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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 293 Japan Luc c ent rec ommend s only the following c all typ es b e used outsid e North Americ a: System Parameter Administration Only those feature-related p arameters that may have a Typ e Ap p roval or b asic c onnec tivity imp lic ation for a p artic ular c ountry are listed here. n Feature-Related System Parameters Ad ministration — Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer: Permitted b y c ountry’s reg ulations - Selec tion is c ustomer’s c hoic e. — Pub lic Network Trunks on Conferenc e Call: 5 — Conferenc e Parties With PNTs: 6 — Conferenc e Parties Without PNTs: 6 — Line Interc ep t Tone Timer: 30 — Nig ht Servic e Disc onnec t Timer: 180 sec — Short Interd ig it Timer: 3 sec — Unanswered DID Call Timer: 60 —Auto-Hold: Yes 13 — Attend ant Tone: Yes — Bridg ing Tone: No — Conferenc e Tone: No — Intrusion Tone: Yes — Rep etitive Call Waiting Tone: No — DID Busy Treatment: Attend ant — Pull Transfer: No — Level of Tone Detec tion: Broad b and — Outp ulse Without Tone: Yes — (Station-to-switc h) Rec all Timing : nFlashhook Interval: Yes int: For all international numbers. natl: For all national PN numb ers. pubu: For all other external (that is, not extensions) numbers. 13. Althoug h not a Type App roval issue, this rep resents the convention for this country.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 294 Japan nUp p er Bound : 1000 ms nLower Bound : 200 ms nCountry Op tions Parameters — Comp and ing Mode: mu-law — Base Tone Generation Set: 3 — Tone Detec tion Mod e: d efault — Interdigit Pause: default — Dig ital Loss Plan: 3 — Analog Ringing Cadence: 3 Analog Trunk Administration nCO Trunks — Trunk Group Sc reen nGroup Typ e: CO nCountry Code: 3 nTrunk Gain: hig h nDirec tion: two-way nDig it Ab sorp tion List: b lank nPre f i x -1 : N o nTrunk Type: loop -start nOutg oing Dial Typ e: tone nTrunk Termination: rc (c omp lex imp ed anc e) nAuto Guard : no nDial Ac c ess: Yes nCall Still Held : no nTerminal Balanc ed : yes nRec eive Answer Sup ervision: no nAnswer Supervision Timeout: 10 (This sets both the CP firmware timer and software timer. Set to 0 for any trunk that will rec eive answer sup ervision.) nDisc onnec t Sup ervision - In: no

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 295 Japan nDisc onnec t Sup ervision - Out: Selec tion is c ustomer’s choice. nDisc onnec t Timing : 500 msec (This field will not b e used with CPs that c an ac c ep t the Inc oming Disc onnec t and Outg oing Disc onnec t timers. Set these latter two timers from the Ad ministrab le Timers Sc reen.) — Trunk Group Ad ministration Sc reen (Timing ) Set the following timers from the Administrab le Timers sc reen d uring ad ministration of eac h trunk g roup . Selec t the following CO trunk timer values for this c ountry: nInc oming Disc onnec t: 500 ms nOutg oing Disc onnec t: 500 ms nOutg oing Dial Guard : 1600 ms nInc oming Glare Guard : 1500 ms nOutg oing Glare Guard : 1500 ms nOutg oing Dial Pulse Rate (PPS): 10 p p s nOutg oing Rotary Dig it Dial Make: 35 ms nOutg oing Rotary Dig it Dial Break: 65 ms nOutg oing Rotary Dial Interd igit: 800 ms nRing Monitor Timer: 5200 ms nInc oming Seizure: 500 ms nOutg oing End -of-Dial: 10 sec nOutg oing Seizure Resp onse: 240 sec nProg rammed Dial Pause: 1500 ms nDisc onnec t Sig nal Error: 240 sec nEnd -To-End Sig naling Pause: 150 ms (ac c ep t d efault) nEnd -To-End Sig naling Tone: 350 ms (ac c ep t d efault) nFlash Leng th: 100 ms nPPM : n o nDID Trunks — Trunk Group Sc reen nGroup Typ e: DID nCountry: 3 nTrunk Gain: hig h nDig it Ab sorp tion List: b lank

