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Hitachi Sj7002 Owners Manual

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    							“C” Group: Intelligent Terminal Functions
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    Analog Summary Table  - The following tables show all functions available for assignment to 
    the three analog output te rminals [FM], [AM], [AMI] at a glan ce. Detailed descriptions, related 
    parameters, and se ttings are in “
    Analog Output Operation” on page 4–66.   
    56 WCO2 [O2] terminal window 
    comparator [O2] input is within comparator window set by B066 and 
    Output Function Summary Table
    CodeTerminal SymbolFunction NameDescription
    C027 Setting for Terminal FM
    Option CodeFunction NameDescriptionCorresponding Signal  Range
    00 Output frequency Actual motor speed, represented by PWM  signal  0 to max. frequency in Hz
    01 Output current Motor current  (% of maximum rated output 
    current), represen ted by PWM signal 0 to 200%
    02 Output torque Rated output torque 0 to 200%
    03 Digital output  frequency Output frequency (available only at FM 
    output) 0 to max. frequency in Hz
    04 Output voltage Rated output voltage to motor 0 to 100%
    05 Input power Rated input power 0 to 200%
    06 Electronic thermal  overload Percentage of electronic overload attained 0 to 100%
    07 LAD frequency Internal ramp generato r frequency 0 to max. frequency in Hz
    08 Digital current monitor Signal freq. = 1,440 Hz when  output current = C030 setting 0.2 x rated current to 2.0 x 
    rated current (A)
    09 Motor temperature Thermistor input temp. reading in PWM  format 0 to 200°C
    10 Heat sink temperature Inverte r heatsink temp. reading in PWM 
    format 0 to 200°C
    12 General YA(0) analog  output Internal analog value from EZ-Sequence 0 to 100%
    C028 Setting for Terminal [AM]; C0
    29 Setting for Terminal [AMI]
    CodeFunction NameDescriptionCorresponding Signal  Range
    00 Output frequency Actual motor speed, represented by PWM  signal  0 to max. frequency in Hz
    01 Output current Motor current  (% of maximum rated output 
    current), represen ted by PWM signal 0 to 200%
    02 Output torque Rated output torque 0 to 200%
    03 Digital output  frequency Output frequency (available only at FM 
    output) 0 to max. frequency in Hz
    04 Output voltage Rated output voltage to motor 0 to 100%
    Phone: 800.894.0412   
    							SJ7002 Inverter
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    Output Function 
    ParametersThe following parameters work in 
    conjunction with the intelligent output 
    function, when configured. The 
    overload level parameter (C041) sets the 
    motor current level at which the 
    overload signal [OL] turns ON. The 
    range of settings is from 0% to 200% of 
    the rated current for the inverter. This 
    function is for generating an early 
    warning logic output , without causing 
    either a trip event or a restriction of the 
    motor current (those effects are avail-
    able on other functions).
    The frequency arrival signal, [FA1] to 
    [FA5], is intended to indicate when the 
    inverter output has reached (arrived at) 
    the target frequency. You can adjust the 
    timing of the leading and trailing edges 
    of the signal via two  parameters specific 
    to acceleration and  deceleration ramps, 
    C042 and C043.
    The Error for the PID loop is the magni-
    tude (absolute value) of the difference 
    between the Setpoint (desired value) 
    and Process Variable (actual value). The 
    PID output deviation signal [OD] 
    (output terminal function option code 
    04) indicates when the error magnitude 
    has exceeded a magnitude you define.
