Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 383 Slovak Republic Slovak Republic Ta b l e 5 2 shows the rec ommended c irc uit p ac ks. Table 52. Recommended and Available CPs in Slovak Republic Equipment Equipment Type Cab inet Typ e & Power GAC-MCC DC-MCC AC-SCC DC-SCC AC-CSCC AC-CMC AC Power Voltag e & Freq 220V/50Hz Ring Generator 25Hz Tone Detec tor > TN2182B > TN744D TN420C Tone Cloc k > TN2182B TN780 R2MFC Circ uit Sp eec h Synthesizer > TN457 Call Classifier > TN744D Announc ement TN750C TN750B Analog DID Trunk > TN753v17 Analog CO Trunk (No PPM) > TN747Bv12 Analog CO Trunk (w/PPM) #TN465C> TN465B 4 Wire Tie Trunk > TN760Dv11 2 Wire Tie Trunk Auxiliary Trunk > TN763D Dig ital CO/DID Trunk > TN464F TN464E Dig ital Tie Trunk > TN464F TN464E Dig ital PRI CO Trunk n/a Dig ital BRI Trunk > TN2185 Dig ital Converter PRI-DASS Dig ital Converter PRI-DPNSS Dig ital Converter PRI-BRI 8 Port Analog Line n/a 16 Port Analog Line > TN746B 24 Port Analog Line n/a Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 384 Slovak Republic Feature Administration The sc reen d isp lays shown in this sec tion were effec tive the d ate the typ e ap p roval was award ed . The sc reens may have c hang ed sinc e that d ate. Only those feature-related p arameters that may have a Typ e Ap p roval or b asic c onnec tivity imp lic ation for a p artic ular c ountry are listed here. nARS/AAR Ad ministration To enab le ARS administration, on the System-Parameters Customer-Op tions sc reen, set the ARS field to y . You also should check all ARS/AAR d efaults. All d efault ARS analysis c odes are deleted b efore d ialed strings are ad d ed for routing when DEFINITY is installed outsid e of North Americ a. Be aware that the d efault for the 10 d ig its c ause dialing p rob lems. In p artic ular, the following c all typ es (ap pear as ARS/AAR d efaults) typ ic ally are not used in non-North Americ an ARS/AAR tab les: Luc ent rec ommend s only the following c all typ es b e used outside North Americ a: 4 Wire Digital Line > TN754B 2 Wire Digital Line #TN2224 > TN2181 TN2136 Data Line > TN726B BRI-U Line BRI-ST Line fnp a: North Americ an numb ers with an area c od e. hnp a: North Americ an numb ers without an area c od e. svc : North Americ an numb ers of the screen ‘‘x11’’. int: For all international numbers. natl: For all national PN numb ers. pubu: For all other external (that is, not extensions) numbers. Table 52. Recommended and Available CPs in Slovak Republic — Continued Equipment Equipment Type Continued on next page

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 385 Slovak Republic System Parameter Administration Only those feature-related p arameters that may have a Typ e Ap p roval or b asic c onnec tivity imp lic ation for a p artic ular c ountry are listed here. nFeature-Related System Parameters Ad ministration — Off-Premises Tone Detec t Timeout Interval (sec ond s): 5 — Nig ht Servic e Disc onnec t Timer (sec ond s): 10 (10 or b lank for testing op tional responses to errors — Unanswered DID Call Timer (sec ond s): 180 — DID Busy Treatment (set to attendant for testing op tional resp onse to errors) display system-parameters features Page 1 of 6 FEATURE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer: all Coverage Subsequent Redirection/CFWD No Answer Interval: 2 Coverage - Caller Response Interval (seconds): 4 Keep Held SBA at Coverage Point? y Automatic Callback - No Answer Timeout Interval (rings): 3 Call Park Timeout Interval (minutes): 10 Off-Premises Tone Detect Timeout Interval (seconds): 5 AAR/ARS Dial Tone Required? y Music/Tone on Hold: none Music (or Silence) on Transferred Trunk Calls? no DID/Tie/ISDN Intercept Treatment: attd Messaging Service Adjunct (MSA) Connected? n Internal Automatic Answer for Attendant Extended Calls? n Automatic Circuit Assurance (ACA) Enabled? n Abbreviated Dial Programming by Assigned Lists? n Auto Abbreviated/Delayed Transition Interval (rings): 2

