Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 13 General Overview Table 6. Equipment and Software Summary for AC Powered Single Carrier Cabinet (AC-SCC) Stack Equipment Codes J58890H Single Carrier Port Cab inet J58890L Single Carrier Control Cab inet J58890M Dup lic ated Sing le Carrier Control Cab inet J58890N Exp ansion Sing le Carrier Control Cab inet Equipped With: WP-91153 Power Supp ly 1217A Power Supp ly Table 7. Equipment and Software Summary for AC Powered Compact Carrier Cabinet (AC-CSCC) Equipment Codes J58890S Comp ac t Sing le Carrier Cab inet (not sup p orted in Release 7 and later) Equipped With: WP-90510 Power Supp ly

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 14 General Overview Table 8. Global AC Powered Multi-Carrier Cabinet (GAC-MCC) Equipment Codes J58890A Multi-Carrier Cab inet Equipped With: J58890CH 50-60Hz 200-240 Volt AC/DC Power Distrib ution Unit (AC inp ut with rec tifiers to convert to DC distribution within cabinet) ED67077 Fan & Filter Assemb ly Optionally Equipped With : J58890AF Exp ansion Control Carrier J58890AH Control Carrier J58890AJ Dup lic ated Control Carrier J58890AP Control Carrier (Processor) Carrier (G3r) J58890BB Port Carrier J58890SA Switc h Nod e Carrier (G3r) Carriers eq uip p ed with one 649A Power Sup ply, exc ep t J58890SA whic h is equipped with two. Table 9. AC Powered Compact Modular Cabinet (AC-CMC) Equipment Codes J58890T Comp ac t Mod ular Cab inet Each equipped with 650A power supply. Table 10. Software Codes Equipment Codes J58890TF Programmed Tapes DEFINITY G3r, R5r, R6 r , R7 r J58890TG Memory Card s DEFINITY G3i, G3si, G3s, G3c si, G3vs, R6si, R6vs/si, R5vs/si, R6vs/si/c si, R7c si/si, or MCU J58890TH Flop p y Diskettes DEFINITY G3i, G3si, G3s, G3csi, G3vs, R5vs/si, R6vs/si/csi, R77c si/si, or MCU J58890TN CD-ROM for DEFINITY One

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 15 General Overview Table 11. Control, Network, and Miscellaneous Hardware Ty p e C o d e N a m e G3r Control Circuit Packs (G3V1, G3V1.1, G3V2, G3V3, G3V4, R5, R6) Proc essor TN1648 System Ac c ess - Maintenanc e UN330B Duplic ation Interfac e UN331B Proc essor TN1650B Memory (32MB) TN1655 Pac ket Interfac e UN332 Mass Storage System/Network Control TN1656 Tap e Drive TN1657 Disk Drive AHF111 Proc essor Exp ansion Bus Terminator CFY1B Current Limiter Switc h Nod e TN572 Switc h Nod e Cloc k TN573 Switc h Nod e Interfac e AHF105 Switch Nod e Bus Terminator G3vs, G3s, G3si & G3i Control Circuit Packs (G3V1.1, G3V2, G3V3, G3V4) Proc essor TN786B Proc essor C PP1 M e m o ry ( Exp a n s io n ) TN772 Duplic ation Interfac e TN777B Network Control TN778 Pac ket Control TN765 Proc essor Interfac e TN756 Tone Detec tor/Generator 982LS Current Limiter R5vs, R5si-8MB & R5si-12MB, R6vs/si-16MB Control Circuit Packs Proc essor TN790 Proc essor TN772 Duplic ation Interfac e TN777B Network Control TN778 Pac ket Control Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 16 General Overview TN765 Proc essor Interfac e 982LS Current Limiter R6csi Control Circuit Pack Proc essor TN798 Proc essor R7si Control Circuit Pack Proc essor TN798 Proc essor TN792 Duplic ation Interfac e TN794 Network Control/Pac ket Interfac e TN765 Proc essor Interfac e (only req uired if system has BX.25 interfac es) 982LS Current Limiter R7csi Control Circuit Pack Proc essor TN798 Proc essor Other Circuit Packs and Circuit Modules Power 631DA MCC AC Power Unit (+ 5V) 631DB MCC AC Power Unit (-48/-5V) 644A MCC DC Power Unit (+ 5V) 645B MCC DC Power Unit (-48/-5V) 649A MCC DC Power Unit (-48/-5/+ 5V) 650A CMC AC Power Unit (-48/-5/+ 5/+ 12V) 20, 25, 50Hz Ring er/Neon WP-90510 L4 CSCC AC Power Unit (+ 5/-5/-48V) 20Hz Ring er WP-90510 L5-25 CSCC AC Power Unit (+ 5/-5/-48V) 25Hz Ring er WP-90510 L6-20 CSCC AC Power Unit (+ 5/-5/-48V) 20Hz Ring er WP-91153 L3 SCC AC Power Unit (+ 5/-5/-48V) 20Hz Ringer WP-91153 L4-25 SCC AC Power Unit (+ 5/-5/-48V) 25Hz Ringer Table 11. Control, Network, and Miscellaneous Hardware — Continued Ty p e C o d e N a m e Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 17 General Overview 1217A Glob al SCC AC Power Unit 676B SCC DC Power Unit (+ 5/-5/-48V) TN755B Neon Power System/Network TN766 Exp ansion Interfac e TN570B Exp ansion Interfac e TN574 DS1 Converter TN1654 DS1 Converter (T1/E1) TN755B Maintenanc e (EPN) TN771D Maintenanc e/Test TN2202 50Hz Ring Generator (France) TN2305 ATM Interfac e, Multi Mod e TN2306 ATM Interfac e, Sing le Mod e TN799 Control LAN Other 105B Isolation Data Interfac e (IDI) 116A Isolation Data Interfac e (IDI) 120A Integ rated Channel Servic e Unit (ICSU) (T1 only) 122A Music -On-Hold Interfac e 124D1 MCC 20Hz Ring Generator 130A1 MCC 25Hz Ring Generator 700A DS1 Loopb ac k Jac k (T1 only) 808A Emerg enc y Transfer Panel 888B DS1 75 Ohm Coax Ad ap ter 9823A Lig htwave Transc eiver (multi-mod e shortwave) 9823B Lig htwave Transc eiver (multi-mod e long wave) 300A Fib er Transc eiver (single mod e) AHF110 SCC TDM/LAN Bus Terminator Table 11. Control, Network, and Miscellaneous Hardware — Continued Ty p e C o d e N a m e Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 18 General Overview CFY1B Current Limiter ZAHF4 MCC TDM/LAN Bus Terminator TN556B ED1E-546 DEFINITY AUDIX (386 MFB) TN567 ED1E-546 DEFINITY AUDIX (486 MFB) TN801 J58890MA LAN Gateway R2 TN2169 ED1E-546 DEFINITY AUDIX Alarm Interfac e TN2170 ED1E-546 Ethernet/Alarm Interfac e TN2208 ED1E-546 LAN Gateway R1 (486 MFB) TN802 J58890MA-1, List 10, Internet Protoc ol Tr u n k Table 11. Control, Network, and Miscellaneous Hardware — Continued Ty p e C o d e N a m e Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 19 General Overview Hardware Administration Country Codes DEFINITY ECS sup p orts administration of c irc uit p ac k op erating p arameters throug h the selec tion of c ountry c od es listed in Ta b l e 1 2 . Each code corresponds to a p re-d efined set of (one or more) prog rammab le hard ware or firmware attrib utes. Table 12. Country Code Assignments Administered Code Country 1 U.S. & Canad a 2 Australia 3Japan 4Italy 5 Netherlands 6 Singapore 7Mexico 8 Belg ium & Luxemb ourg 9Saudi Arabia 10 United King d om 11 Sp ain 12 Franc e 13 Germany & South Afric a 14 Czec h Rep ub lic & Slovak Rep ub lic 15 Russia 16 Arg entina 17 Greec e 18 China 19 Hong Kong 20 Thailand 21 Mac ed onia 22 Poland 23 Brazil (Or, c ontinue to use c ountry c od e 16) 24 Nordic (Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark)