    05 Input power Rated input power 0 to 200%
    06 Electronic thermal 
    overload Percentage of electronic 
    overload attained 0 to 100%
    07 LAD frequency Internal ra mp generator frequency 0 to max. frequency in Hz
    09 Motor temperature Thermistor  input temp. reading in PWM 
    format 0 to 200°C
    10 Heat sink temperature Inverter  heatsink temp. reading in PWM 
    format 0 to 200°C
    13 General YA(1) analog  output Internal analog value from EZ-Seque
    nce 0 to 100% (output only from 
    terminal [AM])
    14 General YA(2) analog  output Internal analog value from EZ-Seque
    nce 0 to 100% (output only from 
    terminal [AMI])
    C028 Setting for Terminal [AM]; C029 Setting for Terminal [AMI]
    CodeFunction NameDescriptionCorresponding Signal  Range
    Overload  signal
    PID Error
    Deviation  Signal
    0 SP
    Phone: 800.894.0412   
    							“C” Group: Intelligent Terminal Functions
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    Range and Settings
    Mode Edit
    C038 Low current indication  output mode select ON00Output during accele
    ration/deceleration and 
    constant speed operation 01 01 01
    ✘ ✔
    0 1Output only during constant speed
    C039 Low current indication detec tion level 0.0 to 1.80 x rated inverter current Rated current x 1.0✘ ✔
    Low current threshold, used  for intelligent output [LOC] ✘ ✔
    C040 Overload signal output mode ON
    00During accel / decel / constant speed 01 01 01 ✘ ✔
    Choose when the overload 
    signal is enabled CRT
    0 1During constant speed only
    C041 Overload level setting 1 0.00 x rate d current to 1.80 x rated current 
    (A) Rated current for 
    inverter ✘ ✔
    C042 Frequency arrival setting for  acceleration 0.00 to 99.99, 100.0 to 400.0 (Hz) 0.00 0.00 0.00✘ ✔
    Sets the frequency arrival se tting threshold for the output  frequency during acceleration
    C043 Arrival frequency setting for  deceleration 0.00 to 99.99, 100.0 to 400.0 (Hz)0.00 0.00 0.00✘ ✔
    Sets the frequency arrival se tting threshold for the output  frequency during deceleration
    C044 PID deviation level settin g0.0 to 100.0 (%) 3.0 3.0 3.0✘ ✔
    Sets the PID loop error threshold  |SP - PV| (absolute value) to trigge r intelligent output [OD]
    C045 Frequency arrival setting for  acceleration (2) 0.0 to 99.99, 100.0 to 400.0 (Hz) 0.00 0.00 0.00✘ ✔
    C046 Frequency arrival setting for  deceleration (2) 0.0 to 99.99, 100.0 to 400.0 (Hz) 0.00 0.00 0.00✘ ✔
    C052 Maximum PID feedback (PV) data 0.0 to 100.0 (%)0.00 0.00 0.00✘ ✔
    C053 Minimum PID feedback (PV) data 0.0 to 100.0 (%)100.0 100.0 100.0✘ ✔
    C055 Over-torque (forward-driving) leve l setting 0. to 180. (%) 100. 100. 100.✘ ✔
    Threshold for intellig ent output terminal [OTQ], quadrant I
    C056 Over-torque (reverse regenerating) level  setting 0. to 180. (%)
    100. 100. 100.✘ ✔
    Threshold for intellig ent output terminal [OTQ], quadrant II
    C057 Over-torque (reverse driving) leve l setting 0. to 180. (%) 100. 100. 100.✘ ✔
    Threshold for intelligent output terminal [OTQ], quadrant III
    C058 Over-torque (forwar d regenerating) level 
    setting 0. to 180. (%)
    100. 100. 100.✘ ✔
    Threshold for intellig ent output terminal [OTQ], quadrant IV
    C061 Electronic thermal warning le vel setting 0. to 100. (%) 80. 80. 80.✘ ✔
    Sets the threshold for intelligent output [THM]
    C062 Alarm code output OFF
    00Disable 000000✘ ✔
    Allows binary alarm codes to 
    be output to intelligent 
    terminals 3BIT
    0 1Enable – 3-bit code
    02Enable –  4-bit code
    C063 Zero speed detection level 0.00 to 99.99 / 100.0 (Hz) 0.00 0.00 0.00 ✘ ✔
    C064 Heatsink overheat warning level 0. to 200.0 (°C)120 120 120✘ ✔
    Alarm temperature threshold for heatsink in inverter ✘ ✔
    Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: [email protected]  
    							SJ7002 Inverter
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    CommunicationsThe following table configures the communications port of the SJ7002 inverter. You can have 
    up to thirty-two devices on the serial communications network. The inverters are slaves and the 
    computer or digital operator is the master. Thus , all inverters on the serial connection must use 
    the same baud rate, data length, parity, and stop bits. However, each device on the serial 
    network must have a unique node address. See  “
    Serial Communications” on page B–1 for more 
    Range and Settings
    Mode Edit
    Lo HiSRWOPExFE2(EU)xFU2(USA)xFF2(Jpn)
