Steinberg VST Workstation Halion Sonic Operation Manual
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51 HALion Sonic Filter The filter section offers setting s to adjust the tone color of the Expression. Filter On Use this to activate the filter. Expressions without filter use less CPU cycles. Therefore, you should only activate this if your sound really needs a filter. The controls of the section turn dark when deactivated. Filter shape You can select from 23 different filter shapes. By select - ing the filter shape you determine which frequencies will b e affected. The letters and numbers indicate the filter shape: For example, LP12 is short for low-pass 12dB/oct. You can select from the following filter shapes: Filter shape Description LP24 Low-pass filter with 24 dB/oct. Frequencies above the Cutoff wi ll be attenuated. LP18 Low-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies above the Cutoff wi ll be attenuated. LP12 Low-pass filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies above the Cutoff wi ll be attenuated. LP6 Low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct. Frequencies above the Cutoff wi ll be attenuated. BP12 Band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below and above the Cutoff will be attenuated. BP24 Band-pass filter with 24 dB/oct. Frequencies below and above the Cutoff will be attenuated. HP6+LP18 High-pass filter with 6 dB/oct . plus low-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. (asymmetric band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the Cutoff will be attenuated. The fre - quencies above will fall off stronger. HP6+LP12 High-pass filter with 6 dB/oct . plus low-pass filter with 12 dB/oct. (asymmetric band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the Cutoff will be attenuated. The fre - quencies above will fall off stronger. HP12+LP6 High-pass filter with 12 dB/oct. plu s low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct. (asymmetric band-pass filter). Frequencies be - low and above the Cutoff will be attenuated. The fre - quencies below will fall off stronger. HP18+LP6 High-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. plu s low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct. (asymmetric band-pass filter). Frequencies be - low and above the Cutoff will be attenuated. The fre - quencies below will fall off stronger. HP24 High-pass filter with 24 dB/oct. Frequencies below the Cutoff wi ll be attenuated. HP18 High-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies below the Cutoff wi ll be attenuated. HP12 High-pass filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below the Cu toff will be attenuated. HP6 High-pass filter with 6 dB/oct. Frequencies below the Cu toff will be attenuated. BR12 Band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies around the Cu toff will be attenuated. BR24 Band-reject filter with 24 dB/oct. Frequencies around the Cu toff will be attenuated. BR12+LP6 Band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. plus low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct. Frequencies around and above the Cutoff will be attenuated. BR12+LP12 Band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. plus low-pass filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies around and above the Cutoff will be attenuated. BP12+BR12 Band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct. plus band-reject filter with 12 d B/oct. Frequencies below, above and around the Cutoff will be attenuated. HP6+BR12 High-pass filter with 6 dB/oct. plus band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below and around the Cutoff will be attenuated. HP12+BR12 High-pass filter with 12 dB/oct. plus band-reject filter wi th 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below and around the Cut - off will be attenuated. AP All-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies around the Cu toff will be attenuated. AP+LP6 All-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. pl us low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct. Frequencies around and above the Cutoff will be attenuated. HP6+AP High-pass filter with 6 dB/oct plus all-pass filter with 18 d B/oct. Frequencies around the Cutoff will be attenu - ated. Cutoff Here you can adjust the Cutoff frequency of the filter. The control range is from 20 Hz to 22.000 Hz. The effect de- pends on the filter type you have selected. Resonance This parameter emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. The control range is from 0% to 100%. For an electronic sound, increase the Resonance. At higher set - tings of Resonance the filter will self-oscillate, which deliv- ers a ringing tone. Filter shape Description

52 HALion Sonic Filter Env Modifiers This section offers parameters to modify the filter enve- lope of the Expression. You can offset the Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release of the filter envelope. In addition, you can also adjust the level velocity of the filter envelope. Env Amnt Env Amnt is short for Envelope Amount. Use this parame- ter to adjust the Cutoff modulation from the Filter Enve- lope. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Setting negative values inverts the direction of the modulation from the Filter Envelope. Velocity Use this parameter to adjust how velocity affects the level of the filter envelope. The level of the envelope depends on the setting of this parameter and how hard you hit a note: Positive values increase and negative values de - crease the level of the envelope the harder you hit a note. The control range is from -200% to +200%. Attack Use this to offset the Attack time of the filter envelope. