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Nokia N971 Owners Manual

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    							To select whether the new contacts you enter are saved
    to your device or your SIM card, select Options >
    Settings  > Default saving memory  > Phone
    memory  or SIM memory .Fixed dialingSelect Menu > Contacts  and Options  > SIM
    numbers  > Fixed dial contacts .
    With the fixed dialing servic e, you can restrict calls
    from your device to certain phone numbers. Not all SIM
    cards support the fixed dialing service. For more
    information, contact yo ur service provider.
    When security features that  restrict calls are in use
    (such as call barring, closed user group, and fixed
    dialing), calls may be possibl e to the official emergency
    number programmed into your  device. Call restrictions
    and call forwarding cannot be  active at the same time.
    You need your PIN2 code to activate and deactivate
    fixed dialing or edit your fi xed dialing contacts. Contact
    your service provider  for your PIN2 code.
    Select  Options  and from the following:
    ● Activate fixed dialing   — Activate the fixed dialing.
    ● Deactivate fixed dialing   — Deactivate the fixed
    ● New SIM contact   — Enter the contact name and
    phone number to which calls are allowed.
    ● Add from Contacts   — Copy a contact from the list
    of contacts to the fixed dialing list.
    To send text messages to the SIM contacts while the
    fixed dialing service is acti ve, you need to add the text
    message centre number to  the fixed dialing list.Contact groupsTo open the group list, open the contacts list, and tap
    Create contact groups1.To create a new group, in the group list, select
    Options  > New group . Use the default name or
    enter a new name. Select  OK.
    2. To add members to the group, select the group and
    Options  > Add members .
    3. Mark each contact you want to add, and select  OK.Manage contact groupsTo send a message to all  group members, to set a
    ringing tone for a group, or  to rename or delete a
    group, tap and hold the group, and select  Create
    message , Ringing tone , Rename, or Delete .
    To add a contact to a grou p, select the group and
    Options  > Add members .
    To check which other groups a contact belongs to,
    select the group, scroll to the contact, and select
    Options  > Belongs to groups.
    51Contacts (phonebook) 
    							To remove a contact from a group, select the group,
    scroll to the contact, and select Options > Remove
    from group .Ovi ContactsAbout Ovi ContactsWith Ovi Contacts, you can stay connected to the people
    who matter most. Search for contacts, and discover
    friends in the Ovi community. Keep in touch with your
    friends - chat, share your location and presence, and
    easily follow what your friends are up to and where
    they are. You can even chat with friends who use
    Google Talk™.
    Sync your contacts, calendar, and other content
    between your Nokia device and Ovi.com. Your
    important information is stored and kept up-to-date
    both in your device and on the web. With Ovi Contacts,
    you can make your contacts list dynamic and be
    confident that your contac ts are stored on Ovi.com.
    You must have a Nokia Account to use the service.
    Create an account on your  mobile device, or go to
    www.ovi.com on your PC.
    Using Ovi Contacts may involve the transmission of
    large amounts of data thro ugh your service providers
    network. Contact your servic e provider for information
    about data transmission charges.
    Start using Ovi ContactsSelect  Contacts , and open the Ovi tab.
    The Ovi Contacts service is part of Ovi, and uses the
    same account information.
    If you are new to Ovi and its  services, to start using the
    Ovi Contacts application,  you must register to Ovi by
    creating a Nokia account.Create a Nokia account1. Select  Ovi Chat , and when prompted, connect to the
    2. Enter the required information.
    3. In the My Profile view, enter your profile
    information. It is mandatory that you provide your
    first and last name.
    4. Select  Done.
    If you have already register ed with Ovi using your PC
    or mobile device, you can st art using Ovi Contacts with
    the same account details.
    Sign in to Ovi Contacts and activate the service  — 
    Select  Ovi Chat , and enter your user name and
    password. If you have not yet provided your profile
    information for Ovi Contacts, do so, and select  Done. It
    is mandatory that you provide your first and last name.
    52Contacts (phonebook) 
    							Connect to the serviceConnect to Ovi Contacts —  Select Go online and the
    connection method. Use a wireless LAN (WLAN)
    connection where available.
    Cancel the connection  —  Select Options > Cancel
    connecting .
    A packet data connection may generate additional
    data transmission charges. For pricing details, contact
    your service provider.
    Select  Go online  > Options  and from the following:
    ● Select   — Select the item.
    ● Go online   — Connect to the service if you are
    ● My profile   — Edit your profile information.
    ● Recommend to friend   — Invite a contact to join
    Ovi Contacts. The invitation is sent as a text message.
    ● Settings   — Change the Ovi Contacts settings.
    Available options may vary.Create and edit your profileEdit your profile information.  —  Select My profile .
    View the profiles of yo ur Ovi Contacts friends — 
    Select a friend and  Options > Profile.
    Your profile information is visible to your Ovi Contacts
    friends. Only the following  profile details are displayed
    to other Ovi Contacts user s, for example during a
    search: first name and last name. To change your
    privacy settings, access Ovi on your PC, and sign in to
    your Nokia account.
    Change your profile image  —  Select the profile
    image,  Select existing image , and the new image.
    You can also edit or remove the current profile image
    or capture a new one.
    Change your availability  —  By default, your
    availability is set to  Available. To change your
    availability, select the icon.
    Tell your friends what you are doing at the
    moment  —  Select  What are you doing? , and enter
    text in the field.
    Show your friends what music you are currently
    listening to  —  Select Now playing . To do this, you
    must allow your now playin g information to be shared
    in the presence settings.
    Edit your contact information  —  Select a field, and
    enter text.
    In the My profile view, select  Options and from the
    ● Edit text   — Cut, copy, or paste text.
    ● Change   — Change your status (when the status
    field is selected).
    ● Activate   — Start broadcasting your location or your
    now playing information  to your friends (when
    either field is selected).
    53Contacts (phonebook) 
    							●Undo changes   — Undo the changes you made in
    the profile view.
    ● Edit shared locations   — Select the landmarks you
    want to broadcast to your friends (when the My
    location field is selected).
    ● Stop sharing   — Stop broadcasting your location to
    your friends (when the My location field is selected).
    Available options may vary.Find and add friendsSelect  Options  > Invite friend .
    Search for a friend  —  Enter the name of the friend in
    the Search friends field, and select the search icon. You
    cannot search for friend s based on their mobile
    number or e-mail address.
    Browse the search results  —  Select Next results  or
    Previous results .
    Start a new search  —  Select New search .
    If the friend you searched for could not be found, they
    either are not a registered Ovi member or have chosen
    to be invisible in searches. When prompted, send a text
    message to your friends to invite them to join Ovi
    Send an invitation to join Ovi Contacts  —  Select
    Select service:  and the service you know your friend
    uses. Enter your friend’s user name, and select the send
    Select  Options  and from the following:
    ● Select   — Select an item.
    ● Open   — Open an item.
    ● Invite as friend   — Send an invitation to the friend.
    ● Show profile   — View the profile of the friend.
    ● Renew invitation   — Resend an invitation to join
    Ovi Contacts to a pending friend.
    ● Search   — Search for the friend whose name or
    other related keyword yo u entered in the Search
    friends field.
    ● Edit text   — Cut, copy, or paste text.
    Available options may vary.Chat with your friendsStart a chat with a friend  —  Select the friend.
    Send a message.  —  Enter the text in the message
    field, and select the send icon.
    In the chat view, select Options  and from the
    ● Send   — Send the message.
    ● Add smiley   — Insert a smiley.
    ● Send my location   — Send your location details to
    your chat partner (if supp orted by both devices).
    ● Profile  — View the details of a friend.
    ● My profile   — Select your presence status or profile
    image, personalize your message, or change your
    ● Edit text   — Copy or paste text.
    54Contacts (phonebook) 
    							●End chat   — End the active chat.
    ● Exit   — End all active chats, and close the
    Available options may vary.
    To receive location informat ion from your friend, you
    must have the Maps applicat ion. To send and receive
    l o c a t i o n  i n f o r m a t i o n ,  y o u  m u s t  h a v e  b o t h  t h e  M a p s  a n d
    Positioning applications.
    View the location of your friend  —  Select Show on
    map .
    Return to the Ovi Contacts main view without
    ending the chat  —  Select Back.
    Add, call, or copy phone numbers from a chat  — 
    Go to a phone number  in a chat, and select Options
    and the appropriate option.Ovi SyncTo sync your device with  Ovi, you must have a Nokia
    account and activate the Ov i Contacts service on your
    device.Sync your device with Ovi.1. If you sync your device wi th Ovi for the first time,
    use the Sync wizard to select what content you
    want to sync, and the sync interval.
    2. Select  Synchronize. If your device is in the Offline
    profile, connect to the internet when prompted.
    Select  Options  and from the following:
    ● Start   — Sync your device with Ovi.
    ● Cancel   — Cancel an ongoing sync.
    ● Synchronization settings   — Edit your sync
    Available options may vary.Share your locationOpen the Contacts application and the Ovi tab.
    To share your location, select Options  > Settings >
    Presence  > Share my location  and from the
    ● Sharing allowed   — Allow your friends to see your
    ● My shared landmarks   — Select the landmarks
    from where your location is broadcast to your
    ● Refresh interval   — Select how often you broadcast
    your current location.Add and select landmarks:To add a location to th e landmarks list, select  Share
    my location  > My shared landmarks  > Options >
    New landmark .
