Communications System
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
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61 64 The’following chart shows which greetings are and are not affected if Attribute 59 is assigned to a COS containing the greetings For those greetings not affected, whether DTMF can or cannot interrupt the greeting is determined by the feattie, not by Attribute 59. Attribute 59 Affects Greeting Does Not Affect Greeting can Interrapt Can Never Interrupt Company Greeting Custom MWN Prompt Scripted Prompts (during meSSage PRY) Cnstom Error Prompts Alternate Greeting (AtL 31) Personal Greeting FIFO Queueing (Attr. 29) Sequential Greeting Prompts played to internal M-56) callers instead of Company Greeting in an integrated system. b WARNING 4 Attribu~ 59 should not be assigned in conjunction with the following attributes 4 - HANG UP AFTER GREE-ITNG, NO OTHER EXTENSION MAY BE DIALED 5 - PLAY GREETING TWICE, ALLOW USER TO DIAL NO h4ESSAGES 41 - MAY MOVE FORWARD OR BACKWARD DURING GREETING If Attribute 4,5, or 41 is assigned with Attribute !$I, they are ignored. All DTMFs are ignored and the greeting plays to the end. In addition, in the case of Attribute 5, the caller is unable to enter another extenkon number while the greeting plays THIS MAILBOX MAY SEND FUTURE DELIVERY MESSAGES (htraMessaging) A ma&ox with this attribute may record and address messages and designate that they be delivered at a future date. Future Delivery mess%ges are stored in the sender’s mailbox until they are delivered, and are counted against the mailbox’s maximum amount of messages. USER MAY ERASE MESSAGE DURING ADDRESSING OPTIONS (IntraMessaging) Mailboxes with this attribute may erase messages during the additional Addressing Options offered after an IntraMessaging message is recorded and addressed. To erase a message after it has been recorded and addressed, press ma. APPLICATION PROCESSOR CONTROL (VPworks) This attribute can be assigned to a port or a mailbox COS, depending on the configuration of the trunks or hunt group assigned to VPworki. When assigned to a

- - 66 67 PLAY TIME STAMP Whenamailbcntwiththisattributeiscalled,the?bshibaVPSystemspealrsthe current date and time. This attribute is used prima&y for troubleshooting. 68 THIS PORT IS DTMF NTEGRATED (Adaptive Integration) 69 70 71 port COS, this attribute allows direct access to VRvorkr When assigned to a maiIM COS, this attribute allows access to VI%&3 through a ma&ox from any PO* THIS PORT IS FOR OUTCALLS ONLY, NO DlAL TONE EXPECTED This attribute is used for outcalls on PBXs that do not prwvide dial tone on initial off-hook. A port with this attribute does not prcxcss incoming calls. I&extension number must not appear in a hunt group in the PBX This attribute is used only with DTMF In-band Integration. Assign this attribute to each port configured for DTMF In-band Integration. Refer to the Femure Description manual - CUSTOMIZAlTON. I SPEAK DIGITS ENTERED TO CONFIRM MESSAGE ADDRESS When addressing a message from a mailbox with COS Attribute 69 confiied, the address is confirmed by being spoken back to the sender of the message. * For messages addressed to a local mailbox, if no name is recorded, the prompt “Mailbox” followed by the address digits is spoken. 0 For messages addressed to a network location, the prompt “Newark Mailbox”, followed by the address digits is spoken. a,r Whenamessageissenttoalocalmailboxwithanamerecorded,thenameis spoken. Attribute 69 is not required. MEASURE PBX TONES When a mailbox with this attribute is called, the Toshiba VP System initiates the call, stays on the line for ten tone changes, and then hangs up. This allows use of the PRT command to determine the ringback/busylfast busy cadence for a particular PBX. TRANSCRlPTlON MAILBOX When this attribute is assigned to the COS for the pilot of an extended mailbox, messages are not recorded in the pilot mailbox, but are placed in the next available member mailbox. For details, refer to Fm Dtcscription - CUSTOMIZATION, Extended Mailbox.