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Positive values decrease and negative values increase the Attack time. Decay Use this to offset the Decay time of the filter envelope. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Positive values decrease and negative values increase the Decay time. Sustain Use this to offset the Sustain level of the filter envelope. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Positive val - ues increase and negative values decrease the Sustain level. Release Use this to offset the Release time of the filter envelope. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Positive val - ues decrease and negative values increase the Release time. Amplifier The Amplifier section gives you access to the level and pan settings of the Expression. With level you adjust the loudness of the Expression. With pan you specify the po - sition of the Expression in the stereo panorama. Level Here you can you can adjust the loudness of the layer. The control range is from –oo dB to +12 dB. Pan Here you can set the position of a sound in the stereo panorama. The control range is from hard left (-100%) to hard right (+100%). Amplifier Env Modifiers This section offers parameters to modify the amplifier en- velope of the Expression. You can offset the Attack, De- cay, Sustain and Release of the amplifier envelope. In addition, you can also adjust the level velocity of the ampli - fier envelope. Velocity Use this parameter to adjust how velocity affects the level of the amplifier envelope. The level of the envelope de - pends on the setting of this parameter and how hard you hit a note: Positive values increase and negative values decrease the level of the envelope the harder you hit a note. The control range is from -200% to +200%. Attack Use this to offset the Attack time of the amplifier envelope. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Positive val - ues decrease and negative values increase the Attack time. Decay Use this to offset the Decay time of the amplifier envelope. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Positive val - ues decrease and negative values increase the Decay time.

53 HALion Sonic Sustain Use this to offset the Sustain level of the amplifier enve - lope. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Positive values increase and negative values decrease the Sustain le vel. Release Use this to offset the Release time of the amplifier enve - lope. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Positive values decrease and negative values increase the Release time. Expression Maps Using Expression Maps For more realistic performances, many instrument layers use key switches to switch between different Expressions, i.e. different articulations and playing styles of the same in- strument. These key switches are set to rather low keys to maximize the playable range and they cannot be changed internally to ensure that performances played by Flex - Phrasers always sound the same - FlexPhrasers expect the key switches of certain Expressions on a specific MIDI note. However, in some cases, you need to shift the key swi tches into the playable keyboard range to get access to them. In other cases, you might want to select the Ex - pression using a MIDI controller. In both cases, you can use so-call ed Expression Maps to customize the internal setting for your own needs. Selecting the Expressions You can select which of the listed Expressions you want to use in your Expression Map. Expressions you do not ac - tivate will not be included in your Expression Map. To activate or deactivate an Expression: • Click the button to the left of the name of the Expres- sion. • Deactivated Expressi ons turn dark. Ö So me instruments layers co nsist of multiple Expres- sions that are not switchable via a key switch. For exam - ple, instrument noises typica lly do not have a key switch assigned. In this case, you can still select the individual Expressions and edit them, however, you cannot apply any key switch functionality. The key switch option menu is therefore disabled. Setting the mode To define whether you want to use only the internal key switches, to remap them to other keys or to use a MIDI controller instead, open the options menu on the Expres- sion list: 1. Go to the Edit page and select the layer you want to adjust. 2.Click the menu triangle on top of the Expression list. 3.Sel ect the desired mode Mode Description Key Switch Only the internal key switc he s can be used to switch to an Expression. Remapped The original key switches can be remapped to different ke ys. MIDI Controller A MIDI controller can be used to remotely switch be - tween the internal key switches. . Ö N o matter which condition you select, the internal key switch assignments still work in parallel. This is mostly im - portant for FlexPhrases that make use of the key switches. The last key switch that is received always has priority. Key Switch mode The Key Switch mode uses the internal key switch assign - ments. The key switches are displayed in the list. Remapped mode The Remapped mode allows you to transpose the fixed, internal key switch assignments into the playable range of your MIDI keyboard. Each Expression displays the MIDI note of the internal key switch and a MIDI note for re-as - signing the key switch next to its name. The MIDI note of the internal key switch is for indication only and cannot be edited.

