Steinberg VST Workstation Halion Sonic Operation Manual
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71 HALion Sonic 3.To the right of the section, use the text control in the middle to the lower of each assignment to set the Curve parameter. Positive values of curve change the curvature towards logarithmic and negative values towards expo - nential behavior. Alternatively, you can edit the Curve pa- rameter graphically in the curve display to the right by dragging the curvature up and down. Dragging up adjusts the curvature towards logarithmic, dragging down to - wards exponential behavior. Bypassing quick controls To hear a sound without quick control assignments, you can bypass them temporarily. You can bypass all quick control assignments belonging to the same program or layer, all assignments on one quick control, or just a single quick control assignment. To bypass the quick control assignments of a program or layer: 1.Go to the left of the quick controls, select the program or layer on which you want to bypass the quick control as - signments. 2.Go to the right of the quick controls, click the Bypass button to turn the quick control assignments of the se - lected program or layer temporarily off. 3.Click the Bypass button again to turn the quick control assignments back on. To bypass all assignment on one quick control: 1.Go to the quick control page of the respective program or layer. 2.Go to the left of the section, select the quick control you want to bypass. 3.Go to the upper right of the section and click the By- pass button to turn the quick control assignments of the selected quick control temporarily off. 4.Click the Bypass button again to turn the quick control assignments back on. To bypass a single quick control assignment: 1.Go to the quick control page of the respective program or layer. 2.Go to the left of the section, select the quick control that contains the assignment you want to bypass. 3.Go to the lower left of the respective assignment, click the Bypass button to turn the quick control assignment temporarily off. 4.Click the Bypass button again to turn the quick control assignments back on. Assigning quick controls in the Modulation Matrix In addition to assigning the quick controls directly to con- trols, you can also assign a quick control as Source or Modifier in the Modulation Matrix. This way, you can com - bine the quick control with other modulation sources. To assign a quick control as Source or Modifier in the Modulation Matrix: 1.Open the respective layer editor and go to the Modu- lation Matrix. 2.From the drop-down menu of the Source or Modifier column, open the quick control submenu. 3.The submenu lists the quick controls of the layer. 4.Select the desired quick control from the submenu. Trigger pads Introduction The trigger pads in HALion Sonic can be used for two dif- ferent functions. They can either trigger single notes to re- mote key switches, or trigger complex chords. To control the pads from a hardware controller or keyboard, each pad can be assigned to a MIDI note.

72 HALion Sonic Assigning a MIDI note to a pad A pad can be triggered by any MIDI note. To define the desired note: 1.Open the context menu on the pad. 2.Select “Assign Trigger Note”. 3.Select the octave and note. or 1.Open the context menu on the pad. 2.Select “Learn Trigger Note”. 3.Play the note on the remote keyboard. As soon as the trigger note has been assigned, the corre- sponding key on the GUI keyboard will be shaded in blue. This key no longer plays any sounds but triggers other notes. Removing the assignment of a pad To remove the assigned note or MIDI controller: 1.Open the context menu on the pad. 2.Select “Forget Trigger Note”. Naming a pad To indicate the functionality of a pad, you can enter a name. To edit the name: 1.Right-click the “…” on the pad. 2.Enter the desired name. (e.g. KeySw1, KeySw2, …, Amin7, Gmaj, …, Flex1, Flex2) 3.Press [Enter] on your computer keyboard to confirm the name. Triggering chords / notes To trigger chords with a pad, you first need to define the chord: 1.Open the context menu on the pad. 2.Select “Snapshot Chord” and The pad starts blinking. 3.Play the MIDI notes (or press the corresponding keys on the GUI keyboard) from the chord. 4.The display keyboard keys will be shaded in blue. 5.Click the pad again to accept the chord. 6.The pad now glows slightly to show that a chord has been assigned. Triggering the pad now plays the chord. ÖAs long as you are still in Learn mode, you can remove notes by playing them a second time. This feature can be very useful in combination with the FlexPhraser since you can feed it with complex chords that otherwise would be impossible to play by hand. Also, you are able to define chords containing notes that work as key switches. In this case, you can trigger the chord with a specific instrument expression. ÖIf you add keys to a chord that works as trigger notes as well, they trigger their notes too. Triggering key switches To use a pad as a key switch, you simply need to assign the corresponding MIDI note to it as described above. However, if you want to remap the incoming MIDI note to another note, you can do so using the chord functionality set to a single note: 1.Open the context menu on the pad. 2.Select “Snapshot Chord” and the pad starts blinking. 3.Play the MIDI note that shall be triggered by the pad. Triggering the pad now sends this note even though an- other key is played on the keyboard. Bypassing the pads section To deactivate the pad functionality you can bypass them. In Bypass, only the original notes are played and no chords are triggered. To deactivate the pads section, press the Bypass switch to the right of the pads section.

