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Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual

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    							21-2 Configuration Manuai
    JZxample of a SLOTS Table: 
    							n tine Card Slots
    Slots Al-Al2 may be used for Line Interface Cards (LIC), Telemarketing Line Cards (TLC),
    in a VP 3oosNp 300 cabinet. Bach port is physically counected to a PBX extension (a single
    for answering..--
    ~flConsult Toshiba Telecom Product Marketing for availability of the Telemarketing Line
    Card (TLC), Direct Access Card (DAC) and Mite1 Integration Card (MIC).
    Refer to the Product 
    Lkscripti manual -GENERALDESCRIPTION, VP 3OOsiW 300
    System Sizing, for limitations regarding VP 
    3CXkAP 300 systems with more than 32
    The SLOTS Table contains information about each port on the line card. Entries for each line
    card consist 
    CardTypel Port Number
    e Extension Number
    *Class of Service
    * AnnverModel
    Message Waiting and Network Outcallingl Test Channel
    n Integration Card Slots
    Slots &All, when not used for line cards, and slot A12, when not used for the VPworks
    ACP card, may be used for integration cards. All integration cards must be of the same type.
    Each integration card has two integration units. Bach unit must be configured for the desired
    system functionality. Up to two message waiting links and up to 16 line appearances may be
    configured for each integration unit.
    Line appearances are the VP 
    3C%/VP 300 ports corresponding to the PBX configuration of
    the digital phone being emulated by the integration unit. Each integration unit used for call
    processing must be configured with line appearances. 
    If no line appearances are configured
    for an integration unit, that unit 
    is not used for call processing.
    If the PBX requires that the same integration link that turns a message waiting lamp ON also
    turns that lamp OFF, set System Parameter 170 to YES.When System Parameter 170 
    message waiting links may be configured to perform Message Waiting Notification for
    Tcehlba VP z+tenai3eleaw5.3 May. lea1 
    							mailboxes with specific COS. A default link may be qxcifkl to perform Message Waiting
    Notification for all mailboxes with a COS not allocated to a specific message waiting link
    Only one default 
    link may be specified for the entire q-stem.
    If System Parameter 170 is set to NO, the 
    first available integration link confgqred for
    message waiting is used to turn ON/OFF a message waiting lamp.
    SUITS Table contains information about each integration unit on the c&I Entries for
    each integration card consist 
    -‘I)pelIntegration Unit Number
    Integration (message waiting links and/or line appearances)
    For each integration unit configured with one or more message waiting 
    links, the entry also
    Link Enabled for Lampsl
    Link Used as Default
    COS or Range of COS Handled by this Link
    n Application Card Slot
    VP 3CKkIVP 300 slot A12, when not used for a line card or an integration card, may be used
    for an application card (e.g., 
    vpworkt ACP card). If the VP X&/VP 300 includes vpworkr,
    VPworkr ACP card must be configured in slot A12 
    The SLOTS Table is used to configure each port on a line card and integration card.n tine Cards
    Each VP 3OWVP 300 port on a line cud is normally conneded to a specif’ic PBX qtension.
    For non-integrated systems, the port extensions must be set up in one or more hunt groups in
    the PBX. Each hunt group can be 
    con&u.red to handle calls differently. For integrated
    systems, refer to the 
    Innollatio and Mae manual- ADAPTIVE INTEGRATION, for
    configuration details.
    - _The following explains each line card entry in the SUNS Table:
    -SKITspecifies the slot number.CARD NPE
    Spedks the type of line card installed.
    PORTSpecifies the port number on the line card.
    EXTENSION #Defines the PBX extension number for each port* on the line card.
    A mailbox extension number cannot be the same as a port extension
    Directs the VP 3OOsNP 300 to other system tables for the days and
    times to activate features and where to get further instructions forhandling the call.
    PFor consistency and clarity, assign port COS from 127 in
    descending order and Mailbox COS from 0 (zero) in ascending
    MODEDetermines how the VP 3OWVP 300 handles the call when that
    port answers.