54 HALion Sonic To transpose the internal key switches: 1.Set the mode to Key Switch. 2.Enter the MIDI note you want the expression to be re- assigned to. ÖThe MIDI notes you use for key switches do not trigger samples anymore. They trigger the internal key switch in - stead. Therefore, you cannot use them for normal playing anymore. MIDI Controller mode The MIDI Controller mode allows you to define a MIDI controller that remotely switches between the internal key switches. The defined MIDI controller switches only be - tween the active expressions. To assign a MIDI controller: 1.Set the mode to MIDI Controller. 2.Open the menu again and select “Lear CC”. 3.Turn on the desired Hardware controller. FlexPhraser Each program features up to five arpeggio and phrase players so-called FlexPhrasers. There is one FlexPhraser for each layer and one for the program. While the program FlexPhrasers always work with phrases, the layer Flex - Phrasers functionality changes with the layer type. •For synth, sample, instrument or drum layers, a Flex- Phraser can playback anything from basic synth arpeggios over dynamic drum phrases to realistic accompaniment phrases for guitar, bass, piano, etc. You can select from over 1400 phrases that suit a wide range of musical in - struments and styles. Depending on the selected phrase, the FlexPhraser uses your live playing to modify the phrase in real-time. This allows you, for instance, to increase the complexity of a drum pattern by playing one to four keys, or to re-harmonize phrases by playing different chords. •In the case of loop layers, the FlexPhraser triggers the slices of the loop with their original timing and order. You can trigger a transposed version of the loop, playing higher or lower in pitch. In addition, you can vary the order with a random function and export the slice sequence to your host sequencer via drag and drop. ÖWhen working with loops you can play the individual slices and the entire loop. For this purpose the key range is divided into two halves. The lower half triggers the loop; the upper half can be used to play single slices. This dif - ferent functionality is indicated by keys shaded in green for the loop keys and normal black/white keys for the Slices. Keys that do not trigger anything appear in grey. FlexPhraser page To edit the program FlexPhraser: 1.Go to the Edit page. 2.From the upper of the Edit page, select program. 3.Go to the lower section of the Edit page and click the FlexP button. 4.Depending on the type of layer, the look and parame- ter set of the FlexPhraser varies slightly. To edit a layer FlexPhraser: 1.Go to the Edit page. 2.From the upper of the Edit page, select the desired layer (L1, L2, L3 or L4). 3.Go to the lower section of the Edit page and click the FlexP button. 4.Depending on the type of layer, instrument or loop, the look and parameter set of the FlexPhraser varies slightly. FlexPhraser presets To the upper right, you can load and save presets for the FlexPhraser. In addition to the selected phrase, these pre - sets also contain the performance settings of the Flex- Phraser, such as Tempo, Tempo Scale, Loop, Swing, etc. •To load a preset, click on the preset loader and select the desired preset from the menu that pops up. •To delete a preset from your system, click the trash bin button. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.