73 HALion Sonic Global Effects Introduction HALion Sonic features four AUX busses that can be used to realize classical send effects. All slots and layers, and in the case of drum or loop layers, even single instruments can send signal portions to the busses. Each bus hosts up to four insert effects which allows you to setup complex multi effects. The busses are then routed to either the main plug-in output or to one of the individual outs. The Effects page also provides access to the main output bus which also features four inserts. These can, for example, be used to add a global EQ or compressor to the signal chain. Using the insert effect slots Global Effects page Each bus and the Main bus provides four slots for insert effects. The handling is the same for all slots: •To assign an insert effect, click the slot and select the desired effect from the menu. •To remove an insert effect, click the slot and select “No Effect” from the menu. The effect with its current settings will be removed. •The on/off button above the slot deactivates the effect without removing it. This way, you can switch the effect off without losing its settings. The effect is active, when the button is lit. •The button next to the on/off button above the slot by- passes the effect. The bypass is active when the button is lit. •To edit an insert effect, click the “e” button of the slot that holds the effect you want to edit. You can edit only one effect at a time. The “e” button stays lit to indicate which effect you are editing. The parameters of the re - spective insert effect will be displayed in the section be- low. ÖThe Mix parameter of an effect inserted into an AUX bus is set to 50% by default. Moving effects To change the position of an effect on one bus, or even to move an effect from one bus to another: 1.Drag the effect by its Label (FX1, FX2, FX3, FX4) and move it to the desired position. 2.Drop it onto a slot to insert it. Existing effects will be replaced. 3.Drop it between two slots to insert it in between exist- ing slots. Copying effects from one slot to another To copy an effect from one slot to another: 1.[Alt]-Drag the effect by its Label (FX1, FX2, FX3, FX4) over the insert slot you want to move it to. 2.Drop it. 3.The effect and all its settings will be copied. Changing the output assignments Above the insert slots, you find menus for assigning the outputs of the AUX busses. To change the output assignment: 1.Click the Output menu of the AUX bus. 2.Select the desired output from the menu.