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 386 Slovak Republic — Outp ulse Without Tone? n (for d ial tone d etec tion) — Network Feed b ac k During Tone Detec tion? n (for dial tone detection) nSystem Parameters Customer Op tions — ARS? y (for d ial tone d etec tion) display system-parameters features Page 5 of 6 FEATURE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS Public Network Trunks on Conference Call: 5 Conference Parties with Public Network Trunks: 6 Conference Parties without Public Network Trunks: 6 Night Service Disconnect Timer (seconds): 10 Short Interdigit Timer (seconds): 3 Unanswered DID Call Timer (seconds): 180 Line Intercept Tone Timer (seconds): 20 Auto Start? n Auto Hold? y Attendant Tone? y Bridging Tone? n Conference Tone? n Intrusion Tone? y DID Busy Treatment: tone Allow AAR/ARS Access from DID/DIOD? n DISTINCTIVE AUDIBLE ALERTING Internal: 1 External: 2 Priority: 3 display system-parameters features FEATURE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS Pull Transfer: n Level Of Tone Detection: precise Wait Answer Supervision Timer? n Repetitive Call Waiting Tone? n Outpulse Without Tone? n Network Feedback During Tone Detection? n Intercept Treatment On Failed Trunk Transfers? n Vector Disconnect Timer (min): Station Tone Forward Disconnect: intercept Misoperation Alerting? n Allow Conference via Flash? y RECALL TIMING Flashhook Interval? y Upper Bound (msec): 1000 Lower Bound (msec): 200 Forward Disconnect Timer (msec): 600 ENHANCED DCS Enhanced DCS Enabled? n

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 387 Slovak Republic — Malic ious Call Trac e? y (for Malic ious Call feature) — Multifreq uenc y Sig naling ? y nSystem Parameter Country Op tions Ad ministration — Comp and ing Mode: A-Law — Dig ital Loss Plan: 14 — Analog Ring ing Cad enc e: 14 — Analog Line Transmission: 14 display system-parameters customer-options Page 1 of 2 OPTIONAL FEATURES G3 Version: V4 Logged-In ACD Agents: 150 Abbreviated Dialing Enhanced List? n Call Work Codes? n A/D Grp/Sys List Dialing Start at 01? n CAS Branch? n ACD? n CAS Main? n AT&T Adjunct Links? n DCS (Basic)? n Answer Supervision by Call Classifier? n DCS Call Coverage? n ARS? y DTMF Feedback Signals For VRU? n ARS/AAR Partitioning? y Emergency Access to Attendant? y ASAI Interface? n Expert Agent Selection (EAS)? n ATMS? n External Device Alarm Admin? n Audible Message Waiting? n Flexible Billing? n Authorization Codes? n Forced Entry of Account Codes? n BCMS (Basic)? n Hospitality (Basic)? y BCMS/VuStats LoginIDs? n G3V3 Hospitality Enhancements? n BCMS/VuStats Service Level? n Hospitality Parameter Reduction? n display system-parameters customer-options OPTIONAL FEATURES ISDN-PRI? n Service Observing (VDNs)? n ISDN-PRI over PACCON? n Station and Trunk MSP? n Lookahead Interflow (LAI)? n Tenant Partitioning? n Malicious Call Trace? y Terminal Trans. Init. (TTI)? n Multifrequency Signaling? y Time of Day Routing? n Multiple Call Handling (On Request)? n Uniform Dialing Plan? n Multiple Call Handling (Forced)? n Vectoring (Basic)? n PASTE (Display PBX Data on Phone)? n Vectoring (Prompting)? n Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced)? n Premier Business Package? y Vectoring (ANI/II-Digits Routing)? n Processor and System MSP? n Vectoring (G3V4 Advanced Routing)? n Private Networking? n VDN of Origin Announcement? n VDN Return Destination? n Restrict Call Forward Off Net? y Voice Mail Application Support? n Secondary Data Module? n VuStats? n Service Observing (Basic)? y VuStats (G3V4 Enhanced)? n Service Observing (Remote/By FAC)? n Wideband Switching? n

