Steinberg VST Workstation Halion Sonic Operation Manual
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11 HALion Sonic Synth and sample layers For synth and sample layers, you will get access to a fully- fledged synthesizer editor with components such as a highly flexible filter section, powerful multi-stage enve - lopes, LFOs, a Step Modulator and a Modulation Matrix. These layer types differ in their basic sound source. While a synth layer provides an oscillator section with three main oscillators, namely a sub oscillator, a noise generator and a ring modulation stage, the sample layer loads a specific multi sample instead. Drum layers The drum layers load a multi-sampled drum set, where you can individually adjust the most important parameter per drum instrument. Each drum instrument can be set to a specific pan position or individual output, be filtered, re - versed, and so on. Loop layers Loop layers load a sliced loop, which is a combination of a loop specific MIDI phrase and the individual slices mapped out onto the keyboard. You can then either play the original loop, transposed version of it or trigger single slices manually. Each slice can be modified with the same parameters as the drum instruments. Instrument layers Instrument layers contain several multi samples of an in- strument that can either be sound parts or completely dif- ferent articulations. These sublayers are called Expression. Every Expression can be modified individually by its most important parameters or simply be turned off, to speed up loading time for sound, where not all of the Expressions are needed.

12 HALion Sonic HALion Sonic interface The HALion Sonic interface follows a fixed size, single window concept and is subdivided into several main sec - tions. To save pixel space on the computer monitor it can be collapsed to a smaller version which only shows one slot with the most important sections and hides the Multi Program Rack and Edit Display sections. Collapsed View Plug-in functions section At the top of the HALion Sonic window you find the plug- in functions section. It contains important controls such as the main volume, tuning, indicators for disk activity and CPU load, as well as the number of voices currently played. Furthermore, it provides a duplicate of the cur - rently focused slot and the program loaded in this slot. Performance controllersPlug-in func- tions section Standalone functions section Multi Program Rack Toolbars Trigger Pads Sphere Edit Display Quick Controls

13 HALion Sonic Multi Program Rack In the Multi Program Rack (located to the left of the Edit Display) you can load up to 16 programs into HALion So - nic. Slots can be muted or soloed. Programs can be se- lected to edit their parameters. You can load programs into slots by drag&drop from the Load page. You can also click the down arrow button to open the MediaBay. Edit Display The Edit Display is a multipurpose display that shows var- ious editor views depending on the selected page and slot. There are seven pages that can be chosen using the page switches above the editor views. These pages are the Load, Edit, MIDI, Mix, Effects, Multi and the Options page. Load page The Load page gives you access to the huge library that comes with HALion Sonic. It provides an interface to the integrated MediaBay which is used to categorize and rate multis, programs and layers. It allows you to quickly find the sounds you are looking for and of course it conve - niently manages all the sounds that you create as well. Edit page The Edit page allows you to edit all the parameters that ex- ist inside a program. This comprises the parameter of up to four layers as well as all parameters for the integrated FlexPhrasers and insert effects. MIDI page The MIDI page shows the MIDI parameters of all 16 pro- grams and allows you to adjust parameters such as MIDI Channel, Low Key, High Key, Low Vel, High Vel and Po- lyphony. Mix page The Mix page shows the main audio parameters of all 16 programs and allows you to adjust parameters such as level, pan, output, effect send levels for the four AUX ef - fects that can be commonly used. In addition, it also dis- plays a level meter for each slot. Effects page The Effects page gives you direct access to the four AUX busses used to realize global send effects as well as the main bus. Each bus can load up to four inserts in serial or - der to create further sophisticated multi effects. Multi page The Multi page allows you to manage and control the so- called Multi Chains. Multi Chains consists of a list of up to 128 multis. This gives you quick access to all multi pre - sets, for example, during a live performance situation. Options page The Options page provides you with all the parameters that can be set for the HALion Sonic plug-in.