74 HALion Sonic Adjusting the levels To adjust the output level, use the fader below the level meter: • Move the fader of the AUX bus. •Alternati vely, enter a value in the text field below the fader. The master effect bus The main bus works similar to the AUX busses. The only difference you will find is that the main bus has no bus output selector since it is “hard-wired” to the main plug-in output (1/2). Ö The Mix parameter of an effect inserted into the main bus is set to 50% by default. Effects reference HALion Sonic comes with a collection of high-quality stu - dio effects. Each of the effects are described in detail be - low. REVerence By recording an impulse in a room, you get the fingerprint of it. Convolution superimposes this fingerprint to the sound. The result is a very natural sounding reverb. This effect comes with a collection of high-quality reverb im - pulse responses. Impulse Here you select the impulse response. By selecting an im - pulse response you determine the basic sound character of the reverb. Auto Gain When this is activated, the impulse response is normal - ized automatically. Reverse Activate this to reverse the impulse response. Predelay This determines the amount of time between the dry signal and the onset of the reverb. The control range is from 0 ms to 500 ms. Longer predelays are usually associated with larger spaces. Time Scaling This scales the reverb time. The control range is from 10% to 150%. At a setting of 100% the impulse response is applied with its original length. Size Use this to scale the size of the room. The control range is from 10% to 150%. At a setting of 100% the impulse re - sponse is applied with its original size. Level Here you can adjust the level of the impulse response. The control range is from -24.0 dB to +24.0 dB. Equalizer You can adjust the tone color of the impulse response with a three band equalizer. ControlDescription Low Gain Use this to set the amount of cut or boost for the low band. The control range is from -24 dB to +24 dB. Low Freq This sets the frequency that i s cut or boosted by the Low Gain. The control range is from 20 Hz to 500 Hz. Mid Gain Use this to set the amount of cut or boost for the mid band. The control range is -12 dB to +12 dB. Mid Freq This sets the frequency that is cut or boosted by the Mid Gain. The control range is from 100 Hz to 10000 Hz. Hi Gain Use this to set the amount of cut or boost for the high band. The control range is -24 dB to +24 dB. Hi Freq This sets the frequency that is cut or boosted by the Mid Gain. The control range is from 5000 Hz to 20000 Hz. ER Tail Split This sets the split point between the early reflections and the reverb tail. The control range is from 2 ms to 100 ms.

75 HALion Sonic ER Tail Mix This sets the balance between early reflections and reverb tail. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 50% the early reflections and tail are equally loud. Set - tings below 50% raise the early reflections and lower the tail, in which the sound source moves towards the front of the room. Settings above 50% raise the tail and lower the early reflections, in which the sound source moves to - wards the back of the room. Reverb This effect is a high-quality algorithmic reverb with early reflections and reverb tail. The early reflections are re - sponsible for the spatial impression in the first millisec- onds of the reverb. For modeling different rooms you can choose from different early reflections patterns and adjust their size. The reverb tail, or late reverberation, offers pa - rameters for controlling the room size and the reverb time. You can adjust the reverb time individually in three fre - quency bands. Tail Delay This delays the onset of the reverb tail. The control range is from 0 ms to 500 ms. Predelay This determines the amount of time between the dry signal and the onset of the reverb. The control range is from 0 ms to 500 ms. Longer predelays are usually associated with larger spaces. Early Reflections This selects the pattern of the early reflections. The early reflections pattern contains the most important delays that deliver the key information for the spatial impression of the room. The patterns are based on measurements of real rooms. ER Tail Mix This sets the balance between early reflections and reverb tail. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 50% the early reflections and tail are equally loud. Set - tings below 50% raise the early reflections and lower the tail, in which the sound source moves towards the front of the room. Settings above 50% raise the tail and lower the early reflections, in which the sound source moves to - wards the back of the room. ER Size This adjusts the length of the early reflections pattern. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 100% the pattern has its original length and the room sounds the most natural. At settings smaller than 100% the early re - flections pattern is compressed and the room is perceived smaller. ER Low Cut This attenuates the low frequencies of the early reflec- tions. The control range is from 20 Hz to 1000 Hz. The higher this value will be, the less low frequencies the early reflections will have. ER High Cut This attenuates the high frequencies of the early reflec- tions. The control range is from 1000 Hz to 20000 Hz. The lower this value will be, the less high frequencies the early reflections will have. Tail Room Size This parameter controls the dimensions of the room. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 100% the dimensions equal a cathedral or large concert hall. At a setting of 50% the dimensions equal a medium sized room or studio. At settings below 50% the dimensions equal small rooms or a booth. Tail Main Time This controls the overall reverb time of the tail. The control range is from 0% to 100%. The higher you set this value, the longer the reverb tail will decay. At a setting of 100% the reverb time is infinitely long. The Tail Main Time param - eter also represents the mid band of the reverb tail.