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 388 Slovak Republic — Tone Detec tion Mod e: 5 — Customized Individual Tones In this sec tion, c ustomized tone d efinitions follow the data-entry syntax as sp ec ified for entry on the Ind ivid ual Tone Ad ministration Sc reen: [ (Freq uenc y/Level)|silenc e|g oto)] [ (Duration ms)|(Step)] — Intrusion: n(425/-11.0)(350) n(silenc e)(350) n(425/-5.0)(350) n(silenc e)(1500) n(goto)(1) — Reord er (Cong estion): n(425/-5)(150) n(silenc e)(150) n(goto)(1) — Sec ond ary Dial Tone: n(425/-5)(150) n(silenc e)(150) n(425/-5)(150) n(silenc e)(150) n(425/-5)(150) n(silenc e)(150) n(425/-5)(650) display system-parameters country-options Page 1 of 21 SYSTEM PARAMETERS COUNTRY-OPTIONS Companding Mode: A-Law Base Tone Generator Set: 14 440Hz PBX-dial Tone? n 440Hz Secondary-dial Tone? n Digital Loss Plan: 14 Analog Ringing Cadence: 14 Set Layer 1 timer T1 to 30 seconds? n Analog Line Transmission: 14 TONE DETECTION PARAMETERS Tone Detection Mode: 5 Dial Tone Validation Timer(msec): 500 Interdigit Pause: long

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 389 Slovak Republic n(silenc e)(650) n(goto)(1) —PBX Dial Tone: n(425/-5)(500) n(goto)(1) —Busy: n(425/-5)(350) n(silenc e)(350) n(goto)(1) — Ringback: n(425/-5)(1000) n(silenc e)(4000) n(goto)(1) — Call Wait 1: n(425/-11)(350) — Rec all Dial: n(425/-4)(150) n(silenc e)(150) n(425/-4)(150) n(silenc e)(150) n(425/-4)(1000) n(goto)(5) nC D R Sys t e m Pa r a m e t e r s — Primary Outp ut Format: int-d irec t (for showing PPM)

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 390 Slovak Republic nSystem Parameter Multifreq uenc y Sig naling Ad ministration (Pay c lose attention to the values on the following three sc reens. They are c ritic al.) — Req uest Inc oming ANI (non-AAR/ARS)? n (To c hec k Inc oming ANI, enter yes. It is p art of the malic ious c all trac e op tion.) NOTE: On Pag e 2 of the Multifreq uenc y-Sig naling -Related System Parameters sc reen, Group -I, numb ers 12, 13, and 14, should all b e ani-not-avail. display system-parameters cdr CDR SYSTEM PARAMETERS Node Number (Local PBX ID): 1 CDR Date Format: month/day Primary Output Format: int-direct Primary Output Ext: eia Secondary Output Format: Use ISDN Layouts? n EIA Device Bit Rate: 9600 Use Enhanced Formats? n Record Outgoing Calls Only? n Intra-switch CDR? n Suppress CDR for Ineffective Call Attempts? y CDR Call Splitting? y Disconnect Information in Place of FRL? n Attendant Call Recording? y Interworking Feat-flag? n Force Entry of Acct Code for Calls Marked on Toll Analysis Form? n Calls to Hunt Group - Record: member-ext Record Called Vector Directory Number Instead of Group or Member? n Record Non-Call-Assoc TSC? n Record Call-Assoc TSC? n Digits to Record for Outgoing Calls: dialed Privacy - Digits to Hide: 0 CDR Account Code Length: 2 display system-parameters multifrequency-signaling Page 1 of 3 MULTIFREQUENCY-SIGNALING-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS Incoming Call Type: group-ii-mfc Outgoing Call Type: group-ii-mfc Maintenance Call Type: none Test Call Extension: Interdigit Timer (sec): 20 Outgoing Forward Signal Present Timer (sec): 20 Outgoing Forward Signal Absent Timer (sec): 12 Multifrequency Signaling Incoming Intercept Treatment? y Received Signal Gain(-Loss) (dB): 0 Transmitted Signal Gain(-Loss) (dB): -3 ANI Prefix: 42 Collect All Digits Before Seizure? n ANI for PBX: 400 Next ANI Digit: send-ani Request Incoming ANI (non-AAR/ARS)? n Called Party Category: user-type Use COR for Calling Party Category? n

