Epson Wf 3620 Manual
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5. Toadd anentry, double-click anempty entry. Note: Toedit anentry, select itand change theinformation. Todelete anentry, select itand press the Delete keyonyour keyboard. 6. Doone ofthe following: • To create aspeed dialentry, select Speed Dial,enter aname andfaxnumber, andclick OK. • To create agroup dialentry, select Group Dial,enter aname, selectyourdesired faxnumbers, and click OK. 7. Repeat theprevious stepsasnecessary toadd allyour speed dialorgroup dialentries. 8. Toimport entries fromyourMacAddress book,clickthe icon. 9. When youarefinished, clickthe icontosave theentries toyour products memory. Parent topic:Setting UpContacts andContact Groups Related topics Setting UpContacts UsingtheProduct ControlPanel Sending Faxes See these sections tosend faxes using yourproduct. Sending FaxesfromtheProduct ControlPanel Sending FaxesUsingtheFax Utility -Windows Sending FaxesUsingtheFax Utility -OS X Parent topic:Faxing Sending FaxesfromtheProduct ControlPanel See these sections tosend faxes using theproducts controlpanel. Faxing fromtheControl Panel Fax Send Settings Dialing FaxNumbers fromaConnected Telephone Sending aFax ataSpecified Time Sending aFax onDemand Sending aStored Fax 201

Parent topic:Sending Faxes Faxing fromtheControl Panel You cansend afax from yourproduct controlpanelbyentering thefaxnumber orselecting thenumber from either thecontact listorfax history. Ifdirect dialing hasbeen restricted, youcanonly select the number fromthecontact listorfax history. Youcansend black andwhite faxes tomultiple recipients, but not color faxes. 1. Place youroriginal onthe product forfaxing. Note: Tofax adouble-sided document,placeitin the ADF andturn onthe ADF 2-Sided setting. 2. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 3. Select Fax. You seeascreen likethis: 4. Doone ofthe following: • Enter thefaxnumber usingthebuttons onthe control panel. • Select theEnter aFax Number areaonthe LCD screen, andusethenumeric keypadonthe screen toenter thefaxnumber. Youcanenter upto64 characters. • Select Contacts ,select oneormore recipients fromthelist, and select Proceed . 202

• Select History ,select arecipient fromthelist, press Menu onthe Details screen, andselect Send to this number . Note: Ifnecessary, enteranoutside lineaccess code(such as9) at the beginning ofthe faxnumber. If the access codehasbeen setupinthe Line Type setting, enterthe#pound signinstead ofthe code. 5. Ifyou need tochange anyfaxsettings, selectMenu,select FaxSend Settings ,and select your settings. Note: Ifyour recipients faxmachine doesnotprint incolor, yourfaxisautomatically sentinblack- and-white. 6. Ifyou want topreview thefaximage, selectPreview . 7. Select Presets orpress the Preset button(WF-3620) tosave yourfaxsettings. Note: Presets canbelocked byan administrator. Ifyou cannot access orchange thissetting, contact youradministrator forassistance. 8. Press oneofthe buttons. Note: Tocancel faxing, selectCancel . Your product scansyouroriginal andprompts youtoplace additional pages,ifnecessary. After scanning youroriginals, yourproduct dialsthenumber andsends thefax. Parent topic:Sending FaxesfromtheProduct ControlPanel Related references Fax Send Settings Related tasks Using Presets Selecting theLine Type Related topics Placing Originals onthe Product Setting UpContacts andContact Groups 203

Fax Send Settings While sending afax, you canselect theseoptions. Note: Youcanalso select theseoptions asUser Default Settings. Setting Options Description Resolution Standard Adjusts thescan resolution andprint quality for outgoing faxes. Fine Super Fine Ultra Fine Photo Density Auto Automatically adjuststhedarkness ofoutgoing faxes. Manual Lets youselect fromvarious densitylevels. ADF 2-Sided Off Sets up2-sided faxingfromtheADF. TheDirect Send option andcolor faxing aredisabled whenthis On is turned on. Document Size(Glass) Half Letter Sets thesize foradocument placedonthe scanner glass. A5 Letter A4 Direct Send Off Sends monochrome faxestoasingle recipient as soon asthe connection ismade, without savingthe On scanned imagetomemory. Youcannot usethis feature whensending acolor faxorsending to multiple recipients. Priority Send Off Sends thecurrent faxbefore otherfaxes waiting to be sent. On Continuous ADFScan Off Sets theproduct toask ifyou want toscan another page afteradocument inthe ADF hasfinished On scanning. 204