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 296 Japan nInc oming Dial Typ e: tone nTrunk Type: loop -start nTrunk Termination: rc (c omp lex imp ed anc e) nDisc onnec t Sup ervision: no nDisc onnec t Timing : 500 msec (This field will not b e used with CPs that c an ac c ep t the Inc oming Disc onnec t and Outg oing Disc onnec t timers. Set these latter two timers from the Ad ministrab le Timers Sc reen.) nDig it Treatment: b lank nDig its: b lank nExp ec ted Dig its: d ep end s on system size and numb ering plan nTerminal Balanc ed : yes nExtend ed Loop Range: (Used Only with TN459) no nDrop Treatment: silenc e nInc oming Rotary Timeout (sec ): 5 sec (This field will not b e used with CPs that c an ac c ept the Inc oming Partial Dial timer. Set this timer from the Ad ministrab le Timers Sc reen.) — Trunk Group Ad ministration Sc reen (Timing ) Set the following timers from the Administrab le Timers sc reen d uring ad ministration of eac h trunk g roup . Selec t the following DID trunk timer values for this c ountry: nInc oming Disc onnec t: 500 ms nInc oming Dial Guard : 50 ms nInc oming Partial Dial: 18 sec nInc oming Inc omplete Dial: 255 sec nFlash Leng th: 100 ms nTi e Tru n k s No sp ec ial Typ e Ap p roval reg ulations ap ply. Tie trunks are ad ministered on a c ase-b y-c ase b asis. Digital Trunk Administration This sec tion d oes not list all p ossib le valid ad ministrable c omb inations. Rather the most c ommon or stand ard c ombination, c omp atib le with p ub lic -network and Typ e Ap proval stand ard s for eac h c ountry, is p resented : nCO Trunks Not availab le in this c ountry.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 297 Japan nDID Trunks Not availab le in this c ountry. nTi e Tru n k s — Non-ISDN Sig naling Examp le (DS1 Ad ministration Sc reen) nCirc uit Pac k: TN464D (or TN464C,TN767) nBit Rate: 1.544 nInterfac e Comp anding : mu-law nLine Cod ing: B8ZS nLine Comp ensation: 1 nFraming Mode: esf nSignaling Mode: common-chan nCountry Protoc ol: 1 nCRC?: no nId le Cod e: 11111111 (Id le c od e must c ontain at least 3 ones. Ac c ep t d efault.) nDMI-BOS? Yes — CAS Examp le (DS1 Ad ministration Sc reen) nCirc uit Pac k: TN2242 nBit Rate: 2.048 nInterfac e Comp anding : mu-law nLine Cod ing: c mi nSignaling Mode: cas nCountry Protoc ol: 3 nId le Cod e: 11111111 (Id le c od e must c ontain at least 3 ones. Ac c ep t d efault.) — ISDN-PRI (Private Network) Sig naling This examp le assumes use of US Op tion 1 with fac ility assoc iated sig naling . Other feature op tions will req uire c hang es in one or more ad ministered items. — DS1 Ad ministration sc reen nCirc uit Pac k: TN464D (or TN464C from up g rad es) nBit Rate: 2.048 nInterfac e Comp anding : A-law nLine Cod ing: HDB3 nSignaling Mode: isdn-pri

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 298 Japan nCountry Protoc ol: 1 nConnec t: p b x nInterfac e: user nCRC: No nId le Cod e: 11111111 — DS1 Ad ministration sc reen nCirc uit Pac k: TN2242 nInterfac e Comp anding : mu-law nLine Cod ing: c mi nSignaling Mode: isdn-pri nCountry Protoc ol: 3 nConnec t: p b x nInterfac e: user nId le Cod e: 11111111 nD-Channel: 1-3D (must matc h Sig naling Group sc reen) — Sig naling Group sc reen nAssoc iated Sig naling : Yes nPrimary D_Channel: xxxx16 (xxxx= > dep end s on CP p hysical location) — Sig naling Group sc reen nAssoc iated Sig naling : Yes nPrimary D_Channel: xxxxyy (xxxx= > dep end s on CP p hysical loc ation; yy= > d ep end s on D-c hannel ad ministered on DS1 sc reen) — Trunk Group Ad ministration sc reen nGroup Type: isdn-pri nServic e Type: tie — ISDN-PRI (Public Network) — DS1 Ad ministration sc reen nCirc uit Pac k: TN464C nBit Rate: 1.544 nInterfac e Comp anding : mu-law nLine Cod ing: B8ZS nLine Comp ensation: 1

