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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 173 France The following set of user-d efined translations ap p ly to Franc e. The user-d efined selec tion is an op tion for the end-user d isp lay that is administered on the Station and Attend ant Ad ministration sc reens. For all p hone typ es that sup p ort the Disp lay Mod ule, exc ep t for 85XX p hones, set the Disp lay Lang uag e field to user-defined onc e the following ad ministration is d one. On the 85XX p hone users sc reen, set the Disp lay Lang uag e field to English to p rovid e a c onsistent lang uag e interfac e for users of those p hones (85XX p hones sup p ort only Eng lish p rog ram p rompts and fac ep lates). On the Console-Parameters sc reen, set the Attend ant Group Name field from the Eng lish d efault of OPERATOR . On the trunk g roup sc reen, set the Group Name field for eac h trunk to something other than the Eng lish d efault of OUTSIDE CALL . Automatic Wakeup Do Not Disturb nOBJECT: auto-wakeup-dn-dst — Eng lish: AUTO WAKEUP - Ext: Tr a n sl a t i o n : RD V/ REVEI L - Po s t e : — Eng lish: WAKEUP ENTRY DENIED Tr a n sl a t i o n : RD V/ REVEI L REFU SE — Eng lish: WAKEUP REQUEST CANCELED Tr a n sl a t i o n : D EM A N D E RD V/ REVEI L AN N U L EE — Eng lish: WAKEUP REQUEST CONFIRMED Tr a n sl a t i o n : D EM A N D E RD V/ REVEI L C O N FI RM EE — Eng lish: Wakeup Call Tr a n sl a t i o n : Ra p p e l d e RD V/ REVEI L —English: Time: Translation: Heure: — Eng lish: DO NOT DIST - Ext: Translation: NPD - Poste: — Eng lish: DO NOT DIST - Group : Translation: NPD - Group e: — Eng lish: DO NOT DIST ENTRY DENIED Translation: NPD REFUSE — Eng lish: THANK YOU - DO NOT DIST ENTRY CONFIRMED Translation: NPD CONFIRME — Eng lish: THANK YOU - DO NOT DIST REQUEST CANCELED Translation: NPD ANNULE

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 174 France nOBJECT: auto-wakeup -d n-d st — Eng lish: INTERVAL FULL Translation: 1/4 H SATURE — En g li s h : N O PERM I SSI O N Translation: NON AUTORISE. — En g li s h : SYSTEM FU L L Translation: SATURATION — Eng lish: TOO SOON Translation: TROP PROCHE — Eng lish: INVALID EXTENSION - TRY AGAIN Translation: NUMERO DE POSTE ERRONE - RECOMMENCER — Eng lish: INVALID GROUP - TRY AGAIN Translation: NUMERO DE GROUPE ERRONE - RECOMMENCER — Eng lish: WAKEUP MESSAGE: Tr a n sl a t i o n : AN N OU N C E RA PPEL RD V/ REVEI L : — Eng lish: INVALID NUMBER - TRY AGAIN Translation: NUMERO ERRONE - RECOMMENCER Call Identifiers nOBJECT: c all-id entifiers Table 28. Call Identifiers English Term Meaning of English Term Translated Term sa ACD Sup ervisor Assistanc e as ac Attend ant Assistanc e Call ao tc Attend ant Control Of A Trunk Groupao an Attend ant No Answer on p c Attend ant Personal Call p c rc Attend ant Rec all Call ro rt Attend ant Return Call ra sc Attend ant Serial Call c h Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 175 France c o Controlled Outward Res tr ic tioncd c s Controlled Station To Station Res tr ic tion ci c t Controlled Termination Res tr ic tionca d b DID Find Busy Station With CO Tonesso d a DID Rec all Go To Attend ant sr q f Emerg enc y Queue Full Red i re c ti onur hc Held Call Timed Remind er aa ic Interc ep t fm ip Interp osition Call ai ld LDN Calls On DID Trunks LDN: Listed Direc tory Numb ersi so Servic e Ob serving ob na Unanswered Or Inc omp lete DID Callsn ACB Automatic Callb ac k Rap callback Callback Call Rappel p ark Call Park Parc ag e control Control Controle ICOM Interc om Call Interc om OTQ Outgoing Trunk Queuing At.Lig ne p riority Priority Call Pr io ri t a e t s -Ru fPr io ri t e recall Rec all Call Rap p l Op return Return Call Retour ARS Automatic Route Selec tion Dep art Ta b l e 2 8 .Call Identifiers — Continued English Term Meaning of English Term Translated Term Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 176 France forward Call Forwarding R.Temp cover Cover Debord. DND Do Not Disturb NPD p Call Pic kup i c Cover All Calls c n Nig ht Station Servic e, Inc lud ing No AnswerN B All Calls Busy O f Call Forwarding t b Cover Busy o dCover On Don’t Answer n sSend All Callsf OPERATOR Op erator OPERATEUR EXT Ex t e n si o n PO STE/ G RO U PE O U TSI D E C A L L O u t si d e C a ll A PPEL EXT. UNKNOWN NAMEUnknown Name INCONNU CONFERENCE Conferenc e CONFERENCE ring ing Ring ing Sonne b usy Busy Occ up e b usy (I) Busy With Intrusion Allowed Oc c up e I wait Wait att. (I) Intrusion (I) to187 < c alling p arty> to < c alling party>a Sta Station Poste Trk Trunk Lig ne VDN Vector Directory Number VDN Ta b l e 2 8 .Call Identifiers — Continued English Term Meaning of English Term Translated Term Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 177 France — The following tab le p resents a translation of d ays of the week and months of the year. Leave Word Calling nOBJECT: leave-word -c alling — En g li s h : M ESSA G ES FO R Tr a n sl a t i o n : M ESSAG ES PO U R — En g li s h : WH O SE M ESSA GES? ( D I A L EXTEN SI O N N U M B ER) Tr a n sl a t i o n : M ESSAG ES D ESTI N ES A? ( SAI SI R N O PO STE) — En g li s h : EN D O F M ESSAG ES ( N EXT TO REPEAT) Tr a n sl a t i o n : FI N D ES M ESSAG ES ( SU I VAN T POU R REL I RE) — En g li s h : M ESSA G ES U N AVAI L AB L E - TRY L ATER Tr a n sl a t i o n : M ESSAG ES N O N D I SPO - ESSAYER PL U S TARD — En g li s h : M ESSA G E RETRI EVAL D EN I ED Tr a n sl a t i o n : C O N SU LTATI ON M ESSAG ES REFU SEE — En g li s h : M ESSA G E RETRI EVAL L O C KED Tr a n sl a t i o n : C O N SU LTATI ON M ESSAG ES VERRO U I L L EE — Eng lish: NO MESSAGES Translation: PAS DE MESSAGES — Eng lish: IN PROGRESS Translation: EN COURS English—Days French—Days English—Months French—Months Sund ay Dimanc he January Janvier Mond ay Lund i Feb ruary Fevrier Tuesd ay Mard i Marc h Mars Wed nesd ay Merc red i Ap ril Avril Thursd ay Jeud i May Mai Frid ay Vend red i June Juin Sa t u r d a y Sa m e d i J u l y J u il le t Aug ust Aout September Septembre Oc tob er Octobre Novemb er Novemb re Dec emb er Dec emb re

