Epson Wf 3620 Manual
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Related topics Copying Scanning Faxing Placing Originals inthe Automatic DocumentFeeder You canplace multi-page originaldocuments inthe Automatic Document Feeder(ADF).Youcanalso use theADF toscan bothsides ofa2-sided document. Makesuretheoriginals meettheAutomatic Document Feederspecifications beforeloading them. Caution: Makesureyouroriginals arenotcreased orfolded, anddonot contain holes,staples, tape,or other materials thatcould obstruct thefeeder. 1. Slide theADF edge guide outward. 81

2. Fan your stack oforiginals andtapthem gently onaflat surface toeven theedges. 3. Insert theoriginals intotheADF faceup andtop-edge first. The ADF icononthe control panellightsup. 82

4. Slide theADF edge guide against theoriginals, butnottootightly. Note: Ifyou arecopying twooriginals ontoonesheet, makesuretheoriginals areloaded asshown: 83

Parent topic:Placing Originals onthe Product Related references Automatic Document Feeder(ADF)Specifications Related topics Copying Scanning Faxing 84

Copying See theinformation heretocopy documents orphotos usingyourproduct. Note: Copies maynotbeexactly thesame sizeasyour originals. Copying Documents orPhotos Paper SizeSettings -Copying Copying Options Copying Documents orPhotos You cancopy documents orphotos ontovarious sizesandtypes ofpaper, including Epsonspecial papers. 1. Place youroriginal document orphoto onthe scanner glass,orplace multi-page documents inthe ADF. 2. Load thepaper youwant toprint on. 3. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 4. Select Copy. You seeascreen likethis: 85

5. Toprint more thanonecopy, press anumber keyonthe products controlpanel,orselect copies and usethedisplayed keypadtoenter thenumber ofcopies. 6. Change anyofthe displayed settingsasnecessary. 7. Select Settings toview andchange additional copysettings, ifnecessary. Thenpress theback button. 8. Select Preview topreview yourcopy printout onthe LCD screen. 9. Select Presets orpress the Preset button(WF-3620) tosave yourcopy settings. Note: Presets canbelocked byan administrator. Ifyou cannot access orchange thissetting, contact youradministrator forassistance. 10. When youareready tocopy, press oneofthe buttons. Note: Tocancel printing, pressthe Stopbutton orselect Cancel . Parent topic:Copying Related references Paper Loading Capacity Available EpsonPapers Paper SizeSettings -Copying Copying Options Related tasks Using Presets Related topics Loading Paper Placing Originals onthe Product Paper SizeSettings -Copying Select thePaper Sizesetting thatmatches thepaper youloaded. • 4× 6inches (102×152 mm) • 5× 7inches (127×178 mm) • 8× 10 inches (203×254 mm) 86

• Letter (8.5×11 inches [216×279 mm]) • Legal (8.5×14 inches [216×357 mm]) (ADF only) • A4 (8.3 ×11.7 inches [210×297 mm]) Parent topic:Copying Copying Options Select thecopying optionsyouwant touse foryour copies. Note: Notalloptions orsettings maybeavailable, depending onother copying settings. Copying option Available settings Description Layout With Border Leaves asmall margin around theimage ordocument Borderless Expands theimage tothe edge ofthe paper (slight cropping may occur) 2-up Copies multiple pagedocuments ontoonesheet. After selecting eitheroneofthese options, selectSettings and 4-up change theDocument Orientation settingifnecessary. ID Card Copies bothsides ofan IDcard ontooneside ofasheet of paper Document Size Various sizes Select thedocument sizeofyour original Zoom Custom Size Automatically sizestheimage bythe percentage youselect Actual Size Copies at100% size Auto FitPage Automatically sizestheimage tofitthe selected papersize Letter- >4x6in and Automatically convertsfromonesize toanother other conversions Paper Source Various sources Select thepaper source thatyouwant touse. Ifyou select Auto ,paper isfed automatically dependingonthe paper settings youselected forthe paper sources. 87

Copying option Available settings Description 2-Sided Off Uses theduplexer andADF tomake 2-sided copies.When you select 1> 2-Sided or2> 1-Sided ,select Advanced and 2 > 2-Sided select thebinding edgeforyour originals orcopies. 1 > 2-Sided 2 > 1-Sided Document Portrait Specifies theorientation ofyour originals Orientation Landscape Quality Text Specifies thedocument typeofyour originals andselects the quality ofyour copies Text(Best) Text &Image Text &Image(Best) Photo Density Varying levels Adjusts thelightness ordarkness ofcopies Expansion Standard Adjusts theamount ofexpansion forprinting borderless photos Medium Minimum Remove Shadow Off Select Ontoerase theshadows thatappear inthe center of a document whencopying abook orthat appear arounda On document whencopying thickpaper Remove Punch Off Select Ontoerase thebinding holesonadocument Holes On Collate Copy Off Select Ontoprint multiple copiesofamulti-page document both inorder andsorted intosets On Dry Time Standard Provides longerdryingtimefor2-sided copies,ifsmudges or marks appear onthe front ofthe paper whenyouprint on Long the second side Longer Parent topic:Copying 88

Printing FromaComputer Before printing fromyourcomputer, makesureyouhave setupyour product andinstalled itssoftware as described onthe Start Here sheet. Note: Ifyou have anInternet connection, itis agood ideatocheck forupdates toyour product software on Epsons supportwebsite. Ifyou seeaSoftware Updatescreen, selectEnable automatic checking and click OK.The update scansyoursystem tosee ifyou have thelatest product software. Followthe on-screen instructions. Printing withWindows Printing withOSX Cancelling PrintingUsingaProduct Button Printing withWindows You canprint withyour product usinganyWindows printingprogram, asdescribed inthese sections. Selecting BasicPrintSettings -Windows Selecting Double-sided PrintingSettings -Windows Selecting Additional LayoutandPrint Options -Windows Selecting aPrinting Preset-Windows Selecting Extended Settings-Windows Printing YourDocument orPhoto -Windows Selecting DefaultPrintSettings -Windows Changing Automatic UpdateOptions Parent topic:Printing FromaComputer Selecting BasicPrintSettings -Windows Select thebasic settings forthe document orphoto youwant toprint. 1. Open aphoto ordocument forprinting. 2. Select theprint command inyour application. Note: Youmay need toselect aprint icononyour screen, thePrint option inthe File menu, or another command. Seeyour applications helputility fordetails. 89

3. Ifnecessary, selectyourproduct nameasthe printer youwant touse. Note: Youmay alsoneed toselect Properties orPreferences toview yourprintsettings. You seetheMain tabofyour printer settings window: 4. ForthePaper Source setting,selectwhere youloaded thepaper youwant toprint on. 5. Select thesize ofthe paper youloaded asthe Document Sizesetting. Note: Youcanalso select theUser-Defined settingtocreate acustom papersize,butyou willnot be able touse theBorderless setting,andthequality setting willbeStandard . 90