14 HALion Sonic Toolbars Above the Edit Display section you find two small toolbars with various useful global functions. Global insert, AUX and FlexPhraser buttons Use these buttons to switch off all insert effects, all AUX effects and all FlexPhrasers for the whole plug-in at once. For instance, you can use this feature to quickly compare sounds with and without effects or to use a preset without the FlexPhrasers that have been stored with the preset. Undo/Redo HALion Sonic features an undo/redo command stack that allows you to undo or redo the last 10 operations. With the aid of this function you can test new settings without having to worry about losing any of your previous settings. You can either click the Undo/Redo buttons to undo or redo a single step or: 1. Click on the small triangle s to see Undo/Redo history. 2. Click on a n entry in the hi story list to go back (or for - ward) to that particular step. Ö You cannot undo loading a multi (instance) preset. MIDI Reset The MIDI Reset button allows you to reset all playing MIDI notes and sounds with one single click. Editor / Player This button toggles between the two views available for HALion Sonic: the full-size editor view (e), and the smaller player view (p). Trigger Pad section The pads section shows eight pads used for triggering complex chords, remote controlling key switches, etc. Quick controls The HALion Sonic quick control section provides you with eight quick controls that can be used to directly adjust the most important parameters of a program. In addition, you can also switch to the four sets of layer quick controls. Performance controllers Wheels The wheels on the left side represent the pitch and modu - lation wheels on a hardware controller keyboard and can be used in the same way. Keyboard The virtual 88-note keyboard of HALion Sonic can be used to trigger MIDI notes just like a real keyboard. By clicking the keys on different vertical positions you can control the note on velocity. Furthermore, the keyboard displays keys that are not used to trigger notes but act as key switches. The up/down switches on the left and right side of the keyboard shift the keyboard range by octaves. This allows you to display, for instance, key switches that are located on lower keys. Sphere The sphere control is a 2-dimensional-controller that acts as two quick controls, one for vertical and one for horizon - tal movements. This can be used, for example, to control the morphi ng filter.

15 HALion Sonic Standalone functions section Using HALion Sonic as a standalone application adds the standalone functions section above the plug-in. Here you can set Audio and MIDI interface routings, adjust the main volume and get access to the integrated MIDI scratch pad that allows you to easily record your musical inspirations without having to start a MIDI sequencer application. It can also be used to play multi track arrangements that trigger the 16 different sounds inside HALion Sonic. Plug-in functions section Introduction The plug-in functions section gives you access to general functions of the plug-in. It is divided into three sections: program slot, master section and performance displays. With Master Volume and Master Tune you can control the overall loudness and tuning of the plug-in. A large display shows you the name of the currently selected program along with its main parameters. With the performance dis - plays you can monitor the Polyphony and Mono Voices, or the Me mory, CPU and Disk usage of the plug-in. Program slot The program slot shows the main program parameters for the program currently selected in the Multi Program Rack. You can adjust settings such as level, pan, output bus, MIDI channel and polyphony. Furthermore, you can use the program slot to load prog rams and to mute/solo them. Slot selector The slot number not only serves as a label but also allows you to select the slot you would like to have displayed. To select the slot: 1.Ope n the context menu on the number. 2.Select the desired slot. To make the slot selection easier, programs already l oaded will be displayed with their name. Loading programs into the slot To load a program directly into the program slot: 1. Sw itch to the Load page and double-click the desired program. 2.D rag the program and drop it to the name field of the program slot. Alternatively you can click the load program button on the righ t end of the program loader to open a MediaBay dia - log. You can then load the program from there. This method is especially useful when you are working with the smaller Player view that does not have direct access to the Load page. Loading layers into the slot You can also load a layer preset directly into the program slot. In this case, HALion Sonic creates a new program and drops the layer into the first of its four layer slots. To load a layer into the slot, use the Load page or the Media Bay Browser Window in the same way as for programs. Ö B e sure to have the view filter for layers active. Other - wise you will see program presets only. Aborting the loading of layers Programs containing lots of sample data may take some time to load. In this case, a progress bar is shown directly in the slot. In addition, the Load button changes to an “Abort” button (x) that allows you to stop the loading pro - cess and to reset the slot to the previous state. Removing programs from a slot To remove a program from the slot: 1. Open the context menu on the program name. 2.Sel ect “Remove Program”. Saving a program To save a modified program: 1.Open the context menu on the program name. 2.Sel ect “Save Program”. The program will be saved in your user folder. MIDI activity indicator The MIDI icon indicates incoming MIDI data by blinking.

16 HALion Sonic Solo Enable the Solo button of a slot in order to hear only the respective program. Mute Enable the Mute button to turn off a program. The program remains loaded and can therefore be turned on again smoothly. Loading programs into the program slot To load a program into the slot you have two options: •Switch to the Load page and double-click the desired program. •Drag the program and drop it to the desired slot. Level Use the level fader to adjust the output level of the slot. The maximum value is +12dB (the default value is ±0dB). Pan Use the pan fader to adjust the position of the slot in the stereo panorama. Output Use the output selector to define the output destination of the slot signal. By default all signals are sent to the Main output. Polyphony This parameter allows you set the number of keys you can play simultaneously. Keep in mind that one key can trigger several layers. Check the Performance Meter to see how many voices are triggered by your playing. Program Icon The program icon on the left side shows to which Cate- gory of sounds the preset belongs. It cannot be assigned freely but depends on the Category and Sub Category tagged in the MediaBay. If no Category is set, a default icon will be shown. Master section Master Volume Use the Main Volume knob to adjust the overall volume of HALion Sonic. The maximum value is +12dB (the default value is ±0dB). •Turn the control clockwise by clicking on it and drag- ging upwards to raise the volume. •Turn the control counter-clockwise by clicking on it and dragging downwards to lower the volume. Master Tune You can set the Master Tune within a range from 415.3Hz to 466.2Hz, which equals -100 cents to +100 cents. The default value is 440Hz. Performance displays In the upper right of the plug-in panel, you find meters and text displays that indicate the system load of the plug-in. CPU This meter shows the processor load during playback of voices. The more voices you play, the higher the proces - sor load will be. If the red overload indicator lights up, re- duce the Max Voices setting on the Options page. Disk This meter shows the hard disk transfer load from stream- ing samples or loading presets. If the red overload indica- tor lights up, the hard disk is not supplying data fast enough to the computer. In such a case, adjust the Disk vs. RAM slider on the Options page towards RAM. You can also decrease the Max Voices setting on the Options page.