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 20 General Overview Recommended Country Codes Ta b l e 1 3 p rovid es a summary of rec ommend ed Country Codes. If a Country Cod e value is not assig ned to a p artic ular c ountry, (for examp le, no Country Cod e has b een assigned to Venezuela), review Table 13 to determine the ap p rop riate c od e. Also, set the Tone Detec tor Prec ision and Tone Detec tor Mod e ac c ord ing to Ta b l e 13. Table 13. Recommended Country Codes CountryTo n e Gen ISDNDigital XMITTrunk Group Country**Analog Ring CadenceTo n e D e t . PrecisionTo n e Det. Mode U.S. & Canad a 1 1 1 1 1 Prec ise 1 Arg entina & Brazil16 16 16 16*** 16 Broad b and 1 Australia 2 2 2 2 2 Precise 2 Belg ium & Luxemb ourg8* 8 5 8 8 Medium 5 China 18 18 18 18 18 Medium 4 Chile 1 12a 1 1 1 Precise 6 Costa Ric a 1 12a 1 1 1 Prec ise 6 Czec h Republic & Slovak Republic14* 14 14 14 14 Medium 4 Franc e 12 12 12 12 12 Prec ise 4 Germany & South Afric a13* 13^ 13 13 13 Medium 4 Greec e 17 17 17 17 17 Broad b and 1 Hong Kong 19 19 19 19 19 Precise 1 Hungary - 1 1 Medium 1 Italy 4 4 4 4 4 Prec ise 1 Jap an 3 3 3 3 3 Prec ise 1 Mac edonia 21 21 21 21 21 Medium 4 Mexico 7* 7 7 7 7 Precise 1 Netherland s 5* 5 5 5 5 Medium 5 Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 21 General Overview * Need s ad ditional customized tone ad ministration to meet c ountry req uirements. (This ad ministrative d etail is c overed in c ountry-sp ec ific sections.) ** These country cod es selec t the ap propriate FW p rotoc ols on the various analog CO/DID trunks. These values also need to be d uplicated on the DS1 Ad ministration. “ Country Protoc ol” field for the ap p rop riate FW p rotocol to be selec ted on the TN464x. *** To enable Block Collec t Call in Brazil, use Country Cod e 23. - Feature is not p rovid ed in this country or hard ware d oes not supp ort ad ministrab le selection. Acc ep t the d efault in these cases. ^ Protoc ol version selection of “ a” correspond s to 1TR6 (Germany Spec ific) and “ b ” c orresp ond s to E-DSS1 (Euro ISDN). Protoc ol version selec tion d ep end s on the typ e of p ub lic network servic e purchased. Nord ic New Zealand 2 ETSI 2 2 2 Prec ise 2 Poland 22 22 22 22 22 Medium 1 Russia 15 15 15 15 15 Medium 4 Saud i Arab ia 9 9 9 9 9 Prec ise 1 Sing ap ore 6* 6 6 6 6 Prec ise 1 Sp ain 11* 11 11 11 11 Prec ise 4 Ta i w a n 1 3 1 1 1 Pre c i s e 1 Thailand 20 20 20 20 20 Medium 4 UK OTR001 10 10 10B 10 - Precise 3 UK Non-OTR00110 10 10A 10 - Precise 3 Venezuela 1 - - - 5 Prec ise 1 Ta b l e 1 3 .Recommended Country Codes — Continued CountryTo n e Gen ISDNDigital XMITTrunk Group Country**Analog Ring CadenceTo n e D e t . PrecisionTo n e Det. Mode Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 22 Country-Specific Configuration and Administration Ta b l e 1 4 p rovid es exp and ed information for the Tone Det. Mod e field in Ta b l e 1 3. Country-Specific Configuration and Administration The following sec tions p resent information on how to ad minister DEFINITY ECS for eac h of the sup p orted c ountries. Values shown should ac tually b e entered into field s on the sp ec ified sc reens. NOTE: In the tab les that follow for eac h c ountry, c irc uit p ac k (CP) ap p aratus c od es marked with “ > ” are those preferred and exp ec ted to ship with new systems. They are also the new CPs ship ped to p rovid e upg rad es or ad d itions to existing systems. Those marked with “ #” are p lanned to b e p referred , b ut p ending Typ e Ap p roval. The other c od es shown have b een used in the rec ent p ast and are also ac c ep tab le. Table 14. Available Tone Detection Modes Code Mode 1Italy 2 Australia 3 United Kingdom 4 Stand ard Wid eb and (345 - 625Hz, - 55d B) 5 Broad Wideband (300 - 1190Hz, - 35d B) 6USA