resented b y a continuous stream of bits. CBR traffic req uires g uaranteed throughp ut rates and servic e levels. CES Circ uit Emulation Servic e—a c onnec tion over an ATM PVC-b ased network that p rovid es end -to-end servic e, sometimes c alled virtual trunking . Conforms to CES ATM Forum VTOA-78 Interop erab ility Sp ecifications (CES-IS). CDV Cell delay variation, which measures the allowab le varianc e in d elay b etween one c ell and the next, exp ressed in fractions of a sec ond . When emulating a c ircuit, CDV measurements allow the network to d etermine if cells are arriving too fast or too slow. CMC Comp ac t Modular Cab inet CSCC Comp ac t Sing le Carrier Cab inet CSS Center Stage Switc h—the c entral interfac e between the processor p ort network (PPN) and the exp ansion p ort networks (EPN). CSU Channel service unit D DCS Distrib uted Communic ation System DS1 Dig ital Sig nal, Level 1—The 1.544 Mb p s d ig ital sig nal format defined for op eration in the international d ig ital hierarchy. DSU Data servic e unit DTE Data terminal eq uip ment E EI Exp ansion interface EPN Exp ansion p ort network

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-3 ESCC Enhanc ed single-carrier c ab inet ESI End System Id entifier E FNPA Foreig n Numb er Plan Area—in the North Americ an Numb ering Plan, any area c od e other than the c aller’s own area c od e. An FNPA ARS c all sp ec ifies a 10-d ig it ad d ress (op tionally p rec ed ed b y a ‘1’ toll p refix), the first three d ig its of which sp ecify the area c od e, or number p lan area. In some loc ations (typic ally where area cod es are overlaid ), it is necessary to d ial the NPA even for a loc al call. H HNPA Home Numb er Plan Area—in the North American Numb ering Plan, the c aller’s own area c od e. An HNPA ARS c all is usually a 7-d ig it c all (p erhap s p rec ed ed b y a ‘1’ toll p refix) for whic h the local area c od e is imp lied . In some locations, HNPAs are overlaid (2 or more used in the same loc ation), req uiring 10-d ig it d ialing ; in effec t, there is no HNPA for suc h locations. HO-DSP Hig h-Order Domain Sp ec ific Part I ICSU Integrated Channel Servic e Unit ILMI Integrated Layer Management Interfac e INS Luc ent’s Data Network Systems ISDN Integrated Services Dig ital Network L LAN Loc al area network

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation, Upgrades, and Administration 555-233-124 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-4 LAPD Link Ac cess Protoc ol D-channel LIU Lig htwave Interface Unit LOS Loss of sig nal M MAC Med ia Acc ess Control MCC Multic arrier c ab inet MDF Main distribution frame Meiners’ algorithm The Meiners’ algorithm is a method to determine whether a switch can supp ort a p rop osed set of p ort networks in a proposed switc h. This alg orithm is availab le to Luc ent engineers as a calculator within a Microsoft Exc el sp read sheet, ac c essible at http ://info.d r.lucent.c om/~ meiners/atm.html . N NANP North American Numb ering Plan—the numb ering p lan used in the U.S., Canad a, and the Carib b ean, in which a numb er c onsists of a 3-d ig it area cod e p lus a 7-dig it “ loc al” numb er (itself divided into a 3-digit office code and a 4-digit number). NPA Numb er Plan Area—the area id entified b y the area cod e of the North Americ an Numb ering Plan. O OC-3 SONET (Sync hronous Op tic al Network) op tic al carrier level 3 (155.52 Mbit/s). P PCR Peak c ell rate