Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 223 Greece — Sig naling Mod e: CAS — Country Protoc ol: 17 — Interc onnec t: CO —CRC?: no — Id le Cod e: 11111111 n DID Trunks — Circ uit Pac k: TN464Dv.3 — Bit Rate: 2.048 — Interfac e Comp anding : mu-law — Line Cod ing: HDB3 — Sig naling Mod e: CAS — Country Protoc ol: 17 — Interc onnec t: CO —CRC?: no — Id le Cod e: 11111111 nTi e Tru n k s — Non-ISDN Sig naling Examp le (DS1 Ad ministration sc reen) nCirc uit Pac k: TN464D nBit Rate: 2.048 nInterfac e Comp anding : mu-law nLine Cod ing: HDB3 nSignaling Mode: CAS nCountry Protocol: 17 nInterc onnec t: p b x nCRC?: no nId le Cod e: 11111111 — ISDN-PRI (Private Network) Sig naling This examp le assumes use of US Op tion 1 with fac ility assoc iated sig naling . Other feature op tions will req uire c hang es in one or more ad ministered items. — DS1 Ad ministration sc reen nCirc uit Pac k: TN464D nBit Rate: 2.048 nInterfac e Comp anding : A-law

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 224 Greece nLine Cod ing: HDB3 nSignaling Mode: isdn-pri nCountry Protoc ol: 1 nConnec t: p b x nInterfac e: user nCRC: No nId le Cod e: 11111111 — Sig naling Group sc reen nAssoc iated Sig naling : Yes nPrimary D_Channel: xxxx16 (xxxx= > dep end s on CP p hysical location) — Trunk Group Ad ministration sc reen nGroup Type: isdn-pri nServic e Type: tie — ISDN-PRI (Public Network) Not availab le in this c ountry.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 225 Hong Kong Hong Kong Ta b l e 3 2 shows the rec ommended c irc uit p ac ks. Table 32. Recommended and Available CPs in Hong Kong Equipment Equipment Type Cab inet Typ e & Power GAC-MCC DC-MCC AC-SCC DC-SCC AC-CSCC AC-CMC AC Power Voltag e & Freq 200V/50Hz Ring Generator 20Hz Tone Detec tor > TN2182B > TN744D TN748D TN756 Tone Cloc k > TN2182B TN780 TN756 R2MFC Circ uit n/a Sp eec h Synthesizer > TN725B Call Classifier > TN744D Announc ement TN750C TN750B TN750 Analog DID Trunk > TN753 Analog CO Trunk (No PPM) > TN747B TN465 Analog CO Trunk (w/PPM) n/a 4 Wire Tie Trunk > TN760D 2 Wire Tie Trunk Auxiliary Trunk > TN763D TN763C Dig ital CO/DID Trunk n/a Dig ital Tie Trunk > TN464F TN464E TN464D TN464C Dig ital PRI CO Trunk n/a Dig ital BRI Trunk Dig ital Converter PRI-DASS Dig ital Converter PRI-DPNSS Dig ital Converter PRI-BRI 8 Port Analog Line TN742 16 Port Analog Line > TN746B 24 Port Analog Line TN2793 Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 226 Hong Kong NOTE: A-law c omp and ing is the national stand ard in Hong Kong . However, Mu-law is used internally to the system for servic e c irc uits and analog lines. Network interfac es are c onfig ured as A-law if req uired . Feature Administration The sc reen d isp lays shown in this sec tion were effec tive the d ate the typ e ap p roval was award ed . The sc reens may have c hang ed sinc e that d ate. Only those feature-related p arameters that may have a Typ e Ap p roval or b asic c onnec tivity imp lic ation for a p artic ular c ountry are listed here. nARS/AAR Ad ministration To enab le ARS administration, on the System-Parameters Customer-Op tions sc reen, set the ARS field to y . You also should check all ARS/AAR d efaults. All d efault ARS analysis c odes are deleted b efore d ialed strings are ad d ed for routing when DEFINITY is installed outsid e of North Americ a. Be aware that the d efault for the 10 d ig its c ause dialing p rob lems. In p artic ular, the