55 HALion Sonic • To save a new preset, click the floppy disk button. A file dialog opens where you can name and save your preset file. Ö Presets ca n only be saved and loaded for phrases not for sliced loops. FlexPhraser with phrases Programs as well as synth, sample, instrument or drum layers provide a FlexPhraser that comes with the following features: Active Click the Active button at the upper left to switch the phrase on and off. Loading FlexPhrases The FlexPhrases are sorted by the type of instrument in several subfolders. Each instrument subfolder contains phrases of different musical styles. To load a phrase: 1. Go to the top of the FlexPhraser and click the Phrase drop-down menu. 2. Go to the submenu of the desired instrument. 3. Select the FlexPhrase you wish to load. In general, you can apply any phrase to any type of instru - ment. However, please keep in mind that a FlexPhrase for g uitar might not sound as good when used with a piano and vice versa. Ö Some FlexPhrase s make extensive use of key switches to switch between multiple playing styles of an instrument while playing. These phrases work best with the corre - sponding instrument layers. They can be found in the “ Expression” subfolder of the phrases menu. Loop This option defines whether the phrase is played once or continuously in a loop. When activated, the phrase plays in a loop. Hold With Hold you can prevent the phrase to stop or change when the keys are released. In addition, the Gated mode plays silently in the background when you release the keys, and resumes playback at the current position when you press the keys again. You can select one of the following options: Option Description Off The phrase changes immediately when releasing a key. Th e phrase stops immediately when releasing all keys. On The phrase plays to end even when the keys are re - leased. When the Loop option is activated, the phrase plays continuously in a cycle. Gated The phrase starts playback with the first key being p layed. It plays silently in the background even when the keys are released, and resume playback at the current position when you press any of the keys again. This way, you can gate the playback of the phrase. Trigger mode The Trigger mode defines when the FlexPhraser scans for new keys you play on the keyboard. You can select one of the following options: Option Description Immediately The FlexPhraser scans for new keys all the time. The p hrase changes accordingly to your playing immediately. Next Beat The FlexPhraser scans for new keys upon new beats. The p hrase changes accordingly to your playing on each new beat. Next Measure The FlexPhraser scans for new keys upon new measures. The phra se changes accordin gly to your playing on each new measure. Restart mode Depending on the selected Restart mode and your play - ing, you can restart the playback from the beginning of the phrase. You can select one of the following options: Option Description Off The phrase runs continuously and will not restart upon chord or no te changes. New Chord Select this to restart the phr ase on new chords. How- ever, the phrase will not rest art upon leg ato played notes, for example, if you play ad ditional notes to a chord you are holding already.

56 HALion Sonic Key mode This option defines if the order of the notes, as you played them chronically on the keyboa rd, affects the playback of the phrase. You can select one of the following options: Option Description Sort The notes play in the order of the selected pattern. The chronological order does not have an influence. As Played The notes play in the chronological order as you played them on the keyboa rd. Direct The phrase itself does not output any note events. In- stead, it outputs controller events only. You hear the note s you play plus any controller events of the phrase, such as pitch bend, volume, pan, etc. Not all phrases contain controller data. Please consult the documenta - tion of the phrase to s ee if it does. Vel mode This option specifies if the velocity of the notes you play affects the notes of the phrase or not. You can select one of the following options: OptionDescription Original The notes of the phra se play with the velocity as speci - fied by the original seq uen ce data of the phrase. As Played The notes of the ph rase play with the velocity you are playing on the keyboard. Original + As Pl ayed The velocity of the sequence da ta of the phra se is scaled by the velocity you are playing on the keyboard. Sync To synchronize the phrase to t he tempo of your host appli- cation, activate Sync. The Tempo control is disabled when Sync is activated. Ö In addition, you can set the Restart mode to “Sync to Host” (see below for details). This aligns the phrase with the beats and measures of your host application. Tempo When Sync is deactivated, use the Tempo control to set the internal playback speed of the