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 178 France — Eng lish: DELETED Translation: EFFACE — Eng lish: GET DIAL TONE, PUSH Cover Msg Retrieval Translation: TONALITE, APPUYEZ SUR Lire Msg d es Tiers — Eng lish: Messag e Center (AUDIX) CALL Translation: Ap p el d e la messag erie vocale (AUDIX) — En g li s h : C A N N O T B E D EL ETED - C AL L M ESSA GE C EN TER Tr a n sl a t i o n : I M PO SSI B L E D ’ EFFA C ER - APPEL ER M ESSAG ERI E Malicious Call Trace nOBJECT: malicious-call-trace — En g li s h : M AL I C I O U S C AL L TRA C E REQ U EST Tr a n sl a t i o n : D EM A N D E D ’ I D EN TI F. D ’ APPEL S M ALVEI L L A N TS — Eng lish: END OF TRACE INFORMATION Tr a n sl a t i o n : FI N D E REC H ERC H E D ES A PPEL S M A LVEI L L A N TS — Eng lish: orig inal c all red irec ted from: Translation: appel redirige de: — Eng lish: voic e rec ord er p ort: Translation: ac c es enreg istrement: — Eng lish: MCT ac tivated b y: for: Translation: IAM Ac tive p ar: p our: — En g li s h : p a r t y: (EXTEN SI ON ) Tr a n sl a t i o n : c o r re sp . : N U M ERO POSTE/ G RO U PE — Eng lish: p arty: (ISDN SID/CNI) Translation: c orresp .: (IDENTIF. RNIS) — Eng lish: p arty: (PORT ID) Translation: Corresp .: (NUMERO DE PORT) — Eng lish: p arty: (ISDN PORT ID) Translation: Corresp .: (NUMERO DE PORT RNIS) Miscellaneous Features nOBJECT: misc ellaneous-features — Eng lish: ALL MADE BUSY Translation: TOUS OCCUPES

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 179 France — Eng lish: BRIDGED Tr a n sl a t i o n : ASSO C I E( S) — Eng lish: DENIED Translation: REFUSE — Eng lish: INVALID Translation: ERRONE — English: NO MEMBER Translation: VIDE — En g li s h : O U T OF SERVI C E Tr a n sl a t i o n : H O RS SERVI C E —English: RESTRICTED Translation: RESTREINT — Eng lish: TERMINATED Translation: TERMINE — Eng lish: TRUNK SEIZED Translation: LIGNE UTILISEE — Eng lish: VERIFIED Translation: VERIFIE — Eng lish: CDR OVERLOAD Translation: SURCHARGE TAXA. — En g li s h : A N SWERED B Y Translation: REPONDU PAR — Eng lish: CALL FROM Tr a n sl a t i o n : APPEL D E — Eng lish: Skills Tr a n sl a t i o n : SPEC I AL I TES —English:TOLL Translation: CAED — Eng lish: FULL Translation: AEDA — Eng lish: NONE Translation: AR