5.4 HOW TO CONFIGURE THE COS TABLE A COS is defmed by assigning one or more attributes to an unused COS number. Some applkations require more than one attribute to achieve the desired result. The Toshiba VP System software contains 128 COS (0-m) available to be asigned. Each COS number is neutral (has no attributes) until attributes are added to it. FortheVP100,aCOSmustBeassignedtoeach~andportdefinedintheUSER‘~ PORTS Tables’. For consistenq and clarity, we recommend you number MAILBOX COS starting at 0, in ascending order (0, l, 2 . ..) and PORTA’RUNK COS starting at l27, in descend@ order (l27,l26, lU...). AnyCOScanbeassignedtoanymailboxorportinthesystem.TheCOSnumbethasno relation to the importance of the ma&ox. The INSTAU. program does not ask for COS Table information. Use the UPDATE program to add attributes to a COS. m COS for Ports/Trunks Although most POFWI’RUNK COS have no attributes, the COS number directs the Xxhiba VP System to the appropriate SCHEDULE Table. The SCHEDULE Table directs the lbshiba VP System to the INFORMATION Tables for further call woossing instnrctions The folloking is a list of COS attributes applicable to ports. - - Attributes Applicable to Ports 2 PortAiunk dedicated to Network Protoa4 2 Is Transfer to a ringing extension 25 May not log on to this maiIbac/port 25 May not use IntraMcssaging feature 34 Transfer calls without checking for busy or no answer - 36 Port requires Account Code/ Mailbox is an Aaxunt Code 37 Do not cbe& Users Table for Aozount Number 38 Send extension/mailbox number to PBX before calling 39 May not call the Operator before Axount Code is entered 52 Dynamic Call Blocking 55 Do not coilect mailbox timing information for this port 58 Do not use this port for Integration 66 This port is for out&s bnly, no dial tone expeaed . . 1. Ted&a VP S~tcrns that arc integrated with a phone qxtern may use tbc port INFORMXllON 7hbks for trunks lhmlu may bc asigned a COS through the TRUNK GROUP ‘E&k. Port COS sod lNFORMATlON Bblea are equivalent :o Thmk COS and INFORt&UlON %bla Refer to tbe INtnltnrionMdM . -cc manual- ADAPTWE INIEGRATION for details rcprding thae appiicaationx ).

n Examples of COS Applications (Use of Attributes) The following are examples of what can be accomplished by assigrkg attributes to mailbox cos. 8 COS with a Single Attribute .- Recorded Information Mailboxes h4ailboxes can be designated to play recorded informat& without ringing a live extension. lhese maiboxa canbecontigoredtohangohrepeatandallowtheollerto dial another number, or take a message: l Play information twice and allow caller to leave a message and/or dial another extension (COS with Attribute 5). o Play information once and allow caller to dial another extension, but do not take a message (COS with Attribute 1). l Play information and disconnect (COS with Attribute 4). Secure Access to ExtetWonsiTrunks (Attribute 3) Any extension or outgoing trunk group can be protectfd by requiring the correct security code (up to 6 digits) to be entered by any caller trying to reach that facility. Cali Extension First; If Busy/No Answer, Play Greeting (Attribute 6) Under normal operation, if a greeting is ON, the greeting is immedia&y played and the extension does not ring. A COS can be configured for the extension to ring prior to playing the greeting. This is useful for interaction-with smaIl distribution groups. Names (Attribute 10) Record names of people who have mailboxes If names are recorded, they are spoken instead of the mailbox extension number. Refer to the Fermue Descr@tion manual - CUSTOMIZATION. Cut Through on Ringing (Attribute 15) The Toshii VP System can release an extension once ring-back is detected. Used to send a call into an ACD group, or to any other extension where a live person answers, such as intercept positions. Also used in Adaptive Integration applications. n COS With Several Attributes Managing Callers to an Often-Busy Group (Attributes 6, 11, 13.29) For a small service hunt group, the Toshiba VP System can be configured to give the caller a special greeting when the group is busy or doesn’t answer. The greeting can offer