FlexPhraser. The play - back speed of the phrase is specified in Beats per Minute (BPM). In addition, Tempo Scale gives you further control over the playback speed. The Tempo control is inactive when Sync is activated. Tempo Scale This parameter defines the rate at which notes will be triggered, in other words, the speed at which the phrase is running. A value of 1/16 corresponds to the original speed as specified under Tempo. Setting the value, for ex - ample, to 1/8 cuts the speed to half. Setting it to 1/32 do ubles it. Other values increase or decrease the speed accordingly. The control range is 1/64, 1/32, 1/32D , 1/16, 1/16T, 1/16D, 1/8, 1/8T, 1/8D, 1/4, 1/4T, 1/4D, 1/2, 1/2T, 1/2D, 1/1T, 3/4 and 4/4. Swing Use this parameter to shift the timing of notes on even numbered beats. This way, the phrase gets a swing feel - ing. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Negative values shift the timing backward, and the notes will be played earlier. Positive values shift the timing forward, and the notes will be played later. Gate Scale This parameter allows you to shorten or lengthen the notes of the phrase. At a va lue of 100% the notes play with their original gate length. Vel Scale This parameter allows you to raise or lower the note on ve - locities of the phrase. At a value of 100% the notes will be pl ayed with their original velocity. Octaves This setting extends the phrase playback to higher or lower octaves. The control range is from -3 to +3 octaves. Positive settings extend the playback to higher and nega - tive settings to lower octaves. For examp le, a value of +1 first plays the phrase in the octave range you originally played. Then, it repeats the phrase one octave higher. New Note Select this to restart the phra se with each new note you play. Here, the phrase will restart also upon legato played notes. Sync to Host Select this to align the phra s e with the beats and mea - sures of your host application. The phrase aligns to the b eats and measures each time you start the transport. Option Description

57 HALion Sonic Play Range You can use the Play Range parameters to determine which keys and velocities trigger the phrase playback. Low Key This defines the lowest key on which the phrase is trig - gered. The range extends from C-2 to G8. High Key This defines the highest key on which the phrase is trig - gered. The range extends from C-2 to G8. Low Vel This defines the lowest velocity on which the phrase is triggered. The range extends from 0 to 127. High Vel This defines the highest velocity on which the phrase is triggered. The range extends from 0 to 127. FlexPhraser for loop layers When using loop layers, the FlexPhraser offers the follow - ing features: Loop This option defines whether the loop sequence is played once or continuously in cycles. When activated, the loop sequence plays in cycles. Hold With Hold you can prevent the loop to stop or change when the keys are released. In addition, the Gated mode plays silently in the background when you release the keys, and resumes playback at the current position when you press the keys again. You can select one of the following options: Option Description Off The loop stops immediately when releasing a key. On The loop plays to end even when the keys are released. When the Loop option is activated, the loop plays contin - uously in cycles. Gated The loop starts playback with the fi rst key being played. It plays silently in the background even when the keys are released, and resume playback at the current position when you press any of the keys again. This way, you can gate the playback of the loop. Trigger mode The Trigger mode defines when the FlexPhraser scans for new keys you play on the keyboard. You can select one of the following options: Option Description Immediately The FlexPhraser scans for new keys all the time. The loop c hanges accordingly to your playing immediately. Next Beat The FlexPhraser scans for new keys upon new beats. The l oop changes accordingly to your play on each new beat. Next Measure The FlexPhraser scans for new keys upon new measures. Th e loop changes accordingly to your play on each new measure. Restart mode Depending on the selected Restart mode and your play, you can restart the playback from the beginning of the loop. You can select one of the following options: Option Description Off The loop runs continuously an d will not restart upon note changes. First Note The loop restarts w hen a note is triggered and no other notes are already held. Each Note The loop restarts each ti me a note is triggered. Sync to Host Select this to align the loop wi th the beats and measures of your host application. The loop aligns to the beats and measures each time you start the transport. Sync To synchronize the loop to the tempo of your host applica - tion, activate Sync. The Tempo control is disabled when Sync is activated.