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 180 France — Eng lish: ORIG (Orig ination) Translation: AEID — Eng lish: OTWD (Outward ) Translation: AED — Eng lish: CALL (< c all> This Numb er) Tr a n sl a t i o n : APPEL — Eng lish: INTL (International) Translation: INTL — Eng lish: Info (Information) Translation: INFO — Eng lish: p (Primary) Translation: p — Eng lish: s (Sec ond ary) Translation: s — Eng lish: m (Mark) Translation: m — Eng lish: p (Pause) Translation: p — Eng lish: s (Sup p ress) Translation: s — Eng lish: w (Wait For A Sp ec ified Time) Translation: a — Eng lish: W (Wait For Off-Premise Dial Tone) Translation: A — Eng lish: You have ad junc t messag es Translation: Vous avez des messag es — Eng lish: Log in Violation Translation: Connexion illic ite — Eng lish: Barrier Code Violation Translation: Cod e d e c onnexion a d istanc e illic ite — Eng lish: Authorization Cod e Violation Translation: Cod e authorisation illic ite

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 181 France — En g li s h : D I REC TO RY - PL EASE EN TER N A M E Tr a n sl a t i o n : REPERTO I RE - SAI SI R L E N OM — Eng lish: DIRECTORY UNAVAILABLE - TRY LATER Tr a n sl a t i o n : REPERTO I RE N O N D I SPO . - ESSAYER PL U S TARD — Eng lish: NO MATCH - TRY AGAIN Translation: AUCUNE SOLUTION - RECOMMENCER — Eng lish: NO NUMBER STORED Translation: AUCUN NUMERO ENRESISTRE — Eng lish: TRY AGAIN Translation: RECOMMENCER — Eng lish: Ext (in EMRG Q) Translation: NO (FILE URG.) — En g li s h : H U N T G RO U P N O T AD M I N I STERED Tr a n sl a t i o n : G RO U PE D E PO STES N O N A D M I N I STRE — Eng lish: Q-time c alls Translation: Tp sAtt Ap p el — Eng lish: Ad d Skill: Enter numb er, then # sign Translation: Ajout sp ec ialite: saisir No puis # — Eng lish: Remove Skill: Enter numb er, then # sig n Translation: Sortie sp ec ialite: Saisir No p uis # — Eng lish: Press 1 for p rimary or 2 for sec ondary Translation: 1 p our p rinc ip ale ou 2 p our sec ondaire — Eng lish: Enter Ag ent Log inID Translation: Saisir No Id entific ation Ag ent — Eng lish: Call Typ e Translation: Type d’appel Property Management nOBJECT: p rop erty-manag ement — Eng lish: CHECK IN - Ext: Translation: ENTREE - Poste: — Eng lish: CHECK IN: ROOM ALREADY OCCUPIED Tr a n sl a t i o n : EN TREE: C H A M B RE I N O C C U PEE

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 182 France — Eng lish: CHECK IN COMPLETE Tr a n sl a t i o n : EN TREE EFFEC TU EE — Eng lish: CHECK IN FAILED Translation: ENTREE NON VALIDEE — Eng lish: CHECK OUT - Ext: Translation: SORTIE: Poste: — Eng lish: CHECK OUT: ROOM ALREADY VACANT Translation: SORTIE: CHAMBRE INOCCUPEE — Eng lish: CHECK OUT FAILED Translation: SORTIE NON VALIDEE — Eng lish: MESSAGE NOTIFICATION FAILED Tr a n sl a t i o n : EC H EC D ’ AVI S D E M ESSAG E — Eng lish: MESSAGE NOTIFICATION ON - Ext: Translation: AVIS DE MSG ACTIVE - Poste — En g li s h : M ESSA G E N O TI FI C ATI O N O FF - Ex t : Translation: AVIS DE MSG DESACTIVE - Poste: — En g li s h : C H EC K O U T C OM PL ETE: M ESSAG E L A M P O FF Tr a n sl a t i o n : SO RTI E EFFEC TU EE: PAS D E M ESSAG E — En g li s h : C H EC K O U T C OM PL ETE: M ESSAG E L A M P O N Tr a n sl a t i o n : SO RTI E EFFEC TU EE: M ESSA G ES — Eng lish: MESSAGE LAMP ON Tr a n sl a t i o n : M ESSAG ES — Eng lish: MESSAGE LAMP OFF Translation: PAS DE MESSAGE — English: Occ upied Rooms Translation: Chamb res oc c up ees — Eng lish: Enter Desired Room State (1-6) Translation: Saisir etat d e la c hamb re (1-6) — Eng lish: Undefined State, Enter numb er from 1 - 6 Translation: Etat ind efini, Saisir no d e 1 a 6