    The following is a brief description of each answering mode.For
    further details refer to the 
    Feume Description manual, GENERAL
    - Primary Answering
    All trunks directed to AX ports are answered by the
    %MVF’ 300. Callers are asked to enter the extension number 
    							21-6 Configuration Manual-
    callerentersanumber,theVP3XMVP300saysz “lhv&youJirdu
    ?nommr.... ”Tke VP 3iMdVP 300 then puts the caller on hold and.
    attempts to call the extension. If the personal greeting is ON, the
    VP 3COdVP 300 gives the greeting immediately and does not calL. . . .
    CX Mode- Secondary Answering
    CX can be used for non-integrated Centrex instaUation&x PBX
    DID instalktions, whereby cabs are fonvarded to a.
    VP 3OOdW 300 grating after reaching an unavailable extension.
    When the PBX allows forwarding of internal calls only, stations can
    forwarded tQ CX ports for internal messaging. This enables an
    employee to leave a message for an unavailable station without firs
    03Callers need to know the extension number to leave a
    message. Callers who came through the operator, and then
    are forwarded to CX 
    ports, may not know the extension
    MX Mode- Message Center (Message-Taking only)
    Callers who have reached the attendant and want to leave a
    message for someone can be transferred to that person’s mailbox
    The caller is extended to the VP 
    24OsIVP 300 only to leave a
    message rather than to call the extension. MX ports operate like CX
    ports, except that there is a short delay to allow the console
    operator to enter the called party’s mailbox number.The attendant transfers the caller to an 
    MX port, then enters the
    mailbox number. After a short delay, the VP 3WsWP 300 prompts:
    “Please leave a privufe message for . . . Recording, beep. ”Some PBX
    consoles do not generate tones. 
    Therefor&,a tone generator is
    required for the console operator.
    Specifies whether the port may place a call. This is used to enable or
    disable the ability of each port to place network and Message
    Notifcation calls.
    07Some PBXs require that the same port/extension to activate
    and deactivate the message waiting lamp. To do this, defmeSystem Parameter 
    106 - LAMP MESSAGE WAITING PORT,with the port number to use.
    TESTEnables or disables the VP 
    3OOsIVP 300 selftest routine. This fieldshould be YES unless you have consulted with Toshiba about special
    cases when 
    selftest should not be permitted.1, : 
    							SLOTS Table a-7
    IflSome PBXs have the capability of running diagnostics on their
    pass. The diagnostic may cause the VP 3lOdW 300% self&t
    tofailandplacetheVP3OOsNP3OOportinTSTmode,taking .
    the port out of service. The port remains in TST mcde until
    until the system is restarted. In these cases, selftest can be
    This problem has been identified on the Old Disc&er III and
    the Ericsson Prodigy. ‘Ihis field should be YES unless you
    have consulted with your technical support group.
    H Integration Cards
    The slots for integration cards define the type of integration card, including configuration
    information for each integration unit on each card.
    The following explains each 
    integration card entry in the SLOTS Table:SLOTSpecifies the slot number.
    TYPE.Specifies the type of integration card installed.
    INTEGRATlON UNIT--sSpecifies which unit on the integration card is being configured.
    Each integration card is divided into two integration units. Each
    integration unit has two links.UNE APPEARANCESLists the system port numbers assigned as line appearances for call
    processing on the integration unit.
    LINKSpecifies whether or not the link is enabled for message waiting
    							B-8 Configuration Manual
    DEFAULTDefimes a link as the system default link to perform message waiting
    notification for 
    alI COS not allocated to a specific link. Currently,
    this field applies only to 
    AIXT System 75Befinity Gl and Al3tTSystem 
    85AXinity G2 integrations
    WSystem Parameter 170 -INTEGRATION ON/OFF UN-K MUST
    MATCH, must 
    be set to YES for the default link and link
    defined for qecific Classes of Sexvice to take effen
    Defmes the Classes of Sewice for which the link will perform
    message waiting notification. Currently, this field applies only to
    N&T System 75Akfis1ity Gl and M&T System 85IDefhity G2
    Beginning with slot Al, amfigure the slots used for line cards in consecutive order, without
    skipping any slots within the group 
    of line cards.
    Beginning with slot 
    A9, reserve any slots needed for future cards. Then, amfigure integration
    card slots in consecutive order, without skipping any slots within the integration cards.