    C071 Communication speed  selection TEST02Test
    04 04 04✘ ✔
    032400 (bps)
    044800 (bps)
    059600 (bps)
    0619200 (bps)
    C072 Node allocation 1. to 32. (node) 1.1.1.✘ ✔
    Set the address of the inverter on the network
    C073 Communication  data length 
    selection 7BIT
    077-bit data
    07 07 07✘ ✔
    088-bit data
    C074 Communication parity  selection NO
    00No parity
    00 00 00✘ ✔
    0 1Even parity
    02Odd parity
    C075 Communication stop bit  selection 1BIT
    0 11 Stop bit
    1 1 1✘ ✔
    022 Stop bits
    C076 Action upon communication  error selection TRP
    02 02 02✘ ✔
    0 1Trip after deceleration and stop
    02No action (ignore errors)
    03Free-run stop
    04Decelerate and stop
    C077 Communication timeout before trip 0.00 to 99.99 (seconds)0.00 0.00 0.00✘ ✔
    C078 Communication wait time 0.0 to 1000 (milliseconds) 0. 0. 0.✘ ✔
    Time the inverter waits after rece iving a message before it transmits
    C079 Communication protocol  select ASCII
    000000✘ ✔
    0 1ModBus RTU
    Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: [email protected]  
    							“C” Group: Intelligent Terminal Functions
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    Analog Signal 
    SettingsThe functions in the following table configure the signals for the analog output terminals. Note 
    that these settings do not change the current/vo ltage or sink/source characteristics – only the 
    zero and span (scaling) of the signals.
    NOTE:  See additional settings for analog calibrat ion: Parameter B080 [AM] Terminal Analog 
    Meter Adjustment (gain), parameter B081 [FM] Terminal  Analog Meter Adjustment (gain).
    NOTE: Settings C081, C082, C083, C121, C122, C123 are factory-calibrated for each inverter. 
    Do not change these settings unless absolutely  necessary. Note that if you restore factory 
    defaults for all parameters, these settings will not change.
    FunctionsThe following table contains miscellaneous functions not in other function groups.
    C102/C103: Reset Mode  / Restart Mode – The reset mode selection,  set via parameter C102, 
    determines how the inverter respon ds to the [RS] intelligent input signal or keypad Stop/Reset 
    key in a trip condition. The options allow you to cancel the trip on either the OFF-to-ON or 
    ON-to-OFF transition of [RS], and if desired, stop th e inverter if it is in Run Mode. A trip event 
    causes the inverter output to the motor to turn  OFF immediately. If in Run Mode when the trip 
    DescriptionRange and Settings
    Mode Edit
    Lo Hi
    C081 [O] input span calibration 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553 
    (10000 to 65530) Factory-calibrated
    ✔ ✔
    C082 [OI] input span calibration 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553 
    (10000 to 65530) Factory-calibrated
    ✔ ✔
    C083 [O2] input span calibration 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553  (10000 to 65530)Factory-calibrated
    ✔ ✔
    C085 Thermistor input tuning (gain) 0.0 to 999.9., 1000 105.0 105.0 105.0✔ ✔
    C121 [O] input zero calibration 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553 
    (10000 to 65530) Factory-calibrated
    ✔ ✔
    C122 [OI] input zero calibration 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553 
    (10000 to 65530) Factory-calibrated
    ✔ ✔
    C123 [O2] input zero calibration 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553 
    (10000 to 65530) Factory-calibrated
    ✔ ✔
    Range and Settings
    C091 Debug mode enable MD000No display 000000✘ ✘
    0 1Display
    C101 Up/Down memory mode  selection NO-STR
    00Clear last frequen
    cy (return to 
    default frequency F001) 00 00 00
    ✘ ✔
    Controls speed setpoint for 
    the inverter after power cycle STR
    0 1Keep last frequency adjusted by 
    Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: [email protected]  
    							SJ7002 Inverter
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    occurred, the inverter and motor  will enter free-run stop (coasting) operati on. In some applica-
    tions, the motor and load will still be coasting  when the inverter returns to normal Run Mode 
    operation. For that situation, you can configure the inverter output (C103=00) to resume opera-
    tion from 0 Hz and accelerate normally. Or, yo u can configure the inverter (C103=01) to 
    resume operation from the cu rrent speed of the motor (frequency matching)—often used in 
    applications such as HVAC.
