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Lucent Technologies Definity Release 8.2 Atm Installation Manual

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    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Administering ATM-PNC and ATM-CES 
    5-33 Administering DEFINITY ECS 
    Screen 5-16. System parameters country-options—screen 1
    Screen 5-17. 6400-type terminal parameters
    change system-parameters country-options                          Page   1 of   21
                  Companding Mode: Mu-Law             Base Tone Generator Set: 1
              440Hz PBX-dial Tone? n                440Hz Secondary-dial Tone? n
                Digital Loss Plan: 1
           Analog Ringing Cadence: 1       Set Layer 1 timer T1 to 30 seconds? n
         Analog Line Transmission: 1
     64/84xx Display Character Set? roman
              Tone Detection Mode: 6
                 Interdigit Pause: short
    change terminal-parameters 6400                          Page   1 of   1   SPE A
                          6400-TYPE TERMINAL PARAMETERS
            Default Parameter Set: 1        Customize Parameters? y
                     Display Mode:  
         Handset Expander Enabled?  
              Voice Transmit (dB): 2.5
               Voice Receive (dB): 2.5  
              Voice Transmit (dB):                  Voice Sidetone (dB):      
         Touch Tone Transmit (dB):      
               Voice Receive (dB):             Touch Tone Sidetone (dB):      
              Voice Transmit (dB):                   Voice Receive (dB):      
                                               Touch Tone Sidetone (dB):      
               Voice Receive (dB):             Touch Tone Sidetone (dB):  
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Administering ATM-PNC and ATM-CES 
    5-34 Final Checklist and Test 
    Final Checklist and Test
    After you c omp lete all the ad ministration, you might want to run through a final 
    c hec klist and  verify that everything  is working . This sec tion c ontains a final 
    installation c hec klist and  a p roc ed ure for testing  the installation.
    Use Table 5-13
     to make sure that the switc h ad ministration for b oth the ATM and  
    DEFINITY ECS switc hes is c omp lete. Use Table 5-14
     and Table 5-15 to test the 
    ATM-PNC and  ATM-CES installations, resp ec tively.
    Table 5-13. Final installation checklist
    administration What to check How to check
    ATM 1. A VPI or VCI is ad ministered  for eac h CES PVC Query ATM switc h
    2. Class of servic e is Constant Bit Rate (CBR) Query ATM switc h
    3. Quality of Servic e (QoS) is Peak Cell Rate 
    (PCR)Query ATM switc h
    switc h1. ATM c irc uit p ac ks inserted  and translated Query DEFINITY ECS (list 
    c onfig uration atm)
    2. Signaling  g roup  
    f o r e a c h  PVCa. Sig naling  group  
    id entifier
    b. Circuit pack ID
    c . VPI/ VC I
    d . VC type is PVC
    e. D-c hannel p ort 
    assig ned 
    p rop erly
    f. Sig naling  typ e 
    g. Minimum 
    numb er of 
    c hannels 
    (total of 7, at 
    least 1 must b e a 
    D c hannel)
    h. D- and  
    B-c hannel-to-p or
    t mappingQuery DEFINITY ECS (status 
    sig naling  group)
    3. PVCs are up Query DEFINITY ECS (status 
    sig naling -g roup  n). If 
    sig naling  group is in servic e, 
    then PVCs are up .
    ATM-PNC 1. ATM c irc uit p ac ks installed and  translated Query DEFINITY ECS
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Administering ATM-PNC and ATM-CES 
    5-35 Final Checklist and Test 
    2. ATM add resses are c orrec t Query DEFINITY ECS
    3. EALs are up Query DEFINITY ECS (list 
    system link)
    Table 5-14. ATM-PNC installation test procedure
    ÖWhat to check How to check How to fix
    1. Chec k SONET/SDH layer 
    for status and  alarms.Query alarms and  hard ware 
    log s
    2. Chec k the LEDs on the 
    ATM circuit packsRefer to the maintenanc e book 
    for d esc rip tions of the LEDs, 
    their flash rates, and  the 
    c ond itions indic ated.
    3. Ensure that Exp ansion 
    Arc hang el Links (EAL) are 
    established  to the EPNsOn the DEFINITY ECS ac c ess 
    terminal, typ e list system link
    and  p ress Enter.
    nIf the EAL is not up , c hec k 
    the ATM add ress for that 
    TN2305/TN2306 p ort 
    network (list atm-pnc
    , then 
    display atm-pnc 
    nIf the ATM ad d ress is 
    inc orrec t, enter the c orrec t 
    ATM add ress (change 
    n) and  retest.
    4. Plac e test c all to any EPN 
    remoted  throug h the ATM 
    network.Dial an ad ministered  numb er on 
    a remoted EPN.