following c all typ es (ap pear as ARS/AAR d efaults) typ ic ally are not used in non-North Americ an ARS/AAR tab les: 4 Wire Digital Line > TN754B 2 Wire Digital Line #TN2224 > TN2181 Data Line > TN726B BRI-U Line BRI-ST Line fnpa: North Americ an numbers with an area code. hnpa: North Americ an numbers without an area code. svc: North Americ an numbers of the sc reen ‘‘x11’’. Ta b l e 3 2 .Recommended and Available CPs in Hong Kong — Continued Equipment Equipment Type Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 227 Hong Kong Luc ent rec ommend s only the following c all typ es b e used outside North Americ a: System Parameter Administration Only those feature-related p arameters that may have a Typ e Ap p roval or b asic c onnec tivity imp lic ation for a p artic ular c ountry are listed here. nFeature-Related System Parameters Ad ministration — Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer: Permitted b y c ountry’s reg ulations - Selec tion is c ustomer’s c hoic e. — Pub lic Network Trunks on Conferenc e Call: 5 — Conferenc e Parties With PNTs: 6 — Conferenc e Parties Without PNTs: 6 — Line Interc ep t Tone Timer: 30 — Nig ht Servic e Disc onnec t Timer: 180 sec — Short Interd ig it Timer: 3 sec — Unanswered DID Call Timer: 60 — Auto-Hold : yes 8 — Attend ant Tone: Yes — Bridg ing Tone: No — Conferenc e Tone: No — Intrusion Tone: Yes — Rep etitive Call Waiting Tone: No — DID Busy Treatment: Attend ant — Pull Transfer: No — Level of Tone Detec tion: Prec ise — Outp ulse Without Tone: Yes — (Station-to-Switc h) Rec all Timing : nFlashhook Interval: Yes int: For all international numbers. natl: For all national PN numb ers. pubu: For all other external (that is, not extensions) numbers. 8. Althoug h not a Type App roval issue, this rep resents the convention for this country.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 228 Hong Kong nUp p er Bound : 1000 nLower Bound : 200 nSystem Parameter Country Op tions Ad ministration — Comp and ing Mode: mu-law — Base Tone Generation Set: 1 — Tone Detec tion Mod e: 1 — Interdigit Pause: default — Dig ital Loss Plan: 1 — Analog Ringing Cadence: 1 Analog Trunk Administration nCO Trunks — Trunk Group Sc reen nGroup Typ e: CO nCountry: 1 nTrunk Gain: hig h nDirec tion: two-way nDig it Ab sorp tion List: b lank nPre f i x -1 : N o nTrunk Type: loop -start nOutg oing Dial Typ e: tone nTrunk Termination: rc (c omp lex imp ed anc e) nDial Acc ess: yes nAuto Guard : no nCall Still Held : no nTerminal Balanc ed : yes nRec eive Answer Sup ervision: no nAnswer Supervision Timeout: 10 (This sets both the CP firmware timer and software timer. Set to 0 for any trunk that will rec eive answer sup ervision.) nDisc onnec t Sup ervision - In: no nDisc onnec t Sup ervision - Out: Selec tion is c ustomer’s choice.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 229 Hong Kong nDisc onnec t Timing : 500 msec (This field will not b e used with CPs that c an ac c ep t the Inc oming Disc onnec t and Outg oing Disc onnec t timers. Set these latter two timers from the Ad ministrab le Timers Sc reen.) — Trunk Group Ad ministration Sc reen (Timing ) Set the following timers from the Administrab le Timers sc reen d uring ad ministration of eac h trunk g roup . Selec t the following CO trunk timer values for this c ountry: nInc oming Disc onnec t: 500 ms nOutg oing Disc onnec t: 500 ms nOutg oing Dial Guard : 1600 ms nInc oming Glare Guard : 1500 ms nOutg