    To add your current locati on as a landmark, select
    Current position .
    To browse for a location on a map, select  Select from
    map .
    55Contacts (phonebook) 
    							To add a landmark manually, select Enter manually.
    To select the locations yo u want to share with your
    friends, select Share my location  > My shared
    landmarks , and select the landmarks from the list.
    Select  Options  to edit, mark, and unmark items on the
    Whenever you are online with the Contacts on Ovi
    service, and in one of th e selected locations, your
    friends will see your location.Ovi Contacts settingsSelect  Options  > Settings .
    Select from the following:
    ● Account   — Access your account details, and define
    your visibility to others in a search.
    ● Presence   — Sh o w i nf o rma tio n about your location
    to your friends, and let them see when you are
    making a phone call (call status).
    ● Personalization  — Edit the settings related to the
    startup and tones of the  Ovi Contacts application,
    and automatically accept  friend invitations.
    ● Connection   — Select the network connection to
    use, and activate roaming warnings.
    Using GPRS may involve th e transmission of large
    amounts of data through your service providers
    network. For information about data transmission
    charges, contact your service provider.
    ● Exit   — End all active chats, and close the
    application.Nokia account settingsSelect  Options  > Settings  > Account .
    Edit your account details  —  Select My account .
    Define your visibility in searches  —  Select My
    account  >  Visibility in search .  Y o u  m u s t  b e  o n l i n e  t o
    change your visibility.Presence settingsSelect  Options  > Settings  > Presence .Modify presence settingsSelect from the following:
    ●Share my location   — Allow your friends to see your
    ● Share now playing   — Allow your friends to see
    what music you are current ly listening to on your
    mobile device.
    ● Share call status   — Allow your friends to see your
    call status.Share your locationSelect  Share my location and from the following:
    ● Sharing allowed   — Allow your friends to see your
    location in selected landmarks.
    56Contacts (phonebook) 
    							●My shared landmarks   — Select the landmarks
    from where your location is broadcast to your
    ● Refresh interval   — Select how often you broadcast
    your current location.
    Add a location to the landmarks list  —  Select Share
    my location  > My shared landmarks  > Options >
    New landmark .
    Add your current location as a landmark  —  Select
    Current position.
    Browse for a location on a map  —  Select Select from
    map .
    Add a landmark manually  —  Select Enter
    manually .Select locations you want to share with your
    friends1.Select  Share my location > My shared
    landmarks .
    2. Select the landmarks from the list.
    3. Select  Options  to edit, mark, and unmark items on
    the list. Depending on your  settings, your friends
    will see your location, wh en you are in one of the
    selected locations.Personalization settingsSelect  Options  > Settings  > Personalization .
    Select from the following:
    ●Login on start-up   — Sign in automatically to Ovi
    Contacts when you switch on your mobile device.
    ● Auto-accept friend invit.   —  A c c e p t  f r i e n d  r e q u e s t s
    automatically without notification.
    ● Auto-accept voice msgs.   — Allow voice message
    to be accepted automatically.
    ● Message tone   — Select a tone for new messages.
    ● Friend online tone   — Select the tone that rings
    when a friend comes online.
    ● Icon on Home screen  — Add the Ovi Contacts
    shortcut icon to your device home screen.Connection settingsSelect  Options  > Settings  > Connection .
    Change connection settings —  Select  Network
    connection  and the desired connection. To use the
    default connection defined in  your device connection
    settings, select  Default connection .
    Set the device to notify you when your home
    network is not available —  To receive a warning
    when your device is tryi ng to connect to another
    network, select  Roaming warning  > On.
    57Contacts (phonebook) 
    							MessagingMessaging main viewSelect Menu > Messaging  (network service).
    To create a new message, select  New message.
    Tip: To avoid rewriting messages that you send
    often, use texts in the Templates folder in My
    folders. You can also create and save your own
    Messaging contains the following folders:
    ●  Inbox   — Received messages, except e-mail and
    cell broadcast messages, are stored here.
    ● My folders   — Organize your messages into
    ● Mailbox   — Connect to your remote mailbox to
    retrieve your new e-mail messages, or view your
    previously retrieved e-mail messages offline.
    ● Drafts  — Draft messages that have not been
    sent are stored here.
    ●  Sent   — The last messages that have been sent,
    excluding messages sent using Bluetooth
    connectivity, are stored here. You can change the
    number of messages to save in this folder.
    ● Outbox   — Messages waiting to be sent are
    temporarily stored in the outbox, for example, when
    your device is outside network coverage.
     Delivery reports   — You can request the
    network to send you a deli very report of the text
    messages and multimedia  messages you have sent
    (network service).
    Write and send messagesSelect  Menu > Messaging .
    Important:  Exercise caution when opening
    messages. Messages may contain malicious software
    or otherwise be harmful to your device or PC.
    Before you can create a multimedia message or write
    an e-mail, you must have the correct connection
    settings defined.
    The wireless network may limit the size of MMS
    messages. If the inserted pict ure exceeds this limit, the
    device may make it smaller  so that it can be sent by
    Only devices that have compatible features can receive
    and display multimedia messages. The appearance of
    a message may vary depe nding on the receiving
    Check the size limit of  e-mail messages with your
    service provider. If you attempt to send an e-mail
    							message that exceeds the size limit of the e-mail
    server, the message is left in the Outbox folder, and the
    device attempts to resend it periodically. Sending an e-
    mail requires a data connection, and continuous
    attempts to resend the e-mail may incur charges from
    your service provider. In the Outbox folder, you can
    delete such message, or move  it to the Drafts folder.
    Messaging requires network services.
    1. T o  s e n d  a  t e x t  o r  a  m u ltimedia message, select  New
    message .
    To send an audio or e-mail message, select
    Options  > Create message , and the relevant
    2. T o  s e l e c t  r e c i p i e n t s  o r  g r o u p s  f r o m  t h e  c o n t a c t s  l i s t ,
     from the toolbar; or to enter the number
    or e-mail manually, tap the  To field.
    3. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the e-mail
    or multimedia message. If the Subject field is not
    visible, select  Options > Message header fields
    to change the fields that are visible.
    4. To write the message, tap the message field.
    5. To add an object to a me ssage or e-mail, select 
    and the relevant type of content.
    The message type may change to multimedia
    message based on the inserted content.
    6. To send the message or e-mail, select 
    , or press
    the call key.
    Your device supports text  messages beyond the limit
    for a single message. Longer messages are sent as two
    or more messages. Your service provider may charge
    accordingly. Characters with  accents, other marks, or
    some language options take  more space, and limit the
    number of characters that can be sent in a single
    message.Messaging inboxReceive messagesSelect  Menu > Messaging  and Inbox .
    In the Inbox folder, 
     indicates an unread text
     an unread multimedia message, 
    unread audio message, and 
     data received through
    Bluetooth connectivity.
    When you receive a message,  and  1 new
    message  are displayed in the home screen. To open
    the message, select  Show. To open a message in the
    Inbox folder, select the message. To reply  to a received
    message, select  Options > Reply .
    Multimedia messages
    Important:   Exercise caution when opening
    messages. Messages may contain malicious software
    or otherwise be harmful to your device or PC.
    							You may receive a notification that a multimedia
    message is waiting in the multimedia message centre.
    To start a packet data connection to retrieve the
    message to your  device, select Options  > Retrieve.
    When you open a multimedia message (
    ), you may
    see an image and a message. 
     is shown if sound is
    included, or 
     if video is included. To play the sound
    or the video, select the indicator.
    To see the media objects that have been included in
    the multimedia message, select  Options > Objects .
    If the message includes a multimedia presentation,
     is displayed. To play the presentation, select the
    Data, settings, and web service
    messagesYour device can receive many kinds of messages that
    contain data, such as business cards, ringing tones,
    operator logos, calendar entries, and e-mail
    notifications. You may also receive settings from your
    service provider in a configuration message.
    To save the data from the message, select  Options and
    the corresponding option.
    Web service messages are notifications (for example,
    news headlines) and may co ntain a text message or a
    link. For availability and  subscription, contact your
    service provider.
    MailboxDefine e-mail settingsSelect  Menu > Messaging  and Mailbox .
    To use e-mail, you must have defined a valid internet
    access point (IAP) in the de vice and have defined your
    e-mail settings correctly.
    You must have a separate e-mail account. Follow the
    instructions given by yo ur remote mailbox and
    internet service provider (ISP).
    If you select  Messaging > Mailbox  and have not set
    up your e-mail account, you are prompted to do so. To
    start creating the e-mail settings with the mailbox
    guide, select  Start.
    When you create a new mailbox, the name you give to
    the mailbox replaces Mailbox in the Messaging main
    view. You can have up to six mailboxes.Open the mailboxSelect  Menu > Messaging and a mailbox.
    When you open the mailbox, the device asks if you
    want to connect to the mailbox.
    To connect to your mailbox and retrieve new e-mail
    headers or messages, select Yes . When you view
    messages online, you are continuously connected to a
    remote mailbox using a data connection.
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