58 HALion Sonic ÖIn addition, you can set the Restart mode to “Sync to Host” (see below for details). This aligns the loop with the beats and measures of your host application. Tempo When Sync is deactivated, use the Tempo control to set the internal playback speed of the loop. The playback speed of the loop is specified in Beats per Minute (BPM). In addition, Tempo Scale gives you further control over the playback speed. The Tempo control is inactive when Sync is activated. Tempo Scale This parameter defines the rate at which notes will be trig- gered, in other words, the speed at which the loop is run- ning. A value of 1/16 corresponds to the original speed as specified under Tempo. Setting the value, for example, to 1/8 cuts the speed to half. Setting it to 1/32 doubles it. Other values increase or decrease the speed accordingly. The control range is 1/64, 1/32, 1/32T, 1/16T, 1/16,1/8T, 1/16D, 1/8, 1/4T, 1/4, 1/2T, 1/4D, 1/2, 1/1T, 1/2D, 3/4 and 4/4. Swing Use this parameter to shift the timing of notes on even numbered beats. This way, the loop gets a swing feeling. The control range is from -100% to +100%. Negative val - ues shift the timing backward and the notes will be played earlier. Positive values shift the timing forward and the notes will be played later. Start This allows you to shift the start of the loop in steps of 1/4 notes. The length of the loop is shortened accordingly. Length This parameter allows you to shorten the length of the loop in steps of 1/4 notes. ÖThe control range of Start and Length varies with the original length of the loop. Gate Scale This parameter allows you to shorten the notes that play- back the slices. The control range is from 0% to 100%. At a value of 100% the slices play with their original gate length. Quantize Note Value This allows you to setup a quantization grid. You can force the timing of the slices to playback only at the note value you select here. You can set the note value to 1/64, 1/32, 1/32 T, 1/16 T, 1/16, 1/8 T, 1/16 D, 1/8, 1/4 T, 1/4, 1/2T, 1/4 D, 1/2, 1/1 T, 1/2 D, 1/1. Quantize Amount This parameter defines how much of the quantization grid is applied. A value of 100% means the slices playback only at the Quantize Note Value you specified. Smaller val - ues move the notes only partially towards the next Quan- tize Note Value. With a value of 0% no quantization is applied at all. Key Follow Here you can adjust the pitch modulation from note num- ber. The range is from -200% to +200%. Set this param- eter to positive values to raise the pitch with notes above the Center Key. Use negative values to lower the pitch with notes above the Center Key. At +100% the pitch fol - lows exactly the played note. ÖThe Key Follow is limited to the keys that trigger the entire loop. It does not affect the keys that play the single slices. Center Key This parameter sets the note around where the Key Follow pivots. It ranges from C-2 to G8. Random To shuffle the playing order of the slices randomly, acti- vate the Random button. To play the slices with their orig- inal order, deactivate the Random button. ÖThe overall timing does not vary through this. Only the playing order of the slices varies through this, for example, slice 3 plays instead of slice 1, etc. Depth Here you adjust how much the playing order of the slices will be shuffled. Lower this value to keep the playing order of slices on the main beats. Raise this value to vary the playing order of slices on the main beats as well.

59 HALion Sonic Trigger Click this to shuffle the playing order again. Please note that the Pattern number changes with this. Pattern To predictably recall a certain random pattern, you can en - ter the Pattern number. If you recall a loop with a certain Dept h and Pattern, it always sounds the same. Exporting the loop sequence The FlexPhraser of loop layers allows you to export the loop sequence as a MIDI part for your host sequencer. To export the loop sequence: 1.Drag the icon that looks lik e a MIDI socket to the proj - ect window of you host sequencer. 2. Drop the MIDI part on an existing MIDI Track or on an empty space, which creates a new MIDI Track. 3.Assign the MIDI Track to the respective slot in HALion Sonic. FlexPhraser Phrases Phrase playback types HALion Sonic features a huge amount of phrase types or - ganized in categorized folders such as Classic Arp, Synth Seq , Chord Seq, Bass and so on. Each folder can contain several category subfolders representing functional de - scriptions or musical styles. The “Expression” folder contains phrases especially made for HALion Sonic’s instrument layers. These phrases use key switches to switch between different playing styles to increase the realism of your performance. The phrases that can be found in the various other cate - gories use a number of different playback types to allow p hrase specific user interaction while playing. These phrases use one of the following playback types. Option Description Playback of a dr um pattern Pressing any note(s) triggers the same rhythm pattern. Playback only of the pl ayed notes The phrase is played back us in g only the played note and its octave notes. Playback of a pr ogrammed se - quence accord - ing to the played chor d Pressing only one note, the phrase is played back using th e programmed sequence — which means that notes other than the ones you play are triggered. Adding notes to those already held, changes the sequence accordingly — for example, the phrase plays back according to the chord you play. Drum and loop layers Drum and loop layers share the same set of controls. In the Key Map to the lower of the editor, you see the drum instruments or loop slices the layer contains, and how they map across the keyboard. In the upper section, you find the Pitch, Filter, Amplifier and Output settings of the cur - rently selected drum instrument or loop slice. The lower section also gives you access to the FlexPhraser, the monophonic LFO and the layer quick control editor. Using the Key Map The Key Map indicates how the drum instruments or loop slices map across the keyboard. To access the Key Map: 1. Go to the Edit page and select the drum or loop layer you want to adjust. 2.Go to the lower of the drum or loop editor and click the Key Map page button. When using the Key Map, the following applies: •Keys w ith a drum instrument or loop slice assigned dis - play in normal white and black. • The names of the drum instruments or loop slices dis - play vertically above the keys.