oing Glare Guard : 1500 ms nOutg oing Dial Pulse Rate (PPS): 10 p p s nOutg oing Rotary Dig it Dial Make: 35 ms nOutg oing Rotary Dig it Dial Break: 65 ms nOutg oing Rotary Dial Interd igit: 800 ms nRing Monitor Timer: 5200 ms nInc oming Seizure: 500 ms nOutg oing End -of-Dial: 10 sec nOutg oing Seizure Resp onse: 240 sec nProg rammed Dial Pause: 1500 ms nDisc onnec t Sig nal Error: 240 sec nEnd -To-End Sig naling Pause: 150 ms (ac c ep t d efault) nEnd -To-End Sig naling Tone: 350 ms (ac c ep t d efault) nFlash Leng th: 100 ms nPPM : n o nDID Trunks — Trunk Group Sc reen nGroup Typ e: DID nCountry Code: 1 nTrunk Gain: hig h nDig it Ab sorp tion List: b lank nInc oming Dial Typ e: tone nTrunk Type: immed -start

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 230 Hong Kong nTrunk Termination: rc (c omp lex imp ed anc e) nDisc onnec t Sup ervision: no nDisc onnec t Timing : 500 msec (This field will not b e used with CPs that c an ac c ep t the Inc oming Disc onnec t and Outg oing Disc onnec t timers. Set these latter two timers from the Ad ministrab le Timers Sc reen.) nDig it Treatment: b lank nDig its: b lank nExp ec ted Dig its: d ep end s on system size and numb ering plan nTerminal Balanc ed : yes nExtend ed Loop Range: (Used Only with TN459) no nDrop Treatment: silenc e nInc oming Rotary Timeout: 5 sec (This field will not b e used with CPs that c an ac c ep t the Inc oming Partial Dial timer. — Trunk Group Ad ministration Sc reen (Timing ) Set the following timers from the Administrab le Timers sc reen d uring ad ministration of eac h trunk g roup . Selec t the following DID trunk timer values for this c ountry: nInc oming Disc onnec t: 500 ms nInc oming Dial Guard : 50 ms nInc oming Partial Dial: 18 sec nInc oming Inc omplete Dial: 255 sec nFlash Leng th: 100 ms nTi e Tru n k s No sp ec ial Typ e Ap p roval reg ulations ap ply. Tie trunks are ad ministered on a c ase-b y-c ase b asis. Digital Trunk Administration This sec tion d oes not list all p ossib le valid ad ministrable c omb inations. Rather the most c ommon or stand ard c ombination, c omp atib le with p ub lic -network and Typ e Ap proval stand ard s for eac h c ountry, is p resented : nCO Trunks Dig ital CO trunks are not availab le in this c ountry. nDID Trunks Digital DID trunks are not available in this c ountry.

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 231 Hong Kong nTi e Tru n k s — Non-ISDN Sig naling Examp le (DS1 Ad ministration sc reen) nCirc uit Pac k: TN464D nBit Rate: 2.048 nInterfac e Comp anding : A-law nLine Cod ing: HDB3 nSignaling Mode: CAS nCountry Protoc ol: 1 nInterc onnec t: p b x nCRC?: No nId le Cod e: 11111111 — ISDN-PRI (Private Network) Sig naling This examp le assumes use of US Op tion 1 with fac ility assoc iated sig naling . Other feature op tions will req uire c hang es in one or more ad ministered sc reens. — DS1 Ad ministration sc reen nCirc uit Pac k: TN464D nBit Rate: 2.048 nInterfac e Comp anding : A-law nLine Cod ing: HDB3 nSignaling Mode: isdn-pri nCountry Protoc ol: 1 nConnec t: p b x nInterfac e: user nCRC: No nId le Cod e: 11111111 — Sig naling Group sc reen nAssoc iated Sig naling : Yes nPrimary D_Channel: xxxx16 (xxxx= > dep end s on CP p hysical location)

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 232 Hong Kong — Trunk Group Ad ministration sc reen nGroup Type: isdn-pri nServic e Type: tie — ISDN-PRI (Public Network) Not availab le for this c ountry.