5-28 Configuration Mxd.4 - the caller the options of waiting or leaving a message. Since the greeting informs the callerof theoptions,thestandardprompt: P&xselimeapivafemessagratthetanc,dfhl mother eamh,... ” is not needed. Messages should automaticaliy be saved. Attributes on initial group maitbox 6 - CALL EXTENSION FIRST BEFORE PUWING GREETING. 11 - NO SYSTEM PROMPT AFl-ER GREETING, GO STRAIGWT TO RWRDING. l3 - AUTOMATICALLY SAVE MESSAGES AFER LETEN. Attributes on mailbox to dial to wait and be placed in queue: 29 - FIFO QUEUING (used for calling groups Requires FIFO Queuing option.) Front-ending an ACD Group With an information Announcement An information-only mailbox can be c~nfiied to give information and automatically connect the caller to an agent. The agent’s maiIbox can be uxfigured to cut through on ring, or to play one greeting if the line is busy and a different greeting after hours. Attributes for information-only ma&x 1 - NO MESSAGES MAY BE RECORDED FOR THIS MAILBOX n -AFlXRGREETIN G PUYS, GO TO ANOTHER GREETING OR EXTENSION. Attributes for agent mailboxz 6 -CALL -ION FIRST BEFORE PLAYING GREETING. ~’ 31 - PLAY ALTERNATE GREETING WHEN NORMAL. GREETING IS OFF 1 Using INSTALL - There are no questions in the INSTALL program concerning COS. The COS is neutral until assignment of attributes Attributes are assigned to COS numbers in the UPDATE program after the installation is complete. During the INSTALL program, a COS must be assigned to every port and m&box in the database. After the installation, none of the ports or mailboxes act as defied by the COS until the attributes are assigned to the COS in the UPDATE program. ~3’ Carefully plan and determine the usage of each COS prior to the actual installation.

n Using UPDATE Use the UPAX program to: l LBToneorallCOS l IJsTAttributes l LET a PROFILE of one or all COS l ADDattributestoaCOS l DELEE attributes from a COS .‘- An existing COS cannot be altered by using the MODIFY axnmand. ‘Ib alter an existing COS, ADD, or DELETE &tt&utes Iikewise, a COS may not lx deleted. It can he neutral&d by using the DELETE command to delete all attributes assigned. UST LktIng the COS Table or a Single COS This command produces a list of the entire COS Table, or of one COS. To be displayed on the listing, a COS must tx assigned to a mailbox or port, or have attributes assigned to it. (If attributes are asignedtoaCOSbuttheCOSisnotassignedtoamailhaxorport, - the COS prints on a listing.) Refer to the lnnallation a?zd Maintenance manual - REPORTS for -* the report showing Port Statistics by COS. Example of listing a COS: -wsyB*ra -5.3 htry.lWl

Lkthg the COS Attributes This command produces a list of the attributes. U.7 With this command, attributes may only be listed, not ADDED, DELETED, or MODIFIED. Attributes can only be added or deleted from a COS. Usthg COS PROFILE A profile of the entire COS Table, or of one COS can be listed. Tb bedisplayed,theCOSmustbeassignedtoamailboxorport,or have attributes assigned to it. The profile lists the COS number, any attributes, CSTAT Table entries (if applicable), and the SCHEDULE and INFORMATION Tables. Enter the number of the COS you wish to list, or press [I for entire COS Table. ” Tc&llbavPsyslena l3elaaH5.3 May.lWl

ADD Lu The INFORh%ATiON Tables are always listed in numeric order, even if they are in a different order in the SCHEDULE .Table. Adding Attributes to a COS This command is used to add attributes to a COS.

5-32 Gmfiguration Mamrd - DELf3-E Deleting Attributes From a COS This command is used to renwe Attributes from a COST _. _i _, __= ._-. Tushlba VP sysmm FkAe.xa5.3 May. 1831

6 CSTAT TABL.E Chapter Contents Section 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Descrbtion Paat Understanding the CSTATTaMe ....................................................... 6-l PDL I~&Jx Value .................................................................... 6-2 HowtheC!5TATTaMeisUsedfwthePDLhdexValw ..................................... 6-3 HowTocwifigureTheCSTATTaMeforthe PDLlndex Value .............................. .6-4 Using INSTALL .................................................................. Using UPDATE ................................................................. ToaMbavPsywm Flelexe5.3 ( May. 18Jl