17 HALion Sonic Polyphony (Mono Voices) This display indicates the number of samples currently played back to help you trace performance problems. For example, if you have to reduce the Max Voices setting on the Options page, you can verify your settings by monitor - ing the Voices display. Memory MEM is an abbreviation for Memory. This display indicates the overall amount of RAM currently used by the plug-in and the loaded programs. The amount you see results from the streaming buffer and the preloaded samples. The MEM display helps you to trace performance problems. For example, if you need to free memory for other applica - tions, you can do so by adjusting the Disk vs. RAM slider on the Options page towards Disk. You can verify your settings by monitoring the MEM display. Reset MIDI Sometimes notes can get stuck, due to reasons such as the plug-in losing MIDI connection, or the plug-in receiv - ing wrong MIDI controller data. In such a case, you can “emergency reset” the plug-in: •Click the Reset MIDI button (the lightning icon) located under the Steinberg logo to send an “All Sound Off” and “Reset All Controllers” message to the plug-in. This is the same as sending the MIDI controllers 120 (All Sound Off) and 121 (Reset All). The plug-in stops play - back immediately and resets the controllers to their default values. Steinberg logo and about box If you click on the Steinberg logo in the upper right corner of the plug-in, a pop-up menu opens. You can open the manual in pdf format by selecting Help. Selecting one of the other options opens your default internet browser, di - recting you to the Steinberg web site. To check for soft- ware updates and to find information for trouble shooting, select the corresponding link from the menu. •To open the manual in pdf format, a pdf reader applica- tion must be installed on your computer. •Your computer needs an active and working internet connection to access the Steinberg web site. If you click on the plug-in logo in the upper left of the con- trol panel, the about box opens. It contains information re- garding the version and build number of the plug-in. With the plug-in version and build number you can verify if your software is up-to-date. Please visit regularly to check for updates. To close the about box, click on it or press [Esc] on your computer keyboard. Multi Program Rack Introduction The Multi Program Rack provides 16 slots, so you can load up to 16 programs simultaneously. To show which program is triggered, the slot number indicates incoming MIDI data by blinking. Also, each slot provides a Solo and a Mute button. The Multi Program Rack is linked to the various pages of the Edit Display: When the Edit page is open, you can click individual slots in the Multi Program Rack and see the settings for each loaded program. Addi - tional slot parameters such as level, pan, MIDI channel, etc. can be found on the MIDI and Mix pages. Managing multis Above the Multi Program Rack you find the multi preset controls which can be used to load, save and remove multi presets for the entire plug-in. When using HALion Sonic as a plug-in in Cubase or Nuendo, you will find these presets listed in the Preset Management pop-up menu of the host application. When using HALion Sonic as a plug-in in a different host application, you can use either this host’s preset function - ality, or the multi preset features provided by HALion So- nic. MIDI Reset

