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Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual

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    							INFORMATION Table 13-31w
    Example of a port INFORMATION Table:
    Ustlng all COS ushg a specl?lc INFORMATION Tables
    MODIFYModifying an INFORMATION Table
    Use MODIFY to alter index values within an INFORMATION
    Table. Enter a 
    “?” after the commandto get extended wording of
    the question. Omit the “?” for a short version.
    							ADDb WARNING 4
    If you attempt to modify an index value pertaining
    to a software package not installed the Tixhik VP
    .Software Packages
    SW-XII019Sie Digit Menus
    SW-XfXQOIncoming Call Restriction
    SW4021FE0 Queuing
    SW&U22Scripted Prompting
    SW-xc031Adaptive Integration
    DSoftware part numbers are different for VP 100 and
    3oosNp 300. For the x in the above numbers, substitute 2
    for VP 100 numbers, and 
    substitute 3 for VP 3OWVP 300
    Fix example, the software part number for
    Networking is 
    SW-2@IO4 for the VP 100, and SW-30004 for
    theW3CWVP3CKl.To add an INFORMATION Table1
    This command is used to enter an INFORMATION Table into th
    database. The option of copying an existing 
    tabI: is given.:The remaining questions are the same as asked in the 
    							INFORMATlON Tab 12-33
    DELETEDeleting an INFORMATION r&Jo
    AlI SCHEDULE Tables are checked to insure the IWOFWATION
    Table being deleted is not 
    ll7 An INFORMAlION Table is not deleted if it is still referred to in
    a SCHEDULE Table.
    - _Chapter Contents.  .  :_-. ,
    LOC4llON Table for Multi-Cabinet Networking..........................................14-lHow the LOCATION Table is Used.................................................14-1How to Configwe the LOCNlON Table.............................................14-1
    Using INSTALL.................................................................14-2
    Using UPDATE.................................................................14-2
    LOCXTION Table for Remote Netwotking...............................................14-5
    How The LOCATION Table Is Used................................................14-5
    Howto~~uretheLOCATlONTable-.............................................14- 5
    Using INSTALL.................................................................
    Using UPDATE.................................................................14-7 
    							INTRODUCTIONBoth multi-cabinet and remote networking installations use the LOCATION Table.
    Multi-cabinet networking refers to situations where more than one Toshiba VP System is linked
    together behind one PBX at one location.
    Remote networking refers to situations where Toshiba VP Systems are located at different
    locations behind different phone systems.
    LOCATION Table describesl
    Other locations in a remote networkl
    Other cabinets in a multi-cabinet network
    The table contains the following information:l Location name
    l Route choices
    Whether the location has a systeml
    Network protocol usedl
    Publi&IE network numbers used
    . .  . 
    							Quick Reference Guide
    LOCATIO’N fableCommandDescription
    This table is used with Xxhiba VP System Networking. The table
    contains the following information:Location name
    Route choices
    Whether the location has a system
    Network protocol used
    PublicAE network numbers usedLOCATION Table and
    Install question number 5 asks for the new location name, whetherthe 
    INSTALL Programit is located on the same PBX, and the route name used for access.UPDATE Command 
    LIST.L Lot
    MODIFY.M Lot
    To list the LOCATION Table.
    To modify an existing LOCATION Table entry.ADD.A LOC
    To add a cabinet the network.
    DELETE.D LOCTo delete a cabinet from the network.
    (.) prompt is displayed by the UPDATE program. 
    Multi-cabinet networking refers to situations where more than one Zxhiba VP System is linked
    behind one PBX at one location.
    LoCATION Table ior a multi-cabinet networkcznhns the name of each cabinet in-the
    Example of a LCKATION Table:
    nHow the LOCATION Table is Used
    The Toshiba VP System uses the LOCATION Table to find:l
    Which route to use from the ROUT& Table amtaining the digits to access each cabinetl
    If that location has a ‘Ibshiba VP System cabinetl
    If it is located on the same PBX.,
    nHow to Configure the LOCATION TableA maximum of 498 locations may be defied in the LOCATION Table.
    LOCATION NAMEDescriptive name to identify each location in the multi-cabinet
    network. Example: 
    C-1, CAB& etc.
    ROUTE CHOICESName of the route used to access the other cabinets on the
    network. Only one route can be 
    defmed.HAS SYSTEMOnly used for 
    remote networking.
    SAME LOCAutomatically set to Y for multi-cabinet networking.
    NUMBERSNot currently in 
    use.Only used for 
    remote networking. 
    							BUsing INSTALL_’
    This is the question from INSTAU that defines the locations on the network.
    I -.-:
    Using UPDATE
    Use the UPDATE program to LIST, MODIFY, ADD or DELETE a Network Location.
    LISTUsting the LOCATION Table
    The entire LocAnoN Table or just one location can be listed. To
    LIST all, return at the LST : prompt. To list 
    onebb type the number of
    the location you wish to list.
    Tc&lbavPspwlm Rekav5.3 May.leol 
    							LOCATIQN Table 14-3
    YODWYModifying an existhg location.ADD
    Addlng a cabinet to the networkFirst ADD the new route to the ROUTE 
    able, if needed, then add
    the new location to the LOCAlTON ‘E&k, then add the location tothe NUMBERING PLAN 
    							14-4 Confiauration Manual-
    DELETETo DELFE a cabinet from the network, first delete the lochonfrom the 
    WERING PLAN Table. then delete the location frqm
    the LOCATION Table, then 
    deIetc the route from the ROUIZ
    Table, if needed.
    E?A bcation can not be deleted if it is defined in the
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