    Output Terminal 
    Signal Functions
    Range and Settings
    Mode Edit
    Lo HiSRWOPExFE2(EU)xFU2(USA)xFF2(Jpn)
    C102 Reset mode  selectionON00Cancel trip state, stop inverter output, reset 
    CPU; clear position counter at ON transition 00 00 00
    ✔ ✔
    Determines re sponse to 
    Reset input [RST] OFF
    0 1Cancel trip state, stop inverter output, reset 
    CPU; clear position counter at OFF transi-
    02Cancel trip state and clear position counter; 
    no effect if a trip does not exist
    03Cancel trip state but does not clear position 
    counter; no effect if a trip does not exist
    C103 Restart mode after reset ZST
    00Restart at 0 Hz 00 00 00✘ ✔
    0 1Resume operation afte r frequency matching
    02Restart with active  matching frequency
    C105 FM gain adjustment 50. to 200. (%)100. 100. 100.✘ ✔
    C106 AM gain adjustment 50. to 200. (%)100. 100. 100.✘ ✔
    C107 AMI gain adjustment 50. to 200. (%)100. 100. 100.✔ ✔
    C109 AM bias adjustment 0. to 100. (%)0. 0. 0.✔ ✔
    C110 AMI bias adjustment 0. to 100. (%)20. 20. 20.✔ ✔
    C111 Overload setting (2) 0.00 x rated current to 1.80 x rated current 
    (A) Rated current for 
    inverter ✘ ✔
    Range and Settings
    Mode Edit
    C130 Terminal [11] ON-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C131 Terminal [11] OFF-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C132 Terminal [12] ON-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C133 Terminal [12] OFF-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C134 Terminal [13] ON-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C135 Terminal [13] OFF-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C136 Terminal [14] ON-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C137 Terminal [14] OFF-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C138 Terminal [15] ON-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: [email protected]  
    							“C” Group: Intelligent Terminal Functions
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    C139 Terminal [15] OFF-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C140 Relay output ON-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C141 Relay output OFF-delay time — — 0.0 to 100.0 (seconds) 0.0 0.0 0.0✘ ✔
    C142 Logic output 1 function A — — All programmable output functions  available (except LOG1 to LOG6)00 (output frequency)
    ✘ ✔
    C143 Logic output 1 function B — — ✘ ✔
    C144 Logic output 1 operator AND
    00AND000000✘ ✔
    0 1OR ✘ ✔
    02XOR (exclusive OR) ✘ ✔
    C145 Logic output 2 function A — — All programmable output functions  available (except LOG1 to LOG6)00 (output frequency)
    ✘ ✔
    C146 Logic output 2 function B — — ✘ ✔
    C147 Logic output 2 operator AND
    00AND000000✘ ✔
    0 1OR ✘ ✔
    02XOR (exclusive OR) ✘ ✔
    C148 Logic output 3 function A — — All programmable output functions  available (except LOG1 to LOG6)00 (output frequency)
    ✘ ✔
    C149 Logic output 3 function B — — ✘ ✔
    C150 Logic output 3 operator AND
    00AND000000✘ ✔
    0 1OR ✘ ✔
    02XOR (exclusive OR) ✘ ✔
    C151 Logic output 4 function A — — All programmable output functions  available (except LOG1 to LOG6)00 (output frequency)
    ✘ ✔
    C152 Logic output 4 function B — — ✘ ✔
    C153 Logic output 4 operator AND
    00AND000000✘ ✔
    0 1OR ✘ ✔
    02XOR (exclusive OR) ✘ ✔
    C154 Logic output 5 function A — — All programmable output functions  available (except LOG1 to LOG6)00 (output frequency)
    ✘ ✔
    C155 Logic output 5 function B — — ✘ ✔
    C156 Logic output 5 operator AND
    00AND000000✘ ✔
    0 1OR ✘ ✔
    02XOR (exclusive OR) ✘ ✔
    C157 Logic output 6 function A — — All programmable output functions  available (except LOG1 to LOG6)00 (output frequency)
    ✘ ✔
    C158 Logic output 6 function B — — ✘ ✔
    C159 Logic output 6 operator AND