18 HALion Sonic Loading multis To load a multi preset you have two options: •Switch to the Load page in the Edit Display and double- click the desired multi preset or drag the multi preset and drop it onto the multi loader. •Click the Load button to open a MediaBay browser win- dow and load the multi program with a doube-click. MediaBay Saving multis To save multi presets with HALion Sonic’s integrated multi preset management: 1.Click the disk icon button in the multi preset slot to open the save dialog. 2.Enter the name of the multi. 3.Assign any tags you require. 4.Click OK. ÖIf you choose an existing file name, you will be asked whether you want to “Overwrite” the file. If not, press “Cancel” to modify the name first or press “Make Unique Name” to add a number suffix (-01,-02, …) to the preset name. Removing a multi To remove all loaded programs, and to reset HALion So- nic to its default state, click the trash button. Loading programs into slots To load a program into a specific slot you have two op- tions. You can either: 1.Switch to the Load page in the Edit Display and dou- ble-click the desired program. 2.Drag the program and drop it to the name field of the program slot. Or you can click the Load program button on the right to open a MediaBay browser window and load the program from there. This method is especially useful when in the Player view, where the Load page is not available. ÖWhen you reopen the MediaBay browser on a slot that already has a program loaded into it, the Category and Sub Category filters will automatically be set to those of the current program. Through this, it becomes very easy to exchange sounds with similar ones at a later stage, with - out having to readjust the search filter settings again. Of course, you can then modify your search or reset it com - pletely to see all presets. ÖClicking an empty slot automatically switches the edi- tor to the Load page. Loading layers into slots You can also load a layer preset directly into a program slot. In this case, HALion Sonic creates a new program and drops the layer into the first of its four layer slots. To load a layer into a specific slot, use the Load page or the MediaBay browser window in the same way as for pro - grams. ÖBe sure to have the view filter for layers active. Other- wise you will see program presets only. Aborting the loading of programs Programs containing lots of sample data may take some time to load. In this case, a progress bar is shown directly in the multi and/or program slot. In addition, the Load but - ton changes to an “Abort” button (x) that allows you to stop the loading process and to reset the slot/multi slot to its previous state. Removing programs from slots To remove a program from a slot: 1.Open the context menu on the program name. 2.Select “Remove Program”.

19 HALion Sonic Saving program To save a modified program: 1.Open the context menu on the program name. 2.Select “Save Program”. The program overwrites the original program on your sys- tem. Note that you cannot overwrite protected factory content. In this case, the save dialog appears. Saving program as… To save a modified or new program under another name: 1.Open the context menu on the program name. 2.Select “Save Program As…”. 3.The save dialog appears. 4.Enter the new name and set the database attributes. 5.Click OK to save the program. Reverting to last saved program Use this option to reload the program as it was saved the last time. This allows you to step back to where you started in case you realize that your edits have gone into the wrong direction: 1.Open the context menu on the program name. 2.Select “Revert to last saved Program”. ÖYou do not need to save a program first to use this op- tion. Without a previous save action the program will sim- ply be reloaded in its original version. Renaming a program To edit the name of a program directly in the Multi Pro- gram Rack: 1.Double-click the program name. 2.Enter the new name. 3.Press Enter. When you save the program, the “Save as” dialog sug- gests a file name. Switching between slots You can use the arrow up and down keys of your com- puter keyboard to select a slot. This allows you to move from one program’s settings to another quickly. MIDI activity indicator The slot number not only serves as a label but also indi- cates incoming MIDI data by blinking. Solo slots Enable the Solo button of a slot in order to hear only the respective program. You can also enable multiple slot Solo buttons. Note that several slots can be soloed at the same time. Muting slots Enable the Mute button to turn off a program. The program remains loaded and can therefore be turned on again smoothly. Save dialog options Adding folders within the save dialog You can create subfolders inside your user preset folder to organize your presets. Normally, this is not necessary to retrieve presets - for this purpose you would rather use the tagging and search function of the MediaBay – but it allows you, for example, to copy presets to their own folder and move them to a different location. Navigating through the folder hierarchy You can move through your folder hierarchy using the three navigation buttons in the title bar. These allow you to: •Go to the previous Browse location. •Go to the next Browse location. •Browse the containing folder.

20 HALion Sonic Tagging with the save dialog When you save a preset, the save dialog opens and shows the tagging editor section on the right side. Here you can easily edit your tags before saving the preset. To make it even simpler, you can first click an existing preset file in the file list on the left to copy its name and all its tags, then make changes the new preset requires, modify the preset name and save it. Mix page Introduction The Mix page gives you access to the audio slot parame- ters of HALion Sonic. This comprises the level and pan settings, as well as the AUX effect sends and the output selector. To control the output levels, each slot also fea - tures a level meter. On/Off This switch allows you to turn the MIDI input of the slot on and off. In contrast to the Mute function that only mutes the audio output of the slot but keeps on processing the sound in the background, this switch interrupts the MIDI communication with the slot and prevents sounds from being processed. Level This parameter allows you to set the output level of the slot. Pan This parameter allows you to set the position in the stereo panorama. Meter The meter displays the slot output level. FX1-4 Send Levels Here you can specify the amount of signal sent to the four auxiliary busses which host up to four effects each. Output This parameter defines to which of the 16 plug-in outputs the slot is routed. All slots are routed to the Main output by default. MIDI page Introduction The MIDI page gives you access to the MIDI slot parame- ters of HALion Sonic. This comprises the MIDI channel, Key and Velocity ranges as well as Transpose and Polyph - ony settings. Channel Here you can specify on which MIDI channel a slot should “listen”. You can set multiple slots to the same MIDI chan - nel and trigger them simultaneously with the same note events.