Communications System
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
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2-Z Configumtion Mawat mm n Answering ‘Y to Preload all Tables :Y . .
INSTALL 2-23 m m W D Answering “N” to Preload All Tables Continues with questions as shown in INST.ALL until this merge appears:
z-24 con&watkM h4anual m Toshiba VP Syaemn Fl&eas95.3 May, lee1
UPDATE .- - - Chapter Contents Section Description PEQg 3.1 32 U&standing UPDATE .............................................................. 3-l UPDATECommands.. ......................................................... ..3- 1 Usi- UPDATE ..................................................................... 3-3 Getting R0ady .................................................................. 3-3 ~~i~UPDA~.................-..............................................3- 3 kiting UPDATE .................................................................. 3-3 Getting Help From UPDATE ....................................................... 3:4 Using UPDATE Commands ....................................................... 3-5 Using UPDATE while in the INSTALL Ffqram ........................................ 3-7 Tables ., Table DescrfDtion P&l- 3-l UPDATE, Abbfeviaticxs, Valid Commands and Mcdifies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
m INTRODUCTION ’ UPDATE is used to make changes to database entries created through the INSTALL pqran~ This chapter explains the UF’DATE program and gives speciiic jnstrutions for using the program.
Quick Reference Guide l UPDATE Program Command Description ~ Enter UPDATE @UP Use to make changes to existing ~nfiguration tables. Exits and saves information entered during session. If important change were mad& qstem confiition should also be backed up to the hard disk of the CM Enter UPDATE : . A (table name) whIIe in INSTALL While in the IN!Xti program, enter the UPDATE : . D (table name) program m add, delete, modiij or list infotition-in : .M (table name) a Configuration lhble. : . L (table name) Getting Help from UPDATE GeneraI l-lelp ? Specific Help ? Displays a list of the commands, tables and optional modifiers available through the UPDATE program. Tj-pe a ? mark after the UPDATE command for the full help prompt when using most UPDATE options. If a ? mark is not entered, the short version of all UPDATE prompts is displayed. Command OptIons LIST .L ADD .A DELETE .D Use to list a table. Some tables offer further options. For example, USER Table offers a choice of listing mailboxes in various ways. Use to add entries to a table. Use to delete entries from a table. MODIFY .hf Use to modify existing entries. Some tables offer further options- For example, USER Table offers a choice of mcx@ing certain elements about a mailbox. MODIIV DATE .M DATE To change the system date and time. The @ prompt is displayed by the Toshiba VP System’s operating system. The . prompt is displayed by the UPDATE program-
UPDATE 3-l w 3.1 UNDERSTANDING UPDATE Adds, changes, and deletions of information are mmplished l Wough the IPDATE program. Use of UF’DATE does not impact system operation. n UPDATE Commands The following commands are used in the WDATE program. To use the commands with each configuxatiort tabI& refer to the specifii table section of this chapter. - LIST Use LIST to print or display information stored in the Toshiba VP System database. T%is is the information you entered during INSTALL and the default values. To obtain a printout of the entire database, at the dot (.) prompt, enters When listing the entire database, each COS is shown with only the SCHEDULE and INFORMKI-iON Tables pertaining to that COS. To obtain a printout of any of the tables at the dot (.) prompt, enteE L (TABLE NAME) (MODIFIER) 1-j F’ress E] at any time during a listing to stop printing. (A few lines may print before printing stops.) MODIFY Use MODIFY to change information in a table: correct a mistake made during INnALL, alter default information, change the system date and time, and mod@ an existing entry. To MODIFY, at the dot (.) prompt, enters - M (TAEiLE NAME) (MODIFIER) -1 Use this command to change the system date and time. M DATE
ADD and DELETE Use these commands to add or delete information currently stored in the various lbshiba VP System database tab&~ lb ADD, at the dot (.) prompt enter To DELETE, at the dot (.) prompt enter D (TABLE NAME) (MODIFIER)~j
3.2 USlNG UPDATE Tke Option Control Ch@ (CCC) contains the features the lbshiba VP System is equiw with. You cannot enter the UFDATE program if the OCC is not installed or if the OCC is generating hardware errors Refer t0 the IMuRiuion u& Mainrenance manual - HARDWAR~‘Option Control Chip, for more iuformation. . B - ~ n Exiting UPDATE Getting Ready Refer to the~InsM&br and Mae manual - INSTUTION for instructions on conne&ng the termiual. Refer to the UNDERSTANDING CONFlGURATlON chapter, Assuring Security se&xr, for information on entering and changing the password. Entering UPDATE To enter UPDATE, at the @ prompt type: The terminal displays the following message: The dot (.) prompt indicates the UPDATE is ready for a command. UPDATE does not work when an installation is incomplete. If you enter UPDATE after an installation has been suspended, the system prompts that an mstallation is in progress. You must f&h the instz&tion before you update the information. (lype IN at the Q prompt.) Exiting saves the changes to the hard disk. To exit UPDATE at any time, at the dot (.) prompt w: EfTiiFJ WDATE displays
3-4 Gmffguralion Manual mm If “N” is entered, only the system htz&r displays. If you have made important changw.save them onto your disk&E. The current information replaces the previous information. lf you have made important changes, it is reaxnmended that you back up the system amfigumtion onto the bard disk drive of your CAE Refer to the f?uim and Mainfenuce manual- PROCEDURES,Backuphcedures . : - . .- If a modiiition is made to a parameter or attribute that requires a RESTAKI’ for the change to t&e effa an appropriate warning is displayed upou exiting LJPDATEz If a modification is made to the DID/E&M Inte&ce that requires a RESTS for the change to tie effect an appropriate warning is displayed upon exiting UPDATE CT DID/E&M Interface information is not applicable to lbshiba VP Systems, To restart the T& VP System, at the Q enters .* RESTA m Getting Help From UPDATE You can get help when you are using UF’DATE. At the dot, type .- ? piq The following message is displayed.