    00AND000000✘ ✔
    0 1OR ✘ ✔
    02XOR (exclusive OR) ✘ ✔
    Range and Settings
    Mode Edit
    Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: [email protected]  
    							SJ7002 Inverter
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    Input Signal 
    DescriptionRange and Settings
    Lo Hi
    C160 Terminal [1] input response time 0. to 200. (x 2 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✘ ✔
    C161 Terminal [2] input response time 0. to 200. (x 2 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✘ ✔
    C162 Terminal [3] input response time 0. to 200. (x 2 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✘ ✔
    C163 Terminal [4] input response time 0. to 200. (x 2 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✘ ✔
    C164 Terminal [5] input response time 0. to 200. (x 2 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✘ ✔
    C165 Terminal [6] input response time 0. to 200. (x 2 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✘ ✔
    C166 Terminal [7] input response time 0. to 200. (x 2 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✘ ✔
    C167 Terminal [8] input response time 0. to 200. (x 2 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✘ ✔
    C168 Terminal [FW] input response  time 0. to 200. (x 2 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0 ✘ ✔
    C169 Multistage speed/position  determination time 0. to 200. (x 10 ms) 0.0 0.0 0.0
    ✘ ✔
    Phone: 800.894.0412   
    							“H” Group: Motor Constants Functions
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    “H” Group: Motor Constants Functions
    IntroductionThe “H” Group parame ters configure the 
    inverter for the motor characteristics. You 
    must manually set H003 and H004 values 
    to match the motor. Most of the remaining 
    parameters are related to vector control, and 
    are in use only when function A044 is set 
    for one of the vector control modes as 
    shown in the diagram. The procedure 
    in “
    Auto-tuning of Motor Constants” on 
    page 4–71  automatically sets all the param-
    eters related to vector control. If you 
    configure the inverter to use vector control, 
    we highly recommend letting the auto-
    tuning procedure derive the values for you. 
    If you want to reset the parameters to the 
    factory default setti ngs, use the procedure 
    in  “
    Restoring Factory Default Settings” on 
    page 6–16.
    NOTE:  The auto-tuning procedure and re lated warning messages are in “Auto-tuning of Motor 
    Constants” on page 4–71 . Please read these before trying  to auto-tune the motor parameters.
    V/f control,
     constant torque
    V/f control,
    variable torque
    V/f control, free- setting curve
    Inverter Torque Control Algorithms
    Sensorless vector 
    (SLV) control
    Sensorless vector, 0Hz domain
     Vector control with  sensor
    05 04 03 02 01A044
    Range and Settings
    Mode Edit
    H001 Auto-tuning Setting NOR00Auto-tuning OFF 00 00 00✘ ✘
    0 1Auto-tune (measure mo tor resistance and 
    inductance, w ithout rotating)
    02Auto-tune (rotate motor)
    H002 Motor data selection, 1st  motor NOR
    00Standard motor data
    00 00 00✘ ✘
    0 1Auto-tuning data
    02Adaptive tuning data
    H202 Motor data selection, 2nd  motor NOR
    00Standard motor data
    00 00 00✘ ✘
    0 1Auto-tuning data
    02Adaptive tuning data
    H003 Motor capacity, 1st motor 0.20 to 400. (kW) Factory set ✘ ✘
    H203 Motor capacity, 2nd motor 0.20 to 400 (kW) Factory set ✘ ✘
    H004 Motor poles setting, 1st motor 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 (poles) 4 4 4 ✘ ✘
    H204 Motor poles setting, 2nd motor 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 (poles) 4 4 4 ✘ ✘
    Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: [email protected]  
    							SJ7002 Inverter