76 HALion Sonic Tail Shape This controls the attack of the reverb tail. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 0% the attack is more immediate, this is good for drums. The higher this value will be, the less immediate the attack will be. Tail Density Here you can adjust the echo density of the reverb tail. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 100% single reflections from walls cannot be heard. The lower this value the more single reflections can be heard. Tail High Cut This attenuates the high frequencies of the reverb tail. The control range is from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. The lower this value will be, the less high frequencies the reverb tail will have. Tail High Time This controls the reverb time for the high frequencies of the reverb tail. The control range is from -100% to +100%. For positive values, high frequencies decay lon - ger and vice versa. Frequencies will be affected depend- ing on the Tail High Freq parameter. Tail Low Time This controls the reverb time for the low frequencies of the reverb tail. The control range is from -100% to +100%. For positive values, low frequencies decay longer and vice versa. Frequencies will be affected depending on the Tail Low Freq parameter. Tail High Freq This sets the cross-over frequency between the mid and the high band of the reverb tail. The control range is from 2000 Hz to 20000 Hz. The reverb time for frequencies above this value can be offset from the main reverb time with the Tail High Time parameter. Tail Low Freq This sets the cross-over frequency between the low and the mid band of the reverb tail. The control range is from 20 Hz to 2000 Hz. The reverb time for frequencies below this value can be offset from the main reverb time with the Tail Low Time parameter. Output Width This adjusts the output of the reverb signal between mono and stereo. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 0% the output of the reverb is mono. At a setting of 100% the output is stereo. Mix This sets the ratio between the dry and wet signal. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 100% the output signal is fully wet. Multi Delay This effect delivers echoes, so-called delays, with adjust- able time, feedback and filters. With Delay mode you can setup this effect as Stereo, Cross or Ping-Pong Delay. Depending on the selected mode, the echoes repeat in varying patterns across the stereo panorama. With Delay Time you set the overall time for the left and right delay. In addition, you can activate Sync to set the delay time in fractions of beats synchronized to the host tempo. The pa - rameter Delay L/R allows you to offset the time of the left or right delay. Feedback and Feedback L/R set and offset the amount of feedback of the left and right delay respec - tively. Finally, there is a Low and a High Filter to adjust the tone color of the echoes. Delay Time This sets the overall time for the left and right delay in mil- liseconds. The control range is from 0 ms to 5000 ms. Use Delay L/R to shorten the time for the left or right de - lay. Activate Sync to set the delay time as note length.

77 HALion Sonic Delay Mode The Delay offers three different modes: Mode Description Stereo This mode has two delays in parallel, one for the left and one for the right audio channel, each with a feedback path of its own. Cross This mode has two delays w ith cross feedback. Cross feedback means that the delay of the left channel is fed back into the right delay and vice versa. Ping-Pong This mode mixes the left and right input and sends it to har d-panned left and right delays. This way, the echoes bounce like a ping-pong ball between left and right in the stereo panorama. Hence, the name Ping-Pong Delay. Sync Sync is short for synchronization. Activate this to synchro - nize the delay time to the host tempo. When activated, the time is set as note length wi th the following settings: 1/64, 1/32, 1/16T, 1/16, 1/8T, 1/16D, 1/8, 1/4T, 1/8D, 1/4, 1/ 2T, 1/4D, 1/2, 1/1T, 1/2D, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4 and 8/4. Ö If th e time of the note length exceeds the maximum de - lay time of 5000 ms, for example, because your song tempo is ve ry slow, the note length will be halved internally to not exceed the maximum possible delay time. Delay L/R Here you can offset the time of the left or right delay from the overall delay time. The offs et adjusts with a factor. A factor of 1 means the delay equals the overall delay time. A factor of 0.5 means the time is half as long as the overall delay time. To offset the left delay time, turn the control left. To offset the right delay time, turn the control right. The letter before the factor changes accordingly to “L” or “R”, indicating the delay you adjust. The control range is from L x 0.0 to L x 1.0 and R x 1.0 to R x 0.0. The mid po - sition of the control sets a factor of 1.0, which is the neu - tral setting. Feedback This sets the overall amount of feedback for the left and right delay. Feedback means the output of the delay is fed back to its input. Depending on the amount you set, the echoes repeat more or less. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 0% you hear only one echo. At a setting of 100% the echoes repeat endlessly. Feedback L/R This parameter is only available for the Stereo Delay. Use this to offset the amount of f eedback of the left or right de - lay from the overall Feedback. The offset adjusts with a factor. A factor of 1 means th e amount of feedback equals the overa ll Feedback. A factor of 0.5 means the amount is half the overall Feedback. To o ffset the left feedback, turn the control left. To offset the right feedback, turn the con- trol right. The letter before the factor changes accordingly to “L” or “R”, indicating the delay you adjust. The control range is from L x 0.0 to L x 1.0 and R x 1.0 to R x 0.0. The mid position of the control sets a factor of 1.0, which is the neutral setting. Filter Low This allows you to attenuate the low frequencies of the de - lays. The control range is f rom 10 Hz to 1000 Hz. Filter High This allows you to attenuate the high frequencies of the delays. The control range is from 1000 Hz to 20000 Hz. Mix This sets the ratio between the dry and wet signal. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 100% the output signal is fully wet. Studio EQ This is a high-quality 4-band parametric equalizer. With the four frequency bands, 1 Low, 2 Mid, 3 Mid and 4 High, you can shape the tone color, for example, to create a brighter or darker sound. The two midrange bands act as peak filters, while the low and high bands act as shelving filters. All bands are fully para metric with adjustable Gain, Frequency and Q factor.

78 HALion Sonic Each frequency band offers the following controls: Control Description Gain Use this to set the amount of cut or boost for the accord- ing band. The control range is -12 dB to +12 dB. Freq This sets the frequency that is cut or boosted by the Ga in. The control range is 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. Q Q is short for quality factor. Use this to adjust the band- width of the midrange peak filters from wide to narrow. By in creasing the Q on the low and high shelving filters you can add a dip to their shape. The control range is from 0.5 to 10.0. To adjust the settings of the equalizer: • Use the equal izer controls, Gain, Freq, and Q and adjust them as desired. • To adjust Gain and Freq simultaneously, drag the points in the EQ graph in the display to the left. Graphic EQ This equalizer has ten frequency bands that can be cut or boosted by up to 12dB. Each frequency band is repre - sented by a fader. In addition, there are general controls for se tting the overall range and output of the equalizer. To cut or boost the frequency bands: • To cut a frequency band, drag the fader of the desired band down. •To boost a frequency band, drag the fader of the de - sired band up. Output This controls the overall output level of the equalizer. The control range is from -15 dB to +15 dB. Range This adjusts the maximum cut or boost in dB for all fre - quency bands together. The control range is from 0.0 to 12 .0. Invert Activate this to invert the EQ curve. The frequency bands that are boosted will be cut and vice versa. Flatten Click this button to reset all frequency bands to 0 dB. Amplifier This effect emulates the sound of an amplifier with speak - ers. There are different amplifiers and speaker models you can combine. Amp Model Here you can select the type of amplifier. The sound char - acter of the overdrive changes with the amplifier you se - lect. To bypass the amplifier, select “No Amp”. Speaker Model Here you select the type of Speaker model. Each model colors the sound uniquely. To bypass the model, select “No Speaker”. Drive This adjusts the amount of overdrive. The control range is from 0.0 to 10.0. Bass Use this to adjust the tone color of the low frequencies. The control range is from 0.0 to 10.0. Middle Use this to adjust the tone color of the mid frequencies. The control range is from 0.0 to 10.0. Treble Use this to adjust the tone color of the high frequencies. The control range is from 0.0 to 10.0. p