    5. Verify sync hronization Query ATM switc h to make sure 
    it is in “ loc ked ” state
    Continued on next page
    Table 5-13.Final installation checklist — Continued
    administration What to check How to check
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Administering ATM-PNC and ATM-CES 
    5-36 Final Checklist and Test 
    Table 5-15. ATM-CES installation test procedure
    ÖWhat to check How to check How to fix
    1. Chec k SONET/SDH layer 
    for status and  alarms.
    2. Chec k the LEDs on the 
    ATM circuit packsRefer to the maintenanc e book 
    for d esc rip tions of the LEDs, 
    their flash rates, and  the 
    c ond itions indic ated.
    3. Temp orarily d isable any c all 
    overflows through 
    ad ministration ac ross eac h 
    CES trunk g roup .Plac e test c all to any EPN 
    remoted  through eac h sig naling 
    g roup. Make sure c all 
    c omp letes and  has a 2-way talk 
    4. Ensure CDR rec ord s 
    properly, if enab led
    5. Verify that ISDN features 
    are working
    Continued on next page 
    DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    This c hapter p rovid es the following  troub leshooting  information:
    nContact information—Lists Luc ent servic e org anizations and  help lines for 
    U.S. and  international installations
    nAlarms and errors—Lists ATM maintenanc e ob jec ts and the platforms on 
    whic h you c an exp ec t alarms and  errors.
    nTroubleshooting ATM-CES—Provid es tip s for troubleshooting  DEFINITY 
    EC S ATM - C ES i n t e r f a c in g  w i t h  ATM  s w i t c h e s.
    nTroubleshooting ATM-PNC—Provides tips for troubleshooting DEFINITY 
    EC S ATM - PN C  i n t e r f a c in g  w it h  ATM  sw i t c h e s .
    Information on troub leshooting  sp ec ific  ATM switc hes is found  in your ATM 
    switc h’s q uic k referenc e g uide. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    6-2 Contact information 
    Contact information
    Lucent service organizations 
    Table 6-1 lists initial c ontac t information for Luc ent Tec hnolog ies’ servic e and  
    sup p ort. In c ases where there is troub le and  the c ustomer c annot tell where it 
    resid es, c all the Tec hnic al Servic e Org anization (TSO) or Global Strateg ic  
    Opp ortunities Division (GSOD) first.
    Table 6-1. Lucent service organizations—initial contact information 
    Organization Contact information
    Tec hnical Service 
    Org anization (TSO)
    nCustomers: 1-800-242-2121
    nTechnicians: 1-800-248-1234
    nInternational: Call your local direc t or ind irect c hannel 
    NetCare®  Professional 
    Servic es (NPS)n1-800-237-0016
    Data networking  tec hnic al 
    sup p ortnhttp://www.lucent.com/dns
    nDomestic: 1-800-237-0016 (press 0 at the p romp t, then d ial 
    extension 73300)
    nOutside the USA: 1-813-217-2425.
    Lucent ATM switches
    Servic es & Solution Delivery 
    sup p ort
    nhttp://infohub.mt.lucent.com/ (choose Produc t Ind ex)
    DEFINITY ECS switch
    Servic es & Solution Delivery 
    sup p ortnhttp://www.bcs.lucent.com/solution/support_
    Glob al Strateg ic  
    Op p ortunities (GSO) Divisionnhttp://www-nsod.tsc.bcs.lucent.com
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    6-3 Alarms and errors 
    Table 6-2 lists various Help Line org anizations that hand le p ostsale maintenanc e 
    and  g eneral usag e questions. 
    International customers
    nInternational MNC c ustomers c ontac t the RCOE with any p rob lems.
    nAll other international c ustomers c ontac t their Channel Partner with any 
    Alarms and errors 
    Dep end ing  on the ATM-PNC or ATM-CES ap plic ation and  the DEFINITY ECS 
    switc h p latform, Table 6-3
     d esc ribes the ATM maintenanc e ob jec ts and  the 
    p latforms on whic h you c an exp ec t alarms and  errors to oc c ur. For sp ec ific  
    maintenanc e information refer to one of the following  b ooks:
    nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for 
    R8 r
    nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for 
    R8 s i
    nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for 
    R8 c s i
    Table 6-2. Helpline information 
    US and Canada
    Organization Direct Indirect
    BCS Enterp rise DEFINITY Help line 1-800-225-7585 1-800-225-7585
    Maintenanc e 1-800-242-2121 
    INS Enterp rise Help line 1-800-237-1616 Call d istrib utor or 
    maintenanc e p rovid er
    Maintenanc e 1-800-237-0016
    Provisioning NA 1-800-996-7053 
    Maintenanc e720-444-9990 720-444-9990
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    6-4 Alarms and errors 
    Table 6-3. ATM maintenance objects descriptions   
    object Description PNC CES r si csi/c
    ATM-BCH Monitors the b earer channels 
    containing digitized voice and dataXXXX
    ATM-DCH Monitors the sig naling  c hannel 
    c ontaining  c ontrol messag esXXXX
    ATM-EI ATM Exp ansion Interfac e p rovid es 
    p ort network c onnectivity b etween 
    t h e PPN  an d  th e  EPN ( s) .XX
    ATM-INTF ATM Interfac e provid es basic  
    maintenanc e (test and  reset) for 
    ATM c irc uit p ac ks that have not 
    b een ad ministered  as ATM 
    Expansion Interfac e (ATM-EI) or 
    ATM trunk (ATM-TRK).XXXXX
    ATM-NTWK Ind ic ates p roblems with the 
    network, primarily signaling, 
    including the ATM switc h(es).XX
    ATM-SGRP Monitors ATM signaling groups. X X X X
    ATM-SYNC Monitors the c ommon reference 
    freq uenc y among the DEFINITY 
    ECS, the ATM switc h(es), c entral 
    offic es (CO), and  customer 
    p remise eq uip ment (CPE)XX
    ATM-TRK Monitors the ATM c irc uit p ac k when 
    ad ministered for trunking .XXXX
    EXP- PN
    Is resp onsib le for overall 
    maintenanc e of an EPNXX
    SYS-LINK Monitors system links X X X X
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    6-5 Troubleshooting ATM-CES 
    Troubleshooting ATM-CES
    Table 6-4 p rovid es a first-level method for troub leshooting  an installation.