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 299 Japan nFraming Mode: esf nSignaling Mode: isdn-pri nCountry Protoc ol: 3 nConnec t: Network nDMI-BOS? Yes nId le Cod e: 11111111 — Sig naling Group sc reen nAssoc iated Sig naling : Yes nPrimary D_Channel: xxxx16 (xxxx= > dep end s on CP p hysical location) — Trunk Group Ad ministration sc reen nGroup Type: isdn-pri nService Type: public_ntwrk 2Mbit Trunk (TN2242) The following outlines the req uired administration p arameters for this interfac e to op erate in Jap an. — Trunk Group sc reen nTrunk Type (in/out): wink, d elay, immed (all p ermutations) nTrunk Sig naling Typ e: b lank nAnswer Supervision Timeout: 0 nRec eive Answer Sup ervision: y nDisc onnec t Sup ervision-In: y nDisc onnec t Sup ervision-Out: y nInc oming Dial Typ e: tone, rotary, mf (to other DEFINITYs only) nWink Timer (msec ): 300 (when the Trunk Typ e (in/out) field is wink), 4500 (when the Trunk Typ e (in/out) field is d elay) — Trunk Group Ad ministration sc reen (Timing ) nInc oming Disc onnec t (msec ): 100 nInc oming Glare Guard (msec ): 800 or hig her nInc oming Dial Guard (msec ): 10 nInc oming Partial Dial (sec ): 18 nInc oming Inc omplete Dial Alarm (sec ): 25 or hig her nPPS: 10, 20

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 300 Japan nM a k e ( m s e c ): 3 5 ( w h e n t h e PPS f ie ld is 1 0 ), 1 5 ( w h e n t h e PPS f ie ld is 20) nBreak (msec ): 65 (when the PPS f i e ld i s 1 0 ) , 3 5 ( w h e n t h e PPS f ie ld is 20) nOutg oing Disc onnec t (msec ): 100 nOutg oing Glare Guard (msec ): 800 or hig her nOutg oing Rotary Dial Interd igit (msec ): 800 nOutg oing Seizure Resp onse (sec ): 5 Incoming Call Line Identification on Analog Trunks Inc oming Call Line Id entific ation (ICLID) p rovid es you with the c alling p arty name and numb er rec eived from the c entral offic e (CO). This oc c urs on a CO loop -start, DID, or DIOD trunk in Jap an. How to Administer ICLID To start ICLID, p erform the following : 1. On System-Parameters Customer-Op tions form, set the Analog Trunk Incoming Call ID field to y . 2. On Trunk Group form, set the: nGroup Type field to co , did , or diod . nReceive Analog Incoming Call ID field to NTT . nDirection field is incoming or two-way . 3. On Ad ministrab le Timers sec tion, set the Incoming Seizure (msec) to 120 . To stop ICLID, p erform the following : 1. On System-Parameters Customer-Op tions form, set the Analog Trunk Incoming Call ID field to n . 2. On Trunk Group form, set the Receive Analog Incoming Call ID field to disable. Hardware Requirement TN429D CO Trunk c irc uit p ac k or later c onfig uration

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 301 Japan Detailed Description In the US, the CO send s b oth c alling p arty name and numb er, if they are availab le; in Jap an, the CO send s only the c alling p arty numb er. Disp lay of c alling party information works with all DEFINITY ECS d igital voic e terminals (DCP and BRI) eq uip p ed with a 40-c harac ter or 32-c harac ter alphanumeric d isp lay. The analog voic e terminals supp orted are the 7315H and 7317H series (System 25/MERLIN sets sup p orted by DEFINITY). For the ICLID on analog trunks, DEFINITY ECS stores and d isp lays 15 c harac ters of name and numb er information. If a name/numb er is long er than 15 c harac ters, the name/numb er trunc ates to 15 c harac ters. In the