    Configuring Drive Parameters
    Range and Settings
    Mode Edit
    H005 Motor speed constant, 1st motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 80.00 (10.000 to 
    80.000) 1.590 1.590 1.590
    ✔ ✔
    Motor proportional gain constant, factory set
    H205 Motor speed constant, 2nd motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 80.00 (10.000 to 
    80.000) 1.590 1.590 1.590
    ✔ ✔
    Motor proportional gain constant, factory set
    H006 Motor stabilization constant, 1st moto r 0. to 255. (factory set) 100. 100. 100.✔ ✔
    H206 Motor stabilization cons tant, 2nd motor 0. to 255. (factory set) 100. 100. 100.✔ ✔
    H306 Motor stabilization constant, 3rd moto r 0. to 255. (factory set) 100. 100. 100.✔ ✔
    H020 Motor constant R1, 1st motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 65.53 (Ohms) According to inverter 
    rating✘ ✘
    H220 Motor constant R1, 2nd motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 65.53 (Ohms) ✘ ✘
    H021 Motor constant R2, 1st motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 65.53 (Ohms) ✘ ✘
    H221 Motor constant R2, 2nd motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 65.53 (Ohms) ✘ ✘
    H022 Motor constant L, 1st motor 0.01 to 99.99, 100.0 - 655.3 (mH)According to inverter 
    rating ✘ ✘
    H222 Motor constant L, 2nd motor 0.01 to 99.99, 100.0 - 655.3 (mH) ✘ ✘
    H023 Motor constant I
    0, 1st motor 0.01 to 99.99, 100.0 - 655.3 (A) ✘ ✘
    H223 Motor constant I
    0, 2nd motor 0.01 to 99.99, 100.0 - 655.3 (A) ✘ ✘
    H024 Motor Constant J, 1st motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 99.99, 100.0 to 
    999.9, 1000 to 9999. (ratio, unit-less) According to inverter 
    rating ✘ ✘
    H224 Motor constant J, 2nd motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 99.99, 100.0 to 
    999.9, 1000 to 9999. (ratio, unit-less) ✘ ✘
    H030 Auto-tuned motor constant R1, 1s t motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 65.53 (Ohms) According to inverter 
    rating✘ ✘
    H230 Auto-tuned motor constant R1, 2nd motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 65.53 (Ohms) ✘ ✘
    H031 Auto-tuned motor constant R2, 1s t motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 65.53 (Ohms) According to inverter 
    rating✘ ✘
    H231 Auto-tuned motor constant R2, 2nd motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 65.53 (Ohms) ✘ ✘
    H032 Auto-tuned motor constant L, 1st motor 0.01 to 99.99, 100.0 to  655.3 (mH)According to inverter 
    rating ✘ ✘
    H232 Auto-tuned motor constant L, 2nd motor 0.01 to 99.99, 100.0 to 655.3 (mH) ✘ ✘
    H033 Auto-tuned motor constant I
    0, 1st motor 0.01 to 99.99, 100.0 to  655.3 (mH) According to inverter 
    rating✘ ✘
    H233 Auto-tuned motor constant I
    0, 2nd motor 0.01 to 99.99, 100.0 to 655.3 (mH) ✘ ✘
    H034 Auto-tuned motor constant J, 1st motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 99.99, 100.0 to  999.9, 1000 to 9999. (ratio, unit-less)According to inverter 
    rating ✘ ✘
    H234 Auto constant J, 2nd motor 0.001 to 9.999, 10.00 to 99.99, 100.0 to  999.9, 1000 to 9999. (ratio, unit-less) ✘ ✘
    H050 PI proportional gain for 1st motor 0.0 to 999.9,  1000. 100.0 100.0 100.0 ✔ ✔
    H250 PI proportional gain for 2nd motor 0.0 to 999.9,  1000. 100.0 100.0 100.0 ✔ ✔
    H051 PI integral gain for 1st motor 0.0 to 999.9,  1000. 100.0 100.0 100.0 ✔ ✔
    H251 PI integral gain for 2nd motor 0.0 to 999.9,  1000. 100.0 100.0 100.0 ✔ ✔
    H052 P proportional gain setting for 1s t motor 0.01 to 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ✔ ✔
    H252 P proportional gain setting for 2nd  motor 0.01 to 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00✔ ✔
    H060 0Hz SLV limit for 1st motor 0.0 to 100.0100. 100. 100.✔ ✔
    Phone: 800.894.0412   
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