Setting Options Description Transmission Report Print onError Lets youselect whentoprint transmission reports. Print Do Not Print Parent topic:Sending FaxesfromtheProduct ControlPanel Dialing FaxNumbers fromaConnected Telephone If you have connected atelephone tothe EXT portonyour product, youcansend afax bydialing the number fromtheconnected telephone. Ifthe recipients phonenumber andfaxnumber arethesame, you speak tothe recipient beforesending thefax. 1. Place youroriginal onthe product forfaxing. 2. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 3. Dial thefaxnumber fromtheconnected telephone. Speaktothe recipient ifnecessary. 4. Select SendFaxonthe LCD screen. Note: Yourproduct communicates withtherecipients faxmachine. Donot hang upthe telephone yet. 5. Select Sendonthe LCD screen. 6. When youhear afax tone, press oneofthe buttons tostart sending thefax. 7. Hang upthe telephone. Note: Ifyour recipients faxmachine doesnotprint incolor, yourfaxisautomatically sentinblack- and-white. Parent topic:Sending FaxesfromtheProduct ControlPanel Related references Fax Send Settings Related topics Placing Originals onthe Product Sending aFax ataSpecified Time You cansend afax atatime ofyour choice. 205

Note: Youcansend faxes onlyinblack-and-white whenyouusethisoption. 1. Place youroriginal onthe product forfaxing. Note: Tofax adouble-sided document,placeitin the ADF andturn onthe ADF 2-Sided setting. 2. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 3. Select Fax. You seeascreen likethis: 4. Enter afax number orselect anumber fromtheContacts listorHistory. Note: Ifnecessary, enteranoutside lineaccess code(such as9) at the beginning ofthe faxnumber. If the access codehasbeen setupinthe Line Type setting, enterthe#pound signinstead ofthe code. 5. Select Menu. 6. Select SendFaxLater . 7. Select On,use thenumeric keypadonthe screen toenter yourdesired time,andselect OK. 8. Press oneofthe buttons. Note: Tocancel faxing, pressthe Stopbutton. 206

After scanning youroriginals, yourproduct dialsthenumber andsends thefaxatthe specified time. Note: Ifthe product isturned offatthe specified time,thefaxissent when youturn itback on. Parent topic:Sending FaxesfromtheProduct ControlPanel Related references Fax Send Settings Related topics Placing Originals onthe Product Setting UpContacts andContact Groups Sending aFax onDemand You canstore onescanned document (upto100 black-and-white pages)andhave itsent automatically when another faxmachine requests it.Customers orother associates canreceive thedocument by calling yourfaxnumber andusing thepolling receive function ontheir faxmachines. 1. Place youroriginal onthe product forfaxing. 2. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 3. Select Fax. You seeascreen likethis: 4. Select Menu. 5. Select Polling Sendandselect On. 207

6. Ifyou need tochange anyfaxsettings, selectMenu,select FaxSend Settings ,and select your settings. 7. Press theB&W button. Your document isscanned andstored untilyouoverwrite ordelete it. You canstore onlyonedocument atatime. Subsequently storeddocuments overwritetheexisting one. To delete astored document, usethe Status button. Parent topic:Sending FaxesfromtheProduct ControlPanel Related references Fax Send Settings Related topics Placing Originals onthe Product Sending aStored Fax You canstore oneblack-and-white scanneddocument (upto100 pages) andsend itwhenever necessary. 1. Place youroriginal onthe product forfaxing. 2. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 3. Select Fax. You seeascreen likethis: 4. Select Menu. 208

5. Select StoreFaxData andselect On. 6. Ifyou need tochange anyfaxsettings, selectMenu,select FaxSend Settings ,and select your settings. 7. Press theB&W button. Your document isscanned andbriefly previewed. 8. Tosend thedocument, presstheStatus button. You seeascreen likethis: 9. Select JobMonitor . 10. Select Communication Job. 11. Select thejobyou want tosend. 12. Select Send/View andselect Send. 13. Doone ofthe following: • Enter thefaxnumber usingthebuttons onthe control panel. • Select theEnter aFax Number areaonthe LCD screen, andusethenumeric keypadonthe screen toenter thefaxnumber. Youcanenter upto64 characters. • Select Contacts ,select oneormore recipients fromthelist, and select Proceed . 209

• Select History ,select arecipient fromthelist, press Menu onthe Details screen, andselect Send to this number . Note: Ifnecessary, enteranoutside lineaccess code(such as9) at the beginning ofthe faxnumber. If the access codehasbeen setupinthe Line Type setting, enterthe#pound signinstead ofthe code. 14. Ifyou need tochange anyfaxsettings, selectMenu,select FaxSend Settings ,and select your settings. Note: Ifyour recipients faxmachine doesnotprint incolor, yourfaxisautomatically sentinblack- and-white. 15. Press oneofthe buttons. Note: Tocancel faxing, selectCancel . Your product sendsthefax. You canstore onlyonedocument atatime. Subsequently storeddocuments overwritetheexisting one. Parent topic:Sending FaxesfromtheProduct ControlPanel Related references Fax Send Settings Related topics Placing Originals onthe Product Sending FaxesUsingtheFax Utility -Windows You cansend afax from aprinting program inWindows. Youcanfaxupto100 pages atatime, including acover sheet. 1. Open thefileyou want tofax and select theprint command. You seeawindow likethis: 210