    The following list provid es tip s for further ATM-CES troubleshooting :
    nInspecting LEDs—Desc rib es the p ossib le LED states on the
    — TN2305/TN2306 ATM interfac e c irc uit p ac ks
    —ATM switch
    nTroubleshooting interoperability—Provides guid elines for troub leshooting
    —Physical connections
    —TN2305/TN2306 circuit pack
    —ATM signaling architecture
    nUnusual ATM trouble conditions—Desc rib es d iffic ult-to-d iag nose failure 
    mod es in the DEFINITY ECS and  ATM switc h c omb inations.
    nDEFINITY ECS ATM-CES troubleshooting commands—Desc ribes 
    sp ec ific  troubleshooting  c ommand s.
    Table 6-4. ATM-CES installation troubleshooting checklist
    Problem Solution
    Is DEFINITY ECS software Release 7 or 
    later?Verify that software is Release 7 or later
    On System Parameters Maintenanc e 
    sc reen
      Is Bus Bridge
     field  set to enab led? ( c s i)
      Is Packet Bus
     field  set to ac tivated? 
      Are EI c irc uit p ac ks TN570Bs or later?Set to c orrec t field
    Set to c orrec t field
    Verify/rep lac e EI c irc uit p ac ks
    All COR, COS, UDP, FRLs, AAR,  and  ARS 
    sup port p rop er routingVerify they are all set c orrec tly 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
    Upgrades, and Administration  555-233-124  Issue 1
    April 2000
    6-6 Troubleshooting ATM-CES 
     Inspecting LEDs 
    To g et a hig h-level status of the system, ob serve the LEDs on the 
    TN2305/TN2306 ATM interfac e c irc uit p ac ks and  the ATM switc h. For information 
    on interpreting  the LEDs on the ATM switc h, refer to your switc h’s q uic k referenc e 
    g uid e. For information on interp reting  the LEDs on the TN2305/TN2306 c irc uit 
    p ac ks, refer to the following  b ooks:
    nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for 
    R8 r
    nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for 
    R8 s i
    nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for 
    R8 c s i
    Troubleshooting interoperability 
    This sec tion c overs the following  ATM interop erab ility top ic s:
    nPhysical connections—Chec ks for c orrec t ATM installation and  
    nAdministration—Chec ks for c orrec t DEFINITY ECS and  ATM switc h 
    ad ministration
    nTN2305/TN2306 circuit pack—Chec ks LED status, c irc uit p ac k insertion, 
    and  d emand  tests
    nATM signaling architecture—Chec ks the interop erab ility b etween the 
    DEFINITY ECS switc h and  the ATM switc h
    Bec ause Luc ent offers a variety of ATM switc hes, this d isc ussion sug g ests 
    g eneral rather than sp ec ific  d iag nostic s.
    Physical connections
    Has the ATM switch been installed and configured correctly?
    nIs the ATM switc h powered  up ?
    nIf you are ad ministering  the ATM switc h throug h a loc ally attac hed  
    c onsole, is there a loc al c onsole terminal c onnec ted  to the c onsole p ort on 
    the ATM switc h p roc essor c irc uit p ac k with the c orrec tly p inned  RS232 
    serial c able?
    nIf you are administering  the ATM switc h throug h telnet over the Ethernet, is 
    there an Ethernet d rop  p lug g ed  into the Ethernet p ort on the ATM switc h 
    p roc essor b oard ? (Note that a few ATM switc h c ommand s may only b e 
    p ermitted  over the loc al c onsole terminal.) 
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