60 HALion Sonic •Keys with nothing assigned are disabled and are dis- played in grey. •In case of a loop layer, the pitched part of the keyboard is displayed in orange. •Hidden parts of the keyboard can be accessed with the scroll bar to the lower of the keyboard. •Clicking a key plays and selects the respective drum in- strument or loop slice. ÖThe Key Map is used for indication and selection only. The mapping of the drum instruments and loop slices can - not be changed. Editing drum instruments or loop slices To edit a drum instrument or loop slice, you must select it first. You can select drum instruments or loop slices with the Key Map or your MIDI keyboard. Selecting with the Key Map To select a drum instrument or loop slice with the Key Map: 1.Go to the Edit page and select the drum or loop layer you want to adjust. 2.Go to the lower of the drum or loop editor and open the Key Map. 3.On the keyboard to the lower of the Key Map, click the key of the drum instrument or loop slice you want to ad - just. 4.The drum instrument or loop slice is selected and the parameters at the upper will be updated respectively. Multi selection editing To edit multiple drum instruments or slices at the same time, you can use the multi selection functionality of the Key Map: •Select one Key, press [Shift] and then select a second key to select all keys in between. •Press [Ctrl] and then click keys to add or remove them from the current selection. •Press [Ctrl] and start dragging the mouse over the de- sired keys to do a lasso selection. •Press Shift + Ctrl and then drag the mouse over the de- sired keys to add additional keys per lasso selection to the current selection. As soon as you start selecting multiple slices or drum in- struments, changes may occur on certain settings. In such cases, the changes are indicated on the respective con - trols. Combo boxes get a red tinted background, value fields display their values in red, switches turn red (or half red if the focused Slice/instrument is set to off) and knobs show a red corona indicating the range in which values are set. Changing a parameter sets all selected loop slices or drum instruments to the same value and the red indication for that control disappears. Selecting with the MIDI keyboard To select a drum instrument or loop slice with your MIDI keyboard: 1.Go to the Edit page and select the drum or loop layer you want to adjust. 2.In the title bar of the upper section, click the button to the right to activate “Select via MIDI”. The function is acti - vated when the button is lit. 3.On your MIDI keyboard, press the key that plays the drum instrument or loop slice you want to adjust. 4.The drum instrument or loop slice is selected and the parameters at the upper will be updated accordingly. ÖBy default all parameter changes are only applied to the currently selected drum instrument or loop slice. Click the “Sel” button in the upper title bar to switch to the “All” mode if you want to apply changes to all drum instruments or loop slices. You can also play multiple keys at a time to create a multi selection. Accessing Pitch, Filter and Amp parameters To access the Pitch, Filter and Amp parameters of a drum instrument or loop slice: 1.Go to the Edit page and select the drum or loop layer you want to adjust. 2.Go to the lower section, open the Key Map and select the drum instrument or loop slice you want to edit. Alter - natively, use your MIDI keyboard to select the drum instru- ment or loop slice.