ab senc e of c aller ID information, or in the c ase of a CO transmission error, the trunk g roup name and trunk ac c ess c ode d isp lay. Interactions nAttend ant Disp lay Features A red irec ted c all to either the attend ant or attend ant q ueue c auses the d isp lay on the attend ant’s station to read similar to that of the c onnec ted p arty station d isp lay. nAutomatic Disp lay of Inc oming Call Id entific ation If a new c all c omes in while the station user is off-hook and c onnec ted to a c all, the d isp lay automatic ally shows the new inc oming c all id entity for 30 sec ond s. After 30 sec ond s, the d isp lay returns to the selec ted c all. If the c all red irec ts after a few rings, the d isp lay returns to the selec ted c all. If an inc oming c all d rop s and that c all c urrently d isp lays, the d isp lay returns to the selected call. nBridged Call Incoming call identity displays on both the primary station and the bridged station. nCall Forward ing Forward ed -From Station Disp lay — no information d isp lays on the c alled p rinc ip al’s station. Forward ed -To Station Disp lay — shows the id entity of the c alling and c alled p arty and the reason (R) c od e. If the forwarded -to station is on a d ifferent switc h, the c alled p arty information d oes not forward . nCall Pic kup Called Party Station Disp lay — shows the calling party’s identity. Answering Party Station Disp lay — If Call Pic k-Up answers an ICLID c all, the d isp lay shows b oth the c alling p arty and the c alled princ ip al’s id entities.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 302 Japan nCall Coverag e Called Princip al’s Disp lay — The called p rinc ip al’s d isp lay shows the c alling p arty’s id entity until the c overag e p arty answers the c all. If the coverage party answers the call, the principal’s station display becomes b lank. If the c alled p rinc ip al temp orarily b rid g es in after the c overag e p arty answers the c all, then the c overag e p arty and the c alled p rinc ipal’s d isp lays c hang e to ind ic ate a c onferenc e c all. Coverag e User Station Disp lay — The c overag e user’s station d isp lay shows the same d isp lay as the c onnec ted p arty station display. nCall Vec tor Routing When an ICLID c all c oming from analog trunks transfers to a Vec tor Direc tory Number (VDN), the inc oming c alling numb er is d irec ted to VDN so c all vec tor routing c an b e based on the ICLID information. The ANI rec eived for the inc oming c all (via inb and or ISDN) forward s with a route-to step over a trunk that sup p orts ANI d elivery (inb and or ISDN). nDCS Feature Interac tion If the DEFINITY ECS has b oth DCS and ISDN d isp lay features, the ICLID information d isp lays in DCS formats. nHold When ac tivated , the d isp lay b ec omes blank. The p arty ac tivating the Hold read s the newly c onnec ted p arty’s id entity. The held station’s d isp lay remains unc hang ed . When the p arty unhold s, the d isp lay refreshes to indic ate the c all’s c urrent state. nMalic ious Call Trace When ac tivated for a p artic ular c all, MCT d isp lays inc oming c alling numb ers to c ontroller stations. nTand em Op erations The c alling p arty name/numb er p asses to the terminating switc h over ISDN trunks with DCS+ . nTransfer When an ICLID c all transfers, the d isp lay of the transferred -from station b ec omes b lank. The transferred -to station d isp lays the id entity of the transferred -from party if the transfer is not yet c omp leted . Onc e the transfer c omp letes, the transferred -to station d isp lays the identity of the calling p arty.