79 HALion Sonic Presence Use this to add brightness. The control range is from 0.0 to 10.0. Low Damp Use this to attenuate low frequencies of the speakers. The control range is from 0% to 100%. High Damp Use this to attenuate high frequencies of the speakers. The control range is from 0% to 100%. Channel Mode Here you can define which output channels of the ampli- fier delivers a distorted signal. You can set it to L (Left), R (Right) or L/R (Both). When set to L or R, the other chan - nel provides a clean signal. Output This controls the output level of the amplifier. The control range is from 0.0 to 20.0. Chorus The Chorus thickens and broadens the sound by means of pitch modulation. Rate Use this to specify the frequency of the pitch modulation in Hertz (Hz). The control range is from 0.01 Hz to 10.0 Hz. Sync Sync is short for synchronization. Activate this to set the Rate in fractions of beats with the following values: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/1T, 1/2T, 1/4T, 1/8T, 1/16T, 1/32T, 1/1D, 1/2D, 1/4D, 1/8D, 1/16D and 1/32D. Depth This sets the intensity of the pitch modulation. The control range is from 0% to 100%. Phase This widens the sound image of the effect from mono to stereo. The control range is from 0° to 180°. Shape This adjusts the characteristic of the modulation. The con- trol range is from 0% to 100%. At a setting of 0% the pitch changes continuously, producing a steady modula - tion. At a setting of 100% the pitch does not change all the time, producing a less steady modulation. Mix This controls the mix between the dry and the wet signal. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At 100% you hear the wet signal only. Flanger A Flanger thickens and broadens the sound by means of pitch modulation. With Feedback you can add resonances allowing for jet-like sweeps of the sound. Rate Use this to specify the frequency of the pitch modulation in Hertz (Hz). The control range is from 0.01 Hz to 10.0 Hz. Sync Sync is short for synchronization. Activate this to set the Rate in fractions of beats with the following values: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/1T, 1/2T, 1/4T, 1/8T, 1/16T, 1/32T, 1/1D, 1/2D, 1/4D, 1/8D, 1/16D and 1/32D.

80 HALion Sonic Depth This sets the intensity of the pitch modulation. The control range is from 0% to 100%. Phase This widens the sound image of the effect from mono to stereo. The control range is from 0° to 180°. Phase also changes the characteristic of the Cross Feedback. Shape This adjusts the characteristic of the modulation. The con- trol range is from 0% to 100%. You hear this best with Feedback turned on. At a setting of 0% the sound sweeps linearly up and down. At setting of 100% the sound sweeps exponentially up and down. Mix This controls the mix between the dry and the wet signal. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At 100% you hear the wet signal only. Feedback This adds resonances to the effect. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Cross FB This mixes the feedback of the left channel to the right channel and vice versa. To bring this parameter into effect, Feedback must be set to a value above 0%. The effect varies with the setting of the Phase parameter. The control range is from 0% to 100%. Tone This adjusts the tone color of the feedback. The control range is from 0% to 100%. The Feedback will be less bright the lower you set this parameter. Phaser A Phaser thickens and broadens the sound by means of phase modulation. With Feedback you can add reso - nances to sweep the sound. Rate Use this to specify the frequency of the phase modulation in Hertz (Hz). The control range is from 0.01 Hz to 10.0 Hz. Sync Sync is short for synchronization. Activate this to set the Rate in fractions of beats with the following values: 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/1T, 1/2T, 1/4T, 1/8T, 1/16T, 1/32T, 1/1D, 1/2D, 1/4D, 1/8D, 1/16D and 1/32D. Depth This sets the intensity of the phase modulation. The con- trol range is from 0% to 100%. Shift This shifts the phase modulation upwards to higher fre- quencies of the spectrum. The control range is from 0% to 100%. Phase This widens the sound image of the effect from mono to stereo. The control range is from 0° to 180°. Low Cut Use this to attenuate low frequencies. The control range is from 10 Hz to 1000 Hz. High Cut Use this to attenuate high frequencies. The control range is from 1200 Hz to 20000 Hz.