    If the VP 
    3OOsM’ 300 ax@uraUon includes VF%&, configure the VI%& At2 card in slot Al2
    m tine Cards
    Each port co~ected to a PBX extension can be configured to handle calls differently. The
    descr&es the valid or invalid entries for the SLOTS T&ble fields.CARD TYPE
    Enter the type of line card - LIC4, DAC4. TLC4
    PORTCmfiie the ports in consecutive order.
    MiENSiON #Enter the PBX extension number connected to each
    cosEnter the COS for each port on the line card
    MODEEnter the Answering Mode. Must be either Primary Answer - AX,
    Secondary Answer 
    - CX, or Message Center - MX.
    OUTCALLEnter YES or NO to enable or disable message waiting, network
    message, and alarm calls.
    Non-integrated Systems:
    In most 
    cases, allow all ports to make out& When all ports aredefined as YES, the 
    VP 3OOsWP 300 only makes outcalls when no
    more than 
    % of the ports are in use. This leaves ports available for
    incoming calls. If NO is defined for any 
    porn all ports defmed as
    YES are used for outcalls, even when more than % are in use.It is recommended that NO for 
    OUTCALL be used only for special
    Integrated Systems:
    less than eight ports are configured, the \P 3OOsAT 3CKl makes
    outcalls when at least two ports are idle. Lf 5 fo 32 ports are
    configured, the VP 
    3OOsAT 300 makes outzllls when at least three 
    							TEST 21-l 0Configuration Mamat-
    ports are idle.lf more than 32 ports are configured, the
    3lXldVP 300 makes outcalls when at least four ports are idle..
    VFor AT&T System 75 integrations, all ports defmed as YESare 
    used for outcalls, with no restrictions
    Enter YES or NO to enable or disable the VP 3OOs/VP 300’s selftest
    VFor message waiting notification or alarm outcalls, multiple
    calls cm be placed simultaneously. The Toshiba 
    VP System
    places only one network 
    outcall at a time.n Integration Cards
    When configurmg the SIBTS Table for integration cards, the following information isrequire&
    CARD TYPEEnter the type of integration card 
    - MlC.INTEGRATION UNITEnter the unit on the integration 
    card being configured - 1 or 2
    Enter 3 for Line Appearance. Enter the system port number or
    range of port numbers assigned as line appearancesMESSAGE WAITING
    Enter 1 or 2 for Message Waiting Link. Enter Y@ or NO to specify
    whether or not the 
    link is to be used to light message waiting lamps.
    DEFAULTEnter YES or NO to specify which link is to perform system
    message waiting notification for COS not specifically listed.
    Currently, this field applies only to 
    AT&T System 79Deftity Gl
    and AT&T System 8YDefmity G2 integrations.-..cos
    VSpeci@ only one link in the entire system as DEFAULT
    Enter the Classes of Service for which the link is to perform
    message waiting notification. Currently, this field applies only to
    AT&T System 75IlIeftity Gl and AT&T System 85/Defmity G2integrations
    VSystem Parameter 170 - INTEGRATION ON/OFF LINK MUST
    MATCH, must be set to YES, for the DEFAULT and COS
    entries to take effect.
    							SLOTSTaMe 21-11
    D Using INSTALL
    Question number 3 in the INSTALL program prompts for slot configuration data, beginning
    with slot 1.
    m Line Cardsl
    The follo6ing is the II&TAIL program SLOTS Table question for line card slots.
    When information for a port is the same information entered for the previous port, onlythe extension number of the port need be entered followed 
    by-]. The information
    for the remainder of the line is automatically entered.
    [~7Configure the slots in order; do not skip any slots. For example, you cannot
    configure a line card in each of slots 1 and 3, but none in slot 
    2. Also, you cannot
    add a line card when all ports on the last configured line card have not been
    . . 
    : defined.
    When a line card 
    slot is left empty or partially defined, or if the maximum ports
    allowed by the Option Control Chip (OCC) have been configured, the 
    program skips to slot 9, the firs integration Gird slot.
    Toshiba VP sysl-Re(eau5.3 by.1Es1 
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