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 391 Slovak Republic nARS Digit Analysis — Rte Pat: 2 (for d ial tone d etec t) display system-parameters multifrequency-signaling Page 2 of 3 MULTIFREQUENCY-SIGNALING-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS INCOMING FORWARD SIGNAL TYPES INCOMING BACKWARD SIGNAL TYPES (Tones from CO) (Tones to CO) Group-I Group-II Group-A Group-B 11: send-congest 1: normal 1 : next-digit 3 : busy 12: send-congest 2: busy-rt-attd 3 : end-of-dial 4 : congestion 13: ani-not-avail 3: busy-rt-attd 4 : congestion 5 : intercept 14: send-congest 4: normal 5 : send-ani 6 : free 15: end-of-dial 5: busy-rt-attd : : 6: normal : : 7: normal : : 8: normal : : 9: busy-rt-attd : : 10: normal : : 11: send-intercept : : 12: send-intercept : : 13: normal : : 14: normal : : 15: send-intercept : : display system-parameters multifrequency-signaling MULTIFREQUENCY-SIGNALING-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS OUTGOING FORWARD SIGNAL TYPES OUTGOING BACKWARD SIGNAL TYPES (Tones to CO) (Tones from CO) Group-I Group-II Group-A Group-B 12: ani-not-avail 1 : normal 1: next-digit 1: free 15: end-of-digits 1 : attendant 2: last-digit 2: congestion : 6 : data-call 3: end-of-dial 3: busy : : 4: congestion 4: congestion : : 5: send-ani 5: intercept : 6: setup-sppath 6: free : 7: last-2-digits 7: free : 8: last-3-digits 8: intercept : 9: congestion 9: congestion : 10: congestion 10: congestion : 11: congestion 11: congestion : 12: congestion 12: congestion : 13: congestion 13: congestion : 14: congestion 14: congestion : 15: congestion 15: congestion

DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes for Type Approval Issue 1 June 1999 Application Notes for Type Approval 392 Slovak Republic nRoute Pattern — Inserted Digits: + (for d ial tone d etec t) nConsole Parameters display ars analysis 0 ARS DIGIT ANALYSIS TABLE Partitioned Group Number: 1 Percent Full: 2 Dialed Total Rte Call Nd ANI Dialed Total Rte Call Nd ANI String Mn Mx Pat Type Num Rq String Mn Mx Pat Type Num Rq 2 2 7 2 pubu n n 3 2 7 2 pubu n n 4 2 7 2 pubu n n 5 2 7 2 pubu n n 6 7 7 2 hnpa n n 7 2 7 2 pubu n n 8 2 7 2 pubu n n 9 2 7 2 pubu n n n n n n n n n n n n n n display route-pattern 2 Pattern Number: 2 Grp. FRL NPA Pfx Hop Toll No. Del Inserted No. Mrk Lmt List Digits Digits 1: 29 0 + 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: