Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 423 Spain n(goto)(1) — 1 Call Wait Tone: n (425/-11.0)(150msec ) n (silenc e)(150msec ) n (425/-11.0)(150msec ) — Intrusion: n (1400/-11.0)(400msec ) n (silenc e)(5000msec ) n (g oto)(1) Analog Trunk Administration nAnalog CO Trunks — Trunk Group Sc reen nGroup Typ e: CO nDirec tion: two-way nDial Ac c ess: n nCountry: 11 nPre f i x -1 : n nTrunk Flash: y nToll Restric ted : n nTrunk Type: loop -start nOutg oing Dial Typ e: tone or rotary (as ac c ep ted b y serving switc h). nCut-Throug h: n nTrunk Termination: rc nDisc onnec t Timing (msec ): 500 nAuto Guard : n nCall Still Held : n nSig Bit Inversion: none nThe following table gives administrative values that are b ased on the leng th of the trunk loop : Loop Length Trunk Gain Terminal Balance RA Trunk Loss short low n 0d B long high n 2dB

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 424 Spain nDisc onnec t Sup ervision In: y nDisc onnec t Sup ervision Out: n nCyc lic al Hunt: y nTyp e Ap proval Lab Testing without Battery Reverse: — Answer Supervision Timeout: 5 — Rec eive Answer Sup ervision: n nFor Ac tual Servic e with Battery Reverse: — Answer sup ervision Timeout: 0 — Rec eive Answer Sup ervision: y — Trunk Group Ad ministration Sc reen (Timing ) nInc oming Disc onnec t (msec ): 600 nOutg oing Disc onnec t (msec ): 600 nOutg oing Dial Guard (msec ): 100 nInc oming Glare Guard (msec ): 1000 nOutg oing Glare Guard (msec ): 1000 nOutg oing Rotary Dial Interd igit (msec ): 800 nRing Monitor Timer (msec ): 5200 nInc oming Seizure (msec ): 800 nOutg oing Seizure Resp onse (sec ): 5 nProg rammed Dial Pause (msec ): 1500 nFlash Leng th (msec ): 100 nOutg oing Dial Pulse Rate (PPS): 10 p p s nOutg oing Rotary Dig it Dial Make (msec ): 35 nOutg oing Rotary Dig it Dial Break (msec ): 65 nPPM: y or n as neg otiated with PTT nFreq uenc y: 12kHz nAnalog DID Trunk Sp ain d oes not p ermit the use of analog DID c irc uits. nTi e Tru n k s Private networks are not p ermitted in Sp ain; therefore, tie c irc uits will not b e used .

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 425 Spain nARS/AAR Ad ministration To p lac e c alls, set ARS to ON for CO p hone c alls. You also should c hec k all ARS/AAR d efaults. All d efault ARS analysis c od es are d eleted before d ialed strings are ad d ed for routing when DEFINITY is installed outsid e of North Americ a. Be aware that the d efault for the 10 d ig its c ause dialing p rob lems. In p artic ular, the following c all typ es (ap pear as ARS/AAR d efaults) typ ic ally are not used in non-North Americ an ARS/AAR tab les: See Dig ital Trunk Ad ministration for more on use of AARS routing p atterns. nRoute Pattern ad ministration — First Dial Tone Detec tion (need ed on analog CO trunks) nNumb er Delete Dig its: 0 nInserted Digits: + — Sec ond Dial Tone Detec tion (need ed on analog CO trunks for International c alls nNumb er Delete Dig its: 2 (Dialed String 07) nInserted Digits: + 07+ Digital Trunk Administration All p ossib le valid administrab le c omb inations are not listed in this sec tion. Only the most c ommon or stand ard c ombination, c omp atib le with p ub lic -network and Typ e Ap proval stand ard s for eac h c ountry, is p resented : nMultifreq uenc y Sig naling — Multifreq uenc y-Sig naling -Related System Parameters nInc oming Call Typ e: MFE nOutg oing Call Typ e: MFE nMFE Typ e: 2/6 nInterd ig it Timer (sec ): 20 nMultifreq uenc y Sig naling Inc oming Interc ept Treatment: y nReceived Sig nal Gain (-Loss)(d B): 0 nTransmitted Sig nal Gain (-Loss)(d B): 0 nANI Prefix: 538 (as neg otiated with serving offic e) nReq uest Inc oming ANI (non-AAR/ARS): y fnp a: Americ an numb ers with an area c od e. hnp a: North Americ an numb ers without an area c od e.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 426 Spain nANI for PBX: 538333 (as neg otiated with serving offic e) nSend erization: y nForward Cyc le Timer (sec ): 5 nBac kward Cyc le Timer (sec ): 5 nInc omp lete Dial Timer (sec ): 90 nOutg oing Start Timer (sec ): 10 — Class Of Restric tion nSend ANI for MFE: n or y (y indicates line charging, No indicates block charging.) Customer c hoic e of Pub lic or IBERCOM serving offic e using 2/6 sig naling. nDS1 Ad ministration Sc reen — Bit Rate: 2.048 — Line Coding: hdb3 — Sig naling Mod e: CAS — Interc onnec t: CO — Country Protoc ol: 11 — Interfac e Comp anding : alaw —CRC: n — Id le Cod e: 01010100 nDig ital DID Trunks — Trunk Group nGroup Type: did nCountry: 11 nAuth Cod e: n — Trunk Parameters nTrunk Type: immed -start nInc oming Rotary Timeout (sec ): 5 nInc oming Dial Typ e: mf nTrunk Termination: rc nDisc onnec t Timing (msec ): 500 nDig it Treatment: — Exp ec ted Dig its: 4 (as neg otiated with serving switc h)

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 427 Spain nDig its: — Sig Bit Inversion: none nTerminal Balanc ed : n nRA Trunk Loss: 0d b nExtend ed Loop Range: n nTrunk Gain: hig h nDrop Treatment: silenc e nDisc onnec t Sup ervision - In: y — Ad ministrab le Timers nInc oming Disc onnec t (msec ): 500 nInc oming Dial Guard (msec ): 50 nFlash Leng th (msec ): 100 nInc oming Inc omplete Dial Alarm (sec ): 255 nDig ital CO Trunks — Trunk Group nGroup Numb er: 2 nGroup Typ e: c o nCDR Rep orts: y nDirec tion: two-way nCountry: 11 nPre f i x -1 : n nTrunk Flash: n nToll Restric ted : n — Trunk Parameters nTrunk Type: loop -start nOutg oing Dial Typ e: mf nTrunk Termination: rc nDisc onnec t Timing (msec ): 500 nAuto Guard : n nCall Still Held : n nSig Bit Inversion: none nTerminal Balanc ed : n nRA Trunk Loss: 0d b

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 428 Spain nTrunk Gain: hig h nDisc onnec t Sup ervision - In: y nDisc onnec t Sup ervision - Out: n nCyc lic al Hunt: n nAnswer Supervision Timeout: 60 nRec eive Answer Sup ervision: n — Ad ministrab le Timers nInc oming Disc onnec t (msec ): 50 nOutg oing Disc onnec t (msec ): 600 nOutg oing Dial Guard (msec ): 1000 nInc oming Glare Guard (msec ): 200 nOutg oing Glare Guard (msec ): 200 nRing ing Monitor (msec ): 5200 nInc oming Seizure (msec ): 800 nOutg oing Seizure Resp onse (sec ): 5 nProg rammed Dial Pause (msec ): 1500 nFlash Leng th (msec ): 100 nARS Ad m in is t r a t i o n f o r M FE Si g n a l in g — ARS Digit Analysis Tab le nPartitioned Group Numb er: 1 nPerc ent Full: 6 Dialed Total Rte Call String Min Max Pat type 1xxxxx671locl 2xxxxx671locl 3xxxxx671locl 4xxxxx671locl 5xxxxx671locl 6xxxxx671locl 7xxxxx671locl 8xxxxx671locl 9x0x 442nsvc 9100x 552emer

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 429 Spain For Pub lic sig naling , loc l means loc al For Pub lic sig naling , svc means loc al sp ec ial servic e For Pub lic sig naling , natl means national For Pub lic sig naling , nsvc means national sp ec ial servic e For Public signaling, int means international nARS Digit Analysis Tab le — Partitioned Group Numb er: 1 — Perc ent Full: 6 For IBERCOM 2/6 sig naling , 1p vt means loc al IBERCOM For IBERCOM 2/6 sig naling , np vt means national IBERCOM9108x 552emer 9200x 552emer 9xx0x 552nsvc 9xxxxxxxx 9 9 2 natl 01x 331svc 02x 331svc 03x 331svc 04x 331svc 05x 331scv 06x 331scv 07xxx 5 15 3 int 08x 331svc 09x 331svc Dialed Total Rte Call String Min Max Pat type 3xxxxx 6 7 1 1p vt 4xxxxx 6 7 1 1p vt 5xxxxx 6 7 1 1p vt 6xxxxx 6 7 1 1p vt 92345xxxx 9 9 2 np vt 93456xxxx 9 9 2 np vtDialed Total Rte Call String Min Max Pat type

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 430 Spain nPattern Numb er: 1 — Grp . No: 2 —FRL: 0 nPattern Numb er: 2 — Grp . No: 2 —FRL: 0 — No. Del Dig its: 1 nPattern Numb er: 3 — Grp . No: 2 —FRL: 0 — No. Del Dig its: 2 For the p atterns where d ig its are deleted , the c all typ e field from the ARS ANALYSIS sc reen is transmitted as a spec ial MFE c od e instead of the d eleted digits. nDig ital Tie Trunks Private networks are not p ermitted in Sp ain; therefore, tie c irc uits will not b e used . ISDN-PRI nISDN-PRI (Private Network) Signaling Private networks are not p ermitted in Sp ain; therefore, ISDN p rivate internetworking is not p ermitted . nISDN-PRI (Public Network) — DS1 Ad ministration sc reen nCirc uit Pac k: TN464D nBit Rate: 2.048 nInterfac e Comp anding : alaw nLine Cod ing: hd b 3 nSignaling Mode: isdn-pri nCountry Protoc ol: 1 nId le Cod e: 01010100 — Sig naling Group sc reen nAssoc iated Sig naling : y nPrimary D_Channel: xxxx16 (xxxx = > d ep ends on CP p hysical location)

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 431 Spain — Trunk Group Ad ministration sc reen nGroup Type: isdn-pri nService Type: public_ntwrk

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 432 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Ta b l e 5 5 shows the rec ommended c irc uit p ac ks. Table 55. Recommended and Available CPs in Sri Lanka Equipment Equipment Type Cab inet Typ e & Power GAC-MCC DC-MCC AC-SCC AC-CSCC AC-CMC AC Power Voltag e & Freq 220V/50Hz Ring Generator 25Hz Tone Detec tor > TN2182B > TN744D Tone Cloc k > TN2182B TN780 R2MFC Circ uit TN744C TN744B Sp eec h Synthesizer > TN433 Call Classifier > TN744D Announc ement TN750C TN750B TN750 Analog DID Trunk > TN753 Analog CO Trunk (No PPM) TN747B Analog CO Trunk (w/PPM) #TN465C 4 Wire Tie Trunk > TN760D 2 Wire Tie Trunk n/a Auxiliary Trunk > TN763D Dig ital CO/DID Trunk > TN2464 Dig ital Tie Trunk > TN2464 Dig ital PRI CO Trunk TN2464 Dig ital BRI Trunk > TN2185 Dig ital Converter PRI-DASS n/a Dig ital Converter PRI-DPNSS n/a Dig ital Converter PRI-BRI 8 Port Analog Line TN746B 16 Port Analog Line #TN746B TN791 24 Port Analog Line TN2793 Continued on next page